GENERAL HYMN COLLECTION CROSS REFERENCE FILE This file is sorted by GHCwave. (File name of the actual Wave file) Each GHC Download Pack consists of 3 Archive Files. Under the heading "DownPk", we see DPxx.y where xx = the download pack number y is which one of those three archive files in the download pack. Thus DP11.3 is the third archive in Download Pack #11. Each archive file has a file name. That file name is listed under the "Arch" heading. Each archive file contains over 200 tunes as GHCwave files. The file-name for each of those tunes is listed under the "GHCwave" heading. The same tune might be used by more than one hymn. Listed under the "Popular_Hymn_Name" heading are some hymns that use each tune. Listed under the "Melody_Name" is the melody name as it might appear in the right hand corner of each page of your church's hymnal. Under the "Hymn/or/Music_By" you will find some authorship information about either the hymn or the tune. It is not perfect, but might help you know which tune we are talking about, especially in cases where the same tune name is used by several composers. Some GHCnumbers were purposely omitted from the collection for one reason or another. In time some of those might be covered and added to the last download pack (DP13). I will announce when DP13 has more stuff in it than it has now. You will find those tunes not included by the presence of "Not.Include" under the "DownPk" and "Arch" headings. In the mean time, the GHC has more than 3400 tunes in it!!! Now here is a cross referenced listing of those hymns: DownPk Arch GHCwave Popular_Hymn_Name Melody_Name Hymn/or/Music_By ___________________ _________________ ___________ ________________ DP01.1 MV01 GHC00001 Ninety and Nine, The The Ninety and Nine By Ira D. Sankey DP01.1 MV01 GHC00001 The Ninety and Nine The Ninety and Nine By Ira D. Sankey DP01.1 MV01 GHC00002 Abba Abba, 77.75 By Joseph Barnby, 1889 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00002 Abba, 77.75 Abba, 77.75 By Joseph Barnby, 1889 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00003 Abbotsford, LM Abbotsford, LM By Catholische Geistliche Gesange, Andernach, 1608 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00003 My Soul Is Sad and Much Dismayed Abbotsford, LM By Catholische Geistliche Gesange, Andernach, 1608 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00005 Abends, LM Abends, LM By Herbert Stanley Oakeley (1830-1903) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00005 Again, as Evening's Shadows Fall Abends, LM By Herbert Stanley Oakeley (1830-1903) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00005 Around the Throne of God a Band Abends, LM By Herbert Stanley Oakeley (1830-1903) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00005 I Asked the Lord That I Might Grow Abends, LM By Herbert Stanley Oakeley (1830-1903) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00005 Mysterious Presence, Source of All Abends, LM By Herbert Stanley Oakeley (1830-1903) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00005 O Light of Life Abends, LM By Herbert Stanley Oakeley (1830-1903) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00006 Aber, SM Aber, SM By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00006 For Man the Savior Shed Aber, SM By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00006 O Lord, to Thee I Cry Aber, SM By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00006 O Perfect Life of Love Aber, SM By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00007 Aberdeen, CM Aberdeen, CM By Bremner's Collection, 1763 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00007 No Strength of Nature Can Suffice Aberdeen, CM By Bremner's Collection, 1763 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00007 O Lord, 'Tis Matter of High Praise Aberdeen, CM By Bremner's Collection, 1763 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00007 Our God of Love, Who Reigns Above Aberdeen, CM By Bremner's Collection, 1763 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00008 Abergele, CM Abergele, CM By John Ambrose Lloyd, 1878 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00008 I Worship Thee, Most Gracious God Abergele, CM By John Ambrose Lloyd, 1878 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00008 Our Children, Lord, in Faith and Prayer Abergele, CM By John Ambrose Lloyd, 1878 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00009 Aberystwyth Aberystwyth By Joseph Parry, 1879 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00009 God, How Can We Comprehend? Aberystwyth By Joseph Parry, 1879 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00009 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord (Cullinan) Aberystwyth By Joseph Parry, 1879 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00009 Jesus, Lover of My Soul Aberystwyth By Joseph Parry, 1879 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00009 O Dashnor i Shpirtit Tim Aberystwyth By Joseph Parry, 1879 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00010 Aberystwyth (Ouseley), SM Aberystwyth (Ouseley), SM By Frederick A. Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00011 Abide with Me Abide with Me By Henry Francis Lyte, 1847 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00012 Abide with Me, 'Tis Eventide Abide with Me, 'Tis Eventide By Harrison Millard DP01.1 MV01 GHC00013 Abiding Grace, CM Abiding Grace, CM By John Spencer Camp, circa 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00013 By Faith We Find the Place Above Abiding Grace, CM By John Spencer Camp, circa 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00013 Come, Humble Sinner Abiding Grace, CM By John Spencer Camp, circa 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00013 Father, Forgive, the Savior Said Abiding Grace, CM By John Spencer Camp, circa 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00013 Now That the Sun Is Gleaming Bright Abiding Grace, CM By John Spencer Camp, circa 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00013 On Man, in His Own Image Made Abiding Grace, CM By John Spencer Camp, circa 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00013 Since Without You We Do No Good Abiding Grace, CM By John Spencer Camp, circa 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00013 Thou Grace Divine, Encircling All Abiding Grace, CM By John Spencer Camp, circa 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00013 When Peter Boasted, Soon He Fell Abiding Grace, CM By John Spencer Camp, circa 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00014 Abinger, Abinger, By Erskine Allon DP01.1 MV01 GHC00014 Low in Thine Agony Abinger, By Erskine Allon DP01.1 MV01 GHC00015 Able to Deliver Able to Deliver By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1899 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00016 Abridge, CM Abridge, CM By I. Smith (?-ca. 1800) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00016 Be Thou My Guardian and My Guide Abridge, CM By I. Smith (?-ca. 1800) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00016 I Waited for the Lord My God Abridge, CM By I. Smith (?-ca. 1800) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00017 Abschied, LM Abschied, LM By Wenzel Mueller DP01.1 MV01 GHC00017 Thy Broken Body, Gracious Lord Abschied, LM By Wenzel Mueller DP01.1 MV01 GHC00017 When Israel Out of Egypt Went Abschied, LM By Wenzel Mueller DP01.1 MV01 GHC00018 Abt, 66.66.888 Abt, 66.66.888 By Franz Wilhelm Abt (1819-1885) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00018 He Giveth His Beloved Sleep Abt, 66.66.888 By Franz Wilhelm Abt (1819-1885) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00019 Acclaim Acclaim By Traditional German melody DP01.1 MV01 GHC00019 Praise the Savior, Ye Who Know Him Acclaim By Traditional German melody DP01.1 MV01 GHC00019 Saints in Glory, We Together Acclaim By Traditional German melody DP01.1 MV01 GHC00020 Accrington, LM Accrington, LM By W. Moore DP01.1 MV01 GHC00020 Come, Blessed Spirit! Source of Light Accrington, LM By W. Moore DP01.1 MV01 GHC00020 Praise Ye the Lord, 'Tis Good to Raise Accrington, LM By W. Moore DP01.1 MV01 GHC00021 Ach bleib bei uns Ach bleib bei uns By Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1589 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00021 Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide Ach bleib bei uns By Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1589 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00025 Addir Hu, 66.66.66 Addir Hu, 66.66.66 By Traditional Hebrew melody, 17th Century DP01.1 MV01 GHC00025 God of Might, God of Right Addir Hu, 66.66.66 By Traditional Hebrew melody, 17th Century DP01.1 MV01 GHC00027 Adesto Sancta Trinitas, LM Adesto Sancta Trinitas, LM By Chartes Church Melody DP01.1 MV01 GHC00027 Be Near Us, Holy Trinity Adesto Sancta Trinitas, LM By Chartes Church Melody DP01.1 MV01 GHC00027 Be Present, Holy Trinity Adesto Sancta Trinitas, LM By Chartes Church Melody DP01.1 MV01 GHC00028 Ades Pater Supreme, 77.77 Ades Pater Supreme, 77.77 By Melodiae Prudentianae, 1533 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00029 Admah, 88.88.88 Admah, 88.88.88 By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00029 Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower Admah, 88.88.88 By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00030 Adoration (Doane), 87.87 Adoration (Doane), 87.87 By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00030 Jesus Only, When the Morning Adoration (Doane), 87.87 By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00031 Adoration, 87.87 D Adoration, 87.87 D By Bertram Luard-Selby (1853-1918) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00033 Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All St. Chrysostom (Ellerton) By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00033 St. Chrysostom (Ellerton) St. Chrysostom (Ellerton) By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00033 Thus Speaks the Lord to Wicked Men St. Chrysostom (Ellerton) By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00033 When Time Seems Short and Death Is Near St. Chrysostom (Ellerton) By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00034 Adoro Te Devote, Adoro Te Devote, By Traditional melody DP01.1 MV01 GHC00034 Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior, Thee Adoro Te Devote, By Traditional melody DP01.1 MV01 GHC00035 Adowa, 88.68.86 Adowa, 88.68.86 By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00035 Come, All Ye People, Bless Our God Adowa, 88.68.86 By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00036 Adrian, Adrian, By Thomas Franklin Rinehart, 1860 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00036 Come unto Me, When Shadows Darkly Gather Adrian, By Thomas Franklin Rinehart, 1860 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00037 Advent, SM Advent, SM By John Goss, 1872 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00038 Advent Glory Advent Glory By J. Harker DP01.1 MV01 GHC00039 Adwell, LM Adwell, LM By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00040 Ad Coenam Agni, LM Ad Coenam Agni, LM By Mechlin Melody DP01.1 MV01 GHC00041 Ad Infernos, 87.87 Ad Infernos, 87.87 By Walter Hay Sangster (1835-1899) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00041 It Is Finished! BlessŠd Jesus Ad Infernos, 87.87 By Walter Hay Sangster (1835-1899) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00042 Aeterna Christi Munera, LM Aeterna Christi Munera, LM By Melody from Guidetti's Directorium Chori, 1582 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00042 Eternal Gifts of Christ the King, The Aeterna Christi Munera, LM By Melody from Guidetti's Directorium Chori, 1582 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00042 Rejoice! The Year upon Its Way Aeterna Christi Munera, LM By Melody from Guidetti's Directorium Chori, 1582 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00043 Affection, LM Affection, LM By Greenwood, Psalmody, 1838 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00044 After the Mist and Shadow After the Mist and Shadow By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00046 Agape, 87.87 Agape, 87.87 By Charles J. Dickinson (1822-1883) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00046 For the Bread, Which Thou Hast Broken Agape, 87.87 By Charles J. Dickinson (1822-1883) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00047 Agawam, 87.87 Agawam, 87.87 By Thoms Whittemore, 1841 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00047 Cast Thy Bread upon the Waters Agawam, 87.87 By Thoms Whittemore, 1841 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00049 Airedale Airedale By Charles Villiers Stanford, before 1905 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00050 Airlie, Airlie, By Sidney Hugo Nicholson, 1915 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00050 Hosanna We Sing Airlie, By Sidney Hugo Nicholson, 1915 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00052 Albany, Albany, By J. Albert Jeffrey, 1886 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00052 Ancient of Days Albany, By J. Albert Jeffrey, 1886 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00052 Father of Lights Albany, By J. Albert Jeffrey, 1886 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00053 Albert, 87.87.77 Albert, 87.87.77 By Heinrich Albert, 1643 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00053 Alleluia, Fairest Morning Albert, 87.87.77 By Heinrich Albert, 1643 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00054 Alcester, 77.77 Alcester, 77.77 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00054 Bright and Joyful Is the Morn Alcester, 77.77 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00054 Hallelujah! Raise, O Raise Alcester, 77.77 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00054 Thou Who Roll'st the Year Around Alcester, 77.77 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00055 Alderway, LM Alderway, LM By Anonymous DP01.1 MV01 GHC00056 Aletta, Aletta, By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00056 Holy Bible, Book Divine Aletta, By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00056 How I Love Thy Law, O Lord Aletta, By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00056 Never Further Than Thy Cross Aletta, By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00056 Prince of Peace, Control My Will Aletta, By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00056 Sweeter Sounds Than Music Knows Aletta, By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00057 Alexandria, CM Alexandria, CM By William Arnold DP01.1 MV01 GHC00057 O That the Lord Would Guide My Ways Alexandria, CM By William Arnold DP01.1 MV01 GHC00058 Alford, 76.86 D Alford, 76.86 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00058 No Form of Human Framing Alford, 76.86 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00058 Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand Alford, 76.86 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00059 Alfreton, LM Alfreton, LM By Supplement to New Version, 1708 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00059 O Christ, Who Art the Light and Day Alfreton, LM By Supplement to New Version, 1708 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00060 Alice, 87.87 Alice, 87.87 By Robert Roberts (1863-?) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00061 Alive Again Alive Again By Paul Rader, 1920 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00062 Across the Sky the Shades of Night Allein Gott By Deutsch Evangelisch Messze, 1539 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00062 All Glory Be to God on High (Williams) Allein Gott By Deutsch Evangelisch Messze, 1539 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00062 All Glory Be to Thee, Most High Allein Gott By Deutsch Evangelisch Messze, 1539 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00062 Allein Gott Allein Gott By Deutsch Evangelisch Messze, 1539 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00062 Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr Allein Gott By Deutsch Evangelisch Messze, 1539 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00062 Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto, The Allein Gott By Deutsch Evangelisch Messze, 1539 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00062 O Sinner, Lift the Eye of Faith Allein Gott By Deutsch Evangelisch Messze, 1539 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00063 Alleluia Perenne, 10.10.7 Alleluia Perenne, 10.10.7 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00063 Sing Alleluia Forth in Duteous Praise Alleluia Perenne, 10.10.7 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00065 Alles Ist an Gottes Segen, 8.8.7 D Alles Ist an Gottes Segen, 8.8.7 D By Attr. to Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00065 Christians, Come, in Sweetest Measures Alles Ist an Gottes Segen, 8.8.7 D By Attr. to Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00066 Alle Jahre Wieder, 65.65 Alle Jahre Wieder, 65.65 By Johann Christian Heinrich Rink (1770-1846) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00066 As Each Happy Christmas Alle Jahre Wieder, 65.65 By Johann Christian Heinrich Rink (1770-1846) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00068 Allington, SM Allington, SM By J. Hopkins DP01.1 MV01 GHC00069 Allmachtiger Gott, LM Allmachtiger Gott, LM By Johann Cruger (1598-1662) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00069 O Paschal Feast, What Joy Is Thine Allmachtiger Gott, LM By Johann Cruger (1598-1662) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00070 All Alone All Alone By Charles Austin Miles, 1915 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00071 All' Ehr' und Lob All' Ehr' und Lob By Kirchengesangbuch, Strassburg, 1541 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00071 Awake, Thou Spirit, Who Didst Fire All' Ehr' und Lob By Kirchengesangbuch, Strassburg, 1541 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00072 All for Jesus All for Jesus (Hull) By Asa Hull, 19th Century DP01.1 MV01 GHC00072 All for Jesus (Hull) All for Jesus (Hull) By Asa Hull, 19th Century DP01.1 MV01 GHC00072 Sitting at the Feet of Jesus All for Jesus (Hull) By Asa Hull, 19th Century DP01.1 MV01 GHC00073 All Glory to Jesus All Glory to Jesus By James David Vaughan, 1913 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00074 All Hail to Thee, Immanuel! All Hail to Thee, Immanuel! By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00075 All Hallows, 76.76 D All Hallows, 76.76 D By George Clement Martin, 1891 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00075 Outside the Holy City All Hallows, 76.76 D By George Clement Martin, 1891 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00076 All Hallows (Wiseman), All Hallows (Wiseman), By Frederick Luke Wiseman (1858-?) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00077 All I Need All I Need By Charles Price Jones (1865-1949) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00081 All Saints Old, 87.87.77 All Saints Old, 87.87.77 By Gesangbuch (Darmstadt, Germany1698) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00081 Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder All Saints Old, 87.87.77 By Gesangbuch (Darmstadt, Germany1698) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00081 One There Is, above All Others All Saints Old, 87.87.77 By Gesangbuch (Darmstadt, Germany1698) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00081 Precious Bible! What a Treasure All Saints Old, 87.87.77 By Gesangbuch (Darmstadt, Germany1698) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00081 Who Are These Like Stars Appearing All Saints Old, 87.87.77 By Gesangbuch (Darmstadt, Germany1698) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00082 All the Day All the Day By Ada Melville Shaw, 1900 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00083 All the Way Along All the Way Along By Ada Blenkhorn, 1904 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00084 All the Way My Savior Leads Me All the Way My Savior Leads Me By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1875 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00085 All the World for Jesus All the World for Jesus By Carrie Elizabeth Ellis Breck, 1903 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00085 All the World for Jesus (Breck) All the World for Jesus By Carrie Elizabeth Ellis Breck, 1903 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00086 All the World for Jesus (Davis) All the World for Jesus (Davis) By Grace Weiser Davis, 1894 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00087 All Things Are Ready All Things Are Ready By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00089 Alma Mater, SM Alma Mater, SM By Richard Redhead (1820-1901) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00091 Almost Almost By Peter Philip Bilhorn (1865-1936) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00092 Almost Persuaded Almost Persuaded By Philip Paul Bliss, 1871 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00093 Almsgiving, Almsgiving, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1865 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00093 My God, Is Any Hour So Sweet Almsgiving, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1865 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00093 O Lord of Heav'n and Earth and Sea Almsgiving, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1865 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00094 Almsgiving (Wesley), LM Almsgiving (Wesley), LM By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00095 Alone Alone By Ben H. Price, 1914 DP01.1 MV01 GHC00098 Alstone, LM Alstone, LM By Christopher Edwin Willing (1830-1904) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00098 Starry Firmament on High, The Alstone, LM By Christopher Edwin Willing (1830-1904) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00098 We Are but Little Children Weak Alstone, LM By Christopher Edwin Willing (1830-1904) DP01.1 MV01 GHC00098 Why Did the Jews Proclaim Their Rage? Alstone, LM By Christopher Edwin Willing (1830-1904) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00100 Alverstoke, Alverstoke, By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00101 Always Enough Always Enough By William I. Dale, circa 1914 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00102 Amara, 87.87 D Amara, 87.87 D By William Oscar Perkins (1831-1902) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00103 Amberley, DCM Amberley, DCM By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (1848-1918) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00105 Amen Jesus han skal raade Amen Jesus han skal raade By Unknown DP01.2 MV02 GHC00107 Americus, 8 8 6 D Americus, 8 8 6 D By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00107 How Happy Are the Little Flock Americus, 8 8 6 D By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00107 Thou Art My God, O God of Grace Americus, 8 8 6 D By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00108 Ames, LM Ames, LM By Sigismund Neukomm (1778-1858) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00108 Lord I Will at All Times Bless, The Ames, LM By Sigismund Neukomm (1778-1858) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00110 Amsterdam Amsterdam By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00110 Celebrate Immanuel's Name Amsterdam By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00110 Father, God, We Glorify Amsterdam By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00110 Hearken to the Solemn Voice Amsterdam By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00110 Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above Amsterdam By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00110 Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings Amsterdam By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00110 When Descending from the Sky Amsterdam By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00111 Ancyra, CMD Ancyra, CMD By Benjamin C. Unseld, 1901 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00111 Come, Ye that Fear the Lord Ancyra, CMD By Benjamin C. Unseld, 1901 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00111 O All Ye Peoples, Bless Our God Ancyra, CMD By Benjamin C. Unseld, 1901 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00112 Andernach, LM Andernach, LM By Andernach Gesangbuch, 1608 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00112 This Day the First of Days Was Made Andernach, LM By Andernach Gesangbuch, 1608 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00113 Andre, LM Andre, LM By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00113 Praise God, Ye Servants of the Lord Andre, LM By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00114 Andrews, CM Andrews, CM By John Black (1817-1871) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00114 Infinite Excellence Is Thine Andrews, CM By John Black (1817-1871) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00115 Angels, LM Angels, LM By Orlando Gibbons,1623 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00120 Angelus Angelus By Georg Joseph, 1657 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00120 At Even, Ere the Sun Was Set Angelus By Georg Joseph, 1657 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00120 Nature with Open Volume Stands Angelus By Georg Joseph, 1657 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00120 O God of Grace and Righteousness Angelus By Georg Joseph, 1657 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00120 Who Shall Ascend Thy Heav'nly Place? Angelus By Georg Joseph, 1657 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00121 Angel Voices [Monk], 85.85.843 Angel Voices [Monk], 85.85.843 By Edwin George Monk (1819 - 1900) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00122 Angel Voices Angel Voices By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00122 Angel Voices, Ever Singing Angel Voices By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00124 Angry Words Angry Words By Horatio Richmond Palmer (1834-1907) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00125 Anima Christi, 77.77 D Anima Christi, 77.77 D By Miserere Domine DP01.2 MV02 GHC00125 Soul of Jesus, Make Me Whole Anima Christi, 77.77 D By Miserere Domine DP01.2 MV02 GHC00126 Annie Laurie, 76.76 ref Annie Laurie, 76.76 ref By Attributed to Lady Jane Scott (?-1860) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00126 Of All in Earth or Heaven Annie Laurie, 76.76 ref By Attributed to Lady Jane Scott (?-1860) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00128 Annue Christe, 66.66 D Annue Christe, 66.66 D By La Feille, Methode, 1808 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00128 Lord of Creation, Bow Thine Ear Annue Christe, 66.66 D By La Feille, Methode, 1808 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00128 There Is a Blessed Home Annue Christe, 66.66 D By La Feille, Methode, 1808 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00129 Anstice, 88.68.86 Anstice, 88.68.86 By G. P. Weimar (1734-1800) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00130 Antioch, CM with repeat Antioch, CM with repeat By George Frederick Handel & Lowell Mason DP01.2 MV02 GHC00130 Joy to the World Antioch, CM with repeat By George Frederick Handel & Lowell Mason DP01.2 MV02 GHC00130 Zoti Yt Vjen! Antioch, CM with repeat By George Frederick Handel & Lowell Mason DP01.2 MV02 GHC00132 Anvern, LM Anvern, LM By Possibly Lowell Mason, 1844 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00132 Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord Anvern, LM By Possibly Lowell Mason, 1844 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00132 Triumphant Zion! Lift Thy Head Anvern, LM By Possibly Lowell Mason, 1844 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00133 Anywhere with Jesus Anywhere with Jesus By Daniel Brink Towner DP01.2 MV02 GHC00134 An Wasserflussen Babylon An Wasserflussen Babylon By Deutsch Kirchenamt, Strassburg, 1525 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00134 Ein Lammlein geht und tragt die Schuld An Wasserflussen Babylon By Deutsch Kirchenamt, Strassburg, 1525 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00134 Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth, A An Wasserflussen Babylon By Deutsch Kirchenamt, Strassburg, 1525 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00135 Appleton Appleton By William Boyce (1710-1779) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00135 Arm These Thy Soldiers, Mighty Lord Appleton By William Boyce (1710-1779) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00135 His Cheering Message from the Grave Appleton By William Boyce (1710-1779) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00136 Aquinas, 88.887 Aquinas, 88.887 By J. A. Hiller, 1793 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00136 Very Bread, Good Shepherd, Tend Us Aquinas, 88.887 By J. A. Hiller, 1793 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00138 Arabia (Wilson), 86.86.86 Arabia (Wilson), 86.86.86 By W. Wilson (1833-?) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00138 Song of Spring Once More We Sing, A Arabia (Wilson), 86.86.86 By W. Wilson (1833-?) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00139 Ardudwy, 87.87.87 Ardudwy, 87.87.87 By John Roberts (1822-1877) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00139 God the Lord Is King Ardudwy, 87.87.87 By John Roberts (1822-1877) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00141 Are You Coming to Jesus Tonight? Are You Coming to Jesus Tonight? By J. E. Hawes, circa 1917 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00142 Are You Sowing the Seed Are You Sowing the Seed By Palmer Hartsough & Frederick Fillmore DP01.2 MV02 GHC00142 Are You Sowing the Seed? Are You Sowing the Seed By Palmer Hartsough & Frederick Fillmore DP01.2 MV02 GHC00144 Arfon, 77.77.77 Arfon, 77.77.77 By French & Welsh melody DP01.2 MV02 GHC00144 Throned Upon the Awful Tree Arfon, 77.77.77 By French & Welsh melody DP01.2 MV02 GHC00145 Argyle, 76.76 Argyle, 76.76 By Edmund Hart Turpin (1846-1907) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00146 Ariel, 88.68.86 Ariel, 88.68.86 By Arranged from Mozart by Lowell Mason, 1836 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00146 How Great the Goodness Kept in Store Ariel, 88.68.86 By Arranged from Mozart by Lowell Mason, 1836 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00146 Jesus, Thou Soul of All Our Joys Ariel, 88.68.86 By Arranged from Mozart by Lowell Mason, 1836 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00146 Let All the Earth Their Voices Raise Ariel, 88.68.86 By Arranged from Mozart by Lowell Mason, 1836 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00146 O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth Ariel, 88.68.86 By Arranged from Mozart by Lowell Mason, 1836 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00146 O Glorious Hope of Perfect Love Ariel, 88.68.86 By Arranged from Mozart by Lowell Mason, 1836 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00147 Arizona, LM Arizona, LM By Robert Henry Earnshaw, 1856 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00147 By Faith in Christ I Walk with God Arizona, LM By Robert Henry Earnshaw, 1856 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00147 God, Who in Various Methods Told Arizona, LM By Robert Henry Earnshaw, 1856 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00147 Great Former of This Various Frame Arizona, LM By Robert Henry Earnshaw, 1856 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00147 Lord, I Was Blind Arizona, LM By Robert Henry Earnshaw, 1856 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00147 Sweet Is the Sunlight After Rain Arizona, LM By Robert Henry Earnshaw, 1856 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00148 Arles, Arles, By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 Again the Lord of Light and Life Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 Am I a Soldier of the Cross? Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 Arlington, CM Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 Lord Our Savior Is the Way, The Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 O God, Our Strength, to Thee Our Song Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 There Is a Book That All May Read Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 There Seems a Voice in Every Gale Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 What Thou I Cannot Break My Chain Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00149 Ye Humble Souls, Approach Your God Arlington, CM By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1762 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00150 Armageddon Armageddon By C. Luise Reichardt DP01.2 MV02 GHC00150 Who Is on the Lord's Side? Armageddon By C. Luise Reichardt DP01.2 MV02 GHC00151 All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord Armenia, CM By Sylvanus Billings Pond (1792-1871) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00151 Armenia, CM Armenia, CM By Sylvanus Billings Pond (1792-1871) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00152 Armentrout, 65.65 Armentrout, 65.65 By Calvin Weiss Laufer, 1921 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00152 Holy Father, Bless Us Armentrout, 65.65 By Calvin Weiss Laufer, 1921 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00153 Armstrong, 77.77.75 Armstrong, 77.77.75 By George Whitfield Chadwick, 1887 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00153 When the Lord of Love Was Here Armstrong, 77.77.75 By George Whitfield Chadwick, 1887 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00154 Armstrong (Richards), 87.87 D Armstrong (Richards), 87.87 D By Henry Brinkley Richards (1817-1889) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00155 Army of Endeavor Army of Endeavor By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00156 Arnheim, LM Arnheim, LM By Samuel Holyoke DP01.2 MV02 GHC00156 Assembled at Thy Great Command Arnheim, LM By Samuel Holyoke DP01.2 MV02 GHC00157 Arnold, CM Arnold, CM By Samuel Arnold (1740-1802) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00157 Awake, My Soul, Awake, My Tongue Arnold, CM By Samuel Arnold (1740-1802) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00157 Thy Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love Arnold, CM By Samuel Arnold (1740-1802) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00158 Arnsberg (Wunderbarer Konig) Arnsberg (Wunderbarer Konig) By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00158 God Himself Is with Us Arnsberg (Wunderbarer Konig) By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00158 God Is in His Temple Arnsberg (Wunderbarer Konig) By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00159 Arnville, 87.87 D Arnville, 87.87 D By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00159 Songs Anew of Honor Framing Arnville, 87.87 D By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00160 And Didst Thou Love the Race Artavia, By Edward John Hopkins, 1887 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00160 Artavia, Artavia, By Edward John Hopkins, 1887 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00161 Arthur's Seat, 66.66.88 Arthur's Seat, 66.66.88 By John Goss, 1874 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00161 Behold a Little Child Arthur's Seat, 66.66.88 By John Goss, 1874 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00161 God Is Gone Up on High Arthur's Seat, 66.66.88 By John Goss, 1874 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00161 March on, O Soul, with Strength Arthur's Seat, 66.66.88 By John Goss, 1874 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00161 Spacious Heavens Declare, The Arthur's Seat, 66.66.88 By John Goss, 1874 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00161 When in His Might the Lord Arthur's Seat, 66.66.88 By John Goss, 1874 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00161 Ye Virgin Souls, Arise Arthur's Seat, 66.66.88 By John Goss, 1874 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00163 Ascendit, 88.68.86 Ascendit, 88.68.86 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00163 O Christ, Our Joy, Gone Up on High Ascendit, 88.68.86 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00164 Ascendit Deus, 88.7 D Ascendit Deus, 88.7 D By Johann Gottfried Schict (1753-1823) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00164 Fear Not, Thou Faithful Christian Flock Ascendit Deus, 88.7 D By Johann Gottfried Schict (1753-1823) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00164 Lord Ascendeth Up on High Ascendit Deus, 88.7 D By Johann Gottfried Schict (1753-1823) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00165 Ascension, 77.77 alleluias Ascension, 77.77 alleluias By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00166 Ascription, CM Ascription, CM By Luther Orlando Emerson, 1866 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00166 On God Alone My Soul Relies Ascription, CM By Luther Orlando Emerson, 1866 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00166 There Is a Land of Pure Delight Ascription, CM By Luther Orlando Emerson, 1866 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00167 Ashley, CM Ashley, CM By Martin Madan (1725-1790) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00167 Salvation! O the Joyful Sound! Ashley, CM By Martin Madan (1725-1790) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00168 Ashwell, LM Ashwell, LM By Composer unknown, before 1911 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00168 How Blest the Righteous When He Dies Ashwell, LM By Composer unknown, before 1911 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00169 Ash Grove Ash Grove By Welsh melody DP01.2 MV02 GHC00169 Master Hath Come, The Ash Grove By Welsh melody DP01.2 MV02 GHC00169 On This Night, Most Holy Ash Grove By Welsh melody DP01.2 MV02 GHC00170 All Those That Pass By Aspinwall By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00170 Aspinwall Aspinwall By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00170 Thy Faithfulness, Lord, Each Moment We Find Aspinwall By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00173 Assiut, LM Assiut, LM By George Coles Stebbins (1846-1945) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00173 O God, Give Thou Ear to My Plea Assiut, LM By George Coles Stebbins (1846-1945) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00174 Aston, SM Aston, SM By J. Heywood DP01.2 MV02 GHC00175 As a Tree Beside the Water As a Tree Beside the Water By Alfred Henry Ackley, 1906 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00177 As the Bird Flies Home As the Bird Flies Home By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00178 At Calvary At Calvary By Daniel B. Towner DP01.2 MV02 GHC00181 At the Feet of Jesus At the Feet of Jesus By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00182 At the Foot of the Cross At the Foot of the Cross By Robert Harkness, circa 1922 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00183 Auctoritate Saeculi, LM Auctoritate Saeculi, LM By Angers Church Melody DP01.2 MV02 GHC00183 Let the Round World with Songs Rejoice Auctoritate Saeculi, LM By Angers Church Melody DP01.2 MV02 GHC00185 Audite Audientes Me, CMD Audite Audientes Me, CMD By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1875 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00185 O Lord of Hosts, to Thee I Cry Audite Audientes Me, CMD By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1875 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00186 Auf, auf mein Herz Auf, auf mein Herz By Johann Cruger, 1648 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00186 Auf, auf, mein Herz, mit Freuden Auf, auf mein Herz By Johann Cruger, 1648 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00186 Awake, My Heart, with Gladness Auf, auf mein Herz By Johann Cruger, 1648 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00186 Befiehl du deine Wege Auf, auf mein Herz By Johann Cruger, 1648 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00187 Auf meinen lieben Gott, 66.77.77 Auf meinen lieben Gott, 66.77.77 By Secular melody, J. Regnart, 1574 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00187 O Bride of Christ, Rejoice! Auf meinen lieben Gott, 66.77.77 By Secular melody, J. Regnart, 1574 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00188 Auld Lang Syne Auld Lang Syne By Traditional Scottish tune DP01.2 MV02 GHC00188 How Sweet the Hour Auld Lang Syne By Traditional Scottish tune DP01.2 MV02 GHC00190 Austria (Haydn), 87.87 D Austria (Haydn), 87.87 D By Franz Josef Haydn, 1797 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00190 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Austria (Haydn), 87.87 D By Franz Josef Haydn, 1797 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00190 Heaven Is Here, Where Hymns of Gladness Austria (Haydn), 87.87 D By Franz Josef Haydn, 1797 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00190 Not Alone for Mighty Empire Austria (Haydn), 87.87 D By Franz Josef Haydn, 1797 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00190 Raise the PsalmLet Earth Adoring Austria (Haydn), 87.87 D By Franz Josef Haydn, 1797 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00190 Sing a New Song to Jehovah Austria (Haydn), 87.87 D By Franz Josef Haydn, 1797 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00190 Zion's King Shall Reign Victorious Austria (Haydn), 87.87 D By Franz Josef Haydn, 1797 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00191 Austria (Beethoven), Austria (Beethoven), By Ludvig van Beethoven DP01.2 MV02 GHC00191 Ye Neighbors and Friends of Jesus Austria (Beethoven), By Ludvig van Beethoven DP01.2 MV02 GHC00192 Arise, Sons of the Kingdom Aus Meines Herzens Grunde By Neu Catechismus-Gesangbuchlein, 1598 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00192 Auf, auf, ihr Reichsgenossen Aus Meines Herzens Grunde By Neu Catechismus-Gesangbuchlein, 1598 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00192 Aus Meines Herzens Grunde Aus Meines Herzens Grunde By Neu Catechismus-Gesangbuchlein, 1598 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00192 Lo, God to Heav'n Ascendeth Aus Meines Herzens Grunde By Neu Catechismus-Gesangbuchlein, 1598 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00192 Ye Sons of Men, Oh, Hearken Aus Meines Herzens Grunde By Neu Catechismus-Gesangbuchlein, 1598 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00193 Aus tiefer Not Aus Tiefer Not, 87.87.887 By Melody by Martin Luther, 1524 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00193 Aus Tiefer Not, 87.87.887 Aus Tiefer Not, 87.87.887 By Melody by Martin Luther, 1524 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00193 From Depths of Woe I Raise to Thee Aus Tiefer Not, 87.87.887 By Melody by Martin Luther, 1524 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00194 Author of Life Divine Author of Life, 66.66.88 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00194 Author of Life, 66.66.88 Author of Life, 66.66.88 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP01.2 MV02 GHC00195 Autumn, 87.87 D Autumn, 87.87 D By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1785 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00195 Gently Lord, O Gently Lead Us Autumn, 87.87 D By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1785 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00195 Jesus Spreads His Banner o'er Us Autumn, 87.87 D By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1785 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00195 Mighty God, While Angels Bless Thee Autumn, 87.87 D By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1785 DP01.2 MV02 GHC00195 There's a Light upon the Mountains Autumn, 87.87 D By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1785 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00196 Aviemore, 66.46.664 Aviemore, 66.46.664 By Roger M. Hickman DP01.3 MV03 GHC00196 By All Whom Thou Hast Made Aviemore, 66.46.664 By Roger M. Hickman DP01.3 MV03 GHC00197 Avison, 11s.12s Avison, 11s.12s By Adapted from Charles Avison (1710-1770) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00197 Shout the Glad Tidings Avison, 11s.12s By Adapted from Charles Avison (1710-1770) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00198 Avondale (Booth), CM Avondale (Booth), CM By Josiah Booth, 1887 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00199 Awake! Awake! Awake! Awake! By John Robson Sweney, circa 1883 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00200 Awake, Awake! Awake, Awake! By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00200 Awake, Awake! O Heart of Mine! Awake, Awake! By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00201 Awake! For the Trumpet Is Sounding Awake, for the Trumpet Is Sounding By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00201 Awake, for the Trumpet Is Sounding Awake, for the Trumpet Is Sounding By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00202 Away! Away! Away! Away! By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00203 Aylesbury, CM Aylesbury, CM By Harvey Camp DP01.3 MV03 GHC00203 My Trust Is in the Lord Aylesbury, CM By Harvey Camp DP01.3 MV03 GHC00207 Binghamton Binghamton By John Bunnell Sumner, 1877 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00207 Child of the King, A Binghamton By John Bunnell Sumner, 1877 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00208 A Child This Day Is Born A Child This Day Is Born By Christmas Carols, Ancient & Modern, 1833 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00208 Child This Day Is Born, A A Child This Day Is Born By Christmas Carols, Ancient & Modern, 1833 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00209 A Cry from Macedonia A Cry from Macedonia By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00209 Cry from Macedonia, A A Cry from Macedonia By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00210 A Few More Marchings Weary A Few More Marchings Weary By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00210 Few More Marchings Weary, A A Few More Marchings Weary By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00211 A Glorious Church A Glorious Church By Ralph Erskine Hudson (1843-1901) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00211 Glorious Church, A A Glorious Church By Ralph Erskine Hudson (1843-1901) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00212 A Handful of Leaves A Handful of Leaves By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1880 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00212 Handful of Leaves, A A Handful of Leaves By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1880 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00215 A Message Sweet A Message Sweet By J. Howard Entwisle, 1898 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00215 Message Sweet Is Borne to Me, A A Message Sweet By J. Howard Entwisle, 1898 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00218 A Shelter in the Time of Storm A Shelter in the Time of Storm By Ira David Sankey DP01.3 MV03 GHC00218 Shelter in the Time of Storm, A A Shelter in the Time of Storm By Ira David Sankey DP01.3 MV03 GHC00219 A Shout in the Camp A Shout in the Camp By John Robson Sweney DP01.3 MV03 GHC00219 Shout in the Camp, A A Shout in the Camp By John Robson Sweney DP01.3 MV03 GHC00220 A Sinner Forgiven A Sinner Forgiven By Jeremiah J. Callahan DP01.3 MV03 GHC00220 Sinner Forgiven, A A Sinner Forgiven By Jeremiah J. Callahan DP01.3 MV03 GHC00221 A Throne for Calvary A Throne for Calvary By Frederick William Vandersloot, 1909 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00221 Throne for Calvary, A A Throne for Calvary By Frederick William Vandersloot, 1909 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00222 A Year of Precious Blessings A Year of Precious Blessings By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1907 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00222 Year of Precious Blessings, A A Year of Precious Blessings By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1907 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00223 B-I-B-L-E, The The Bible By Anonymous DP01.3 MV03 GHC00223 The Bible The Bible By Anonymous DP01.3 MV03 GHC00225 As Thirsts the Hart for Water Brooks Baca, LM By William Batchelder Bradbury, circa 1858 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00225 Baca, LM Baca, LM By William Batchelder Bradbury, circa 1858 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00225 Come, Gracious Spirit, Heav'nly Dove Baca, LM By William Batchelder Bradbury, circa 1858 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00226 Back to Zion, Back to Zion, By Orson Pratt Hugh (1851-1932) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00226 Come, All Ye Sons of God Back to Zion, By Orson Pratt Hugh (1851-1932) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00227 Badea, SM Badea, SM By German melody DP01.3 MV03 GHC00227 Fools in Their Heart Have Said Badea, SM By German melody DP01.3 MV03 GHC00228 Approach, My Soul, the Mercy Seat Ballerma By Francois Barthelemon (1741-1808) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00228 Ballerma Ballerma By Francois Barthelemon (1741-1808) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00228 Jesus, Who Bought Us with His Blood Ballerma By Francois Barthelemon (1741-1808) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00228 Though I Am Poor and Sorrowful Ballerma By Francois Barthelemon (1741-1808) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00230 Bangor, CM Bangor, CM By William Tans'ur, 1734 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00230 Eternal God,We Look to Thee Bangor, CM By William Tans'ur, 1734 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00230 Hark! From the Tombs a Doleful Sound Bangor, CM By William Tans'ur, 1734 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00230 O Zion Open Wide Thy Gates Bangor, CM By William Tans'ur, 1734 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00230 Why Doth the Lord Stand Off So Far? Bangor, CM By William Tans'ur, 1734 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00231 Baptism, LM Baptism, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00231 O God, Great Father, Lord, and King! Baptism, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00231 World Is Sad with Hopes That Die, The Baptism, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00232 Baptize Us Anew Baptize Us Anew By William Augustine Ogden (1841-1897) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00233 Barmouth (Frost), Barmouth (Frost), By C. J. Frost DP01.3 MV03 GHC00233 Bounteous Spirit, Ever Shedding Barmouth (Frost), By C. J. Frost DP01.3 MV03 GHC00235 Barnard Barnard By Charlotte Alington Pye Barnard, 1864 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00235 Give of Your Best to the Master Barnard By Charlotte Alington Pye Barnard, 1864 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00236 Barnby Barnby By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00236 Come Hither, Ye Faithful Barnby By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00237 Barragh, 88.88.88 Barragh, 88.88.88 By John Chetham, Psalms, 1718 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00237 O Lord, to Whom the Spirits Live Barragh, 88.88.88 By John Chetham, Psalms, 1718 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00238 Barre, CM Barre, CM By Edward Clark, 1871 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00238 Jerusalem My Happy Home Barre, CM By Edward Clark, 1871 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00239 Bartbam, 85.83 Bartbam, 85.83 By Livesey Carrotti DP01.3 MV03 GHC00239 Lo, a Loving Friend Is Waiting Bartbam, 85.83 By Livesey Carrotti DP01.3 MV03 GHC00241 Bartlett, CM Bartlett, CM By Marlo L.Bartlett DP01.3 MV03 GHC00241 Jehovah, God, Thy Gracious Power Bartlett, CM By Marlo L.Bartlett DP01.3 MV03 GHC00241 Jehovah, God, Who Dwelt of Old Bartlett, CM By Marlo L.Bartlett DP01.3 MV03 GHC00242 Child's Morning Hymn Child's Morning Hymn By Rebecca J. Weston DP01.3 MV03 GHC00243 Bath, 66.66.668 Bath, 66.66.668 By Harmonia Perfecta, 1730 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00243 Triumphs of the Saints, The Bath, 66.66.668 By Harmonia Perfecta, 1730 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00244 Battle Hymn Battle Hymn By Ray Whittaker DP01.3 MV03 GHC00244 Eternal Father, Thou Hast Said Battle Hymn By Ray Whittaker DP01.3 MV03 GHC00245 Batty, 87.87 Batty, 87.87 By Moravian melody, Basle, 1745 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00245 Dread Jehovah, God of Nations Batty, 87.87 By Moravian melody, Basle, 1745 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00245 Lord, Rebuke Me Not in Anger Batty, 87.87 By Moravian melody, Basle, 1745 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00245 Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing Batty, 87.87 By Moravian melody, Basle, 1745 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00246 Bavaria, LM Bavaria, LM By German melody DP01.3 MV03 GHC00246 O God, Thy Soldiers' Great Reward Bavaria, LM By German melody DP01.3 MV03 GHC00247 Beach Spring Beach Spring By From Sacred Harp, by B. F. White, 1844 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00247 God, Whose Love Is Always Stronger Beach Spring By From Sacred Harp, by B. F. White, 1844 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00247 Prayer for creation Beach Spring By From Sacred Harp, by B. F. White, 1844 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00249 Bealoth, SMD Bealoth, SMD By Lowell Mason, 1843 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00249 Spirit of Faith, Come Down Bealoth, SMD By Lowell Mason, 1843 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00250 Beata Nobis Gaudia, LM Beata Nobis Gaudia, LM By Psalterium Chorale, 1510 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 Beatitudo, CM Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 Come, Let Us Join with One Accord Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 Father, How Wide Thy Glory Shines Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 Lamp of Our Feet Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 Like as a Mother Comforteth Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 My Lord, My Love, Was Crucified Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 My Times of Sorrow and of Joy Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 O Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 O Thou from Whom All Goodness Flows Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00251 Searcher of Hearts, from Mine Erase Beatitudo, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00252 As Now Thy Children Lowly Kneel Beati Immaculati, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00252 Beati Immaculati, CM Beati Immaculati, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00252 Blest the Man Who Shuns the Place Beati Immaculati, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00252 Lift Up to God the Voice of Praise Beati Immaculati, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00252 My Father, for Another Night Beati Immaculati, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00252 Saints Should Never Be Dismayed Beati Immaculati, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00252 We Walk By Faith (Alford) Beati Immaculati, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00253 Beati Immaculati, CM Beati Immaculati, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00254 Beatrice, 87.87 Beatrice, 87.87 By William Wallace Coe (1860-?) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00254 Name of Jesus, Softly Stealing Beatrice, 87.87 By William Wallace Coe (1860-?) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00254 Part in PeaceIs Day Before Us? Beatrice, 87.87 By William Wallace Coe (1860-?) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00256 Beautiful Isle of Somewhere Beautiful Isle of Somewhere By John S. Fearis DP01.3 MV03 GHC00258 Beautiful Beckoning Hands Beautiful Beckoning Hands By Charles Carroll Luther, 1893 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00259 Beautiful Christmas Beautiful Christmas By Mary B. C. Slade, 1876 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00262 Beautiful Morning Beautiful Morning By Anonymous DP01.3 MV03 GHC00263 Beautiful Star Beautiful Star By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, 1893 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00264 Beautiful Vale of Rest Beautiful Vale of Rest By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00265 Beautiful Valley of Eden Kelley, CM refrain By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00265 Kelley, CM refrain Kelley, CM refrain By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00266 Beautiful Witness Beautiful Witness By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00267 Because I Love Jesus Because I Love Jesus By James Rowe, 1902 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00268 Beccles, LM Beccles, LM By C. Gall, 1625 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00268 Great Forerunner of the Morn, The Beccles, LM By C. Gall, 1625 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00269 Bechler, Bechler, By John C. Bechler (1784-1857) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00269 Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord! Bechler, By John C. Bechler (1784-1857) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00270 Bedford, CM Bedford, CM By William Wheale, cira 1723 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00270 Come, Let Our Souls Adore the Lord Bedford, CM By William Wheale, cira 1723 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00270 O Help Us Lord, Each Hour of Need Bedford, CM By William Wheale, cira 1723 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00270 With Songs and Honors Sounding Loud Bedford, CM By William Wheale, cira 1723 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00270 Ye Who the Name of Jesus Bear Bedford, CM By William Wheale, cira 1723 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00271 Abba Padre, Te Adoramos Beecher, 87.87 D By John Zundel, 1870 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00271 Beecher, 87.87 D Beecher, 87.87 D By John Zundel, 1870 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00271 God Our Father, We Adore Thee Beecher, 87.87 D By John Zundel, 1870 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00271 Holy Spirit, Source of Gladness Beecher, 87.87 D By John Zundel, 1870 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00271 Lord, Thou Lov'st the Cheerful Giver Beecher, 87.87 D By John Zundel, 1870 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00271 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Beecher, 87.87 D By John Zundel, 1870 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00271 One Day There'll Be New Earth and Heaven Beecher, 87.87 D By John Zundel, 1870 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00271 Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow Beecher, 87.87 D By John Zundel, 1870 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00271 Your Mission Beecher, 87.87 D By John Zundel, 1870 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00272 Beethoven, LM Beethoven, LM By Composer unknown DP01.3 MV03 GHC00273 Biefiehl, 76.76 D Biefiehl, 76.76 D By Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00273 Thy Way and All Thy Sorrows Biefiehl, 76.76 D By Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00274 Behold Him Now on Yonder Tree Behold Him Now on Yonder Tree By George Samuel Smith, 1887 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00275 Behold Me Standing at the Door Behold Me Standing at the Door By Phoebe Palmer Knapp (1839-1908) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00276 Behold, the Bridegroom Comes Behold, the Bridegroom Comes By J. M. White, circa 1890 DP01.3 MV03 GHC00277 Behold the Bridegroom Cometh (Root) Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00277 Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00278 Behold the Lamb Behold the Lamb By Daniel Auber (1782-1871) DP01.3 MV03 GHC00278 Behold! Behold the Lamb of God Behold the Lamb By Daniel Auber (1782-1871) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00279 Behold the Wondrous Love Behold the Wondrous Love By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00280 Behold, What Love! Behold, What Love! By M.S.S. DP02.1 MV04 GHC00281 Belden, Belden, By Franklin Edson Belden (1858-1945) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00282 Belfield, CM Belfield, CM By William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00283 Belgrave, CM Belgrave, CM By W. Horsley (1774-1858) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00284 Belmont Belmont By William Gardiner, 1812 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00284 By Cool Siloam's Shady Rill Belmont By William Gardiner, 1812 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00284 Come, Let Us Who in Christ Believe Belmont By William Gardiner, 1812 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00284 I'm Not Ashamed to Own My Lord Belmont By William Gardiner, 1812 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00284 Into Thine Hand, O God of Truth Belmont By William Gardiner, 1812 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00284 Lord's My Shepherd, The Belmont By William Gardiner, 1812 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00284 Lord, All I Am Is Known to Thee Belmont By William Gardiner, 1812 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00285 Beloit Beloit By Karl G. Reissiger (1798-1859) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00285 O How I Love Thy Holy Word Beloit By Karl G. Reissiger (1798-1859) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00285 O Lord, Thou Judge Beloit By Karl G. Reissiger (1798-1859) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00286 Beloved, 65.85.68 Beloved, 65.85.68 By Freeman Lewis (1780-1859) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00286 Redeemer of Israel Beloved, 65.85.68 By Freeman Lewis (1780-1859) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00287 Beloved, Now Are We Beloved, Now Are We By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00288 Beloved, Sleep Beloved, Sleep, 4.6.4 By William Henry Clark (1854-?) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00288 Beloved, Sleep, 4.6.4 Beloved, Sleep, 4.6.4 By William Henry Clark (1854-?) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00289 Bemerton (Caswall), 65.65 Bemerton (Caswall), 65.65 By Friedrich Filitz, 1847 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00289 Glory Be to Jesus Bemerton (Caswall), 65.65 By Friedrich Filitz, 1847 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00289 Holy Spirit, Hear Us (Mohr) Bemerton (Caswall), 65.65 By Friedrich Filitz, 1847 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00289 Jesus, Stand Among Us Bemerton (Caswall), 65.65 By Friedrich Filitz, 1847 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00289 Wise Men Seeking Jesus Bemerton (Caswall), 65.65 By Friedrich Filitz, 1847 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00290 Benevento, 77.77 D Benevento, 77.77 D By Attributed to Samuel Webbe, Sr. (1740-1816) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00290 Dust to Dust, the Mortal Dies Benevento, 77.77 D By Attributed to Samuel Webbe, Sr. (1740-1816) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00290 Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above Benevento, 77.77 D By Attributed to Samuel Webbe, Sr. (1740-1816) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00290 See the Gloomy Gathering Cloud Benevento, 77.77 D By Attributed to Samuel Webbe, Sr. (1740-1816) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00290 While with Ceaseless Course the Sun Benevento, 77.77 D By Attributed to Samuel Webbe, Sr. (1740-1816) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00291 Bentley, 76.76 D Bentley, 76.76 D By John Hullah, 1867 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00291 Come unto Me, Ye Weary (Dix) Bentley, 76.76 D By John Hullah, 1867 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00292 Ben Rhydding, SM Ben Rhydding, SM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00292 My Soul, Repeat Thy Praise Ben Rhydding, SM By Alexander Robert Reinagle (1799-1877) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00293 Bera, LM Bera, LM By John Edgar Gould, 1849 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00293 Lord, When in Simon's House of Yore Bera, LM By John Edgar Gould, 1849 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00293 O Thou to Whose All Searching Sight Bera, LM By John Edgar Gould, 1849 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00293 With Firm Resolve I Held My Peace Bera, LM By John Edgar Gould, 1849 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00294 Bereden v„g f”r Herran! Bereden vag for Herran, By Swedish melody, before 1560 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00294 Bereden vag for Herran, Bereden vag for Herran, By Swedish melody, before 1560 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00294 Prepare the Way, O Zion! Bereden vag for Herran, By Swedish melody, before 1560 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00295 Berggren, Berggren, By Andreas Peter Berggreen (1801-1880) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00295 Lord, Let Thy Spirit Berggren, By Andreas Peter Berggreen (1801-1880) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00296 Bertha, 66.66.88 Bertha, 66.66.88 By W. Heslop, before 1890 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00296 Break, Day of God, Oh Break Bertha, 66.66.88 By W. Heslop, before 1890 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00297 Berger, Secoue Ton Sommeil Profond! Shepherds! Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep By Traditional French carol DP02.1 MV04 GHC00297 Shepherds! Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep Shepherds! Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep By Traditional French carol DP02.1 MV04 GHC00298 Bethany (Mason) Bethany (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1856 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00298 Jesus, My All Bethany (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1856 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00298 Mon Dieu, Plus PrŠs de Toi Bethany (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1856 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00298 Nearer, My God, to Thee Bethany (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1856 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00298 Savior! I Follow On Bethany (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1856 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00299 Bethany (Smart), 87.87 D Bethany (Smart), 87.87 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00299 Son of God, Eternal Savior Bethany (Smart), 87.87 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00299 Sow the Seed Beside All Waters Bethany (Smart), 87.87 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00300 Bethlehem (Gounod) Bethlehem (Gounod) By French carol, arr. by Charles Gounod DP02.1 MV04 GHC00300 Dans Cette Etable Bethlehem (Gounod) By French carol, arr. by Charles Gounod DP02.1 MV04 GHC00301 All Nature's Works His Praise Declare Bethlehem, CMD By Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00301 Behold a Sower! from Afar Bethlehem, CMD By Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00301 Bethlehem, CMD Bethlehem, CMD By Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00301 Lord, Who at Cana's Wedding Feast Bethlehem, CMD By Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00301 Newborn King Who Comes Today, The Bethlehem, CMD By Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00301 O God, Whose Love Is over All Bethlehem, CMD By Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00301 O Jesus, Once a Nazareth Boy Bethlehem, CMD By Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00301 O Lord of Life, and Love, and Power Bethlehem, CMD By Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00301 Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord Bethlehem, CMD By Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00302 Bettever's Chant, LM Bettever's Chant, LM By Benjamin H. Everett, 1871 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00302 Faint Falls the Gentle Voice of Prayer Bettever's Chant, LM By Benjamin H. Everett, 1871 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00303 Beulah, CM Beulah, CM By G. M. Garrett DP02.1 MV04 GHC00303 We Have Not Seen, We Cannot See Beulah, CM By G. M. Garrett DP02.1 MV04 GHC00304 Beulah Land Beulah Land By Edgar Page Stites, 1876 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00305 Bevan, 66.66.68 Bevan, 66.66.68 By John Goss, 1853 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00305 Supported by the Word Bevan, 66.66.68 By John Goss, 1853 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00306 Beverley, Beverley, By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00306 Thou Art Coming, O My Savior Beverley, By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00307 Bewdley, 77.77 Bewdley, 77.77 By Frederick Arthur Gore-Ouseley, 1889 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00308 Beyond the Sunset Beyond the Sunset By Dr. W. O. Perkins DP02.1 MV04 GHC00309 Beyond This Land of Parting Beyond This Land of Parting By Dr. Asa B. Everett DP02.1 MV04 GHC00310 Be Ready to Go Be Ready to Go By C. C. Williams, 1908 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00311 Be Ready When the Bridegroom Comes Be Ready When the Bridegroom Comes By James Milton Black , 1897 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00312 Bible, The The Bible By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00312 The Bible The Bible By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00313 Bickley, 88.88.88 Bickley, 88.88.88 By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00313 O Father, in Whose Great Design Bickley, 88.88.88 By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00314 Binchester, CM Binchester, CM By William Croft (1678-1727) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00314 Happy Are They, They That Love God Binchester, CM By William Croft (1678-1727) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00315 Bingham, CM Bingham, CM By Anonymous DP02.1 MV04 GHC00315 Give Me the Wings of Faith Bingham, CM By Anonymous DP02.1 MV04 GHC00315 O Lord, How Are My Foes Increased Bingham, CM By Anonymous DP02.1 MV04 GHC00315 Why Did the Gentiles Tumults Raise? Bingham, CM By Anonymous DP02.1 MV04 GHC00316 Abide in Thee Birmingham, By Francis Cunningham, 1834 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00316 Birmingham, Birmingham, By Francis Cunningham, 1834 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00317 Birthday of a King, The Neidlinger By William Harold Neidlinger (1863-1924) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00317 Neidlinger Neidlinger By William Harold Neidlinger (1863-1924) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00318 Bishopgarth, 87.87 D Bishopgarth, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00318 For My Sake, and the Gospel's Bishopgarth, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00318 To Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts We Raise Bishopgarth, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00318 Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode Bishopgarth, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00319 Before Thy Mercy Seat, O Lord Bishopthorpe, CM By Jeremiah Clark (1670-1707) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00319 Bishopthorpe, CM Bishopthorpe, CM By Jeremiah Clark (1670-1707) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00319 How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair Bishopthorpe, CM By Jeremiah Clark (1670-1707) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00320 Bishop, LM Bishop, LM By Joseph P. Holbrook, circa 1878 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00320 O Savior, Who for Man Hast Trod Bishop, LM By Joseph P. Holbrook, circa 1878 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00320 Teach Me, O Lord Bishop, LM By Joseph P. Holbrook, circa 1878 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00321 Blacklands, Blacklands, By Ray Steadman-Allen DP02.1 MV04 GHC00321 He Giveth More Grace Blacklands, By Ray Steadman-Allen DP02.1 MV04 GHC00322 Blaenhafren, 87.87 D Blaenhafren, 87.87 D By Welsh melody DP02.1 MV04 GHC00322 Judge Me, God of My Salvation Blaenhafren, 87.87 D By Welsh melody DP02.1 MV04 GHC00322 We Are Living, We Are Dwelling Blaenhafren, 87.87 D By Welsh melody DP02.1 MV04 GHC00323 Blaenwern, 87.87 D Blaenwern, 87.87 D By Williams P. Rowlands, 1905 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00323 Dashuri Mbi Dashuri Blaenwern, 87.87 D By Williams P. Rowlands, 1905 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00324 Blagdon, 87.87.87 Blagdon, 87.87.87 By C. E. Stephens DP02.1 MV04 GHC00324 O Jerusalem the Blissful Blagdon, 87.87.87 By C. E. Stephens DP02.1 MV04 GHC00325 Blairgowrie, 76.76 D Blairgowrie, 76.76 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1872 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00325 Hasten the Time Appointed Blairgowrie, 76.76 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1872 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00325 Lord Jesus, Blessed Giver Blairgowrie, 76.76 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1872 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00325 O Love Divine and Golden Blairgowrie, 76.76 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1872 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00325 O Young and Fearless Prophet Blairgowrie, 76.76 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1872 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00325 Today Thy Mercy Calls Me Blairgowrie, 76.76 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1872 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00326 Blenden, CMD Blenden, CMD By Charles Edward Kettle, 1876 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00326 How Blessed, from the Bonds of Sin Blenden, CMD By Charles Edward Kettle, 1876 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00327 Blessed Are They That Believe Blessed Are They That Believe By Frances Janes (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00328 Blessed Assurance Blessed Assurance By WordFanny Crosby. MusicPhoebe P. Knapp DP02.1 MV04 GHC00328 Zoti Me Zgjodhi! Blessed Assurance By WordFanny Crosby. MusicPhoebe P. Knapp DP02.1 MV04 GHC00329 Blessed Be the Fountain Blessed Be the Fountain By Eden Reeder Latta (1839-?) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00330 Blessed Be the Name Blessed Be the Name By Ralph E. Hudson; harm., William J. Kirkpatrick DP02.1 MV04 GHC00330 Blessed Be the Name (Clark) Blessed Be the Name By Ralph E. Hudson; harm., William J. Kirkpatrick DP02.1 MV04 GHC00331 Blessed Be the Name (Pickett) Blessed Be the Name (Pickett) By Leander Lycurgus Pickett (1859-1928) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00332 Blessed Bible Blessed Bible, Book of Gold By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1898 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00332 Blessed Bible, Book of Gold Blessed Bible, Book of Gold By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1898 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00333 Blessed Calvary Blessed Calvary By Lance B. Latham, 1921 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00334 Blessed City Heavenly Salem Blessed City Heavenly Salem By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00334 Blessed City, Heavenly Salem Blessed City Heavenly Salem By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00335 Blessed Cross of Jesus Blessed Cross of Jesus By Hubert Platt Main (1839-1925) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00336 Blessed Home-Land Blessed Home-Land By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1877 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00336 Blessed Home Land Blessed Home-Land By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1877 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00337 As Light, O Christ Blessed Light, By Anonymous DP02.1 MV04 GHC00337 Blessed Light, Blessed Light, By Anonymous DP02.1 MV04 GHC00338 Blessed Lord, 87.87.87 Blessed Lord, 87.87.87 By Robert Edwards (1792-1862) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00339 Blessed Lord, 87.87.87 By Robert Edwards (1792-Blessed Lord, 87.87.87 By Robert Edwards DP02.1 MV04 GHC00339 Blessed Quietness Blessed Quietness By James. M. Kirk (1900) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00340 Blessed Redeemer (Christiansen) Redeemer By Harry Dixon Loes, circa 1921 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00340 Redeemer Redeemer By Harry Dixon Loes, circa 1921 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00341 Blessed Redeemer Blessed Redeemer By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00341 Blessed Redeemer (Crosby) Blessed Redeemer By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00342 Blessed Saviour, Blessed Saviour, By John Ebenezer West, 1910 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00343 Bless This Hour of Prayer Bless This Hour of Prayer By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00344 Blest, Blest Forever Blest, Blest Forever, 65.65 D By John Robson Sweney, 1892 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00344 Blest, Blest Forever, 65.65 D Blest, Blest Forever, 65.65 D By John Robson Sweney, 1892 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00345 Blind Bartimeus Blind Bartimeus, 77.77.77 By Philip Philips DP02.1 MV04 GHC00345 Blind Bartimeus, 77.77.77 Blind Bartimeus, 77.77.77 By Philip Philips DP02.1 MV04 GHC00346 Blomqvist, 98.98 Blomqvist, 98.98 By Joel Blomqvist, 1877 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00347 Bloodwashed Pilgrim, The The Bloodwashed Pilgrim By Anonymous, before 1932 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00347 The Bloodwashed Pilgrim The Bloodwashed Pilgrim By Anonymous, before 1932 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00348 Blott en Dag Blott en Dag By Oskar Ahnfelt, 1872 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00348 Day by Day Blott en Dag By Oskar Ahnfelt, 1872 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00349 Blumen, Blumen, By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00349 Here, Lord, We Offer Thee Blumen, By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00350 Blumenthal, 77.77 D Blumenthal, 77.77 D By Jacob Blumenthal, 1847 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00350 Savior, When in Dust to Thee Blumenthal, 77.77 D By Jacob Blumenthal, 1847 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00350 Savior, Who Thy Life Didst Give Blumenthal, 77.77 D By Jacob Blumenthal, 1847 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00351 Boardman, CM Boardman, CM By Arranged from L. Devereux DP02.1 MV04 GHC00351 Chosen Three, on Mountain Height, The Boardman, CM By Arranged from L. Devereux DP02.1 MV04 GHC00351 Earth, with All That Dwell Therein, The Boardman, CM By Arranged from L. Devereux DP02.1 MV04 GHC00352 Bohemia, Bohemia, By German melody DP02.1 MV04 GHC00353 Bonar (Brunk), CMD Bonar (Brunk), CMD By John David Brunk, before 1912 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00354 Bonar, 8.8.7 D Bonar, 8.8.7 D By John Baptiste Calkin, 1867 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00354 Upward Where the Stars Are Burning Bonar, 8.8.7 D By John Baptiste Calkin, 1867 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00355 Bonar (Steggall), SMD Bonar (Steggall), SMD By Charles H. Steggall , 1849 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00355 Members of Christ Are We Bonar (Steggall), SMD By Charles H. Steggall , 1849 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00356 Bona Patria Bona Patria By Sacred Hymns & Tunes, Bristol, England, 1876 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00356 For Thee, O Dear, Dear, Country Bona Patria By Sacred Hymns & Tunes, Bristol, England, 1876 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00357 Bonner Bonner By Carey Bonner (1859-1938) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00357 Praise Him, All Ye Little Children Bonner By Carey Bonner (1859-1938) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00358 Bossiney Bossiney By Gustav von Holst (1874-1934) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00358 Holy Ghost, Come Down upon Thy Children Bossiney By Gustav von Holst (1874-1934) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00359 Boston Boston By William Billings DP02.1 MV04 GHC00360 Bourgeois, Bourgeois, By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00360 Joy and Triumph Everlasting Bourgeois, By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00361 Amid the Thronging Worshippers Bovina, CMD By Laura A. Tate DP02.1 MV04 GHC00361 Bovina, CMD Bovina, CMD By Laura A. Tate DP02.1 MV04 GHC00362 Bowen, LM Bowen, LM By Franz Josef Haydn DP02.1 MV04 GHC00362 With One Consent, Let all the Earth Bowen, LM By Franz Josef Haydn DP02.1 MV04 GHC00363 And Let Our Bodies Part Boylston, SM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00363 Boylston, SM Boylston, SM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00363 Charge to Keep I Have, A Boylston, SM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00363 Holy Ghost Is Here, The Boylston, SM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00363 Lord, at This Closing Hour Boylston, SM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00363 O Save Me by Thy Name Boylston, SM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00364 Bradbury Bradbury By William B. Bradbury, 1859 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00364 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Bradbury By William B. Bradbury, 1859 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00365 Bradford, CM Bradford, CM By Arranged from G.F. Handel, 1741 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00365 I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Wesley) Bradford, CM By Arranged from G.F. Handel, 1741 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00365 O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire Bradford, CM By Arranged from G.F. Handel, 1741 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00366 Branscombe, Branscombe, By Horatio Arthur Branscombe, before 1905 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00366 Father, Whose Love We Have Wronged Branscombe, By Horatio Arthur Branscombe, before 1905 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00367 Brasted, 77.77 Brasted, 77.77 By Georg P. Weimar, 1780 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00368 Brattle Street, CM Brattle Street, CM By Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757-1831) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00369 Braun, Braun, By Johann G. Braun, 1675 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00370 Bread of Heaven, 77.77.77 Bread of Heaven, 77.77.77 By William Daylrymple MacLagan (1826-1910) DP02.1 MV04 GHC00371 Bread of Life Bread of Life By William F. Sherwin,1877 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00371 Break Thou the Bread of Life Bread of Life By William F. Sherwin,1877 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00371 Bryt du det livsens brod Bread of Life By William F. Sherwin,1877 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00371 Builder of Ages Bread of Life By William F. Sherwin,1877 DP02.1 MV04 GHC00371 Here at Thy Table, Lord Bread of Life By William F. Sherwin,1877 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00372 Break Forth, O Joyful Heart Break Forth, O Joyful Heart By John Robson Sweney, 1881 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00373 Breathe upon Us Breathe upon Us By Russell Kelso Carter (1849-1928) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00374 Brecknock, 88.88.88 Brecknock, 88.88.88 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00374 Who Knows How Near My End May Be? Brecknock, 88.88.88 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00375 Brecon, CM Brecon, CM By Nicholas Heins (1839-1910) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00375 Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayer Brecon, CM By Nicholas Heins (1839-1910) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00376 Bremen, 88.88.8 Bremen, 88.88.8 By George Neumark, 1657 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00376 O Love, Who Formedst Me to Wear Bremen, 88.88.8 By George Neumark, 1657 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00377 Breslau, LM Breslau, LM By As Hymnodus Sacer, 1625 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00377 God Calling Yet Breslau, LM By As Hymnodus Sacer, 1625 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00377 O Christ, Our True and Only Light Breslau, LM By As Hymnodus Sacer, 1625 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00377 O Heavenly Word Breslau, LM By As Hymnodus Sacer, 1625 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00377 Repent, the Kingdom Draweth Nigh Breslau, LM By As Hymnodus Sacer, 1625 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00377 We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died Breslau, LM By As Hymnodus Sacer, 1625 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00377 What Various Hindrances We Meet Breslau, LM By As Hymnodus Sacer, 1625 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00378 Brest, 87.87.47 Brest, 87.87.47 By Lowell Mason, 1841 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00379 Bridehead, 88.68.86 Bridehead, 88.68.86 By A. H. Troyte DP02.2 MV05 GHC00380 Bride of Christ, 87.87 D Bride of Christ, 87.87 D By Spenser Nottingham, 1864 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00380 Bride of Christ, Whose Glorious Warfare Bride of Christ, 87.87 D By Spenser Nottingham, 1864 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00381 Bridgwater, Bridgwater, By Adapted from an English traditional melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00381 See Him in Raiment Rent Bridgwater, By Adapted from an English traditional melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00382 Brighten the Corner Where You Are Brighten the Corner Where You Are By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel DP02.2 MV05 GHC00383 All Things Bright and Beautiful All Things Bright and Beautiful By William Henry Monk (1823-89) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00384 Bright Forever, The The Bright Forever By Hubert Platt Main, circa 1899 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00384 The Bright Forever The Bright Forever By Hubert Platt Main, circa 1899 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00385 Bringing in the Sheaves Bringing in the Sheaves By George A. Minor, 1880 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00385 There Were Twelve Disciples Bringing in the Sheaves By George A. Minor, 1880 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00386 Bring Them In Bring Them In By William Augustine Ogden, 1885 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00387 Bring Your Vessels, with refrain Bring Your Vessels, with refrain By Leila Naylor Morris, 1912 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00387 Bring Your Vessels, Not a Few Bring Your Vessels, with refrain By Leila Naylor Morris, 1912 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00388 Bristol (Clarke), LM Bristol (Clarke), LM By Dr. J. Clarke DP02.2 MV05 GHC00388 Down from the Worlds of Radiant Light Bristol (Clarke), LM By Dr. J. Clarke DP02.2 MV05 GHC00388 Lord Jesus, Let Thy Watchful Care Bristol (Clarke), LM By Dr. J. Clarke DP02.2 MV05 GHC00389 Bristol, CM Bristol, CM By Melody from Ravenscroft's Psalter, 1621 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00390 Sheffield Sheffield By Tradicia Angla Melodio DP02.2 MV05 GHC00391 Brockham, LM Brockham, LM By Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00391 How Glorious Is the Life Above Brockham, LM By Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00391 On Olivet a Little Band Brockham, LM By Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00391 Saint Who First Found Grace to Pen, The Brockham, LM By Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00391 To Realms Beyond the Sounding Sea Brockham, LM By Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00392 Always with Us Brocklesby, 87.87 By Charlotte Alington Barnard, 1868 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00392 Brocklesby, 87.87 Brocklesby, 87.87 By Charlotte Alington Barnard, 1868 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00392 Crown His Head with Endless Blessing Brocklesby, 87.87 By Charlotte Alington Barnard, 1868 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00392 He That Goeth Forth Weeping Brocklesby, 87.87 By Charlotte Alington Barnard, 1868 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00392 Lord, We Know That Thou Art Near Us Brocklesby, 87.87 By Charlotte Alington Barnard, 1868 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00392 Savior, Who Thy Flock Art Feeding Brocklesby, 87.87 By Charlotte Alington Barnard, 1868 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00393 Bromley, LM Bromley, LM By Jeremiah Clark, 1700 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00393 O Blest Creator of the Light Bromley, LM By Jeremiah Clark, 1700 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00393 O Trinity of Blessed Light Bromley, LM By Jeremiah Clark, 1700 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00394 Bromsgrove, CM Bromsgrove, CM By Collins, 1789 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00394 These Glorious Minds, How Bright They Shine Bromsgrove, CM By Collins, 1789 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00395 Ambassadors of God Brookfield, LM By Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00395 Brookfield, LM Brookfield, LM By Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00395 Go Forth to Life, O Child of Earth Brookfield, LM By Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00395 Help, Lord, for Those Who Love Thee Fail Brookfield, LM By Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00395 It Is a Thing Most Wonderful Brookfield, LM By Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00395 O Love of God, How Strong and True Brookfield, LM By Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00395 O Son of Man, Thou Madest Known Brookfield, LM By Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00395 O Thou, Who Gav'st Thy Servant Grace Brookfield, LM By Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00395 Thy Wondrous Testimonies, Lord Brookfield, LM By Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00396 Brotherton, Brotherton, By Alice Williams Brotherton (1848-1930) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00396 Consider the Lilies Brotherton, By Alice Williams Brotherton (1848-1930) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00397 Brother James' Air, 86.86.86 Brother James' Air, 86.86.86 By J. L. Macbeth Bain (1840?-1925) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00398 Brown, CM Brown, CM By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00398 Grave Itself a Garden Is, The Brown, CM By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00398 With Joy We Hail the Sacred Day Brown, CM By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00399 Brownwell, 888.888 Brownwell, 888.888 By Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00399 I Call the World's Redeemer Mine Brownwell, 888.888 By Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00399 Sinners, Believe the Gospel Word Brownwell, 888.888 By Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00399 That Man Is Bless'd Who Stands in Awe Brownwell, 888.888 By Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00400 Brunswick, 86.86.86 Brunswick, 86.86.86 By Adapted from George F. Handel (1685-1759) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00400 Dismiss Me Not Thy Service, Lord Brunswick, 86.86.86 By Adapted from George F. Handel (1685-1759) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00401 Brynteg, LM Brynteg, LM By John Ambrose Lloyd (1815-1874) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00401 Jehovah Reigns, Let Earth Be Glad Brynteg, LM By John Ambrose Lloyd (1815-1874) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00402 Bryntirion, 87.87.87 Bryntirion, 87.87.87 By Attributed to H. Roth DP02.2 MV05 GHC00402 Christ, Enthroned in Highest Heaven Bryntirion, 87.87.87 By Attributed to H. Roth DP02.2 MV05 GHC00403 Blessed Lord, in Thee Is Refuge Bryn Calfaria By William Owen, 1852 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00403 Bryn Calfaria Bryn Calfaria By William Owen, 1852 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00403 Hark! the Voice of Love and Mercy Bryn Calfaria By William Owen, 1852 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00403 Look, Ye Saints! The Sight Is Glorious Bryn Calfaria By William Owen, 1852 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00403 Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor Bryn Calfaria By William Owen, 1852 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00403 Take Me as I Am, O Savior Bryn Calfaria By William Owen, 1852 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00404 Buckland, 77.77 Buckland, 77.77 By Leighton George Hayne, 1863 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00404 Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep Buckland, 77.77 By Leighton George Hayne, 1863 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00405 Bucklebury, LMD Bucklebury, LMD By Harmonia Perfecta, 1730 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00406 Builded on the Rock Builded on the Rock By Mrs. C. Rice DP02.2 MV05 GHC00407 Building, Daily Building Building, Daily Building By Isaac M. Meredith, 1901 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00408 Build on the Rock Build on the Rock By Franklin Edson Belden, 1886 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00409 Blessed Master, I Have Promised Bullinger, By Ethelbert W. Bullinger, 1874 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00409 Bullinger, Bullinger, By Ethelbert W. Bullinger, 1874 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00409 From the Depths My Prayer Ascendeth Bullinger, By Ethelbert W. Bullinger, 1874 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00409 He Expecteth Bullinger, By Ethelbert W. Bullinger, 1874 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00409 I Am Trusting Thee Bullinger, By Ethelbert W. Bullinger, 1874 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00410 Burford, CM Burford, CM By Chetham's Psalmody, 1718 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00410 Lord, When We Bend Before Thy Throne Burford, CM By Chetham's Psalmody, 1718 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00410 O Jesu Christ, if Aught There Be Burford, CM By Chetham's Psalmody, 1718 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00411 Burg, 87.87 Burg, 87.87 By Emily S. Perkins, 1921 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00411 Thou Art, O God, the God of Might Burg, 87.87 By Emily S. Perkins, 1921 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00412 Burlington, CM Burlington, CM By John Freckleton Burrowes, 1830 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00412 Glory Gilds the Sacred Page, A Burlington, CM By John Freckleton Burrowes, 1830 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00413 Burnham, 66.66.88 Burnham, 66.66.88 By Thomas Clark (1775-1859) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00413 Praise God, for He Is Kind Burnham, 66.66.88 By Thomas Clark (1775-1859) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00414 Bury Thy Sorrow Bury Thy Sorrow By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00415 Byzantium Byzantium By At­trib­ut­ed to Isaac Watts (1674-1748) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00415 Eternal Wisdom! Thee we praise Byzantium By At­trib­ut­ed to Isaac Watts (1674-1748) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00416 By and By By and By By B. D. Ackley DP02.2 MV05 GHC00416 By and By (Crosby) By and By By B. D. Ackley DP02.2 MV05 GHC00417 By and By (Bliss) By and By (Bliss) By Philip Paul Bliss, 1871 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00417 By and By (Rexford) By and By (Bliss) By Philip Paul Bliss, 1871 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00418 By Grace Are Ye Saved By Grace Are Ye Saved By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00419 By Grace I Will By Grace I Will By William James Kirkpatrick, 1888 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00420 By the Grace of God We'll Meet By the Grace of God We'll Meet By John Robson Sweney, circa 1886 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00421 By the Way of Redeeming Love By the Way of Redeeming Love By Albert Simpson Reitz, 1918 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00422 Caddo, CM Caddo, CM By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00422 On Judah's Plains as Shepherds Sat Caddo, CM By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00422 Thy Mercy and Thy Truth, O Lord Caddo, CM By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00423 Caersalem, Caersalem, By Robert Edwards, 1837 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00423 Zion, Founded on the Mountains Caersalem, By Robert Edwards, 1837 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00424 Cairnbrook, 85.85 Cairnbrook, 85.85 By Ebenezer Prout DP02.2 MV05 GHC00424 Holy Father, in Thy Mercy Cairnbrook, 85.85 By Ebenezer Prout DP02.2 MV05 GHC00424 Thou Didst Teach the Thronging People Cairnbrook, 85.85 By Ebenezer Prout DP02.2 MV05 GHC00425 Caithness Caithness By Scottish Psalter, 1635 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00425 Ho! Ye That Thirst, Approach the Spring Caithness By Scottish Psalter, 1635 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00425 O for a Closer Walk with God Caithness By Scottish Psalter, 1635 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00425 O Thou Whose Justice Reigns on High Caithness By Scottish Psalter, 1635 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00425 O Thou Whose Spirit Witness Bears Caithness By Scottish Psalter, 1635 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00425 Wherefore Is It That Thou, O Lord Caithness By Scottish Psalter, 1635 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00426 Caledonia, 77.76 D Caledonia, 77.76 D By Scottish traditional melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00426 Soldiers of the Cross, Arise! (Waterbury) Caledonia, 77.76 D By Scottish traditional melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00427 Calling for You Calling for You By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00428 Calling the Prodigal Calling the Prodigal By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1891 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00429 Call for Workers Call for Workers By J. H. Sheppard DP02.2 MV05 GHC00430 Calm Calm By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00430 Into Thy Gracious Hands I Fall Calm By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00431 Abba, Father! We Approach Thee Calon Lan, 87.87D By John Hughes DP02.2 MV05 GHC00431 Calon Lan, 87.87D Calon Lan, 87.87D By John Hughes DP02.2 MV05 GHC00432 Calvary's Stream Is Flowing Calvary's Stream Is Flowing By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00433 Calvary Calvary (Darwood) By Rev. W. M'K. Darwood, 1876 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00433 Calvary (Darwood) Calvary (Darwood) By Rev. W. M'K. Darwood, 1876 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00434 Calvary, 77.77 Calvary, 77.77 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00434 Let Me Dwell on Golgotha Calvary, 77.77 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00435 Calvary (Stanley), 87.87.87 Calvary (Stanley), 87.87.87 By Samuel Stanley (1767-1822) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00435 For the Dear Ones Parted from Us Calvary (Stanley), 87.87.87 By Samuel Stanley (1767-1822) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00435 Lord of Life and King of Glory Calvary (Stanley), 87.87.87 By Samuel Stanley (1767-1822) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00436 Camacha, Camacha, By Benjamin Mansell Ramsey (1849-1923) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00436 Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord Camacha, By Benjamin Mansell Ramsey (1849-1923) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00437 Cambria Cambria By Welsh melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00437 Here from the World We Turn Cambria By Welsh melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00438 Cambridge, SM Cambridge, SM By Ralph Harrison, 1784; arr by S. S. Wesley, 1872 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00438 Come, Holy Spirit, Come (Hart) Cambridge, SM By Ralph Harrison, 1784; arr by S. S. Wesley, 1872 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00438 Come, Sound His Praise Abroad Cambridge, SM By Ralph Harrison, 1784; arr by S. S. Wesley, 1872 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00438 With Joy We Lift Our Eyes Cambridge, SM By Ralph Harrison, 1784; arr by S. S. Wesley, 1872 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00439 Camp, LM Camp, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin, 1905 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00439 Lord Our God Alone Is Strong, The Camp, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin, 1905 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00440 Campmeeting, CM Campmeeting, CM By American melody, harmony by R. McCutchan, 1935 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00440 Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire Campmeeting, CM By American melody, harmony by R. McCutchan, 1935 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00440 Servant of All, to Toil for Man Campmeeting, CM By American melody, harmony by R. McCutchan, 1935 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00441 Canaan, 87.87 refrain Canaan, 87.87 refrain By Composer Unknown (before 1939) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00441 Gladsome Hymn of Praise We Sing, A Canaan, 87.87 refrain By Composer Unknown (before 1939) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00442 Candler, LMD Candler, LMD By Scottish traditional melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00443 Cannons, LM Cannons, LM By George Frederick Handel (1685-1759) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00443 O Kind Creator, Bow Thine Ear Cannons, LM By George Frederick Handel (1685-1759) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00443 O Lord, Make Haste to Hear My Cry Cannons, LM By George Frederick Handel (1685-1759) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 Canonbury, LM Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 Come, Gracious Lord, Descend and Dwell Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 How Beauteous Were the Marks Divine Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 Lord, My Weak Thought in Vain Would Climb Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 Lord, Speak to Me Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 My God, How Endless Is Thy Love Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 My Soul Complete in Jesus Stands Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 O God, Thy World Is Sweet with Prayer Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 O Grant Us Light Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00444 O Jesus, Youth of Nazareth Canonbury, LM By Robert Schuman, 1839 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00445 Cantate Domino, Cantate Domino, By Johann Schop, 1641 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00445 Sing, My Soul, to God Who Made Thee Cantate Domino, By Johann Schop, 1641 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00446 Canterbury Canterbury By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00446 Christ, from Whom All Blessings Flow Canterbury By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00446 Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join Canterbury By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00446 Depth of Mercy Canterbury By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00446 Holy Spirit, Truth Divine Canterbury By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00446 Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray Canterbury By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00446 Ruler of the Hosts of Light Canterbury By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00447 Canticles Canticles By Frederic F. Bullard, 1902 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00447 Sweet and Clear the Birds Are Singing Canticles By Frederic F. Bullard, 1902 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00448 Le Cantique de Simeon Le Cantique de Simeon By Louis Bourgeois, 1547 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00449 Cantus, 10.10.10 Cantus, 10.10.10 By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00449 Yet There Is Room Cantus, 10.10.10 By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00450 Can a Little Child Like Me Thanksgiving, 77.77.77 refrain By W. K. Basswood DP02.2 MV05 GHC00450 Thanksgiving, 77.77.77 refrain Thanksgiving, 77.77.77 refrain By W. K. Basswood DP02.2 MV05 GHC00451 Can the World See Jesus in You? Can the World See Jesus in You? By Leila Naylor Morris, 1917 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00452 Can You Count the Stars? Can You Count the Stars? By Johann Wilhelm Hey (1789-1854) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00453 Capel, CM Capel, CM By English traditional melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00453 God Make My Life a Little Light Capel, CM By English traditional melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00454 Capello, SM Capello, SM By Lowell Mason 1792-1872() DP02.2 MV05 GHC00454 My Son, Know Thou the Lord Capello, SM By Lowell Mason 1792-1872() DP02.2 MV05 GHC00455 Capetown, 77.75 Capetown, 77.75 By Friedrich Filitz, 1847 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00455 Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost Capetown, 77.75 By Friedrich Filitz, 1847 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00455 Three in One, and One in Three Capetown, 77.75 By Friedrich Filitz, 1847 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00456 Caracas Caracas By Traditional Venezuelan melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00456 Ni¤o Lindo Caracas By Traditional Venezuelan melody DP02.2 MV05 GHC00457 Carey's Surrey, 88.88.88 Carey's Surrey, 88.88.88 By Henry Carey, circa 1732 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00457 Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid Carey's Surrey, 88.88.88 By Henry Carey, circa 1732 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00457 Give Me the Faith Which Can Remove Carey's Surrey, 88.88.88 By Henry Carey, circa 1732 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00457 Lord My Pasture Shall Prepare, The Carey's Surrey, 88.88.88 By Henry Carey, circa 1732 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00457 My Heart Is Full of Christ Carey's Surrey, 88.88.88 By Henry Carey, circa 1732 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00457 O Thou, Before the World Began Carey's Surrey, 88.88.88 By Henry Carey, circa 1732 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00457 We Have Not Known Thee as We Ought Careys Surrey, 88.88.88 By Henry Carey, circa 1732 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00458 Carlisle, SM Carlisle, SM By Charles Lockhart, 1791 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00459 Carlton, 87.87 D Carlton, 87.87 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00459 Friend of Sinners, Lord of Glory Carlton, 87.87 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00460 Carnes, 87.87 Carnes, 87.87 By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00460 Hark! What Mean Those Lamentations Carnes, 87.87 By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00461 Carol, CMD Carol, CMD By Richard Storrs Willis, 1850 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00461 For unto Us a Child Is Born Carol, CMD By Richard Storrs Willis, 1850 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00461 It Came upon the Midnight Clear Carol, CMD By Richard Storrs Willis, 1850 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00462 Carry the Light Carry the Light By Eliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, 1892 DP02.2 MV05 GHC00463 Carry Your Bible Carry Your Bible By Fred P. Morris DP02.2 MV05 GHC00464 In Doubt and Temptation No Room at the Inn By E. Grace Updegraff DP02.2 MV05 GHC00464 No Room at the Inn No Room at the Inn By E. Grace Updegraff DP02.2 MV05 GHC00464 No Room in the Inn No Room at the Inn By E. Grace Updegraff DP02.2 MV05 GHC00465 Cassel, 77.77.77 Cassel, 77.77.77 By Christen-schatz (Basle1745) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00465 Sion's Daughter, Weep No More Cassel, 77.77.77 By Christen-schatz (Basle1745) DP02.2 MV05 GHC00465 What Our Father Does Is Well Cassel, 77.77.77 By Christen-schatz (Basle1745) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00466 Cassell, 87.87 D Cassell, 87.87 D By Traditional German melody DP02.3 MV06 GHC00466 Christian Hearts, in Love United Cassell, 87.87 D By Traditional German melody DP02.3 MV06 GHC00467 Castle Eden, 65.65 Castle Eden, 65.65 By R. W. Dixon DP02.3 MV06 GHC00467 Priceless Is Thy Treasure Castle Eden, 65.65 By R. W. Dixon DP02.3 MV06 GHC00468 Caterham, LM Caterham, LM By Arthur Cottman (1842-1879) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00468 God of Nature and of Grace, The Caterham, LM By Arthur Cottman (1842-1879) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00469 Cathedral Chant, LM Cathedral Chant, LM By Composer Unknown DP02.3 MV06 GHC00470 Caught Up Caught Up By Thoro Harris, circa 1917 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00471 Celeste, 88.88 Celeste, 88.88 By Lancashire Sunday School Songs, 1857 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00471 How Good Is the God We Adore Celeste, 88.88 By Lancashire Sunday School Songs, 1857 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00472 Bright and Glorious Is the Sky Celestia, 77.88.77 By Arranged by Jacob Gerhard Meidell, circa 1840 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00472 Celestia, 77.88.77 Celestia, 77.88.77 By Arranged by Jacob Gerhard Meidell, circa 1840 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00472 Dejlig Er den Himmel Bla Celestia, 77.88.77 By Arranged by Jacob Gerhard Meidell, circa 1840 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00473 Chalvey, SMD Chalvey, SMD By Leighton George Hayne (1836-1883) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00474 Chamouni, 87.87 D Chamouni, 87.87 D By George Lomas, 1876 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00475 Above the Clear Blue Sky Chandler, By W. H. Harper DP02.3 MV06 GHC00475 Chandler, Chandler, By W. H. Harper DP02.3 MV06 GHC00476 Channels Only Channels Only By Mary E. Maxwell, alt. DP02.3 MV06 GHC00477 Chapel Royal, 88.68.86 Chapel Royal, 88.68.86 By William Boyce (1710-1779) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00477 Come, See the Place Where Jesus Lay Chapel Royal, 88.68.86 By William Boyce (1710-1779) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00477 Great Mover of All Hearts Chapel Royal, 88.68.86 By William Boyce (1710-1779) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00477 If Death My Friend and Me Divide Chapel Royal, 88.68.86 By William Boyce (1710-1779) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00478 Charitas, 87.87 D Charitas, 87.87 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00479 Charles, 87.87 Charles, 87.87 By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00479 Is Thy Cruse of Comfort Wasting? Charles, 87.87 By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00480 Charles, 87.87 Charles, 87.87 By J. Parker DP02.3 MV06 GHC00480 Lo, the Day, the Day of Life! Charles, 87.87 By J. Parker DP02.3 MV06 GHC00481 Charnwood, LM Charnwood, LM By C. E. Moberley DP02.3 MV06 GHC00481 O God, Our Maker, Throned on High Charnwood, LM By C. E. Moberley DP02.3 MV06 GHC00481 We Leave Thy House, but Leave Not Thee Charnwood, LM By C. E. Moberley DP02.3 MV06 GHC00482 Charterhouse, Charterhouse, By David Evans,1927 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00482 O Son of Man, Our Hero Strong and Tender Charterhouse, By David Evans,1927 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00483 Chautauqua Chautauqua By William Fiske Sherwin, 1877 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00483 Day Is Dying in the West Chautauqua By William Fiske Sherwin, 1877 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00483 Thou Hast Been Our Guide This Day Chautauqua By William Fiske Sherwin, 1877 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00484 Ao Deus Santo Chautauqua By William Fiske Sherwin, 1877 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00484 Chautauqua Chautauqua By William Fiske Sherwin, 1877 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00485 Chenies, 76.76.D Chenies, 76.76.D By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00485 Ere God Had Built the Mountains Chenies, 76.76.D By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00485 Heavens Declare Thy Glory, The (Birks) Chenies, 76.76.D By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00485 Sky Can Still Remember, The Chenies, 76.76.D By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00485 When Jesus Comes in Glory Chenies, 76.76.D By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00485 Where'er His Creatures Gather Chenies, 76.76.D By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00486 Jesu, Jesu Jesu, Jesu By Thom Colvin, 1969 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00487 Cheshire, CM Cheshire, CM By Este's Psalter, 1592 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00487 Lord, from the Ill and Froward Man Cheshire, CM By Este's Psalter, 1592 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00487 O Savior, May We Never Rest Cheshire, CM By Este's Psalter, 1592 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00487 Rulers of Sodom! Hear the Voice Cheshire, CM By Este's Psalter, 1592 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00487 Save Me, O God, the Swelling Floods Cheshire, CM By Este's Psalter, 1592 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00487 Weep Not for Him Who Onward Bears Cheshire, CM By Este's Psalter, 1592 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00487 Woe to the Men on Earth Who Dwell Cheshire, CM By Este's Psalter, 1592 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00488 Chester, LM Chester, LM By William Billings (1746-1800) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00489 Behold the Morning Sun Chesworth, SM By J. F. S. Doering DP02.3 MV06 GHC00489 Chesworth, SM Chesworth, SM By J. F. S. Doering DP02.3 MV06 GHC00490 Childhood, 88.86 Childhood, 88.86 By Unknown DP02.3 MV06 GHC00490 God Speaks to us in Bird and Song Childhood, 88.86 By Unknown DP02.3 MV06 GHC00490 I Love to Think That Jesus Saw Childhood, 88.86 By Unknown DP02.3 MV06 GHC00490 It Fell upon a Summer Day Childhood, 88.86 By Unknown DP02.3 MV06 GHC00490 They All Were Looking for a King Childhood, 88.86 By Unknown DP02.3 MV06 GHC00491 Children's Praise, 77.75 D Children's Praise, 77.75 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00491 Wilt Thou Hear the Voice of Praise? Children's Praise, 77.75 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00492 Around the Throne of God in Heaven Children's Praises. CM refrain By Arranged by H. E. Matthews, 1841 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00492 Children's Praises. CM refrain Children's Praises. CM refrain By Arranged by H. E. Matthews, 1841 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00493 Children's Voices, 12.12.88 Children's Voices, 12.12.88 By Edward John Hopkins (1818-1901) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00494 Children of Jerusalem Children of Jerusalem By John Henley, 1842 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00495 Children Sing Children Sing By Frances Janes (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00496 Chinese Melody, 77.77 Chinese Melody, 77.77 By Anonymous DP02.3 MV06 GHC00497 Chios, Chios, By Chalres Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00497 My People, Give Ear Chios, By Chalres Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00498 Chiselhurst, SM Chiselhurst, SM By Joseph Barnby DP02.3 MV06 GHC00499 Choose Ye Today Choose Ye Today By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00500 Chopin, CM Chopin, CM By Isaac Baker Woodbury (1819-1858) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00501 Chorus of Fire Chorus of Fire By Robert Lowry, 1868 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00502 christmas morning christmas morning By Anonymnous DP02.3 MV06 GHC00503 Christchurch, 88.88.88 Christchurch, 88.88.88 By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00504 Christe Fons Jugis, Christe Fons Jugis, By Rouen Church Melody DP02.3 MV06 GHC00504 Wherefore, O Father Christe Fons Jugis, By Rouen Church Melody DP02.3 MV06 GHC00505 Christe Sanctorum, Christe Sanctorum, By French Church melody, 1782 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00505 Father, We Praise Thee Christe Sanctorum, By French Church melody, 1782 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00506 Christian Brother, O'er the Main Christian Brother, O'er the Main By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00506 Christian Brother, o'er the Main Christian Brother, O'er the Main By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00507 Christi Mutter, 8.8.7 Christi Mutter, 8.8.7 By Corner's Gesangbuch, 1625 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00507 It Is Finished! Man of Sorrows Christi Mutter, 8.8.7 By Corner's Gesangbuch, 1625 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00508 Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve Christmas By Harmonia Sacra, 1812, arranged fm G. F. Handel DP02.3 MV06 GHC00508 Christmas Christmas By Harmonia Sacra, 1812, arranged fm G. F. Handel DP02.3 MV06 GHC00508 Mortals Awake, with Angels Join Christmas By Harmonia Sacra, 1812, arranged fm G. F. Handel DP02.3 MV06 GHC00508 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks Christmas By Harmonia Sacra, 1812, arranged fm G. F. Handel DP02.3 MV06 GHC00509 Christmas Brings Joy to Every Heart Christmas Brings Joy, By Carl Friedrich Emanuel Weyse 1841 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00509 Christmas Brings Joy, Christmas Brings Joy, By Carl Friedrich Emanuel Weyse 1841 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00509 Julen Har Bragt Velsignet Bud Christmas Brings Joy, By Carl Friedrich Emanuel Weyse 1841 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00510 Christmas Eve, CM Christmas Eve, CM By Peder Knudsen (1819-1863), 1859 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00510 I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve Christmas Eve, CM By Peder Knudsen (1819-1863), 1859 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00510 Jeg er s† glad hver julekveld Christmas Eve, CM By Peder Knudsen (1819-1863), 1859 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00510 Shepherds, Rejoice! Lift Up Your Eyes Christmas Eve, CM By Peder Knudsen (1819-1863), 1859 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00511 Christmas Morn, 76.76.D Christmas Morn, 76.76.D By Edward John Hopkins (1818-1901) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00511 Little Children, Can You Tell Christmas Morn, 76.76.D By Edward John Hopkins (1818-1901) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00511 Wise May Bring Their Learning, The Christmas Morn, 76.76.D By Edward John Hopkins (1818-1901) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00512 Christmas Song, 666.12.12 Christmas Song, 666.12.12 By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, 1904 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00512 There's a Garden Christmas Song, 666.12.12 By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, 1904 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00512 There's a Song in the Air Christmas Song, 666.12.12 By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, 1904 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00513 Christos, CMD Christos, CMD By Irvin James Morgan, 1895 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00513 To Thee and to Thy Christ, O God Christos, CMD By Irvin James Morgan, 1895 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00514 Christum wir sollen loben schon, LM Christum wir sollen loben schon, LM By Enchiridion (Erfurt, Germany1524) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00514 Now Praise We Christ, the Holy One Christum wir sollen loben schon, LM By Enchiridion (Erfurt, Germany1524) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00515 Christus Consolator, 85.83 Christus Consolator, 85.83 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00516 Abide, O Dearest Jesus Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben, 76.76 By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00516 Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben, 76.76 Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben, 76.76 By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00517 By Whom Was David Taught Christ Church, 66.66.88 By Charles Steggall, 1865 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00517 Christ Church, 66.66.88 Christ Church, 66.66.88 By Charles Steggall, 1865 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00517 Great King of Glory, Come Christ Church, 66.66.88 By Charles Steggall, 1865 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00517 Jerusalem on High Christ Church, 66.66.88 By Charles Steggall, 1865 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00517 O Ye Immortal Throng Christ Church, 66.66.88 By Charles Steggall, 1865 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00518 Christ Is Coming Christ Is Coming By William Macomber, 1890 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00519 Christ Is Risen Christ Is Risen By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00519 Christ Is Risen! Christ Is Risen By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00520 Christ Lag in Todesbanden Christ Lag in Todesbanden By Geistliche Gesangbuchlein, 1524 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00521 Christ Liveth in Me Christ Liveth in Me By James McGrahanan, circa 1919 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00522 Christ Receiveth Sinful Men Christ Receiveth Sinful Men By Erdmann Neumeister, 1718 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00523 Christ Returneth Christ Returneth By James McGranahan, circa 1906 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00524 Christ the Lord Is King Christ the Lord Is King By A. M. Wortman, M. D. DP02.3 MV06 GHC00525 Church, CM Church, CM By Joseph Perry Holbrook (1822-1888) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00525 O Lord, Thy Perfect Righteousness Church, CM By Joseph Perry Holbrook (1822-1888) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00525 Shall Atheists Dare Insult the Cross Church, CM By Joseph Perry Holbrook (1822-1888) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00526 Church of Christ, O Sleep No More Church of Christ, O Sleep No More By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1905 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00527 Again the Lord's Own Day Is Here Church Triumphant, LM By James William Elliott, 1874 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00527 Arm of the Lord, Awake! Church Triumphant, LM By James William Elliott, 1874 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00527 Church Triumphant, LM Church Triumphant, LM By James William Elliott, 1874 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00527 O Christ, the Heaven's Eternal King Church Triumphant, LM By James William Elliott, 1874 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00527 On All the Earth Thy Spirit Shower Church Triumphant, LM By James William Elliott, 1874 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00528 Church Vigilant, 98.98 Church Vigilant, 98.98 By Charles Lincoln Ziegler, 1902 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00528 O Thou Who Turnest into Morning Church Vigilant, 98.98 By Charles Lincoln Ziegler, 1902 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00529 City Bright, 65.556 City Bright, 65.556 By James S. Tyler, 1876 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00529 There Is a City Bright City Bright, 65.556 By James S. Tyler, 1876 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00530 City of Gold City of Gold By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00531 Clapham, CM Clapham, CM By Composer unknown, before 1890 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00531 Thou, Lord, Art Love, and Everywhere Clapham, CM By Composer unknown, before 1890 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00531 Thy Goodness, Lord, Our Souls Confess Clapham, CM By Composer unknown, before 1890 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00532 Cleansing Fountain, CMD Cleansing Fountain, CMD By 19th Century camp meeting melody DP02.3 MV06 GHC00532 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood Cleansing Fountain, CMD By 19th Century camp meeting melody DP02.3 MV06 GHC00533 Cleansing Wave Cleansing Wave By Phoebe Worrall Palmer (1807-1874) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00534 Clear as Crystal Clear as Crystal By George Frederick Root, 1885 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00535 Cleethorpes, 76.76 D refrain Cleethorpes, 76.76 D refrain By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00536 Clewer, 65.65 Clewer, 65.65 By Anonymous DP02.3 MV06 GHC00537 Clifton College, 87.87.47 Clifton College, 87.87.47 By Herbert Stanley Oakeley, 1889 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00537 Lord, Behold Us with Thy Blessing Clifton College, 87.87.47 By Herbert Stanley Oakeley, 1889 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00538 Behold the Messengers of Christ Clifton (Turpin), CM By E. H. Turpin DP02.3 MV06 GHC00538 Clifton (Turpin), CM Clifton (Turpin), CM By E. H. Turpin DP02.3 MV06 GHC00539 Cling to the Bible Cling to the Bible By James Ramsey Murray (1841-1905) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00540 Clinton, CM Clinton, CM By Jospeh Perry Holbrook, 1870 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00541 Cloisters, Cloisters, By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00542 Clolata, LM Clolata, LM By W. St. Clair Palmer (1865-?) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00542 I Shall Not Want Clolata, LM By W. St. Clair Palmer (1865-?) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00542 Jesus! Whose Blood So Freely Streamed Clolata, LM By W. St. Clair Palmer (1865-?) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00543 Closer Walk Closer Walk By Traditional folk song DP02.3 MV06 GHC00543 Just a Closer Walk with Thee Closer Walk By Traditional folk song DP02.3 MV06 GHC00544 Close Thy Heart No More Close Thy Heart No More By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1892 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00545 Close to Thee Close to Thee By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1874 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00546 Cobb, 88.78.87 Cobb, 88.78.87 By Gerard Francis Cobb (1838-1904) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00546 Come, Pure Hearts Cobb, 88.78.87 By Gerard Francis Cobb (1838-1904) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00546 Zion, to Thy Savior Singing Cobb, 88.78.87 By Gerard Francis Cobb (1838-1904) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00547 All My Hope on God Is Founded Coblentz, 87.87.77 By Anonymous DP02.3 MV06 GHC00547 Coblentz, 87.87.77 Coblentz, 87.87.77 By Anonymous DP02.3 MV06 GHC00548 Christ, the Fair Glory of the Holy Angels Coelites Plaudant, By Rouen church melody DP02.3 MV06 GHC00548 Coelites Plaudant, Coelites Plaudant, By Rouen church melody DP02.3 MV06 GHC00548 Honor and Glory, Power and Salvation Coelites Plaudant, By Rouen church melody DP02.3 MV06 GHC00549 Coena Domini, 10.10 Coena Domini, 10.10 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00550 Colchester, 88.88.88 Colchester, 88.88.88 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00550 With Solemn Faith We Offer Up Colchester, 88.88.88 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00551 Colwyn Bay, 886D Colwyn Bay, 886D By Thomas Joseph Linekar (1858-?) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00551 O Lord, Be Thou My Helper True Colwyn Bay, 886D By Thomas Joseph Linekar (1858-?) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00552 Come Come By Mrs. James G. Johnson DP02.3 MV06 GHC00553 Come Again Come Again By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1867 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00554 Come and Dine Come and Dine By Charles Brenton Widmeyer, 1907 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00555 Come Believing! Come Believing! By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00556 Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00557 Come, Children, Raise Your Voices Come, Children, Raise Your Voices By Maude Gilchrist Sewall (1872-?), circa 1910 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00558 Come, Come Away! Come, Come Away! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP02.3 MV06 GHC00559 Come, Come, Ye Saints Come, Come, Ye Saints By Adapted J. T. White, Sacred Harp, 1844 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00559 Vinde, O Santos Come, Come, Ye Saints By Adapted J. T. White, Sacred Harp, 1844 DP02.3 MV06 GHC00560 Come, for All Things Are Ready Come, for All Things Are Ready By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00562 Come In, O Blessed One Come In, O Blessed One By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1890 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00562 Come in, O Blessed One Come In, O Blessed One By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1890 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00563 Come, Oh, Come to Me Come, Oh, Come to Me By Lizzie Akers, 1902 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00564 Come, Oh Come, with Thy Broken Heart Come, Oh Come, with Thy Broken Heart, CMD By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00564 Come, Oh Come, with Thy Broken Heart, CMD Come, Oh Come, with Thy Broken Heart, CMD By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00565 Come Over and Help Us Come Over and Help Us By A. F. Myers, 1897 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00565 Come Over and Help us Come Over and Help Us By A. F. Myers, 1897 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00566 Come and See, Come and See, By Carey Bonner DP03.1 MV07 GHC00566 Who Is This of Whom Ye Tell? Come and See, By Carey Bonner DP03.1 MV07 GHC00567 Come, Shout and Sing Come, Shout and Sing By James Conner Bateman, 1881 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00568 Come Sing, 76.76 D Come Sing, 76.76 D By T. L. Forbes DP03.1 MV07 GHC00569 Come, Sinner, Come Come, Sinner, Come By W. E. Witter DP03.1 MV07 GHC00570 Come, Soul, and Find Thy Rest O Don't Stay Away By W. J. Stuart, 1895 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00570 O Don't Stay Away O Don't Stay Away By W. J. Stuart, 1895 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00571 Come to Jesus Come to Jesus By Eden Reeder Latta DP03.1 MV07 GHC00573 Come to the Fountain Come to the Fountain By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00574 Come to the Savior Come to the Savior By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00575 Come unto Me (Dykes), 76.76 D Come unto Me (Dykes), 76.76 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00576 Come unto Me, and Rest Come unto Me, and Rest By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00577 Come Unto Me Come Unto Me By Charles P. Jones DP03.1 MV07 GHC00577 Come unto Me (Jones) Come Unto Me By Charles P. Jones DP03.1 MV07 GHC00578 Come unto Me Come unto Me By Nathaniel Norton, 1887 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00578 Come unto Me (Norton) Come unto Me By Nathaniel Norton, 1887 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00579 Come Unto Me, Ye Weary Come Unto Me, Ye Weary By George Coles Stebbins (1846-1945) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00579 Come unto me, Ye Weary (Crosby) Come Unto Me, Ye Weary By George Coles Stebbins (1846-1945) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00580 Come With Rejoicing Come with Rejoicing By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1882 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00580 Come with Rejoicing Come with Rejoicing By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1882 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00581 Coming, Coming, Yes They Are Coming, Coming, Yes They Are By J. Wakefield McGill DP03.1 MV07 GHC00581 Coming, Coming, Yes, They Are Coming, Coming, Yes They Are By J. Wakefield McGill DP03.1 MV07 GHC00582 Coming Today Out on the Desert By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1889 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00582 Out on the Desert Out on the Desert By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1889 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00583 Coming Up the Road Coming up the Road By Thoro Harris, 1919 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00583 Coming up the Road Coming up the Road By Thoro Harris, 1919 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00584 Commandments, 98.98 Commandments, 98.98 By Louis Bourgeois, 1543 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00585 And Now, Beloved Lord, Thy Soul Resigning Commendatio, 11.10,11.10 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00585 Commendatio, 11.10,11.10 Commendatio, 11.10,11.10 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00586 Communio, 10.10 Communio, 10.10 By C. Bucknall DP03.1 MV07 GHC00586 O Christ, Our God Communio, 10.10 By C. Bucknall DP03.1 MV07 GHC00587 Communion, 64.64.664 Communion, 64.64.664 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley DP03.1 MV07 GHC00588 Commonwealth, 76.76..88.84 Commonwealth, 76.76..88.84 By Josiah Booth DP03.1 MV07 GHC00588 When Wilt Thou Save the People? Commonwealth, 76.76..88.84 By Josiah Booth DP03.1 MV07 GHC00589 Compton, 87.77 Compton, 87.77 By Old English melody DP03.1 MV07 GHC00589 God, Our Father, Made the Daylight Compton, 87.77 By Old English melody DP03.1 MV07 GHC00590 Conditor Alme, LMD Conditor Alme, LMD By Transl John M. Neale 1852 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00590 Creator of the Stars of Night Conditor Alme, LMD By Transl John M. Neale 1852 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00591 Booth, LM Booth, LM By Anonymous DP03.1 MV07 GHC00592 Confidence (Merrill), 77.77 Confidence (Merrill), 77.77 By William Pierson Merrill, 1895 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00593 Confidence (Ouseley), 77.77 Confidence (Ouseley), 77.77 By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00593 Forty Days Thy Seer of Old Confidence (Ouseley), 77.77 By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00594 Confidence (Rodeheaver) Confidence (Rodeheaver) By Homer Alvan Rodeheaver, ca. 1911 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00594 Walk Thou with Me Confidence (Rodeheaver) By Homer Alvan Rodeheaver, ca. 1911 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00595 Conisborough, 10.10 D Conisborough, 10.10 D By Wilfrid Sanderson, 1919 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00595 Great Master, Touch Us Conisborough, 10.10 D By Wilfrid Sanderson, 1919 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00596 Conquering Now and Still to Conquer Conquering Now and Still to Conquer By John Robson Sweney, (1837-1899) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00597 Consecration, 77.77 Consecration, 77.77 By Charles Vincent (1852-?) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00597 When My Love to God Grows Weak Consecration, 77.77 By Charles Vincent (1852-?) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00598 Consolation (Cramer), 78.78.77 Consolation (Cramer), 78.78.77 By Francis Cramer, 1879 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00598 Gentle Shepherd, Thou Hast Stilled Consolation (Cramer), 78.78.77 By Francis Cramer, 1879 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00599 Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain Consolation (Lindemann), 87.87.77 By Ludvig Mattias Lindeman, 1871 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00599 Consolation (Lindemann), 87.87.77 Consolation (Lindemann), 87.87.77 By Ludvig Mattias Lindeman, 1871 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00600 Consolation (Mendelssohn) Consolation (Mendelssohn) By Arranged from Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00600 Still, Still with Thee Consolation (Mendelssohn) By Arranged from Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00601 Consolation (Ulster), 86.86.86 Consolation (Ulster), 86.86.86 By Folk Hymn DP03.1 MV07 GHC00602 Come, Ye Disconsolate Consolator By Samuel Webbe, Sr., 1792 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00602 Consolator Consolator By Samuel Webbe, Sr., 1792 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00603 Constance (Gauntlett), LM Constance (Gauntlett), LM By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00603 Ye Servants of Our Glorious King Constance (Gauntlett), LM By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00604 Constance (Sullivan), 87.87 D Constance (Sullivan), 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1875 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00604 I've Found a Friend Constance (Sullivan), 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1875 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00605 Constantly Abiding Constantly Abiding By Anne S. Murphy, 1908 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00606 Contemplation, CM Contemplation, CM By Frederic Arthur Gore-Ouseley (1825-89)) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00607 Cooling, CM Cooling, CM By Alonzo Judson Abbey (1825-1887) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00607 I Worship Thee, O Holy Ghost Cooling, CM By Alonzo Judson Abbey (1825-1887) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00608 Christ's Life Our Code Copeland, LM By Karl Pomery Harrington (1861-1953) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00608 Copeland, LM Copeland, LM By Karl Pomery Harrington (1861-1953) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00609 Copenhagen, CM Copenhagen, CM By Peter Christian Lutkin DP03.1 MV07 GHC00610 Cordis Donum, Cordis Donum, By Clausener Gesangbuch, 1653 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00610 To Thee My Heart I Offer Cordis Donum, By Clausener Gesangbuch, 1653 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00611 Cornell, CM Cornell, CM By John Henry Cornell (1828-1894) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00611 Let Zion's Watchmen All Awake Cornell, CM By John Henry Cornell (1828-1894) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00612 Cornwall, 88.68.86 Cornwall, 88.68.86 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00613 Come, Thou Conqueror of the Nations Coronae, 87.87.47 By William Henry Monk, 1871 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00613 Coronae, 87.87.47 Coronae, 87.87.47 By William Henry Monk, 1871 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00613 God Is Love, by Him Upholden Coronae, 87.87.47 By William Henry Monk, 1871 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00613 Mighty Lord, Extend Thy Kingdom Coronae, 87.87.47 By William Henry Monk, 1871 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00613 Savior! Hasten Thine Appearing Coronae, 87.87.47 By William Henry Monk, 1871 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00614 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Coronation, CM By Oliver Holden, 1793 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00614 Coronation, CM Coronation, CM By Oliver Holden, 1793 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00614 Welcome, Thou Victor in the Strife Coronation, CM By Oliver Holden, 1793 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00615 Corwin, 86.866.D Corwin, 86.866.D By J. W. Lerman (1864-?) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00615 God's Trumpet Wakes the Slumbering World Corwin, 86.866.D By J. W. Lerman (1864-?) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00616 Corydon, 77.77 D Corydon, 77.77 D By Lowell Mason, 1841 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00616 Lord, Thy Church Hath Seen Thee Rise Corydon, 77.77 D By Lowell Mason, 1841 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00617 Cottman, 76.76 D Cottman, 76.76 D By Arthur Cottman (1842-1879) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00617 Follow Me, the Master Said Cottman, 76.76 D By Arthur Cottman (1842-1879) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00618 Count Your Blessings Count Your Blessings By Johnson Oatman, 1897 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00619 Courage, 87.87 D Courage, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00619 Courage, Brother, Do Not Stumble Courage, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00620 coventry Dorrell coventry Dorrell By W. Dorrell, 1853 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00621 Coventry Carol Coventry Carol By Renaissance carol DP03.1 MV07 GHC00622 Covered by the Blood Covered by the Blood By Nellie Edwards, 20th Century DP03.1 MV07 GHC00623 Cover with His Life Cover with His Life By Franklin Edson Belden (1858-1945) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00624 Cradle Song, Cradle Song, By William James Kirkpatric, 1895 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00624 Njehere Ne Nje Stalle Cradle Song, By William James Kirkpatric, 1895 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00624 Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep Cradle Song, By William James Kirkpatric, 1895 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00624 We Rear Not a Temple Cradle Song, By William James Kirkpatric, 1895 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00625 Cranham Cranham By Gustav Holst, 1906 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00625 In the Bleak Midwinter Cranham By Gustav Holst, 1906 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00625 While the World Awaited Cranham By Gustav Holst, 1906 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00626 Creation Creation By Franz Josef Haydn, 1798 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00626 Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim Creation By Franz Josef Haydn, 1798 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00626 O God, I Cried, No Dark Disguise Creation By Franz Josef Haydn, 1798 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00626 Oh Realm of Light Creation By Franz Josef Haydn, 1798 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00626 Spacious Firmament on High, The Creation By Franz Josef Haydn, 1798 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00627 Crediton, CM Crediton, CM By T. Clark, 1807 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00627 Father of Peace, and God of Love Crediton, CM By T. Clark, 1807 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00628 Credo, 88.88.88 Credo, 88.88.88 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00629 Credo Domine, Credo Domine, By Charles Harford Lloyd, 1916 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00629 My Sins Have Taken Such a Hold on Me Credo Domine, By Charles Harford Lloyd, 1916 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00630 Crimea, LM Crimea, LM By Thoro Harris DP03.1 MV07 GHC00630 When Marshaled on the Nightly Plain Crimea, LM By Thoro Harris DP03.1 MV07 GHC00631 Crimond, CM Crimond, CM By Jessie Seymour Irvine, 1872 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00632 Christe Du Beistand, Christe Du Beistand, By Matthaus Apelles von Lowenstern (1594-1648) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00632 Father Most Holy, Merciful and Tender Christe Du Beistand, By Matthaus Apelles von Lowenstern (1594-1648) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00633 Critchlow, CM Critchlow, CM By Thoro Harris, before 1911 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00634 Crofton, Crofton, By Edward, Lord Crofton, 1893 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00635 Croft's 148th, Croft's 148th, By William Croft (1768-1727) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00635 Lo! from the Desert Homes Croft's 148th, By William Croft (1768-1727) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00636 All Mortal Vanities, Begone Cromer, LM By John Ambrose Lloyd (1815-1874) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00636 Cromer, LM Cromer, LM By John Ambrose Lloyd (1815-1874) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00636 O Christ, Our King, Creator, Lord Cromer, LM By John Ambrose Lloyd (1815-1874) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00636 To God, the Universal King Cromer, LM By John Ambrose Lloyd (1815-1874) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00636 Who Shall the Lord's Elect Condemn? Cromer, LM By John Ambrose Lloyd (1815-1874) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00637 Crossing the Bar Crossing the Bar By Alfred Tennyson, 1889 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00638 Cross and crown Cross and Crown By Hen­ry Hou­se­ley, 1896 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00638 While sinks our land to realms of night Cross and Crown By Hen­ry Hou­se­ley, 1896 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00639 Cross of Christ! Lead Onward Cross of Christ! Lead Onward By Russell Kelso Carter (1849-1928) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00640 Cross of Jesus Cross of Jesus (Stainer), 87.87 By John Stainer, 1887 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00640 Cross of Jesus (Stainer), 87.87 Cross of Jesus (Stainer), 87.87 By John Stainer, 1887 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00641 Crowborough, LM Crowborough, LM By W. G. Whinfield DP03.1 MV07 GHC00642 Crucifer (Nicholson), 10 10 with refrain Crucifer (Nicholson), 10 10 with refrain By Sydney Hugo Nicholson, 1916 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00642 Lift High the Cross Crucifer (Nicholson), 10 10 with refrain By Sydney Hugo Nicholson, 1916 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00643 Crucis Milites, 77.77 Crucis Milites, 77.77 By Myles Birket Foster, 1889 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00644 Crucis Victoria, CM Crucis Victoria, CM By Myles Birket Foster, 1889 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00645 Cruger, 76.76 D Cruger, 76.76 D By Adapted by W. H. Monk from chorale by J. Cruger DP03.1 MV07 GHC00646 Beautiful Savior Crusader's Hymn By Silesian folk song DP03.1 MV07 GHC00646 Cristo, Eres Justo Rey Crusader's Hymn By Silesian folk song DP03.1 MV07 GHC00646 Crusader's Hymn Crusader's Hymn By Silesian folk song DP03.1 MV07 GHC00646 Fairest Lord Jesus Crusader's Hymn By Silesian folk song DP03.1 MV07 GHC00647 Crux Crudelis, LM Crux Crudelis, LM By Albert Lister peace, 1885 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00647 Voice upon the Midnight Air, A Crux Crudelis, LM By Albert Lister peace, 1885 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00648 By the Sea of Crystal Crystal, 65.65 D By William Kuipers, 1933 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00648 Crystal, 65.65 D Crystal, 65.65 D By William Kuipers, 1933 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00649 Crystal Songs Crystal Songs By Annie Cummings, 1877 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00650 Cry of Faith, Cry of Faith, By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00650 Lord, When Thy Kingdom Comes Cry of Faith, By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00651 Abide in Me, O Lord Cuba, By Anoynyous, 1853 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00651 Cuba, Cuba, By Anoynyous, 1853 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00652 Culbach, 77.77 Culbach, 77.77 By Johann Scheffler, 1657 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00652 Life of Ages, Richly Poured Culbach, 77.77 By Johann Scheffler, 1657 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00653 Culford, 77.77 D Culford, 77.77 D By Edward John Hopkins, 1867 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00653 Go, Ye Messengers of God Culford, 77.77 D By Edward John Hopkins, 1867 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00653 Jesu, for the Beacon-Light Culford, 77.77 D By Edward John Hopkins, 1867 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00653 See How Great a Flame Aspires Culford, 77.77 D By Edward John Hopkins, 1867 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00653 Thou, the Christ Forever One Culford, 77.77 D By Edward John Hopkins, 1867 DP03.1 MV07 GHC00654 Curfew, Curfew, By Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927) DP03.1 MV07 GHC00654 Peacefully Round Us the Shadows Are Falling Curfew, By Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00655 Cushman Cushman By Herbert B. Turner, 1907 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00655 We Would See Jesus (Park) Cushman By Herbert B. Turner, 1907 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00656 Cutting, 664.666.4 Cutting, 664.666.4 By Wiliam Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00656 God, Who Omniscient Art Cutting, 664.666.4 By Wiliam Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00657 Come, Ye Saints, Look Here and Wonder Cwm Rhondda, By John Hughes (1873-1932) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00657 Cwm Rhondda Cwm Rhondda, By John Hughes (1873-1932) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00657 Cwm Rhondda, Cwm Rhondda, By John Hughes (1873-1932) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00657 God of Grace and God of Glory Cwm Rhondda, By John Hughes (1873-1932) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00657 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Cwm Rhondda, By John Hughes (1873-1932) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00657 Jeov , S Nosso Guia Cwm Rhondda, By John Hughes (1873-1932) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00657 Let Us Rise in Early Morning Cwm Rhondda, By John Hughes (1873-1932) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00657 Zot Shp‰rblyes Udh‰heqm‰ Cwm Rhondda, By John Hughes (1873-1932) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00658 Daily, Daily, 87.87 D Daily, Daily, 87.87 D By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00658 Daily, Daily, Sing the Praises Daily, Daily, 87.87 D By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00659 Come, Thou Desire of All Thy Saints Dalehurst, CM By Arthur Cottman, 1874 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00659 Dalehurst, CM Dalehurst, CM By Arthur Cottman, 1874 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00659 Lord Be with us, The Dalehurst, CM By Arthur Cottman, 1874 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00659 Lord, While for All Mankind We Pray Dalehurst, CM By Arthur Cottman, 1874 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00659 O Thou Who by a Star Didst Guide Dalehurst, CM By Arthur Cottman, 1874 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00659 Who Is Thy Neighbor Dalehurst, CM By Arthur Cottman, 1874 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00660 Dalkeith, Dalkeith, By T. Hewlett DP03.2 MV08 GHC00661 Dallas, 77.77 Dallas, 77.77 By Arranged from Maria L. Cherubini (1760-1842) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00662 Dalston, 66.86.68 Dalston, 66.86.68 By Aaron Williams (1731-1776) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00662 How Pleased and Blest Was I Dalston, 66.86.68 By Aaron Williams (1731-1776) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00663 Danby, LM Danby, LM By English traditional melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00663 Tis Winter Now, the Fallen Snow Danby, LM By English traditional melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00664 Dare to Be a Daniel Dare to Be a Daniel By Philip Paul Bliss, 1873 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00665 Dark Is the Night Dark Is the Night By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00666 All Ye That Pass By Darlington, By Anonymous DP03.2 MV08 GHC00666 Darlington, Darlington, By Anonymous DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Before the Lord We Bow Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Darwall's 148th Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Happy Morn Is Come, The Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Hills of the North, Rejoice Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Join All the Glorious Names Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Lord Jehovah Reigns, The Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Lord of the Worlds Above Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 On What Has Now Been Sown Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Rejoice, the Lord Is King Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Shall Hymns of Grateful Love Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00667 Sweet Place Darwall's 148th By John Darwall, 1770 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00668 Das Herrlich Hohe Fest, 66.66.668 Das Herrlich Hohe Fest, 66.66.668 By C. Peter, ca. 1674 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00668 Merits of the Saints, The Das Herrlich Hohe Fest, 66.66.668 By C. Peter, ca. 1674 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00669 Das Ist Meine Freude, 76.76.776 Das Ist Meine Freude, 76.76.776 By Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen (1670-1739) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00669 Dost Thou Truly Seek Renown Das Ist Meine Freude, 76.76.776 By Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen (1670-1739) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00670 Das Lieben Bringt Grob Freud Das Lieben Bringt Grob Freud By Friedrich Silcher, 1827 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00670 O for a Shout of Joy Das Lieben Bringt Grob Freud By Friedrich Silcher, 1827 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00670 On Wings of Living Light Das Lieben Bringt Grob Freud By Friedrich Silcher, 1827 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00670 Welcome, Delightful Morn Das Lieben Bringt Grob Freud By Friedrich Silcher, 1827 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00671 Bless Thou the Gifts Our Hands Have Brought Das Walt' Gott Vater, LM By Daniel Vetter, 1713, adapted by J. S. Bach DP03.2 MV08 GHC00671 Das Walt' Gott Vater, LM Das Walt' Gott Vater, LM By Daniel Vetter, 1713, adapted by J. S. Bach DP03.2 MV08 GHC00671 O Happy Day, When First Was Poured Das Walt' Gott Vater, LM By Daniel Vetter, 1713, adapted by J. S. Bach DP03.2 MV08 GHC00672 David's Harp, 88.88.88 David's Harp, 88.88.88 By Robert King, 1722 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00673 Davis, Davis, By Attributed to Freeman Lewis, 1813 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00673 O Thou in Whose Presence Davis, By Attributed to Freeman Lewis, 1813 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00674 Day-Star Day-Star By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00675 A Je Ti i Lodhur Dayton By Edmund Simon Lorenz (1854-1942) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00675 Dayton Dayton By Edmund Simon Lorenz (1854-1942) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00675 Tell It to Jesus Dayton By Edmund Simon Lorenz (1854-1942) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00676 Day by Day, 87.87 Day by Day, 87.87 By Edmund Sardinson Carter, 1874 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00677 Day of Rest, 76.76 D Day of Rest, 76.76 D By James W. Elliott (1833-1915) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00677 From Bethany, the Master Day of Rest, 76.76 D By James W. Elliott (1833-1915) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00678 Da Jesus an des Kreuzes, 88.78.7 Da Jesus an des Kreuzes, 88.78.7 By German melody, circa 1400 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00678 Our Blessd Savior Seven Times Spoke Da Jesus an des Kreuzes, 88.78.7 By German melody, circa 1400 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00679 Da Pacem, 87.87 D Da Pacem, 87.87 D By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00679 Give Peace in These Our Days Da Pacem, 87.87 D By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00680 Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me? Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me? By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00681 Dear Little Stranger Dear Little Stranger By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, circa 1900 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00682 Death, 77.77 Death, 77.77 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00682 God the Father, God the Son Death, 77.77 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00683 Death Hath No Terrors Death Hath No Terrors By Charles Price Jones (1865-1949) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00684 Decision Decision By Charles Austin Miles, 1922 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00685 Dedekam, CMD Dedekam, CMD By Sophie Dedekam (1820-1894) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00685 How Blest the Man Who Thoughtfully Dedekam, CMD By Sophie Dedekam (1820-1894) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00686 Dedication, SM Dedication, SM By E. Gilding, 1762 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00687 Dedication (Sea), 65.75 Dedication (Sea), 65.75 By M. A. Sea DP03.2 MV08 GHC00687 I Belong to Jesus Dedication (Sea), 65.75 By M. A. Sea DP03.2 MV08 GHC00688 Deeper, Deeper Deeper, Deeper By Charles Price Jones (?-1949) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00689 Deeper and Deeper Deeper and Deeper By Oswald Jeffrey Smith, 1914 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00690 Deeper Yet Deeper Yet By Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00691 Deep Harmony, LM Deep Harmony, LM By Handel Parker (?-1928) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00692 Deep River Deep River By African-American Spiritual DP03.2 MV08 GHC00693 Deerhurst, 87.87 D Deerhurst, 87.87 D By James Langran, 1859 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00693 Lamb of God! Our Souls Adore Thee Deerhurst, 87.87 D By James Langran, 1859 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00694 Delphine, Delphine, By Hart Pease Danks (1834-1903) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00694 Make Haste, O My God, to Deliver Delphine, By Hart Pease Danks (1834-1903) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00695 Denbigh, Denbigh, By Welsh melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00696 Denby, 66.66 D Denby, 66.66 D By Charles J. Dale, 1904 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00696 Lord, Hear Me in Distress Denby, 66.66 D By Charles J. Dale, 1904 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00697 And Are We Yet Alive? Dennis By Johann G. Nageli; arranged by Lowell Mason 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00697 Beni Soit le Lien Dennis By Johann G. Nageli; arranged by Lowell Mason 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00697 Blest Be the Tie That Binds Dennis By Johann G. Nageli; arranged by Lowell Mason 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00697 Dennis Dennis By Johann G. Nageli; arranged by Lowell Mason 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00697 How Gentle God's Commands Dennis By Johann G. Nageli; arranged by Lowell Mason 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00697 Man Is Ever Bless'd, The Dennis By Johann G. Nageli; arranged by Lowell Mason 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00697 Rites Cannot Change the Heart Dennis By Johann G. Nageli; arranged by Lowell Mason 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00697 Velsigna Band Som Bind Dennis By Johann G. Nageli; arranged by Lowell Mason 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00698 Deo Gracias Deo Gracias By English melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00698 O Love, How Deep Deo Gracias By English melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00699 Ships Glide in at the Harbor's Mouth The Ships Glide in at the Harbor's Mouth By Margaret Elizabeth Munson Sangster, 1893 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00699 The Ships Glide in at the Harbor's Mouth The Ships Glide in at the Harbor's Mouth By Margaret Elizabeth Munson Sangster, 1893 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00700 Derry, 88.86 Derry, 88.86 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00700 Forsaken Once, and Thrice Denied Derry, 88.86 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00701 Der am Kreuz, Der am Kreuz, By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00701 Jesus, Grant That Balm and Healing Der am Kreuz, By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00701 On My Heart Imprint Thine Image Der am Kreuz, By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00702 Der Tag Bricht An, LM Der Tag Bricht An, LM By Melody probably by Melchior Vulpius (1560-1616) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00702 My God! My God! And Can It Be Der Tag Bricht An, LM By Melody probably by Melchior Vulpius (1560-1616) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00703 Der Tag, der Ist, Der Tag, der Ist, By German melody, 15th Century DP03.2 MV08 GHC00703 Holy Spirit, God of Love Der Tag, der Ist, By German melody, 15th Century DP03.2 MV08 GHC00704 Almighty Father, Who Dost Give Deus Tuorum Militum, LM By Grenoble church melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00704 Deus Tuorum Militum, LM Deus Tuorum Militum, LM By Grenoble church melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00704 Eternal Monarch, King Most High Deus Tuorum Militum, LM By Grenoble church melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00704 God Help Our Country to Be Strong Deus Tuorum Militum, LM By Grenoble church melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00704 Lord Is King!, The (Terry) Deus Tuorum Militum, LM By Grenoble church melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00705 Deva, 65.65 D Deva, 65.65 D By Edward J. Hopkins (1818-1901) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00705 Tell the Blessed Tidings Deva, 65.65 D By Edward J. Hopkins (1818-1901) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00706 Deventer, LM Deventer, LM By Berthold Tours, 1872 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00706 Great God! Beneath Whose Piercing Eye Deventer, LM By Berthold Tours, 1872 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00707 Devonshire, 76.76 Devonshire, 76.76 By English traditional melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00707 Year Is Swiftly Waning, The Devonshire, 76.76 By English traditional melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00708 De Profundis, 88.77 De Profundis, 88.77 By Adapted from an English traditional melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00708 To My Humble Supplication De Profundis, 88.77 By Adapted from an English traditional melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00709 Diadema, Diadema, By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00710 Diadema, Diadema, By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00710 Still Will We Trust Diadema, By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 A Cristo Coronad Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Crown Him with Many Crowns Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Diademata Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Give Thanks to God the Lord Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 I Lift My Heart to Thee (Sternhold) Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Jesus, the Conqueror, Reigns Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Kurorezo Ate Mbi Fronin, Qengjin Tone Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Make Me a Captive, Lord Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Maker in Whom We Live Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Mighty God, the Lord, The Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Now in the Days of Youth Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 O Thou Who Dwell'st on High Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Prisoners of Hope, Arise Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Soldiers of Christ, Arise Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00711 Thou Judge of Quick and Dead Diademata By George Job Elvey, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00712 Did You Think to Pray, Did You Think to Pray, By W. O. Perkins DP03.2 MV08 GHC00712 Did You Think to Pray? Did You Think to Pray, By W. O. Perkins DP03.2 MV08 GHC00713 Dies Dominica Dies Dominica By John Bacchus Dykes DP03.2 MV08 GHC00713 We Pray Thee, Heavenly Father Dies Dominica By John Bacchus Dykes DP03.2 MV08 GHC00714 Day of Wrath, O Day of Mourning Dies Irae (Dykes), 888 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00714 Dies Irae (Dykes), 888 Dies Irae (Dykes), 888 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00715 Dies sind die heil'gen Dies sind die heil'gen By German melody, circa 1200 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00715 Dies sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot' Dies sind die heil'gen By German melody, circa 1200 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00715 That Man a Godly Life Might Live Dies sind die heil'gen By German melody, circa 1200 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00716 Evening and Morning The Golden Sun By Johann Georg Ebeling (1637-1676) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00716 The Golden Sun The Golden Sun By Johann Georg Ebeling (1637-1676) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00717 Dijon, 87.87 Dijon, 87.87 By Fliedner's Song Book, 1842 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00717 Father, Bless the Gifts We Bring Thee Dijon, 87.87 By Fliedner's Song Book, 1842 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00718 Dilwyn, CM Dilwyn, CM By Trad. English melody, arr by R. V. Williams DP03.2 MV08 GHC00718 Dives and Lazarus Dilwyn, CM By Trad. English melody, arr by R. V. Williams DP03.2 MV08 GHC00719 Dir, Dir, Jehovah, Dir, Dir, Jehovah, By Johannes Anastasius Freylinghausen DP03.2 MV08 GHC00719 Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore Thee Dir, Dir, Jehovah, By Johannes Anastasius Freylinghausen DP03.2 MV08 GHC00720 Dismissal, 87.87.87 Dismissal, 87.87.87 By William L. Viner, 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00720 Gracious Savior, Gentle Shepherd Dismissal, 87.87.87 By William L. Viner, 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00721 Diva Servatrix, Diva Servatrix, By Bayeux Antiphoner, 1739 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00722 As with Gladness, Men of Old Dix, 77.77.77 By Conrad Kocher, 1838 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00722 Blessed Savior, Thee I Love Dix, 77.77.77 By Conrad Kocher, 1838 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00722 Chief of Sinners Dix, 77.77.77 By Conrad Kocher, 1838 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00722 Come, Divine Interpreter Dix, 77.77.77 By Conrad Kocher, 1838 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00722 Dix, 77.77.77 Dix, 77.77.77 By Conrad Kocher, 1838 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00722 For the Beauty of the Earth Dix, 77.77.77 By Conrad Kocher, 1838 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00722 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord (Wordsworth) Dix, 77.77.77 By Conrad Kocher, 1838 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00722 Lord, Thy Children Guide and Keep Dix, 77.77.77 By Conrad Kocher, 1838 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00722 O Give Thanks to Hiim Who Made Dix, 77.77.77 By Conrad Kocher, 1838 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00723 Does Jesus Care? Does Jesus Care? By J. Lincoln Hall, circa 1901 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00724 Does Thy Savior Pilot Thee? Does Thy Savior Pilot Thee? By William T. Hadley DP03.2 MV08 GHC00725 Dolgelly, 66.66.88 Dolgelly, 66.66.88 By Welsh hymn melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00726 Dolomite Chant Dolomite Chant By Austrian melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00726 Not So In Haste, My Heart Dolomite Chant By Austrian melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00727 Domine Probasti, LM Domine Probasti, LM By Alfred Pettett, 1826 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00727 Thou, Lord, by Strictest Search Hast Known Domine Probasti, LM By Alfred Pettett, 1826 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00728 Dominica, SM Dominica, SM By Herbert Stanley Oakeley (1830-1903) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00729 Dominus Regit Me, 87.87 Dominus Regit Me, 87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00730 Dona, 86.84 Dona, 86.84 By John Goss (1800-1880) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00731 Advent of Our God, The Doncaster, SM By Samuel Wesley, 1837 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00731 Doncaster, SM Doncaster, SM By Samuel Wesley, 1837 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00731 Maker and Sov'reign Lord Doncaster, SM By Samuel Wesley, 1837 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00731 Put Thou Thy Trust in God Doncaster, SM By Samuel Wesley, 1837 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00732 Donne Secours, Donne Secours, By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00732 O Son of God, Our Captain of Salvation Donne Secours, By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00732 Our Nation, God, Its Heart to Thee Upraiseth Donne Secours, By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00733 Don't Forget the Sabbath Don't Forget the Sabbath By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00734 Don't Lose the Vision Don't Lose the Vision By Frederick W. Suffield, 1920 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00735 Dorking, LM Dorking, LM By Rev. C. Powell DP03.2 MV08 GHC00736 Dorrnance Dorrnance By Isaac B. Wood­bu­ry, 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00736 From the table now retiring Dorrnance By Isaac B. Wood­bu­ry, 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00736 Mindful of our human frailty Dorrnance By Isaac B. Wood­bu­ry, 1845 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00737 Dort, Dort, By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00737 Thou, Whose Almighty Word Dort, By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00738 Dover, 55.86 Dover, 55.86 By Old English melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00738 O God, My Heavenly King Dover, 55.86 By Old English melody DP03.2 MV08 GHC00739 Doversdale, LM Doversdale, LM By Samuel Stanley (1767-1822) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00739 Jesus, My Advocate Above Doversdale, LM By Samuel Stanley (1767-1822) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00739 O Life That Makest All Things New Doversdale, LM By Samuel Stanley (1767-1822) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00739 O Lord, Thou Art My God and King Doversdale, LM By Samuel Stanley (1767-1822) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00740 As When the Hebrew Prophet Raised Downs, CM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00740 Blest Are the Undefiled in Heart Downs, CM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00740 Downs, CM Downs, CM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00740 Steps of Those Whom He Approves, The Downs, CM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00741 Come Down, O Love Divine Down Ampney By Ralph Vaughan Williams DP03.2 MV08 GHC00741 Down Ampney Down Ampney By Ralph Vaughan Williams DP03.2 MV08 GHC00742 Down at the Cross Down at the Cross By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1878 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00743 Down in the Valley Down in the Valley By Translated from Swedish by S. C.Theodore Ramsey DP03.2 MV08 GHC00744 Do You See the Hebrew Captive Kneeling? Do You See the Hebrew Captive Kneeling? By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP03.2 MV08 GHC00745 Draper, Draper, By Uttingen Manuscript, 1754 DP03.2 MV08 GHC00746 Draw Me Closer, Lord, to Thee Draw Me Closer, Lord, to Thee By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1898 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00747 Dretzel, 87.87.77 Dretzel, 87.87.77 By C. H. Dretzel, 1731 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00747 Through the Day thy Love Has Spared Us Dretzel, 87.87.77 By C. H. Dretzel, 1731 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00748 Duane Street Duane Street By George Coles (1792-1858) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00748 From Every Spire on Christmas Eve Duane Street By George Coles (1792-1858) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00748 Hail, Sovereign Love Duane Street By George Coles (1792-1858) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00748 I Saw One Weary Duane Street By George Coles (1792-1858) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00748 Lord of All Worlds Duane Street By George Coles (1792-1858) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00748 O That the Race of Men Would Raise Duane Street By George Coles (1792-1858) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00749 Duci Cruento Martyrum, LM Duci Cruento Martyrum, LM By Theodore Edward Aylward (1844-1933) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Almighty Father, Bless the Word Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Awake, My Tongue, Thy Tribute Bring Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Come, Let Us Tune Our Loftiest Song Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Duke Street Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 For Thee, O God, Our Constant Praise Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Forever Settled in the Heavens Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Forth in Thy Name, O Lord Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 From All That Dwell Below the Skies Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 God of the Morning, at Whose Voice Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Medley) Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Jesus Shall Reign Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Now to the Lord a Noble Song Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 O God, above the Drifting Years Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 O God, Beneath Thy Guiding Hand Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 O Lord, Thou Art My God and King Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Our Lord Is Risen from the Dead Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Perfect World, by Adam Trod, The Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Pour Out Thy Spirit from on High Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Soon May the Last Glad Song Arise Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Sovereign of Worlds! Display Thy Power Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 To Thee, O God, Whose Guiding Hand Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Unto Thy Temple, Lord, We Come Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00750 Ye Nations of the Earth, Rejoice Duke Street By John Hatton, 1793 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00751 Dulcetta, 87.87 Dulcetta, 87.87 By From Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00752 Dulce Carmen, 87.87.87 Dulce Carmen, 87.87.87 By An Essay on the Church Plain Chant, 1782 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00753 Dulce Domum Dulce Domum By Attributed to R. S. Ambrose DP03.3 MV09 GHC00753 One Sweetly Solemn Thought Dulce Domum By Attributed to R. S. Ambrose DP03.3 MV09 GHC00754 Dunbar, SM Dunbar, SM By Charles W. Dunbar, ca. 1855 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00754 I Love to Sing of Heaven Dunbar, SM By Charles W. Dunbar, ca. 1855 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 Above the Trembling Elements Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 Dundee, CM Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 God Makes a Path Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 God Moves in a Mysterious Way Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 I to the Hills Will Lift My Eyes Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 King of Heav'n His Table Spreads, The Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 Let Saints on Earth in Concert Sing Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 New Wonders of Thy Mighty Hand Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 O God, Though Countless Worlds of Light Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 O Lord, Be with Us When We Sail Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 O Thou, Who Didst with Love Untold Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 Thou Who Thyself Didst Sanctify Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 Thou, Whose Unmeasured Temple Stands Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00755 Why Do We Mourn Departing Friends? Dundee, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00756 Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast Dunfermline, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00756 Dunfermline, CM Dunfermline, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00756 Maker of Earth, to Thee Alone Dunfermline, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00756 O God, Thou Hast Rejected Us Dunfermline, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00756 O Lord, Our Lord Dunfermline, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00757 Dunfermling, CM Dunfermling, CM By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00757 If Birds That Neither Sow Nor Reap Dunfermling, CM By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00758 Before Thy People, I Confess Dunstan, 88.86.86 By Joseph Barnby, 1893 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00758 Dunstan, 88.86.86 Dunstan, 88.86.86 By Joseph Barnby, 1893 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00758 I Waited for the Lord Most High Dunstan, 88.86.86 By Joseph Barnby, 1893 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00759 Dunstan, 88.86 Dunstan, 88.86 By Joseph Barnby, 1893 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00759 Just as I Am, Thine Own to Be Dunstan, 88.86 By Joseph Barnby, 1893 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00760 Duntroon Duntroon By Ellis Govan DP03.3 MV09 GHC00760 I Will Not Be Afraid Duntroon By Ellis Govan DP03.3 MV09 GHC00761 Dusky Hands Dusky Hands By Haldor Lillenas, 1915 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00762 Day Is Past and Over, The Du Friedensfurst, Herr Jeu Christ By Bartholomaus Gesius, 1601; harm by Bach 1724 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00762 Du Friedensfurst, Herr Jeu Christ Du Friedensfurst, Herr Jeu Christ By Bartholomaus Gesius, 1601; harm by Bach 1724 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00763 Day Is Surely Drawing Near, The Du Lifvets Brod, 87.87.887 By Peter Sohren, 1668 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00763 Du Lifvets Brod, 87.87.887 Du Lifvets Brod, 87.87.887 By Peter Sohren, 1668 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00763 Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Hast Prepared Du Lifvets Brod, 87.87.887 By Peter Sohren, 1668 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00764 Du Meine Seele, Singe Du Meine Seele, Singe By Johan Georg Ebeling (1637-1676) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00764 Lift Up Your Hearts, Ye People Du Meine Seele, Singe By Johan Georg Ebeling (1637-1676) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00765 Dwelling in Beaulah Land Dwelling in Beaulah Land By C. Austin Miles, ca 1911 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00765 Dwelling in Beulah Land Dwelling in Beaulah Land By C. Austin Miles, ca 1911 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00766 Eagley, CM Eagley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00766 Is There Ambition in My Heart? Eagley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00766 Light of the Lonely Pilgrim's Heart Eagley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00766 Lord Will Come and Not Be Slow, The Eagley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00766 Lord, Thou Wilt Hear Me When I Pray Eagley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00767 Ealing, LM Ealing, LM By Herbert Stanley Oakley (1830-1903) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00768 Easter-Tide, 67.67 refrain Easter-Tide, 67.67 refrain By Adapted from David's Psalmen, Amsterdam, 1685 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00768 This Joyful Easter-Tide Easter-Tide, 67.67 refrain By Adapted from David's Psalmen, Amsterdam, 1685 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00769 Easter Morrow, Easter Morrow, By Ludvig Matthias Lindeman DP03.3 MV09 GHC00770 Easter Bells Easter Bells By Lizzie Akers, 1901 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00771 Easter Chant, LM Easter Chant, LM By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00772 Easter Flowers are Blooming Bright Easter Flowers, 77.76 refrain By George Waring Stebbins, 1913 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00772 Easter Flowers, 77.76 refrain Easter Flowers, 77.76 refrain By George Waring Stebbins, 1913 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00773 Aujourd'hui, Jour de Memoire Easter Hymn, 77.77 D By Lyra Davidica, 1708 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00773 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Lyra) Easter Hymn, 77.77 D By Lyra Davidica, 1708 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00773 Easter Hymn, 77.77 D Easter Hymn, 77.77 D By Lyra Davidica, 1708 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00773 Lord, Remove the Veil Away Easter Hymn, 77.77 D By Lyra Davidica, 1708 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00773 Lord, We Come and Offer Praise Easter Hymn, 77.77 D By Lyra Davidica, 1708 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00774 Eastwick, LM Eastwick, LM By Thomas Tertius Noble (1867-1953) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00774 O Lord Most High, Eternal King Eastwick, LM By Thomas Tertius Noble (1867-1953) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00775 East Horndon, CM East Horndon, CM By Traditional English melody DP03.3 MV09 GHC00776 Eaton (Chadwick), LM Eaton (Chadwick), LM By George Whitefield Chadwick, 1888 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00777 All My Heart This Night Rejoices Ebeling By Johann Georg Ebeling, 1666 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00777 Ebeling Ebeling By Johann Georg Ebeling, 1666 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00777 Warum sollt' ich mich den gramen Ebeling By Johann Georg Ebeling, 1666 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00777 Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me? Ebeling By Johann Georg Ebeling, 1666 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00778 Ebenezer Ebenezer By Thomas John Williams, 1890 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00778 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Ebenezer By Thomas John Williams, 1890 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00778 Once to Every Man and Nation Ebenezer By Thomas John Williams, 1890 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00778 Round the Lord in Glory Seated Ebenezer By Thomas John Williams, 1890 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00778 Sa e Thelle Eshte Dashuria Ebenezer By Thomas John Williams, 1890 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00779 Bound upon the AccursŠd Tree Ecce Homo, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00779 Ecce Homo, Ecce Homo, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00780 Eccles, 66.66 Eccles, 66.66 By Bertram Luard-Selby, 1904 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00781 Eckhardtsheim, CM Eckhardtsheim, CM By Charles Zeuner, 1833 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00781 If Christ Is Mine Eckhardtsheim, CM By Charles Zeuner, 1833 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00782 Eden, 76.76 D Eden, 76.76 D By Sacred Hymns and Tunes (Boston, MA1880) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00782 Voice That Breathed O'er Eden, The Eden, 76.76 D By Sacred Hymns and Tunes (Boston, MA1880) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00783 Eden (Feilden), 66.66 Eden (Feilden), 66.66 By Oswald Mosley Feilden, 1863 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00783 Lord, Be Thy Word My Rule Eden (Feilden), 66.66 By Oswald Mosley Feilden, 1863 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00783 Thy Kingdom Come, O God Eden (Feilden), 66.66 By Oswald Mosley Feilden, 1863 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00784 Eden (Havergal), CM Eden (Havergal), CM By William Henry Havergal, 1863 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00784 Eternal Source of Joys Divine Eden (Havergal), CM By William Henry Havergal, 1863 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00785 Eden (Mason), LM Eden (Mason), LM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00785 God of My Life, Through All My Days Eden (Mason), LM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00786 Edina, 65.65 D Edina, 65.65 D By Herbert Stanley Oakeley, 1868 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00786 Savior, Blessed Savior Edina, 65.65 D By Herbert Stanley Oakeley, 1868 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00787 Are You Working? Edmiaston, 87.87 By Mrs. B. B. Edmiaston DP03.3 MV09 GHC00787 Edmiaston, 87.87 Edmiaston, 87.87 By Mrs. B. B. Edmiaston DP03.3 MV09 GHC00788 Edom, 87.87.77 Edom, 87.87.77 By Albert Lister Peace, 1885 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00788 Who Is This That Comes from Edom Edom, 87.87.77 By Albert Lister Peace, 1885 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00789 Eifionydd, 87.87 D Eifionydd, 87.87 D By John Ambrose Lloyd, Sr. (1815-1874) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00789 Who Is This So Weak and Helpless Eifionydd, 87.87 D By John Ambrose Lloyd, Sr. (1815-1874) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00790 Eighmey, 77.77 Eighmey, 77.77 By William H. Pontius (1850-?) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00790 Oft in Sorrow, Oft in Woe Eighmey, 77.77 By William H. Pontius (1850-?) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00791 C'est un Rempart que Notre Dieu Ein' Feste Burg By Martin Luther, 1529 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00791 Castelo Forte Ein' Feste Burg By Martin Luther, 1529 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00791 Ein' Feste Burg Ein' Feste Burg By Martin Luther, 1529 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00791 Ein Feste Burg Ist Unser Gott Ein' Feste Burg By Martin Luther, 1529 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00791 Forte Rocha Ein' Feste Burg By Martin Luther, 1529 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00791 God Is a Stronghold and a Tower Ein' Feste Burg By Martin Luther, 1529 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00791 Mighty Fortress Is Our God Ein' Feste Burg By Martin Luther, 1529 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00791 Rejoice Today with One Accord Ein' Feste Burg By Martin Luther, 1529 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00791 Safe Stronghold Our God Is Still, A Ein' Feste Burg By Martin Luther, 1529 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00792 Ein Kind Gebor'n (LM) Ein Kind Gebor'n (LM) By Old German carol DP03.3 MV09 GHC00793 Eirene Eirene By Frances Ridley Havergal, 1871 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00793 We Are the Lord's Eirene By Frances Ridley Havergal, 1871 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00794 Captain of Israel's Host Eisenach, 88.88.88 By Johann Herman Schein (1586-1630) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00794 Eisenach, 88.88.88 Eisenach, 88.88.88 By Johann Herman Schein (1586-1630) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00794 God Who Sits Enthroned on High, The Eisenach, 88.88.88 By Johann Herman Schein (1586-1630) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00794 O God, Who Metest in Thy Hand Eisenach, 88.88.88 By Johann Herman Schein (1586-1630) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00794 O Thou Whose All Redeeming Might Eisenach, 88.88.88 By Johann Herman Schein (1586-1630) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00794 Thou Hallowed Chosen Morn of Praise Eisenach, 88.88.88 By Johann Herman Schein (1586-1630) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00794 To Realms of Glory Eisenach, 88.88.88 By Johann Herman Schein (1586-1630) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00795 Elizabethtown, CM Elizabethtown, CM By George Kingsley (1811-1884) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00795 Jesus Is All the World to Me Elizabethtown, CM By George Kingsley (1811-1884) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00795 Joy Is a Fruit That Will Not Grow Elizabethtown, CM By George Kingsley (1811-1884) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 Arise, the Kingdom Is at Hand Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 Come, Sing with Holy Gladness Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 Ellacombe, 76.76 D Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 Fill Thou My Life Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 Hail to the Lord's Anointed Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 My Master Was a Worker Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 O Lord, by Thee Delivered Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 Roseate Hues of Early Dawn, The Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00796 Thou Art the Mighty King of Kings Ellacombe, 76.76 D By Gesangbuch der H. W. K. Hofkapelle, 1784 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00797 Ellers, Ellers, By Edward John Hopkins, 1869 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00797 How Wonderful It Is to Walk with God Ellers, By Edward John Hopkins, 1869 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00797 K'tu, Zoti Im Ellers, By Edward John Hopkins, 1869 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00797 Lighten the Darkness Ellers, By Edward John Hopkins, 1869 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00797 O Valiant Hearts Ellers, By Edward John Hopkins, 1869 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00797 Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name Ellers, By Edward John Hopkins, 1869 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00797 Thy Lovingkindness, Lord, Is Good and Free Ellers, By Edward John Hopkins, 1869 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00798 Ellesdie, 87.87 D Ellesdie, 87.87 D By Wolfgang Mozart, arr. by Hubert P. Main, 1872 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00798 Hark, The Voice of Jesus Calling Ellesdie, 87.87 D By Wolfgang Mozart, arr. by Hubert P. Main, 1872 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00798 It Is Good to Sing Thy Praises Ellesdie, 87.87 D By Wolfgang Mozart, arr. by Hubert P. Main, 1872 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00798 Lord, Her Watch Thy Church Is Keeping Ellesdie, 87.87 D By Wolfgang Mozart, arr. by Hubert P. Main, 1872 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00798 Vain Are All Terrestrial Pleasures Ellesdie, 87.87 D By Wolfgang Mozart, arr. by Hubert P. Main, 1872 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00799 Ellesmere, LM Ellesmere, LM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1868 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00800 Ellingham, Ellingham, By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00800 Thy Kingdom Come! O Father, Hear Our Prayer Ellingham, By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00801 Ellon, 76.76 D Ellon, 76.76 D By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00802 Elmhurst, 88.86 Elmhurst, 88.86 By Edwin Drewett, 1887 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00802 O God of Love, to Thee We Bow Elmhurst, 88.86 By Edwin Drewett, 1887 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00802 O God of Mercy, God of Might Elmhurst, 88.86 By Edwin Drewett, 1887 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00802 Send Thou, O Lord, to Every Place Elmhurst, 88.86 By Edwin Drewett, 1887 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00803 Elno, LM Elno, LM By Conrad Kocher (1786-1872) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00804 Eltham, 77.77 D Eltham, 77.77 D By Lowell Mason, 1840 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00804 Hasten Lord, the Glorious Time Eltham, 77.77 D By Lowell Mason, 1840 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00805 Elton, LM Elton, LM By Lowell Mason, 1854 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00806 Elven, LM Elven, LM By Felix Mendelssohn,arr by William Dressler DP03.3 MV09 GHC00806 My Soul Before Thee Prostrate Lies Elven, LM By Felix Mendelssohn,arr by William Dressler DP03.3 MV09 GHC00807 Ely, LM Ely, LM By Thomas Turton, 1844 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00807 How Vain the Cruel Herod's Fear Ely, LM By Thomas Turton, 1844 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00807 O Jesus, Lord of Heavenly Grace Ely, LM By Thomas Turton, 1844 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00807 What Thanks and Praise to Thee We Owe Ely, LM By Thomas Turton, 1844 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00808 El Kader, SM El Kader, SM By Unknown DP03.3 MV09 GHC00808 My Maker and My King El Kader, SM By Unknown DP03.3 MV09 GHC00809 El Nathan El Nathan By James McGrahanan, 1883 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00809 I Know Whom I Have Believed El Nathan By James McGrahanan, 1883 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00809 Nuk Di, Pse Zoti Miresine El Nathan By James McGrahanan, 1883 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00810 Emilie, Emilie, By John Wesley Baume (1862-?) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00811 Det Kimer Nu Til Jule-Fest Emmanuel, LM By Carl C. N. Balle (1806-1855) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00811 Emmanuel, LM Emmanuel, LM By Carl C. N. Balle (1806-1855) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00811 Fountain of Grace Emmanuel, LM By Carl C. N. Balle (1806-1855) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00811 Happy Christmas Comes Once More, The Emmanuel, LM By Carl C. N. Balle (1806-1855) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00812 Emmaus, SM Emmaus, SM By Joseph Barnby, 1862 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00812 Teach Me, My God and King Emmaus, SM By Joseph Barnby, 1862 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00813 Emmelar, 87.87 D Emmelar, 87.87 D By Arranged from Emmelar DP03.3 MV09 GHC00813 Yes, for Me He Careth Emmelar, 87.87 D By Arranged from Emmelar DP03.3 MV09 GHC00814 Endsleigh, 76.76 D Endsleigh, 76.76 D By S. Salvatori DP03.3 MV09 GHC00814 O Christ, Thou Hast Ascended Endsleigh, 76.76 D By S. Salvatori DP03.3 MV09 GHC00815 Energy, SM Energy, SM By William Henry Monk, 1861 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00816 Engedi, 86.886 Engedi, 86.886 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00816 Lo! Now the Time Accepted Peals Engedi, 86.886 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00817 England's Lane, 77.77.77 England's Lane, 77.77.77 By English melody, arr. by Geoffrey Shaw, 1919 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00817 Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn England's Lane, 77.77.77 By English melody, arr. by Geoffrey Shaw, 1919 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00818 Ennius, 77.77 D Ennius, 77.77 D By Harmonia Sacra, 19th Century DP03.3 MV09 GHC00818 People of the Living God Ennius, 77.77 D By Harmonia Sacra, 19th Century DP03.3 MV09 GHC00818 Pilgrim, Burdened with Thy Sin Ennius, 77.77 D By Harmonia Sacra, 19th Century DP03.3 MV09 GHC00819 Ephratah, Ephratah, By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00820 Epiphany (Filby), 10s.11s.D Irregular Epiphany (Filby), 10s.11s.D Irregular By William C. Filby DP03.3 MV09 GHC00820 Lift Your Glad Voices in Triumph on High Epiphany (Filby), 10s.11s.D Irregular By William C. Filby DP03.3 MV09 GHC00821 Epiphany (Thrupp), Epiphany (Thrupp), By F. J. Thrupp (1827-1867) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00822 Epiphany (Wesley), D Epiphany (Wesley), D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00823 Erfurt, LM Erfurt, LM By Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, Germany, 1539 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00823 Lord Will Come! The Earth Shall Quake, The Erfurt, LM By Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, Germany, 1539 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00823 O Christ, Redeemer of Our Race Erfurt, LM By Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, Germany, 1539 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00824 Erfyniad, Erfyniad, By Welsh hymn melody, harmony by David Evans, 1920 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00825 Awhile in Spirit, Lord, to Thee Erhalt uns, Herr By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1543 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00825 Erhalt uns, Herr Erhalt uns, Herr By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1543 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00825 Law of God Is Good and Wise, The Erhalt uns, Herr By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1543 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00825 Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word Erhalt uns, Herr By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1543 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00825 Lord, Open Thou My Heart Erhalt uns, Herr By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1543 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00825 Thine Honor Save, O Christ, Our Lord Erhalt uns, Herr By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1543 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00825 When Christ's Appearance Was Made Known Erhalt uns, Herr By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1543 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00826 A la Gnou Zanmi S‚ J‚zu Erie, 87.87 D By Charles Crozat Converse, 1868 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00826 Erie, 87.87 D Erie, 87.87 D By Charles Crozat Converse, 1868 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00826 Oh, Que Amigo Nos Es Cristo! Erie, 87.87 D By Charles Crozat Converse, 1868 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00826 What a Friend We Have in Jesus Erie, 87.87 D By Charles Crozat Converse, 1868 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00827 Erk, 87.87.887 Erk, 87.87.887 By Etliche Christliche Lyeder, 1524 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00828 Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light Ermuntre Dich By JohannSchop, 1641 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00828 Ermuntre Dich Ermuntre Dich By JohannSchop, 1641 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00829 And Art Thou Come with Us to Dwell Ernan By Lowell Mason, 1850 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00829 Ernan Ernan By Lowell Mason, 1850 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00829 It May Not Be Our Lot Ernan By Lowell Mason, 1850 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00829 Jesus a Child His Work Begun Ernan By Lowell Mason, 1850 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00829 Lands That Long in Darkness Lay, The Ernan By Lowell Mason, 1850 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00829 Lord Proclaims His Grace Abroad, The Ernan By Lowell Mason, 1850 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00829 We Thank Thee, Lord, for This Fair Earth Ernan By Lowell Mason, 1850 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00830 Ernstein, 65.65 Ernstein, 65.65 By J. Frederick Swift, 1879 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00831 Erschienen Ist, LM hallelujah Erschienen Ist, LM hallelujah By Nikolaus Herman, 1560 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00831 We Sing, Immanuel, Thy Praise Erschienen Ist, LM hallelujah By Nikolaus Herman, 1560 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00831 We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend Erschienen Ist, LM hallelujah By Nikolaus Herman, 1560 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00832 Ersurge, CMD Ersurge, CMD By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00832 O Golden Day! So Long Desired Ersurge, CMD By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00833 Esca Viatorum, 88.68.86 Esca Viatorum, 88.68.86 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00833 O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love Esca Viatorum, 88.68.86 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00834 Es ist ein' Ros Es ist ein' Ros By 15th Century German DP03.3 MV09 GHC00834 Es Ist ein Ros' Es ist ein' Ros By 15th Century German DP03.3 MV09 GHC00834 Great and Mighty Wonder, A Es ist ein' Ros By 15th Century German DP03.3 MV09 GHC00835 Es Ist Gewisslich, Es Ist Gewisslich, By Geistliche Lieder (Wittenberg, Germany1535) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00835 O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace Es Ist Gewisslich, By Geistliche Lieder (Wittenberg, Germany1535) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00836 Es Kommt ein Schiff Es Kommt ein Schiff By German, 1608 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00836 Es Kommt ein Schiff Geladen Es Kommt ein Schiff By German, 1608 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00836 I Lift My Banner, the Lord Es Kommt ein Schiff By German, 1608 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00837 Es woll' uns Gott Es woll' uns Gott By Deutsch Kirchenamt, Strassburg, 1525 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00837 Es woll' uns Gott gen„dig sein Es woll' uns Gott By Deutsch Kirchenamt, Strassburg, 1525 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00837 May God Bestow on us His Grace Es woll' uns Gott By Deutsch Kirchenamt, Strassburg, 1525 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00838 Eternal Rest Eternal Rest By Thoro Harris, 1918 DP03.3 MV09 GHC00839 Eternity Eternity By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP03.3 MV09 GHC00839 Eternity (Crosby) Eternity By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00840 Eternity, 77.75 Eternity, 77.75 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00840 God of Pity, God of Grace Eternity, 77.75 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00841 Etiam et Mihi, 87.87.3 Etiam et Mihi, 87.87.3 By John Bacchues Dykes DP04.1 MV10 GHC00842 Eton, 87.87.47 Eton, 87.87.47 By Sir Joseph Barnby, 1886 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00843 Eton College, 87.87.47 Eton College, 87.87.47 By Joseph Barnby, 1889 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00843 Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing (Buckoll) Eton College, 87.87.47 By Joseph Barnby, 1889 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00844 Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken Eucharist, LM By Isaac Baker Woodbury (1819-1858) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00844 Eucharist, LM Eucharist, LM By Isaac Baker Woodbury (1819-1858) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00845 Eucharisticus, 65.65 Eucharisticus, 65.65 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00845 Jesu, Gentlest Savior Eucharisticus, 65.65 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00846 Eucharistic Hymn Eucharistic Hymn By John S. B. Hodges, 1868 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00847 Eudora, 88.84 Eudora, 88.84 By James Ramsey Murray (1841-1905) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00847 How Strong and Sweet My Father's Care Eudora, 88.84 By James Ramsey Murray (1841-1905) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00848 Eudoxia, 65.65 Eudoxia, 65.65 By Sabine Baring-Gould, 1868 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00848 Father, Who Hast Gathered Eudoxia, 65.65 By Sabine Baring-Gould, 1868 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00848 Jesus, Kneel Beside Me Eudoxia, 65.65 By Sabine Baring-Gould, 1868 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00849 Euphemia, CMD Euphemia, CMD By Benjamin Carl Unseld (1843-?) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00850 Euphony, Euphony, By H. Dennis DP04.1 MV10 GHC00850 Would Jesus Have the Sinner Die? Euphony, By H. Dennis DP04.1 MV10 GHC00851 Europa, Europa, By Miss M. A. Sidebotham, 1881 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00851 O My God, I Fear Thee! Europa, By Miss M. A. Sidebotham, 1881 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00852 Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love Evan, CM By William Henry Havergal, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00852 Evan, CM Evan, CM By William Henry Havergal, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00852 In Mercy, Lord, Remember Me Evan, CM By William Henry Havergal, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00852 Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care Evan, CM By William Henry Havergal, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00852 O Blessed Lord, What Hast Thou Done! Evan, CM By William Henry Havergal, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00852 Our Savior's Voice Is Soft and Sweet Evan, CM By William Henry Havergal, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00853 Evans, 77.77 Evans, 77.77 By I. A. Steinel (1884-1945) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00853 Welcome, Day of Sweet Repose Evans, 77.77 By I. A. Steinel (1884-1945) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00854 Evanston, CM Evanston, CM By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, circa 1905 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00854 Father of Jesus Christ, My Lord Evanston, CM By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, circa 1905 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00854 Jesus, Immortal King, Arise Evanston, CM By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, circa 1905 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00855 Evelyn Evelyn By William Henry Monk (1823-1889 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00856 Evelyns, Evelyns, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00856 Spirit Blest, Who Art Adored Evelyns, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00857 Evening Praise, 77.77.4 refrain Evening Praise, 77.77.4 refrain By William Fiske Sherwin, 1877 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00857 Lord, Our Lord, Thy Glorious Name Evening Praise, 77.77.4 refrain By William Fiske Sherwin, 1877 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00858 Evening Prayer (Randegger), 77.77 Evening Prayer (Randegger), 77.77 By Alberto Randegger (1832-1911) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00859 Evening Prayer Evening Prayer By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00859 Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me Evening Prayer By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00860 Evening Prayer (Stebbins) 87.87 Evening Prayer (Stebbins) 87.87 By George Coles Stebbins, 1878 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00860 From the Depths Do I Invoke Thee Evening Prayer (Stebbins) 87.87 By George Coles Stebbins, 1878 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00860 Savior, Breathe an Evening Blessing Evening Prayer (Stebbins) 87.87 By George Coles Stebbins, 1878 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00861 Evening Prayer (Von Weber), 87.87 Evening Prayer (Von Weber), 87.87 By Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00861 Softly Sighs the Breath of Evening Evening Prayer (Von Weber), 87.87 By Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00862 Abide with Me Eventide By Henry F. Lyte, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00862 And Is It So Eventide By Henry F. Lyte, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00862 Eventide Eventide By Henry F. Lyte, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00862 Reste avec Moi Eventide By Henry F. Lyte, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00862 Reste avec Nous Eventide By Henry F. Lyte, 1847 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00863 Even Me Even Me By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1862 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00864 Evergreen, 88.89.88 refrain Evergreen, 88.89.88 refrain By Anonymous DP04.1 MV10 GHC00864 Gather Round the Christmas Tree Evergreen, 88.89.88 refrain By Anonymous DP04.1 MV10 GHC00865 Everlasting Life Everlasting Life By William Augustine Ogden (1841-1897) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00866 Everlasting Love Everlasting Love By James Mountain DP04.1 MV10 GHC00866 I Am His, and He Is Mine Everlasting Love By James Mountain DP04.1 MV10 GHC00866 Me Nje Dashuri Te Shtrenjte Everlasting Love By James Mountain DP04.1 MV10 GHC00866 One Named Lazarus Everlasting Love By James Mountain DP04.1 MV10 GHC00867 Evermore, 77.77 Evermore, 77.77 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00868 Everton, 87.87 D Everton, 87.87 D By Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00868 King of Saints, to Whom the Number Everton, 87.87 D By Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00869 Every Bridge Is Burned Behind Me Every Bridge Is Burned Behind Me By Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00870 Every Day Will I Bless Thee Every Day Will I Bless Thee By J. E. A. DP04.1 MV10 GHC00871 Every Morning Mercies New Every Morning, 77.77.77 By Edward John Hopkins, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00871 Every Morning, 77.77.77 Every Morning, 77.77.77 By Edward John Hopkins, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00872 Ever Faithful, 77.77 Ever Faithful, 77.77 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00873 Ewing, 76.76 D Ewing, 76.76 D By Alexander Ewing, 1853 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00873 From All Thy Saints in Warfare Ewing, 76.76 D By Alexander Ewing, 1853 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00873 I Could Not Do Without Thee Ewing, 76.76 D By Alexander Ewing, 1853 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00873 Jerusalem the Golden Ewing, 76.76 D By Alexander Ewing, 1853 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00873 Light Came Out of Darkness, A Ewing, 76.76 D By Alexander Ewing, 1853 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00873 Lord My Shepherd Holds Me, The Ewing, 76.76 D By Alexander Ewing, 1853 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00873 O Savior, Precious Savior Ewing, 76.76 D By Alexander Ewing, 1853 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00874 Excelsior, 76.76 Excelsior, 76.76 By Josiah Booth (1852-1929) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00874 Looking Upward Every Day Excelsior, 76.76 By Josiah Booth (1852-1929) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00875 Exeter, CM Exeter, CM By Henry Lowell Mason, 1923 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00876 Exodus, Exodus, By J. F. Rotscher, 1790 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00877 Delay Not, O Sinner, Draw Near Expostulation, 11s By Rev. Josiah Hopkins (1786-1862) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00877 Expostulation, 11s Expostulation, 11s By Rev. Josiah Hopkins (1786-1862) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00877 O Turn Ye, for Why Will You Die Expostulation, 11s By Rev. Josiah Hopkins (1786-1862) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00878 Faben Faben By John Henry Willcox, 1849 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00878 Lord, with Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee Faben By John Henry Willcox, 1849 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00878 Praise the LordYe Heavens, Adore Him Faben By John Henry Willcox, 1849 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00879 Face to Face with Christ My Savior Face to Face with Christ My Savior By Carrie Elizabeth Ellis Breck, 1898 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00879 Face to Face with Christ, My Savior Face to Face with Christ My Savior By Carrie Elizabeth Ellis Breck, 1898 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00880 Fahre Fort, 67.87.896 Fahre Fort, 67.87.896 By German, 1704 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00880 Rise, Arise! Fahre Fort, 67.87.896 By German, 1704 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00881 Fairfield, SMD Fairfield, SMD By Peter La Trobe (1795-1863) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00881 Goodly Theme Is Mine, A Fairfield, SMD By Peter La Trobe (1795-1863) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00882 A Prayer for God's Blessing A Prayer for God's Blessing By Robert Edward William Cottrill DP04.1 MV10 GHC00882 Prayer for God's Blessing, A A Prayer for God's Blessing By Robert Edward William Cottrill DP04.1 MV10 GHC00883 Faith Dykes Faith_Dykes By John Bacchus Dykes, 1867 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00884 Faithfulness (Macfarren), LM Faithfulness (Macfarren), LM By George Alexander MacFarren (1813-1887) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00884 There's Not a Bird with Lonely Nest Faithfulness (Macfarren), LM By George Alexander MacFarren (1813-1887) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00885 Faithfulness Faithfulness By William Marion Runyan, 1923 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00885 Grande Tu ‚s, ˘ Pai Faithfulness By William Marion Runyan, 1923 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00885 Great Is Thy Faithfulness Faithfulness By William Marion Runyan, 1923 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00885 TŁ ‚s fiel, Senhor Faithfulness By William Marion Runyan, 1923 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00886 Faith in Jesus Faith in Jesus By William Howard Doane, 1877 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00887 Faith in the Word of God Faith in the Word of God By Mabel Johnston Camp, 1906 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00888 Faith Is the Victory Faith Is the Victory By Ira D. Sankey DP04.1 MV10 GHC00889 Faith (Smart), Faith (Smart), By Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00889 Lord, When I All Things Would Possess Faith (Smart), By Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00889 With Hearts Renewed Faith (Smart), By Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00890 Falfield, 87.87 D Falfield, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1867 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00890 Savior, Sprinkle Many Nations Falfield, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1867 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00891 Stand the Omnipotent Decree Stand the Omnipotent Decree By Charles Wesley (1707-1788) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00892 Falkland, 88.88.88 Falkland, 88.88.88 By Melody by Henry Lawes (1596-1662) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00892 Lord God of Hosts, Within Whose Hand Falkland, 88.88.88 By Melody by Henry Lawes (1596-1662) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00893 Falter Not Falter Not By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00894 Farley Castle, Farley Castle, By Henry Lawes (1596-1662) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00894 Most Glorious Lord of Life Farley Castle, By Henry Lawes (1596-1662) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00895 Christ Is the World's Redeemer Farmer, 76.76 D By John Farmer, 1836-1901 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00895 Farmer, 76.76 D Farmer, 76.76 D By John Farmer, 1836-1901 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00895 Of Mercy and of Justice Farmer, 76.76 D By John Farmer, 1836-1901 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00896 Farrant, CM Farrant, CM By From Richard Farrant (1530-1580) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00896 To Thee, O God, We Render Thanks Farrant, CM By From Richard Farrant (1530-1580) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00897 Far and Near Far and Near, 8.7.8..7 with refrain By J.B.O. Clemm DP04.1 MV10 GHC00897 Far and Near, 8.7.8..7 with refrain Far and Near, 8.7.8..7 with refrain By J.B.O. Clemm DP04.1 MV10 GHC00898 Far and Near (Spazier), CM Far and Near (Spazier), CM By C. Spazier DP04.1 MV10 GHC00898 I Say to All Men Far and Near Far and Near (Spazier), CM By C. Spazier DP04.1 MV10 GHC00899 Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains By John Menzies Mcfarlane (1833-1892) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00900 Far, Far on the Other Side Far, Far on the Other Side By Paul Rader, 1918 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00901 Bohemian Hymn, 76.76 D Bohemian Hymn, 76.76 D By From Brodraforsamlingen DP04.1 MV10 GHC00901 How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me Bohemian Hymn, 76.76 D By From Brodraforsamlingen DP04.1 MV10 GHC00902 Far Out on the Desolate Billow Far Out on the Desolate Billow By Rossiter Worthington Raymond (1840-1918) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00903 Father, Let Me Dedicate Father, Let Me Dedicate, 75.75 D By George Alexander Macfarren, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00903 Father, Let Me Dedicate, 75.75 D Father, Let Me Dedicate, 75.75 D By George Alexander Macfarren, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00904 Father, Make Us Loving Father, Make Us Loving By I. H. Meredith, circa 1901 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00905 Christ Is Coming (Perkins) Christ Is Coming (Perkins) By Rev. Denis Wortman, D. D. DP04.1 MV10 GHC00905 Father, When Shall All the Weary Earth Christ Is Coming (Perkins) By Rev. Denis Wortman, D. D. DP04.1 MV10 GHC00906 Feasting with My Lord Feasting with My Lord By John S. Brown DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 All That I Am I Owe to Thee Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 Behold, a Stranger at the Door! Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 Come, Dearest Lord Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 Day Draws on with Golden Light, The Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 Federal Street, LM Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 High in the Heavens, Eternal God Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 Jesus, and Shall It Ever Be Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 Jesus, the Sinner's Friend Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 Lord, How Wondrous Are His Ways, The Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 My Dear Redeemer and My Lord Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 My Sins Laid Open to the Rod Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00907 To Thine Eternal Arms, O God Federal Street, LM By Henry Kemble Oliver, 1832 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00908 Fed on the Finest of Wheat Fed on the Finest of Wheat By Frederick Arthur Graves, 1892 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00908 Fed upon the Finest of the Wheat Fed on the Finest of Wheat By Frederick Arthur Graves, 1892 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00909 Dear Lord and Master Mine Ferguson, SM By George Kingsley, 843 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00909 Down to the Sacred Wave Ferguson, SM By George Kingsley, 843 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00909 Ferguson, SM Ferguson, SM By George Kingsley, 843 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00909 Thy Bounties, Gracious Lord Ferguson, SM By George Kingsley, 843 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00910 Come, Holy Ghost, Who Ever One Ferial, LM By Sarum melody DP04.1 MV10 GHC00910 Ferial, LM Ferial, LM By Sarum melody DP04.1 MV10 GHC00910 O God of Truth, O Lord of Might Ferial, LM By Sarum melody DP04.1 MV10 GHC00911 Ferrier, 77.77 Ferrier, 77.77 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00911 In the Morning I Will Raise Ferrier, 77.77 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00911 Jesus, Holy, Undefiled Ferrier, 77.77 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00912 Fertile Plains, LM Fertile Plains, LM By From George Frederick Handel (1685-1759) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00913 Festal, LM Festal, LM By Mechlin Melody DP04.1 MV10 GHC00914 Behold, the Grace Appears Festal Song, SM By William Howard Walter, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00914 Believe Not Those Who Say Festal Song, SM By William Howard Walter, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00914 Festal Song, SM Festal Song, SM By William Howard Walter, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00914 Give to the Winds Thy Fears Festal Song, SM By William Howard Walter, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00914 Revive Thy Work, O Lord Festal Song, SM By William Howard Walter, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00914 Rise Up, O Men of God Festal Song, SM By William Howard Walter, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00914 Soon Shall the Trump of God Festal Song, SM By William Howard Walter, 1872 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00915 Festgesang Festgesang By Alfred G. Wathall, circa 1905 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00915 Long Years Ago o'er bethlehemm's Hills Festgesang By Alfred G. Wathall, circa 1905 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00916 Festubert, Festubert, By Alfred H. Brewer, 1916 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00916 Lift Up Thyself, My Soul Festubert, By Alfred H. Brewer, 1916 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00917 Festus, LM Festus, LM By German Chorale from Moravian Psalter DP04.1 MV10 GHC00917 Now with Creation's Morning Song Festus, LM By German Chorale from Moravian Psalter DP04.1 MV10 GHC00918 Ffigysbren, Ffigysbren, By Welsh hymn melody DP04.1 MV10 GHC00918 Friend of the Home Ffigysbren, By Welsh hymn melody DP04.1 MV10 GHC00918 Lord, What a Change Within Us Ffigysbren, By Welsh hymn melody DP04.1 MV10 GHC00918 O Thou Great Friend Ffigysbren, By Welsh hymn melody DP04.1 MV10 GHC00919 Fiat Lux Fiat Lux By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00920 Fides, 87.87.887 Fides, 87.87.887 By Clement Cotterill Scholefield, 1874 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00920 Sound Aloud Jehovah's Praises Fides, 87.87.887 By Clement Cotterill Scholefield, 1874 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00921 Field, Field, By Calvin W. Laufer, 1919 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00921 We Thank Thee, Lord, Thy Paths of Service Lead Field, By Calvin W. Laufer, 1919 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00922 Fillmore, 88.88.88 Fillmore, 88.88.88 By Jeremiah Inalls (1764-1828) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00922 To God Will I Direct My Prayer Fillmore, 88.88.88 By Jeremiah Inalls (1764-1828) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00923 Fill Me Now Fill Me Now By John R. Sweney, 1879 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00924 Fingal, CM Fingal, CM By James S. Anderson, 1885 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00924 Ye Humble Souls That Seek the Lord Fingal, CM By James S. Anderson, 1885 DP04.1 MV10 GHC00925 Finlandia Finlandia By Jean Sibelius DP04.1 MV10 GHC00925 We Rest on Thee Finlandia By Jean Sibelius DP04.1 MV10 GHC00925 We Thank You, Lord Finlandia By Jean Sibelius DP04.1 MV10 GHC00926 First Fruits, 87.87.87 First Fruits, 87.87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00926 God the Father! Whose Creation First Fruits, 87.87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00927 First Mode Melody, CMD First Mode Melody, CMD By Thomas Tallis (1505-1585) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00927 Lord, Teach Us How to Pray Aright First Mode Melody, CMD By Thomas Tallis (1505-1585) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00928 First Noel, The The First Noel By Traditional English carol, 17th Century (?) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00928 The First Noel The First Noel By Traditional English carol, 17th Century (?) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00929 Fisk, 77.77 Fisk, 77.77 By Calvin S. Harrington (1826-1886) DP04.1 MV10 GHC00929 Hear This, All Ye People, Hear Fisk, 77.77 By Calvin S. Harrington (1826-1886) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00930 Fitzwilliam, 88.86 Fitzwilliam, 88.86 By From an English traditional melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00931 Flee as a Bird Flee as a Bird By Mary Stanley Bunce Dana Shindler, 1842 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00932 Father Almighty, Bless Us with Thy Blessing Flemming, By Friedrich Ferdinand Flemming, 1811 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00932 Father in Heaven, in Thy Love Abounding Flemming, By Friedrich Ferdinand Flemming, 1811 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00932 Flemming, Flemming, By Friedrich Ferdinand Flemming, 1811 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00932 Now God Be with Us Flemming, By Friedrich Ferdinand Flemming, 1811 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00932 Nunca, Dios Mˇo Flemming, By Friedrich Ferdinand Flemming, 1811 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00932 O Holy Savior, Friend Unseen Flemming, By Friedrich Ferdinand Flemming, 1811 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00932 Praise Ye the Triune God Flemming, By Friedrich Ferdinand Flemming, 1811 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00932 When on My Day of Life Flemming, By Friedrich Ferdinand Flemming, 1811 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00933 Foel Fras, LM Foel Fras, LM By H. A. Harding (1861-?) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00934 Folkingham, 88.88.88 Folkingham, 88.88.88 By Supplement to New Version, 1708 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00934 God of Our Fathers, Known of Old Folkingham, 88.88.88 By Supplement to New Version, 1708 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00935 Follow On Follow On By Robert S. Lowry DP04.2 MV11 GHC00936 Follow the Gleam Follow the Gleam By Sallie Hume Douglas, 1915 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00937 Footprints of Jesus Footprints of Jesus By Asa B. Everett (1828-1875) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00938 Ford, LM Ford, LM By Thomas Ford, 1614 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00938 O Merciful Creator, Hear Ford, LM By Thomas Ford, 1614 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00939 All Beautiful the March of Days Forest Green, CMD By Traditional English Melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00939 Come, Let Us Join Our Friends Above Forest Green, CMD By Traditional English Melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00939 Forest Green, CMD Forest Green, CMD By Traditional English Melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00939 I Sing the Mighty Power of God Forest Green, CMD By Traditional English Melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00939 O God of Love, Grant Us Your Peace Forest Green, CMD By Traditional English Melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00939 O Lord of Life Forest Green, CMD By Traditional English Melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00939 O Spirit of the Living God (Tweedy) Forest Green, CMD By Traditional English Melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00940 Come, Said Jesus' Sacred Voice Forgiveness, 77.77 By George M. Garrett, 1872 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00940 Forgiveness, 77.77 Forgiveness, 77.77 By George M. Garrett, 1872 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00941 Breast the Wave, Christian Fortitude, By William C. Filby, 1874 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00941 Fortitude, Fortitude, By William C. Filby, 1874 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00942 Fortunatus Fortunatus By Arthur S. Sullivan, 1872 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00942 Welcome, Happy Morning! Fortunatus By Arthur S. Sullivan, 1872 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00943 For a Worldwide Revival For a Worldwide Revival By Leila Naylor Morris, 1910 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00943 Per Nje Zgjim Ne Ter' Boten For a Worldwide Revival By Leila Naylor Morris, 1910 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00944 For God So Loved the World For God So Loved the World By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt,1920 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00945 For the Whole Wide World For the Whole Wide World By Leila Naylor Morris, 1912 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00946 Fowler, 84.84.84 Fowler, 84.84.84 By Robert Guy McCutchan (1877-?) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00947 Frances, 88.68.86 Frances, 88.68.86 By James McGranahan (1840-1907) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00947 Ye Righteous, in the Lord Rejoice Frances, 88.68.86 By James McGranahan (1840-1907) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00948 Blest Are the Pure in Heart Franconia, SM By Choralbuch, by Johann B. Konig, 1738 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00948 Franconia, SM Franconia, SM By Choralbuch, by Johann B. Konig, 1738 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00948 Lord Almighty Reigns, The Franconia, SM By Choralbuch, by Johann B. Konig, 1738 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00948 Lord of Our Highest Love! Franconia, SM By Choralbuch, by Johann B. Konig, 1738 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00948 Savior Kindly Calls, The Franconia, SM By Choralbuch, by Johann B. Konig, 1738 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00948 Within the Father's House Franconia, SM By Choralbuch, by Johann B. Konig, 1738 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00949 Franconia (Hastings), Franconia (Hastings), By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00949 Jesus, Wondrous Savior Franconia (Hastings), By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00950 Frech, CM Frech, CM By J. G. Frech DP04.2 MV11 GHC00950 There's Peace and Rest in Paradise Frech, CM By J. G. Frech DP04.2 MV11 GHC00951 Father, Who the Light This Day Fred til Bod By Ludvig Lindeman, 1871 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00951 Fred til Bod Fred til Bod By Ludvig Lindeman, 1871 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00951 Hallelujah! Jesus Lives! Fred til Bod By Ludvig Lindeman, 1871 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00952 Free from the Law Once for All By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00952 Once for All Once for All By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00953 Freuet Euch, Ihr Christen, Freuet Euch, Ihr Christen, By Andeas Hammerschmidt, 1646 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00953 Oh, Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly Freuet Euch, Ihr Christen, By Andeas Hammerschmidt, 1646 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00954 Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us, The Freut Euch, Ihr Lieben, 76.76 D By Leonhart Schroter, 1587 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00954 Freut Euch, Ihr Lieben, 76.76 D Freut Euch, Ihr Lieben, 76.76 D By Leonhart Schroter, 1587 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00955 Freu Dich Sehr, Freu Dich Sehr, By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00955 Print Thine Image, Pure and Holy Freu Dich Sehr, By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00956 Friend, 87.87 D Friend, 87.87 D By George Coles Stebbins, 1878 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00957 Friendship with Jesus Friendship with Jesus, CM with refrain By Arranged from Stephen Foster (1826-1864) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00957 Friendship with Jesus, CM with refrain Friendship with Jesus, CM with refrain By Arranged from Stephen Foster (1826-1864) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00958 Fully Surrendered Fully Surrendered By Leila Naylor Morris (1862-1929) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00959 Gairney Bridge, 88.88.88 Gairney Bridge, 88.88.88 By Ernest R. Kroeger (1862-1934) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00959 Not unto Us, O Lord of Heav'n Gairney Bridge, 88.88.88 By Ernest R. Kroeger (1862-1934) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00960 Galilee (Armes), LM Galilee (Armes), LM By P. Armes DP04.2 MV11 GHC00961 Galilee, Bright Galilee Galilee, Bright Galilee By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00962 Galilee Galilee By William H. Jude, 1874 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00962 How Can I, Lord, Keep My Way Pure? Galilee By William H. Jude, 1874 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00962 Jesus Calls Us Galilee By William H. Jude, 1874 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00963 Galway, SM Galway, SM By E. Miller, 1790 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00964 Church Has Waited Long, The Garden City, SM By Horatio William Parker (1863-1919) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00964 Garden City, SM Garden City, SM By Horatio William Parker (1863-1919) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00964 Send Down thy Truth, O God Garden City, SM By Horatio William Parker (1863-1919) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00965 Gardiner, CM Gardiner, CM By William Gardiner, 1812 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00966 Garton, 67.67 Garton, 67.67 By Traditional Irish melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00966 Love Came Down at Christmas Garton, 67.67 By Traditional Irish melody DP04.2 MV11 GHC00967 Gastorius, 87.87.877 Gastorius, 87.87.877 By Severus Gastorius, 1675 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00967 O Son of God, We Wait for Thee Gastorius, 87.87.877 By Severus Gastorius, 1675 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00967 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan Gastorius, 87.87.877 By Severus Gastorius, 1675 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00967 Whate'er My God Ordains Is Right Gastorius, 87.87.877 By Severus Gastorius, 1675 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00968 Gates of the Beautiful Gates of the Beautiful By Arthur W. French DP04.2 MV11 GHC00969 Gathering Home Gathering Home By Mary B. C. Slade (1826-1882) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00970 Gathering Out of Tears Gathering Out of Tears By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1894 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00971 Gaudete, Gaudete, By S. Smith DP04.2 MV11 GHC00971 Joy Fills Our Inmost Hearts Today! Gaudete, By S. Smith DP04.2 MV11 GHC00972 Gaudium Caeleste, Gaudium Caeleste, By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, 1904 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00972 There Was Joy in Heaven Gaudium Caeleste, By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, 1904 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00973 For Those We Love Within the Veil Gaza, 88.84 By Traditional Jewish melody, adapted 1919 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00973 Gaza, 88.84 Gaza, 88.84 By Traditional Jewish melody, adapted 1919 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00974 Gelobt Sei Gott, 888 with alleluias Gelobt Sei Gott, 888 with alleluias By Melchior Vulpius (ca. circa 1560-1615) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00974 O Lord of Life, Where'er They Be Gelobt Sei Gott, 888 with alleluias By Melchior Vulpius (ca. circa 1560-1615) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00975 Genesis, 76.76 D Genesis, 76.76 D By George Mursell Garrett, 1889 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00976 Genevan Psalm CX, Genevan Psalm CX, By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00976 Lord, Through This Holy Week of Our Salvation Genevan Psalm CX, By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00977 Christians, Sing Out with Exultation Genevan Psalm CXVIII By Louis Bourgeois, 1544 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00977 Genevan Psalm CXVIII Genevan Psalm CXVIII By Louis Bourgeois, 1544 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00977 Rendez … Dieu Louange et Gloire Genevan Psalm CXVIII By Louis Bourgeois, 1544 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00978 Genevan Psalm XII, Genevan Psalm XII, By Louis Bourgeois, 1561 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00979 Gentle Jesus, 77.77 Gentle Jesus, 77.77 By Martin Fallas Shaw, 1915 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00979 Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild Gentle Jesus, 77.77 By Martin Fallas Shaw, 1915 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00979 Lamb of God, I Look to Thee Gentle Jesus, 77.77 By Martin Fallas Shaw, 1915 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00980 Gerald Gerald By Louis Spohr, 1834, adapted by J. Stimpson DP04.2 MV11 GHC00980 Hour-Glass, The Gerald By Louis Spohr, 1834, adapted by J. Stimpson DP04.2 MV11 GHC00980 I Want a Principle Within Gerald By Louis Spohr, 1834, adapted by J. Stimpson DP04.2 MV11 GHC00980 World Within, The Gerald By Louis Spohr, 1834, adapted by J. Stimpson DP04.2 MV11 GHC00981 Gerar, SM Gerar, SM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00981 God Is the Fountain Whence Gerar, SM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00981 O Royal Bride, Give Heed Gerar, SM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00982 German, 11.11 German, 11.11 By German tune DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 From Calvary a Cry Was Heard Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 Germany Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 Great God, We Sing Your Mighty Hand Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 Immanuel, We Sing Thy Praise Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 Lord of the Sabbath, Hear Us Pray Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 Take Up Thy Cross Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 To Thee, My Heart, Eternal King Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00983 Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life Germany By William Gardner, 1815 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00984 Behold the Bridegroom Draweth Nigh Geronimo, 88.88.86 By Arranged from Charles Villiers Stanford DP04.2 MV11 GHC00984 Geronimo, 88.88.86 Geronimo, 88.88.86 By Arranged from Charles Villiers Stanford DP04.2 MV11 GHC00985 Gerontius Gerontius By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00985 My God, I Know, I Feel Thee Mine Gerontius By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00985 Praise to the Holiest in the Height Gerontius By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00985 What Shall I Render to My God (Wesley) Gerontius By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00986 Gethsemane (Dykes), 77.77.77 Gethsemane (Dykes), 77.77.77 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00987 Gethsemane,77.77.77 Gethsemane,77.77.77 By William Henry Monk (from Christopher Tye, 1553) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00988 Gethsemane (Ouseley), 77.77.77 Gethsemane (Ouseley), 77.77.77 By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00989 Gibbons, 76.76 D Gibbons, 76.76 D By Edmund Sedding, 1861 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00989 I Lay My Sins on Jesus Gibbons, 76.76 D By Edmund Sedding, 1861 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00990 Gibeon, Gibeon, By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1835 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00990 Glory to God! The Morn Appointed Breaks Gibeon, By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1835 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00991 Come, Let Us Sing Before the Lord Gilead, LM By Arranged from Etienne-Nicolas Mehul (1763-1817) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00991 Gilead, LM Gilead, LM By Arranged from Etienne-Nicolas Mehul (1763-1817) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00992 Give Him the Glory Give Him the Glory By Elisha Albright Hoffman (1839-1929) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00993 A Passion for Souls A Passion for Souls By Foss L. Fellers, 1914 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00993 Give Me a Passion for Souls A Passion for Souls By Foss L. Fellers, 1914 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00994 Give Me the Bible Give Me the Bible By Priscilla Jane Owens (1829-1907) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00995 Give Me Thy Heart Give Me Thy Heart By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP04.2 MV11 GHC00996 Give Thanks Give Thanks By reThe Can­ter­bu­ry Shak­e DP04.2 MV11 GHC00997 Gladden, 88.88.88 Gladden, 88.88.88 By Thoro Harris, before 1911 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00997 O God, Thou High and Lofty One Gladden, 88.88.88 By Thoro Harris, before 1911 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00998 Gladly We Will Go Gladly We Will Go By Fanny Crosby, 1896 DP04.2 MV11 GHC00999 Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing Gladness, By Bohemian melody, 12th Century DP04.2 MV11 GHC00999 Gladness, Gladness, By Bohemian melody, 12th Century DP04.2 MV11 GHC01000 Glad Christmas Bells Glad Christmas Bells By Traditional DP04.2 MV11 GHC01001 Day of God,Thou BlessŠd Day Glad Day, 77.77 By William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01001 Glad Day, 77.77 Glad Day, 77.77 By William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01001 He Has Come, the Christ of God Glad Day, 77.77 By William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01001 Mary to Her Savior's Tomb Glad Day, 77.77 By William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01001 Soldiers of the Cross, Arise! (How) Glad Day, 77.77 By William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01002 Behold! The Mountain of the Lord Glasgow, CM By Moore DP04.2 MV11 GHC01002 Glasgow, CM Glasgow, CM By Moore DP04.2 MV11 GHC01003 Gleams of the Golden Morning Gleams of the Golden Morning By S. J. Graham DP04.2 MV11 GHC01004 Glebe Field, 77.77 Glebe Field, 77.77 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01004 Joy! Because the Circling Year Glebe Field, 77.77 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01005 Gloaming Gloaming By Old ball­ad mel­ody DP04.2 MV11 GHC01005 God in Heaven Hath a Treasure Gloaming By Old ball­ad mel­ody DP04.2 MV11 GHC01006 Gloria, 87.87 with refrain Gloria, 87.87 with refrain By French carol DP04.2 MV11 GHC01006 Hearken, All! What Holy Singing Gloria, 87.87 with refrain By French carol DP04.2 MV11 GHC01007 Angels We Have Heard on High Gloria (Barnes) By French carol, arr. by Edward Shippen Barnes DP04.2 MV11 GHC01007 Engjejt, Duke Fluturuar Gloria (Barnes) By French carol, arr. by Edward Shippen Barnes DP04.2 MV11 GHC01007 Gloria (Barnes) Gloria (Barnes) By French carol, arr. by Edward Shippen Barnes DP04.2 MV11 GHC01007 Les Anges dans Nos Campagnes Gloria (Barnes) By French carol, arr. by Edward Shippen Barnes DP04.2 MV11 GHC01008 Gloria (Bucknall), 77.77.77 Gloria (Bucknall), 77.77.77 By C. Bucknall DP04.2 MV11 GHC01008 Glorious Is Thy Name, O Lord! Gloria (Bucknall), 77.77.77 By C. Bucknall DP04.2 MV11 GHC01009 Father of Light, We Sing in Thy Praise Gloria Patri By Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1515-1594) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01009 Gloria Patri Gloria Patri By Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1515-1594) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01010 Gloria (Smart), 87.87 D Gloria (Smart), 87.87 D By Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01011 Glorious Freedom Glorious Freedom By Haldor Lillenas, 1917 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01012 Glory Ever Be to Jesus Glory Ever Be to Jesus By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1887 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01013 Do You Know the Song That the Angels Sang Glory in the Highest By James Henry Fillmore, Sr. (1849-1936) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01013 Glory in the Highest Glory in the Highest By James Henry Fillmore, Sr. (1849-1936) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01014 Glory Song Glory Song By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01014 O That Will Be Glory Glory Song By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01014 Sing We the King Glory Song By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01015 Glory to God, Hallelujah! Glory To God, Hallelujah! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1885 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01015 Glory To God, Hallelujah! Glory To God, Hallelujah! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1885 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01016 Glory to God in the Highest Glory to God in the Highest By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP04.2 MV11 GHC01017 Glossop Road, CM Glossop Road, CM By J. W. Phillips, before 1890 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01018 Gloucester, LM Gloucester, LM By E. Hodges DP04.2 MV11 GHC01018 He Sat to Watch o'er Customs Paid Gloucester, LM By E. Hodges DP04.2 MV11 GHC01018 Look Down upon Us, God of Grace Gloucester, LM By E. Hodges DP04.2 MV11 GHC01019 BelovŠd, Let Us Love Glovernia, 10.10 By Alfred Herbert Brewer, 1916 DP04.2 MV11 GHC01019 Glovernia, 10.10 Glovernia, 10.10 By Alfred Herbert Brewer, 1916 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01020 Go! Go! By Paul Rader, 1918 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01021 God's Holy Church Shall Triumph God's Holy Church Shall Triumph By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01023 Gods Word is our great heritage Guds Kirke er vor Klippe-Borg By Fried­rich O. Reu­ter, 1916 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01023 Guds Kirke er vor Klippe-Borg Guds Kirke er vor Klippe-Borg By Fried­rich O. Reu­ter, 1916 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01024 God Be in My Head God Be in My Head By Henry Walford Davies, circa 1910 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01025 God Be with You God Be with You By William G. Tomer, 1880 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01025 God Be with You till We Meet Again God Be with You By William G. Tomer, 1880 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01026 God Gave His Son for Me God Gave His Son for Me By Charles Fry, 1885 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01027 Easter Angels, 11 11 11 11 with refrain Easter Angels, 11 11 11 11 with refrain By James C. D. Parker (1828-?) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01027 God Hath Sent His Angels Easter Angels, 11 11 11 11 with refrain By James C. D. Parker (1828-?) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01028 God Holds the Future in His Hands God Holds the Future in His Hands By James D. Vaughan, 1922 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01029 God Is Always Near Me God Is Always Near Me By Philip Paul Bliss, 1871 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01030 God Is Ever Good God Is Ever Good, 65,68 By German tune DP04.3 MV12 GHC01030 God Is Ever Good, 65,68 God Is Ever Good, 65,68 By German tune DP04.3 MV12 GHC01031 God Is Goodness, God Is Love God Is Goodness, God Is Love By James Rowe, circa 1910 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01032 God Is Keeping His Soldiers Fighting God Is Keeping His Soldiers Fighting By William James Pearson, 1887 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01033 God Is Love God Is Love, By Attributed to Edmund S. Lorenz (1854-1942) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01033 God Is Love, God Is Love, By Attributed to Edmund S. Lorenz (1854-1942) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01034 God Is So Good God Is So Good By Traditional tune DP04.3 MV12 GHC01035 God Is Still on the Throne God Is Still on the Throne By Kittie Louise Suffield (1884-1972) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01036 God Leads Us Along God Leads Us Along By George A. Young, 1903 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01037 God Loved the World God Loved the World By Martha Matilda Stockton, ca. 1871 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01038 God Made Me for Himself God Made Me, By John Frederick Bridge, 1889 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01038 God Made Me, God Made Me, By John Frederick Bridge, 1889 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01039 God of the Living, 88.88.88 God of the Living, 88.88.88 By Francis Everard William Hulton, 1889 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01040 God Our Refuge God Our Refuge By William Fiske Sherwin, 1875 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01041 God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen By 18th Century English melody DP04.3 MV12 GHC01042 God So Loved the World God So Loved the World By William James Kirkpatrick, 1886 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01043 God Will Take Care of You God Will Take Care of You By Civilla Durfee Martin, 1904 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01044 Going On Going On By Jessie Brown Pounds, circa 1900 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01045 Golden Chain, 87.87.887 Golden Chain, 87.87.887 By Joseph Barnby, 1887 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01045 Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place (Gill) Golden Chain, 87.87.887 By Joseph Barnby, 1887 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01046 Golden Hill, SM Golden Hill, SM By Ananias Davisson, The Kentucky Harmony, 1816 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01047 Golden Sheaves, 87.87 D Golden Sheaves, 87.87 D By Arthur Sullivan (1871?) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01048 Gone from My Heart Gone from My Heart By Arranged from Stephen Collins Foster DP04.3 MV12 GHC01049 Good News Good News By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, 1888 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01050 Good Night and Good Morning Good Night and Good Morning By Lizzie DeArmond DP04.3 MV12 GHC01051 Good Shepherd Good Shepherd By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01051 Lord Is My Shepherd, The Good Shepherd By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01052 Gopsal Gopsal By George Frederick Handel (1685-1759) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01053 Gordon Gordon By Adoniram J. Gordon, 1876 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01053 Great Shepherd Who Leadest Thy People in Love Gordon By Adoniram J. Gordon, 1876 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01053 My Jesus, I Love Thee Gordon By Adoniram J. Gordon, 1876 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01054 Gorton, SM Gorton, SM By Arr. from Beethoven by John E. West (1863-1929) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01054 Lord of the Hearts of Men Gorton, SM By Arr. from Beethoven by John E. West (1863-1929) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01054 Remember Not, O God Gorton, SM By Arr. from Beethoven by John E. West (1863-1929) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01055 As Shadows Cast by Cloud and Sun Goshen, CMD By William Gawler's Psalms and Hymns, 1789 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01055 Goshen, CMD Goshen, CMD By William Gawler's Psalms and Hymns, 1789 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01055 O Thou Who in Jordan Goshen, CMD By William Gawler's Psalms and Hymns, 1789 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01055 Our Father in Heaven Goshen, CMD By William Gawler's Psalms and Hymns, 1789 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01056 Goshen (Bible Class), 65.65 D Goshen (Bible Class), 65.65 D By Bible Class Magazine, 1860 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01056 I Was Made a Christian Goshen (Bible Class), 65.65 D By Bible Class Magazine, 1860 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01057 Gospel Echoes Gospel Echoes By R. G. Staples, 1877 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01058 Gosterwood, 76.76 D Gosterwood, 76.76 D By English tune, arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01058 King of Glory Standeth, The Gosterwood, 76.76 D By English tune, arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01059 Gotha Gotha By Justin H. Knecht (1752-1817) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01059 I Will Ever Sing Thy Praises Gotha By Justin H. Knecht (1752-1817) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01060 Aus Gnaden Soll Ich Selig Werden Aus Gnaden Soll Ich Selig Werden By Justin Heinrich Knecht, 1796 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01060 By Grace I'm Saved Aus Gnaden Soll Ich Selig Werden By Justin Heinrich Knecht, 1796 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01061 Gottes Sohn ist Kommen, 12.12.12 Gottes Sohn ist Kommen, 12.12.12 By Michael Weisse, 1531 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01061 Once He Came in Blessing Gottes Sohn ist Kommen, 12.12.12 By Michael Weisse, 1531 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01062 Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, The Gottlob, es geht nunmehr zu Ende, LM By Johann Sebastian Bach, 1736 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01062 Gottlob, es geht nunmehr zu Ende, LM Gottlob, es geht nunmehr zu Ende, LM By Johann Sebastian Bach, 1736 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01063 First of Martyrs, Thou Whose Name Gott Sei Dank, 77.77 By Johann A. Freylinghausen (Halle, Germany1704) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01063 Gott Sei Dank, 77.77 Gott Sei Dank, 77.77 By Johann A. Freylinghausen (Halle, Germany1704) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01063 Heaven and Earth, and Sea and Air Gott Sei Dank, 77.77 By Johann A. Freylinghausen (Halle, Germany1704) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01063 Jesus, Name of Wondrous Love Gott Sei Dank, 77.77 By Johann A. Freylinghausen (Halle, Germany1704) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01063 On This Day, the First of Days Gott Sei Dank, 77.77 By Johann A. Freylinghausen (Halle, Germany1704) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01063 Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word Gott Sei Dank, 77.77 By Johann A. Freylinghausen (Halle, Germany1704) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01063 To Thy Temple I Repair Gott Sei Dank, 77.77 By Johann A. Freylinghausen (Halle, Germany1704) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01064 Gott sei gelobet Gott sei gelobet By Germany melody, circa 1400 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01064 O Lord, We Praise Thee Gott sei gelobet By Germany melody, circa 1400 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01065 Gouda, CM Gouda, CM By Berthold Tours (1838-1897) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01065 We Journey Through a Vale of Tears Gouda, CM By Berthold Tours (1838-1897) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01066 Gower's Litany, 77.76 Gower's Litany, 77.76 By John Henry Gower, 1891 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01066 Spirit, Strength of All the Weak Gower's Litany, 77.76 By John Henry Gower, 1891 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01067 Go Ye into All the World Go Ye Into All the World By James McGranahan DP04.3 MV12 GHC01067 Go Ye Into All the World Go Ye Into All the World By James McGranahan DP04.3 MV12 GHC01067 Larg Larg Ne Vende T'err'ta Go Ye Into All the World By James McGranahan DP04.3 MV12 GHC01068 Gozo da Server a Cristo Gozo Da Servir a Cristo By Bentley DeForest Ackley (1872-1958) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01068 Gozo Da Servir a Cristo Gozo Da Servir a Cristo By Bentley DeForest Ackley (1872-1958) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01069 Go Down Moses Go Down Moses By African-American spiritual DP04.3 MV12 GHC01069 When Israel Was in Egypt's Land Go Down Moses By African-American spiritual DP04.3 MV12 GHC01070 Go Forth at Christ's Command Go Forth at Christ's Command By J. Howard Entwisle, 1897 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01071 Go, Tell It on the Mountain Go, Tell It on the Mountain By African-American spiritual DP04.3 MV12 GHC01072 Go to the Deeps of God's Promise Go to the Deeps of God's Promise By Carrie Elizabeth Ellis Breck, 1907 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01073 Go Work in My Vineyard Go Work in My Vineyard By Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830-1912) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01074 Go Work in the Vineyard Go Work in the Vineyard By John Robson Sweney, 1881 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01075 Come, O Creator Spirit Blest Grace Church, LM By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1815 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01075 Grace Church, LM Grace Church, LM By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1815 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01075 He Comes! He Comes! the Judge Severe! Grace Church, LM By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1815 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01075 O Son of God, in Glory Crowned Grace Church, LM By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1815 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01075 With Broken Heart and Contrite Sigh Grace Church, LM By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1815 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01076 Grace, Enough for Me Grace, Enough for Me By Edwin Othello Excell, 1905 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01077 Grace Greater than Our Sin Grace Greater Than Our Sins By Julia H. Johnston, 1911 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01077 Grace Greater Than Our Sins Grace Greater Than Our Sins By Julia H. Johnston, 1911 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01078 Grace! 'Tis a Charming Sound Grace! 'Tis a Charming Sound By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01079 Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs Grafenberg, CM By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01079 Father of Glory, to Thy Name Grafenberg, CM By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01079 Father, Whose Will Is Life and Good Grafenberg, CM By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01079 Grafenberg, CM Grafenberg, CM By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01079 Heal Us, Emmanuel Grafenberg, CM By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01079 Jesus! the Name High over All Grafenberg, CM By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01079 My Trust Is in My Heavenly Friend Grafenberg, CM By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01079 Save Me, O God Grafenberg, CM By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01080 Grafton, 87.87.87 Grafton, 87.87.87 By Chants Ordinaires d l'Office Divin, 1881 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01080 Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling Grafton, 87.87.87 By Chants Ordinaires d l'Office Divin, 1881 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01081 Grafton Street, 87.87 Grafton Street, 87.87 By P. K. Moran, 1828 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01081 Lord of Life, All Praise Excelling Grafton Street, 87.87 By P. K. Moran, 1828 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01082 Behold a Host, Arrayed in White Great White Host By Edvard Hagerup Grieg (1843-1907) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01082 Den Store, Kvite Flokk Great White Host By Edvard Hagerup Grieg (1843-1907) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01082 Great White Host Great White Host By Edvard Hagerup Grieg (1843-1907) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01083 Greenland, 76.76 D Greenland, 76.76 D By Thomas Clark (1775-1859) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01084 Greenland Greenland By Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01084 Light of God Is Falling, The Greenland By Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01084 O Hear Them Marching, Marching Greenland By Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01085 Greensleeves Greensleeves By 16th Century English melody DP04.3 MV12 GHC01085 What Child Is This? Greensleeves By 16th Century English melody DP04.3 MV12 GHC01086 Greenville, 87.87.87 Greenville, 87.87.87 By Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1752 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01086 Hush, My Dear Greenville, 87.87.87 By Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1752 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01086 Thou Hast Said, Exalted Jesus Greenville, 87.87.87 By Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1752 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01087 Greenwell, 88.87 Greenwell, 88.87 By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01087 I Am Not Skilled to Understand Greenwell, 88.87 By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01088 Greenwich, CM Greenwich, CM By W. Richardson, 1729 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01088 Oh, It Is Hard to Work for God Greenwich, CM By W. Richardson, 1729 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01089 Greenwood, SM Greenwood, SM By Joseph E. Sweetser (1815-1873) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01089 Lord, in the Strength of Grace Greenwood, SM By Joseph E. Sweetser (1815-1873) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01089 Since Jesus Is My Friend Greenwood, SM By Joseph E. Sweetser (1815-1873) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01089 Sweetly the Holy Hymn Greenwood, SM By Joseph E. Sweetser (1815-1873) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01090 Away with Our Sorrow and Fear How Tedious and Tasteless By German melody DP04.3 MV12 GHC01090 How Tedious and Tasteless How Tedious and Tasteless By German melody DP04.3 MV12 GHC01090 We Speak of the Realms of the Blest How Tedious and Tasteless By German melody DP04.3 MV12 GHC01091 Green Hill (Peace), CM Green Hill (Peace), CM By Albert Lister Peace, 1885 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01091 There Is a Safe and Secret Place Green Hill (Peace), CM By Albert Lister Peace, 1885 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01091 Why Should Our Tears in Sorrow Flow Green Hill (Peace), CM By Albert Lister Peace, 1885 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01092 Green Hill Green Hill By George C. Stebbins (1846-1945) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01092 There Is a Green Hill Far Away Green Hill By George C. Stebbins (1846-1945) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01093 Gregorian Gregorian By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01093 Lord's Prayer, The Gregorian By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01094 God in the Gospel of His Son Grostette, LM By Henry W. Greatorex DP04.3 MV12 GHC01094 Great God of Nations, Now to Thee Grostette, LM By Henry W. Greatorex DP04.3 MV12 GHC01094 Grostette, LM Grostette, LM By Henry W. Greatorex DP04.3 MV12 GHC01095 Growing Dearer Each Day Growing Dearer Each Day By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1907 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01096 Guardian Angels, LM Guardian Angels, LM By E. H. Thorne DP04.3 MV12 GHC01097 Guds Menighed, Syng, Guds Menighed, Syng, By Erik Hoff, circa 1860 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01097 Ye Lands, to the Lord Make a Jubilant Noise Guds Menighed, Syng, By Erik Hoff, circa 1860 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01098 Gud Faders Son enbaarne, 76, 76, 77, 6 Gud Faders Son enbaarne, 76, 76, 77, 6 By Erfurt, 1524 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01098 Only Son from Heaven, The Gud Faders Son enbaarne, 76, 76, 77, 6 By Erfurt, 1524 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01099 Guidance, 75.75 D Guidance, 75.75 D By Lyman Brackett, 1887 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01099 Shepherd, Show Me How To Go Guidance, 75.75 D By Lyman Brackett, 1887 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01100 Guide Guide By Marcus M. Wells, 1858 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01100 Hark! A Voice Divides the Sky Guide By Marcus M. Wells, 1858 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01100 Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide Guide By Marcus M. Wells, 1858 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01100 Jesus, Full of Love Divine Guide By Marcus M. Wells, 1858 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01100 See, Another Year Is Gone Guide By Marcus M. Wells, 1858 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01101 Guide Me, 87.87.47 Guide Me, 87.87.47 By George W. Warren, 1884 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01102 Glory Be to God on High Gwalchmai, 77.77 & alleluias By Joseph David Jones (1827-1870) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01102 Gwalchmai, 77.77 & alleluias Gwalchmai, 77.77 & alleluias By Joseph David Jones (1827-1870) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01102 King of Glory, King of Peace Gwalchmai, 77.77 & alleluias By Joseph David Jones (1827-1870) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01103 God of Grace, O Let Thy Light Haarlem, 77.75 By Berthold Tours (1838-1897) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01103 Haarlem, 77.75 Haarlem, 77.75 By Berthold Tours (1838-1897) DP04.3 MV12 GHC01104 Habakkuk, 88.6 D Habakkuk, 88.6 D By Edward Hodges DP04.3 MV12 GHC01104 How Happy Is the Pilgrim's Lot Habakkuk, 88.6 D By Edward Hodges DP04.3 MV12 GHC01105 Come, Every Pious Heart Haddam, 666.88 By Arranged by Lowell Mason, 1822 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01105 Haddam, 666.88 Haddam, 666.88 By Arranged by Lowell Mason, 1822 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01105 Jehovah's Perfect Law Haddam, 666.88 By Arranged by Lowell Mason, 1822 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01106 Great God, Indulge My Humble Claim Hagerstown, LM By John David Brunk, 1902 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01106 Hagerstown, LM Hagerstown, LM By John David Brunk, 1902 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01107 Hague, 86.86.886 Hague, 86.86.886 By Norwegian Folk Melody DP04.3 MV12 GHC01108 Hail, Happy Morning Hail, Happy Morning By Philip Paul Bliss, 1871 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01109 Hail Him the King of Glory Hail Him the King of Glory By Henry de Fluiter, 1916 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01110 Hail Mighty Victor Hail Mighty Victor By Arr. from Gounod by I. H. Meredith, circa 1903 DP04.3 MV12 GHC01110 Hail, Mighty Victor Hail Mighty Victor By Arr. from Gounod by I. H. Meredith, circa 1903 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01111 Halle, 77.77 Halle, 77.77 By The Psalmist, 1830 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01111 See the Destined Day Arise Halle, 77.77 By The Psalmist, 1830 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01112 Hallel, 65.65 D Hallel, 65.65 D By Myles B. Foster, 1891 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01112 With Gladness We Worship Hallel, 65.65 D By Myles B. Foster, 1891 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01113 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! By Charles Davis Tillman, 1894 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01114 Hallelujah for the Cross! Hallelujah for the Cross! By Horatius Bonar (1808-1889) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01115 Hallelujah! He Is Risen Hallelujah, He Is Risen! By Philip Paul Bliss, 1876 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01115 Hallelujah, He Is Risen! Hallelujah, He Is Risen! By Philip Paul Bliss, 1876 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01116 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah (Kirkpatrick) Praise Jehovah, 87.87 D refrain By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01116 Praise Jehovah, 87.87 D refrain Praise Jehovah, 87.87 D refrain By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01117 Hallelujah, 'Tis Done! Hellujah 'Tis Done!.nwc By Philip Paul Bliss DP05.1 MV13 GHC01117 Hellujah 'Tis Done!.nwc Hellujah 'Tis Done!.nwc By Philip Paul Bliss DP05.1 MV13 GHC01118 Hallelujah unto Jesus Hallelujah unto Jesus By Mrs. W. J. Kennedy DP05.1 MV13 GHC01119 Hallelujah, We Shall Rise Hallelujah, We Shall Rise By J. E. Thomas DP05.1 MV13 GHC01120 Hallett, 77.77.77 Hallett, 77.77.77 By James Hallett Sheppard (1835-1879) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01121 Halle (Haydn), 77.77.77 Halle (Haydn), 77.77.77 By Attributed to Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01122 Hall (Jones), 87.87D Hall (Jones), 87.87D By Abner Jones, 1836 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01122 Onward, Onward, Men of Heaven Hall (Jones), 87.87D By Abner Jones, 1836 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01123 Hall (Laufer), Hall (Laufer), By Calvin Weiss Laufer, 1918 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01123 Take Thou Our Minds, O Lord Hall (Laufer), By Calvin Weiss Laufer, 1918 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01124 Halton Holgate, 87.87 Halton Holgate, 87.87 By William Boyce (1711-1779) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01124 Light of Those Whose Dreary Dwelling Halton Holgate, 87.87 By William Boyce (1711-1779) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01124 Lord and Savior, True and Kind Halton Holgate, 87.87 By William Boyce (1711-1779) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 Alpha, Omega Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 Christ a Redeemer and Friend Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 Ere Mountains Reared Their Forms Sublime Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 Father, Whose Everlasting Love Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 Hamburg, LM Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 My Lord, How Full of Sweet Content Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 O Lord, My God! How Great Art Thou! Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 O Thou That Hear'st When Sinners Cry Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 Peace, Troubled Soul Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 Royal Banners Forward Go, The Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 Shall I, for Fear of Feeble Man Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01125 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Hamburg, LM By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01126 Far Down the Ages Now Hammersmith (Filby), SM By William Charles Filby (1836-1913) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01126 Hammersmith (Filby), SM Hammersmith (Filby), SM By William Charles Filby (1836-1913) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01127 Hammersmith, 86.886 Hammersmith, 86.886 By William Henry Gladstone (1840-1891) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01128 Hampstead (Davies), 88.88.6 Hampstead (Davies), 88.88.6 By Henry Walford Davies, 1915 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01129 Hampstead, LM Hampstead, LM By W. Smallwood DP05.1 MV13 GHC01130 Deceit and Falsehood I Abhor Handy, LM By Joseph Perry Holbrook (1822-1888) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01130 Handy, LM Handy, LM By Joseph Perry Holbrook (1822-1888) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01131 Hand in Hand Hand in Hand By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01132 From North and South and East and West Hanford (Sullivan), 88.84 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01132 Hanford (Sullivan), 88.84 Hanford (Sullivan), 88.84 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01132 Jesus, My Savior, Look on Me Hanford (Sullivan), 88.84 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01132 My God and Father! While I Stray Hanford (Sullivan), 88.84 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01132 Through Good Report and Evil, Lord Hanford (Sullivan), 88.84 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01133 Grato Es Contar la Historia Hankey By William Gustavus Fischer, 1869 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01133 Hankey Hankey By William Gustavus Fischer, 1869 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01133 I Love to Tell the Story Hankey By William Gustavus Fischer, 1869 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01134 Hannah Hannah By James H. Fillmore (1849-1936) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01134 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Hannah By James H. Fillmore (1849-1936) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01135 Disposer Supreme, and Judge of the Earth Hanover, By Attributed to William Croft, 1708 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01135 Hanover, Hanover, By Attributed to William Croft, 1708 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01135 Louez le Seigneur Hanover, By Attributed to William Croft, 1708 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01135 O Praise Ye the Lord Hanover, By Attributed to William Croft, 1708 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01135 O What Shall I Do, My Savior to Praise Hanover, By Attributed to William Croft, 1708 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01135 Vers toi, divin PŠre Hanover, By Attributed to William Croft, 1708 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01135 We Praise Thee, O God Hanover, By Attributed to William Croft, 1708 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01136 Hanson Place Hanson Place By Robert Lowry, 1864 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01136 Shall We Gather at the River? Hanson Place By Robert Lowry, 1864 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01137 Hanwell Hanwell By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01137 Lo! the Lord, the Mighty Savior Hanwell By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01138 Happy Land Happy Land By Hindu tune DP05.1 MV13 GHC01138 There Is a Happy Land Happy Land By Hindu tune DP05.1 MV13 GHC01139 Happy Sunbeams Happy Sunbeams By James Rowe, 1909 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01140 Harington, CM Harington, CM By H. Harington (1727-1816) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01141 Hark the Sounds Melodious Stealing Hark the Sounds Melodious Stealing By Anonymous, before 1913 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01141 Hark, the Sounds Melodious Stealing Hark the Sounds Melodious Stealing By Anonymous, before 1913 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01142 Hark! There Comes a Whisper Hark! There Comes a Whisper By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01143 Hark! the Skies Hark! the Skies By Joseph Proud (1745-1826) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01143 Hark! The Skies with Music Sound Hark! the Skies By Joseph Proud (1745-1826) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01144 Hark! The Springtide Breezes Hark! The Springtide Breezes By J. W. Lerman, circa 1903 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01145 Hark, the Tramp of Coming Legions Hark, the Tramp of Coming Legions By Alice Jean Cleator, 1903 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01146 Be Strong! Harold, By Carl F. Price, 1911 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01146 Harold, Harold, By Carl F. Price, 1911 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01147 Harper, 77.77.77 Harper, 77.77.77 By Composer Unknown DP05.1 MV13 GHC01148 Harting, 87.87 Harting, 87.87 By Frederick Alfred John Hervey, 1889 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01148 Life and Strength of All Thy Servants Harting, 87.87 By Frederick Alfred John Hervey, 1889 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01149 Harvest, 10.10.7 Harvest, 10.10.7 By Charles Joseph Frost, 1889 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01149 Lord of the Harvest! It Is Right and Meet Harvest, 10.10.7 By Charles Joseph Frost, 1889 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01150 Harvest Bells Harvest Bells By W. E. Penn, 1882 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01151 Harvest Time Harvest Time By Paul Rader, 1921 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01152 Hark, Ten Thousand Harps and Voices Harwell By Lowell Mason, 1840 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01152 Harwell Harwell By Lowell Mason, 1840 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01152 Praise the Savior, All Ye Nations Harwell By Lowell Mason, 1840 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01152 Saw You Never, in the Twilight? Harwell By Lowell Mason, 1840 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01153 Haslingden, 88.8.86 Haslingden, 88.8.86 By Henry Hiles (1826-1904) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01154 Hastings, 868.688 Hastings, 868.688 By Thomas Hastings, 1831 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01154 How Calm and Beautiful the Morn Hastings, 868.688 By Thomas Hastings, 1831 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01155 Have Courage to Say No! Have Courage to Say No! By Horatio Richmond Palmer, 1887 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01156 Have Ye Been to Nazareth? Have Ye Been to Nazareth? By Grace Gordon, 1921 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01157 Have You Any Room for Jesus? Have You Any Room for Jesus? By Arranged by Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01158 Have You Ever Heard the Story? Have You Ever Heard the Story? By Mrs. S. Z. Kauffman , 1885 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01159 Have You on the Lord Believed? Have You on the Lord Believed? By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01160 Have You Prayed It Through? Have You Prayed It Through? By William Charles Poole, circa 1915 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01161 Hawkhurst, LM Hawkhurst, LM By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01162 Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be Waking Haydn By Arranged from Franz Joseph Haydn, 1791 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01162 Haydn Haydn By Arranged from Franz Joseph Haydn, 1791 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01163 Hayes, LMD Hayes, LMD By From Ludwig van Beethoven DP05.1 MV13 GHC01163 O Master, It Is Good to Be Hayes, LMD By From Ludwig van Beethoven DP05.1 MV13 GHC01164 Healing at the Fountain Healing at the Fountain By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01165 Heart Ever Faithful, 78.76 D Heart Ever Faithful, 78.76 D By Adapted from Johann Sebastian Bach DP05.1 MV13 GHC01165 O Joyous Easter Morning Heart Ever Faithful, 78.76 D By Adapted from Johann Sebastian Bach DP05.1 MV13 GHC01166 Hear and Answer Prayer Hear and Answer Prayer By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01167 Hear, and Live! Hear, and Live! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01168 Hear My Call Hear My Call By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1887 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01169 Hear the Call Hear the Call By William Fiske Sherwin, 1876 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01170 Hear the Wail Hear the Wail By J. Wakefield MacGill DP05.1 MV13 GHC01171 Hear Us, O Savior Hear Us, O Savior! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01171 Hear Us, O Savior! Hear Us, O Savior! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01172 All Things Praise Thee Heathlands, 77.77.77 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1866 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01172 Heathlands, 77.77.77 Heathlands, 77.77.77 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1866 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01173 Heavenly Father Heavenly Father By Robert Lowry (1820-1899) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01173 Heavenly Father, We Beseech Thee Heavenly Father By Robert Lowry (1820-1899) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01174 Heavenly Sunlight Heavenly Sunlight By H. J. Zelleyh DP05.1 MV13 GHC01175 Heber, CM Heber, CM By George Kingsley, 1838 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01175 Jesus, I Love Thy Charming Name Heber, CM By George Kingsley, 1838 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01175 O Come, My People, to My Law Heber, CM By George Kingsley, 1838 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01176 Hebron, LM Hebron, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01176 My God, My God, I Cry to Thee Hebron, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01176 Ride On, Ride On in Majesty! Hebron, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01176 So Let Our Lips and Lives Express Hebron, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01176 Thus Far the Lord Hath Led Me On Hebron, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01177 Heiliger Geist, 777 Heiliger Geist, 777 By Vollstandige Psalmen (Bremen, Germany1639) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01178 By Thy Birth and by Thy Tears Heinlein (Aus der Tiefe rufe ich), 77.77 By Nurnberisches Gesangbuch, 1676 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01178 Christ Will Gather in His Own Heinlein (Aus der Tiefe rufe ich), 77.77 By Nurnberisches Gesangbuch, 1676 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01178 Forty Days and Forty Nights Heinlein (Aus der Tiefe rufe ich), 77.77 By Nurnberisches Gesangbuch, 1676 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01178 Heavenly Father, Bless Me Now Heinlein (Aus der Tiefe rufe ich), 77.77 By Nurnberisches Gesangbuch, 1676 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01178 Heinlein (Aus der Tiefe rufe ich), 77.77 Heinlein (Aus der Tiefe rufe ich), 77.77 By Nurnberisches Gesangbuch, 1676 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01178 Holy Father, Hear My Cry Heinlein (Aus der Tiefe rufe ich), 77.77 By Nurnberisches Gesangbuch, 1676 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01179 Held in His Mighty Arms Held in His Mighty Arms By William Macomber DP05.1 MV13 GHC01180 Helen, 87.87 D Helen, 87.87 D By Silas Jones Vail, 1874 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01180 Who, O Lord, with Thee Abiding Helen, 87.87 D By Silas Jones Vail, 1874 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01181 Hilft Mir Gott's Gute, Hilft Mir Gott's Gute, By Wolfgang Figulus, 1575 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01181 To God the Anthem Raising Hilft Mir Gott's Gute, By Wolfgang Figulus, 1575 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01182 He'll Never Forget to Keep Me He'll Never Forget to Keep Me By Frederick Arthur Graves, 1899 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01183 He'll Walk with Me All the Way He'll Walk with Me All the Way By L. J. Williams, circa 1913 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01184 Helmsley Helmsley By Traditional English melody DP05.1 MV13 GHC01184 Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending Helmsley By Traditional English melody DP05.1 MV13 GHC01185 Help Somebody Today Help Somebody Today By Carrie Elizabeth Ellis Breck, 1904 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01186 Hemsford, CM Hemsford, CM By Gerard Francis Cobb (1838-1904) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01186 With Christ We Share a Mystic Grave Hemsford, CM By Gerard Francis Cobb (1838-1904) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01187 Angels, Roll the Rock Away Hendon, 77.77 By Henri Abraham Cesar Malan, 1827 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01187 Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know Hendon, 77.77 By Henri Abraham Cesar Malan, 1827 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01187 Christ, of All My Hopes the Ground Hendon, 77.77 By Henri Abraham Cesar Malan, 1827 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01187 Hendon, 77.77 Hendon, 77.77 By Henri Abraham Cesar Malan, 1827 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01188 Dear God, Our Father Henley, By Lowell Mason, 1846 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01188 Father, in Thy Mysterious Presence Kneeling Henley, By Lowell Mason, 1846 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01188 Henley, Henley, By Lowell Mason, 1846 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01189 Hereford (Heins), irr. Hereford (Heins), irr. By Francis D. Heins (1878-1949) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01189 There's a Voice in the Wilderness Crying Hereford (Heins), irr. By Francis D. Heins (1878-1949) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01190 Hereford (Ouseley), CM Hereford (Ouseley), CM By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01190 O God, My God, Wherefore Dost Thou Hereford (Ouseley), CM By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01190 Once More the Solemn Season Calls Hereford (Ouseley), CM By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP05.1 MV13 GHC01191 Hereford Hereford By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01191 O Thou Who Camest from Above Hereford By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01192 Here Am I, Send Me Here Am I, Send Me By J. Gilchrist Lawson, ca. 1910 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01193 Here Is Love Here Is Love By Robert Lowry DP05.1 MV13 GHC01194 Christians, Sing the Incarnation Herga, 87.87.87 D By Percy Carter Buck, 1904 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01194 Herga, 87.87.87 D Herga, 87.87.87 D By Percy Carter Buck, 1904 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01195 Heri Mundus Exultavit, 88.78.87 Heri Mundus Exultavit, 88.78.87 By W. Macfarren DP05.1 MV13 GHC01195 Yesterday, with Exultation Heri Mundus Exultavit, 88.78.87 By W. Macfarren DP05.1 MV13 GHC01196 Hermann, CM Hermann, CM By Nikolaus Hermann, 1560 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01196 O God, My Strength and Fortitude Hermann, CM By Nikolaus Hermann, 1560 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01197 All the Happy Children Hermas By Frances Ridley Havergal, 1871 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01197 Golden Harps Are Sounding Hermas By Frances Ridley Havergal, 1871 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01197 Hermas Hermas By Frances Ridley Havergal, 1871 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01197 On Our Way Rejoicing Hermas By Frances Ridley Havergal, 1871 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01198 Have You Not Known, Have You Not Heard Hermon, CM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01198 Hermon, CM Hermon, CM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01198 We Love the Venerable House Hermon, CM By Lowell Mason, 1832 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01199 Herrnhut, 77.88.77 Herrnhut, 77.88.77 By Hernhutter Choralbuch, 1735 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01199 Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice Herrnhut, 77.88.77 By Hernhutter Choralbuch, 1735 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01200 Gospel Shows the Father's Grace, The Herr Jesu Christ, LM By Cantionale Germanicum, Dresden, 1628 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01200 Herr Jesu Christ, LM Herr Jesu Christ, LM By Cantionale Germanicum, Dresden, 1628 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01200 Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now Herr Jesu Christ, LM By Cantionale Germanicum, Dresden, 1628 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01200 O Come, Loud Anthems Let Us Sing Herr Jesu Christ, LM By Cantionale Germanicum, Dresden, 1628 DP05.1 MV13 GHC01200 Old Year Now Hath Passed Away, The Herr Jesu Christ, LM By Cantionale Germanicum, Dresden, 1628 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01201 Arise, O Lord, Our God, Arise Herr Jesu Christ (Bach), LM By Pensum Sacrum, 1648, arr. by Bach DP05.2 MV14 GHC01201 Herr Jesu Christ (Bach), LM Herr Jesu Christ (Bach), LM By Pensum Sacrum, 1648, arr. by Bach DP05.2 MV14 GHC01202 Herr Jesu Christ, Mein's, LM Herr Jesu Christ, Mein's, LM By As Hymnodus Sacer (Leipzig, Germany:1625) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01203 Ah, Holy Jesus Herzliebster Jesu By Johann Cruger, 1640 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01203 De Quelle Offense Portes-Tu la Peine? Herzliebster Jesu By Johann Cruger, 1640 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01203 Herzliebster Jesu Herzliebster Jesu By Johann Cruger, 1640 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01203 O Dearest Jesus Herzliebster Jesu By Johann Cruger, 1640 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01204 And Dost Thou Say Hesperus, LM By Henry Williams Baker, 1854 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01204 Father and Friend! Thy Light, Thy Love Hesperus, LM By Henry Williams Baker, 1854 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01204 Hesperus, LM Hesperus, LM By Henry Williams Baker, 1854 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01204 Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me Hesperus, LM By Henry Williams Baker, 1854 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01204 Let the Seventh Angel Sound on High Hesperus, LM By Henry Williams Baker, 1854 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01204 O God of Love Hesperus, LM By Henry Williams Baker, 1854 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01204 O God of Mercy! Hearken Now Hesperus, LM By Henry Williams Baker, 1854 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01204 O Lord of Hosts, Almighty King Hesperus, LM By Henry Williams Baker, 1854 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01205 He's Able and Willing He's Able and Willing By Charles Austin Miles, 1910 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01206 He's a Friend of Mine He's a Friend of Mine By John Henry Sammis (1846-1919) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01207 He's a Wonderful Savior to Me He's a Wonderful Savior to Me By Virgil P. Brock, 1918 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01208 He's Coming Back Again He's Coming Back Again By Mrs. H. S. Lehman, 1922 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01209 He's Everything to Me He's Everything to Me By Virgil P. Brock, 1918 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01210 He Abides He Abides By Herbert Buffum (1879-1939) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01211 He Brought Me Out He Brought Me Out By Henry Jeffreys Zelley (1859-1942) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01212 He Careth for Me He Careth for Me By Virgil P.Brock, 1918 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01213 He Cometh! He Cometh! By William T. Pettengell DP05.2 MV14 GHC01214 He Feedeth His Flock He Feedeth His Flock By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01215 He Gives the Power He Gives the Power By Roger M. Hickman DP05.2 MV14 GHC01216 He Hideth My Soul He Hideth My Soul By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1890 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01217 He Included Me He Included Me By Johnson Oatman, 1909 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01218 Deliverance Deliverance By William Augustine Ogden, 1887 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01218 He Is Able to Deliver Thee Deliverance By William Augustine Ogden, 1887 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01219 He Is All in All to Me He Is All in All to Me By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01220 He Is Coming Newcastle, with refrain By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01220 Newcastle, with refrain Newcastle, with refrain By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01221 He Is Coming Again He Is Coming Again By Mabel Johnston Camp, 1913 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01222 He Is Mine He Is Mine By Joseph Lincoln Hall, 1912 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01223 He Is Near He Is Near By Horatius Bonar (1808-1889) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01224 He Is Not Here, but Is Risen! He Is Not Here, but Is Risen! By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01224 He Is Not Here, But Is Risen! He Is Not Here, but Is Risen! By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01225 He Is So Precious to Me Precious to Me, with refrain By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1902 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01225 Precious to Me, with refrain Precious to Me, with refrain By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1902 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01226 He Just Put Himself in My Place He Just Put Himself in My Place By Author unknown, arranged by J. M. G. DP05.2 MV14 GHC01227 He Knows He Knows By Mary G. Brainard, arr. by P. P.Bliss DP05.2 MV14 GHC01228 He Knows It All He Knows It All By Ophelia Adams, 1905 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01229 Be Thou My Helper in the Strife He Leadeth Me By William B. Bradbury, 1864 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01229 Esht' e Vertet', Ai Sheron He Leadeth Me By William B. Bradbury, 1864 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01229 He Leadeth Me He Leadeth Me By William B. Bradbury, 1864 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01229 Me Guˇa l, con Cuanto Amor He Leadeth Me By William B. Bradbury, 1864 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01229 Thro' the New Heav'n What Voices Ring He Leadeth Me By William B. Bradbury, 1864 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01230 He Lifted Me He Lifted Me By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01230 In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came He Lifted Me By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01231 He Lives on High He Lives on High By Baylus Benjamin McKinney, circa 1921 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01232 He Never Said a Mumbalin' Word He Never Said a Mumbalin' Word By African-American spiritual DP05.2 MV14 GHC01233 He the Pearly Gates Will Open He the Pearly Gates Will Open By Elsie Ahlwen DP05.2 MV14 GHC01234 He Took My Feet from the Miry Clay He Took My Feet from the Miry Clay By Traditional Spiritual DP05.2 MV14 GHC01235 He Took My Sins Away He Took My Sins Away By Margaret Jenkins Harris, 1903 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01236 He Wants a Poor Sinner Like Me He Wants a Poor Sinner Like Me By Maud Frazer, 1913 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01237 He Whispers His Love to Me He Whispers His Love to Me By Vivian McCown DP05.2 MV14 GHC01238 He Will Answer Every Prayer He Will Answer Every Prayer By Daniel Brink Towner (1850-1919) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01239 ChŁa Che Giau T“i He Will Hide Me By Mary E. Servoss, 1881 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01239 He Will Hide Me He Will Hide Me By Mary E. Servoss, 1881 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01240 Hic Breve Vivitur, 76.76 Hic Breve Vivitur, 76.76 By A. Pettet, circa 1815 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01241 Hidden Peace Hidden Peace By John S. Brown DP05.2 MV14 GHC01242 Hide God's Word in Your Heart Hide God's Word in Your Heart By Robert Harkness, 1909 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01243 Hide Me Hide Me By William Howard Doane, circa 1892 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01244 Hide Thou Me Hide Thou Me By Robert S. Lowry DP05.2 MV14 GHC01245 Hiding in Thee Hiding in Thee By Ira D.Sankey DP05.2 MV14 GHC01246 Higher Ground Higher Ground By Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1898 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01247 Highton, 88.6 D Highton, 88.6 D By Fred. Schneider, arr by Lowell Mason, 1844 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01247 How Precious, Lord, Thy Sacred Word Highton, 88.6 D By Fred. Schneider, arr by Lowell Mason, 1844 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01248 Highwood, Highwood, By R. R. Terry (1865-1938) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01249 High Dutch Tune, 88.88.66 High Dutch Tune, 88.88.66 By Giles Farnaby, 1621 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01249 Such as in God the Lord Do Trust High Dutch Tune, 88.88.66 By Giles Farnaby, 1621 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01250 High Road High Road By Martin Shad, 1915 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01250 Let All the World in Every Corner Sing High Road By Martin Shad, 1915 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01251 Hilderstone, LM Hilderstone, LM By P. Hart, 1713 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01251 Praise to Our God, Whose Bounteous Hand Hilderstone, LM By P. Hart, 1713 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01252 Himno nacional de cuba Himno nacional de cuba By Unknown DP05.2 MV14 GHC01253 Hinchman, 78.78.77 Hinchman, 78.78.77 By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1869 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01253 Licht vom Licht, erleuchte mich Hinchman, 78.78.77 By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1869 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01253 Light of Light, Enlighten Me Hinchman, 78.78.77 By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1869 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01254 His Eye Is on the Sparrow His Eye Is on the Sparrow By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, before1907 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01255 His Grace Aboundeth More His Grace Aboundeth More By Kate Ulmer, 1899 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01256 His Grace Is Enough for Me His Grace Is Enough for Me By J. Bruce Evans,1906 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01257 His Grace Is Sufficient for Me His Grace Is Sufficient for Me By Mrs. C. H. Morris, circa 1915 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01258 His Love Can Never Fail His Love Can Never Fail By E. S. Hall, circa 1897 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01259 His Love Passeth Knowledge His Love Passeth Knowledge By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01260 His Mighty Hand His Mighty Hand By Henry Ostrom, circa 1915 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01261 His Promise to Me His Promise to Me By James Rowe, 1917 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01262 His Way with Thee His Way with Thee By Cyrus S. Nusbaum DP05.2 MV14 GHC01263 We Will Exalt You, Our God the King We Will Exalt You, Our God the King By Mitch Cervinka, 1998 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01264 His Words Are True His Words Are True By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1905 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01265 His Yoke Is Easy His Yoke Is Easy By Ralph Erskine Hudson, 1885 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01266 Hochsten Nothen, LM Hochsten Nothen, LM By Genevan French Psalter, 1542 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01267 God Gives His Mercies to Be Spent Holborn Hill, LM By St. Alban's Tune Book DP05.2 MV14 GHC01267 Holborn Hill, LM Holborn Hill, LM By St. Alban's Tune Book DP05.2 MV14 GHC01267 O Lord, How Many Are My Foes Holborn Hill, LM By St. Alban's Tune Book DP05.2 MV14 GHC01267 Together, Lord, We Come to Thee Holborn Hill, LM By St. Alban's Tune Book DP05.2 MV14 GHC01267 Upon the Gospel's Sacred Page Holborn Hill, LM By St. Alban's Tune Book DP05.2 MV14 GHC01268 Holden, CMD Holden, CMD By Thomas Whittemore, 1841 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01268 Send Forth, O God, Thy Light and Truth Holden, CMD By Thomas Whittemore, 1841 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01269 Hold Fast Hold Fast By Fanny Crosby, 1902 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01270 Hold Fast Till I Come Hold Fast Till I Come By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01271 Hold the Fort Hold the Fort By Philip Paul Bliss, 1870 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01271 Oh! Soldados, en los Cielos Hold the Fort By Philip Paul Bliss, 1870 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01271 Oh, Hermanos, Dad a Cristo Hold the Fort By Philip Paul Bliss, 1870 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01272 Hold Thou My Hand Hold Thou My Hand By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1879 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01273 Hold Up the Grand Old Bible Hold Up the Grand Old Bible By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1907 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01274 Holiness, 65.65 D Holiness, 65.65 D By George Coles Stebbins, 1890 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01274 Take Time to Be Holy Holiness, 65.65 D By George Coles Stebbins, 1890 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01275 Holiness unto the Lord Holiness unto the Lord By Leila Naylor Morris (1862-1929) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01276 Holland, LM Holland, LM By Berthold Tours (1838-1897) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01276 How Oft, O Lord, Thy Face Hath Shone Holland, LM By Berthold Tours (1838-1897) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01277 Grace and Truth Shall Mark the Way Holley, LM By G. Hews DP05.2 MV14 GHC01277 Holley, LM Holley, LM By G. Hews DP05.2 MV14 GHC01277 O Thou Through Suffering Perfect Made Holley, LM By G. Hews DP05.2 MV14 GHC01277 Softly Fades the Twilight Ray Holley, LM By G. Hews DP05.2 MV14 GHC01278 Hollingside, Hollingside, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1860 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01278 Jesus, Merciful and Mild Hollingside, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1860 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01278 Pour Thy Blessings, Lord, Like Showers Hollingside, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1860 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01278 Time, with an Unwearied Hand Hollingside, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1860 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01279 Holmfirth, CMD Holmfirth, CMD By Benjamin Gill (1843-?) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01279 How Happy Every Child of Grace Holmfirth, CMD By Benjamin Gill (1843-?) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01280 Holyrood, SM Holyrood, SM By J. Watson DP05.2 MV14 GHC01281 Holy Anthem Holy Anthem By Edward Caswall (1814-1878) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01281 Holy Anthem, The Holy Anthem By Edward Caswall (1814-1878) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01282 Holy Church, 76.76 D Holy Church, 76.76 D By Arthur Henry Brown (1830-1926) DP05.2 MV14 GHC01283 His Wide Dominion Shall Extend Holy Cross, CM By James Clifft Wade, 1865 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01283 Holy Cross, CM Holy Cross, CM By James Clifft Wade, 1865 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01283 O Jesus, King Most Wonderful Holy Cross, CM By James Clifft Wade, 1865 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01284 Holy Day (Gower), 76.76.77 Holy Day (Gower), 76.76.77 By John Henry Gower, 1895 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01284 Lord, on Thy Returning Day Holy Day (Gower), 76.76.77 By John Henry Gower, 1895 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01285 Come, Let Us All with One Accord Holy Day, 88.6 By H. W. Parker DP05.2 MV14 GHC01285 Holy Day, 88.6 Holy Day, 88.6 By H. W. Parker DP05.2 MV14 GHC01286 Holy Ghost, 7.7.7 Holy Ghost, 7.7.7 By Melody adapted by Johann Cruger, 1640 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01286 Lord, in This Thy Mercy's Day Holy Ghost, 7.7.7 By Melody adapted by Johann Cruger, 1640 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01287 Holy Guide, 66.66 Holy Guide, 66.66 By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01287 What Time I Am Afraid Holy Guide, 66.66 By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01288 Holy Hill Holy Hill By William Henry Pontius, circa 1905 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01288 My Gracious Lord, I Own Thy Right Holy Hill By William Henry Pontius, circa 1905 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01288 O Thou, Whom All Thy Saints Adore Holy Hill By William Henry Pontius, circa 1905 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01289 Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing By Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1895 DP05.2 MV14 GHC01290 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship Holy Manna By William Moore DP05.2 MV14 GHC01290 Holy Manna Holy Manna By William Moore DP05.3 MV15 GHC01291 Holy Place, Holy Place, By John David Brunk, 1911 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01291 In Thy Holy Place Holy Place, By John David Brunk, 1911 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01291 Righteous God, Whose Vengeful Phials Holy Place, By John David Brunk, 1911 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01292 Holy Rood, SM Holy Rood, SM By Arthur Henry Brown, 1863 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01293 By Jesus' Grave on Either Hand Holy Sepulchre, 888 By E. H. Thorne DP05.3 MV15 GHC01293 Holy Sepulchre, 888 Holy Sepulchre, 888 By E. H. Thorne DP05.3 MV15 GHC01294 All Faded Is the Glowing Light Holy Trinity, CM By Joseph Barnby, 1861 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01294 Holy Trinity, CM Holy Trinity, CM By Joseph Barnby, 1861 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01294 There Is No Sorrow, Lord, Too Light Holy Trinity, CM By Joseph Barnby, 1861 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01295 Homeland! O the Homeland!, The Homeland, 7s.6s D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1867 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01295 Homeland, 7s.6s D Homeland, 7s.6s D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1867 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01296 Homeward Bound Homeward Bound By W. F. Warren, before 1864 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01297 Home at Last Home at Last By William Orcutt Cushing, 1877 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01298 Home of the Soul I Will Sing You a Song By Ellen Maria Huntington Gates (1835-1920) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01298 I Will Sing You a Song I Will Sing You a Song By Ellen Maria Huntington Gates (1835-1920) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01299 Honey in the Rock Honey in the Rock By Frederick Arthur Graves, circa 1895 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01300 Honiton, 77.77 D Honiton, 77.77 D By Edwin Flood, 1845 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01301 Hope, LM Hope, LM By Herbert S. Irons (1834-1905) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01301 O God, I Thank Thee For Each Sight Hope, LM By Herbert S. Irons (1834-1905) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01302 Hopkins, LM Hopkins, LM By E. G. Monk DP05.3 MV15 GHC01302 When from the East the Wise Men Came Hopkins, LM By E. G. Monk DP05.3 MV15 GHC01303 Hopkinton, CM Hopkinton, CM By Oliver Holden, 1796 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01303 Judge Me, O God, and Plead My Cause Hopkinton, CM By Oliver Holden, 1796 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01304 Horbury Horbury By John Bacchus Dykes, 1859 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01305 Horeb, Horeb, By Joseph Barnby, 1872 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01306 Hornsey, 87.83 Hornsey, 87.83 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01307 Horsley, CM Horsley, CM By William Horsley, 1844 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01308 Horton, 77.77 Horton, 77.77 By Xavier Schneider Von Wartensee, 1786 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01308 Thank and Praise Jehovah's Name Horton, 77.77 By Xavier Schneider Von Wartensee, 1786 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01309 Hosanna to the Living Lord Hosanna, LM with refrain By John Bacchus Dykes, 1865 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01309 Hosanna, LM with refrain Hosanna, LM with refrain By John Bacchus Dykes, 1865 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01310 Hosanna (Elliott), 88.88.7 Hosanna (Elliott), 88.88.7 By J. W. Elliott DP05.3 MV15 GHC01311 Hosanna in Excelsis, 77.87 D Hosanna in Excelsis, 77.87 D By Sydney Hugo Nicholson, 1916 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01312 Houghton, Houghton, By Henry John Gauntlett, 1861 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01312 My Soul, Bless the Lord! Houghton, By Henry John Gauntlett, 1861 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01313 Houghton-le-Spring, 77.77.77 Houghton-le-Spring, 77.77.77 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1860 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01314 Howard, CM Howard, CM By Elizabeth H. Cuthbert, circa 1810 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01315 Desperta, Povo de Siao Howard (Wilson), CM By Wilson's Selection of Tunes, 1825 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01315 Howard (Wilson), CM Howard (Wilson), CM By Wilson's Selection of Tunes, 1825 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01315 My Soul in Silence Waits for God Howard (Wilson), CM By Wilson's Selection of Tunes, 1825 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01316 Father, Son and Holy Ghost Howley Place, By Charles Edward Stephens, 1889 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01316 Howley Place, Howley Place, By Charles Edward Stephens, 1889 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01317 How Can I Help but Love Him How Can I Help but Love Him By Elton M. Roth, 1921 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01317 How Can I Help but Love Him? How Can I Help but Love Him By Elton M. Roth, 1921 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01318 How Can I Keep From Singing? How Can I Keep From Singing? By Robert Lowry, 1860 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01319 How Cheering Is the Christian's Hope How Cheering Is the Christian's Hope By Anonymous DP05.3 MV15 GHC01320 How firm a foundation Protection By Jo­seph Funk, 1832 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01320 Protection Protection By Jo­seph Funk, 1832 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01321 How Happy Are We How Happy Are We By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01322 How Long Must We Wait? How Long Must We Wait? By S. M. Glasgow, 1917 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01323 Hallelujah! Amen! Hallelujah! Amen! By Arr. by William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01323 How Oft in Holy Converse Hallelujah! Amen! By Arr. by William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01324 How Precious Is the Book Divine How Precious Is the Book Divine By Fred C. Pullin DP05.3 MV15 GHC01325 O How Shall I Keep My Christmas O How Shall I Keep My Christmas By Rev. John Worcester (1834-1900) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01325 O How Shall I Keep My Christmas? O How Shall I Keep My Christmas By Rev. John Worcester (1834-1900) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01326 How the Fire Fell How the Fire Fell By Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1905 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01327 How the Lord from Heaven Came How the Lord from Heaven Came By WordsFrank Sewall, Music Julian K. Smyth DP05.3 MV15 GHC01328 How You Will Love Him How You Will Love Him By Eben Eugene Rexford, 1910 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01328 How You Will Love Him! How You Will Love Him By Eben Eugene Rexford, 1910 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01329 Ho, Every One That Is Thirsty! Ho, Every One That Is Thirsty! By Lucy J. Rider DP05.3 MV15 GHC01330 Hudson Hudson By Ralph E. Hudson (1843-1901) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01331 Hull New (88.88.88) Hull New (88.88.88) By Ireland, Collection, 1699 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01331 Master Comes! He Calls for Thee, The Hull New (88.88.88) By Ireland, Collection, 1699 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01332 Humility (Tuckerman), LM Humility (Tuckerman), LM By Samuel P. Tuckerman (1819-1890) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01332 O Jesus, Master, When Today Humility (Tuckerman), LM By Samuel P. Tuckerman (1819-1890) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01332 Through All the Years, May Israel Say Humility (Tuckerman), LM By Samuel P. Tuckerman (1819-1890) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01333 Daughter of Zion, from the Dust Hummel, CM By Henrich Christoph Zeuner (1795-1857) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01333 Great God, the Nations of the Earth Hummel, CM By Henrich Christoph Zeuner (1795-1857) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01333 Hummel, CM Hummel, CM By Henrich Christoph Zeuner (1795-1857) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01334 Hunnys, CM Hunnys, CM By Seven Sobs of a Sorrowful Soul, 1585 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01335 Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast Hursley By Katholisches Gesangbuch, 1774 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01335 Dear Jesus, in Whose Life I See Hursley By Katholisches Gesangbuch, 1774 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01335 Hursley Hursley By Katholisches Gesangbuch, 1774 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01335 Sun of My Soul Hursley By Katholisches Gesangbuch, 1774 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus! Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Blest Is the Man That Fears Jehovah Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Call Jehovah Thy Salvation Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Cradled in a Manger, Meanly Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Hearts to Heaven and Voices Raise Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Holy Ghost, Dispel Our Sadness Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Hyfrydol Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 In Thy Heritage the Heathen Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Lord of Glory, Who Hast Bought Us Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01336 Lord, Thy Glory Fills the Heaven Hyfrydol By Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1855 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01337 Hymnus Eucharisticus, LM Hymnus Eucharisticus, LM By B. Rogers (1641-1698) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01337 See, Father, Thy Beloved Son Hymnus Eucharisticus, LM By B. Rogers (1641-1698) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01338 Hymn of Eve, Hymn of Eve, By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1789 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01338 I Will Go in the Strength of the Lord Hymn of Eve, By Thomas Augustine Arne, 1789 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01340 Flung to the Heedless Winds Ibstone, 66.66 By Maria Tiddeman DP05.3 MV15 GHC01340 Hush! BlessŠd Are the Dead Ibstone, 66.66 By Maria Tiddeman DP05.3 MV15 GHC01340 Ibstone, 66.66 Ibstone, 66.66 By Maria Tiddeman DP05.3 MV15 GHC01341 Ich Dank' Dir Ich Dank' Dir By Musika Deutsch (Nurnberg, Germany1532) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01341 Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven Ich Dank' Dir By Musika Deutsch (Nurnberg, Germany1532) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01342 God, Bless Your Church with Strength! Ich Halte Treulich Still, SMD By Attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach, 1736 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01342 Ich Halte Treulich Still, SMD Ich Halte Treulich Still, SMD By Attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach, 1736 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01343 Ich Singe Dir Ich Singe Dir By Harmonischer Liederschatz, Frankfurt, 1738 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01344 Help Us, O Lord Ich Sterbe Taglich By Municipal Library manuscript (Leipzig1756) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01344 Ich Sterbe Taglich Ich Sterbe Taglich By Municipal Library manuscript (Leipzig1756) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01345 If Christ Should Come Tonight If Christ Should Come Tonight By Harriet E. Jones DP05.3 MV15 GHC01346 If Jesus Goes with Me If Jesus Goes With Me By Charles Austin Miles, circa 1908 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01346 If Jesus Goes With Me If Jesus Goes With Me By Charles Austin Miles, circa 1908 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01347 If Thou Shalt Confess If Thou Shalt Confess By John Ralston Clements, 1916 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01348 If Tonight Should End the World If Tonight Should End the World By James B. Pennington DP05.3 MV15 GHC01349 If Your Heart Keeps Right If Your Heart Keeps Right By Lizzie DeArmond, before 1921 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01350 Come Hither, Ye Children Ihr Kinderlein Kommet, By Anonymous DP05.3 MV15 GHC01350 Ihr Kinderlein Kommet, Ihr Kinderlein Kommet, By Anonymous DP05.3 MV15 GHC01351 Illa, LM Illa, LM By Lowell Mason, 1841 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01351 Unless the House the Lord Shall Build Illa, LM By Lowell Mason, 1841 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01352 Almighty God, Who from the Flood Illsley, LM By J. Bishop (ca. 1665-1737) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01352 Earth's Mighty Maker, Whose Command Illsley, LM By J. Bishop (ca. 1665-1737) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01352 Illsley, LM Illsley, LM By J. Bishop (ca. 1665-1737) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01352 Maker of Man, Who from Thy Throne Illsley, LM By J. Bishop (ca. 1665-1737) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01352 O Boundless Wisdom, God Most High Illsley, LM By J. Bishop (ca. 1665-1737) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01353 I'll Bear It, Lord, For Thee I'll Bear It, Lord, For Thee By William James Kirkpatrick DP05.3 MV15 GHC01353 I'll Bear It, Lord, for Thee I'll Bear It, Lord, For Thee By William James Kirkpatrick DP05.3 MV15 GHC01354 I'll Be a Sunbeam I'll Be a Sunbeam By Edwin Othello Excell,circa 1900 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01355 I'll Count My Blessings I'll Count My Blessings By Carrie Elizabeth Ellis Breck (1855-1934) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01356 I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go By Carrie E. Rounsefell, circa 1894 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01356 I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go By Carrie E. Rounsefell, circa 1894 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01357 I'll Live for Him I'll Live for Him By Ralph E. Hudson, 1882 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01358 I'll Not Give Up the Bible I'll Not Give Up the Bible By W. T. Giffe DP05.3 MV15 GHC01359 I'll Overcome Some Day I'll Overcome Some Day By Charles Albert Tindley, 1901 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01360 I'll Stand by until the Morning I'll Stand by until the Morning By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01361 Immortal Love, CM Immortal Love, CM By David Bruning, 1916 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01361 O Jesus, When I Think of Thee Immortal Love, CM By David Bruning, 1916 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01362 Impatient Heart, Be Still Impatient Heart, Be Still By George A. Warburton, 1896 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01363 I'm a Pilgrilm I'm a Pilgrim By Mary S. B. Dana (1810-1883) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01363 I'm a Pilgrim I'm a Pilgrim By Mary S. B. Dana (1810-1883) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01364 I'm Glad I'm One of Them I'm Glad I'm One of Them By I. G. Martin DP05.3 MV15 GHC01365 I'm Going Home I'm Going Home By William Hunter (1811-1877) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01366 I'm Going There I'm Going There By Charles Austin Miles, 1910 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01367 I'm Going Through I'm Going Through By Herbert Buffum, arr by Thoro Harris, 1914 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01368 I'm Happy in Jesus Today I'm Happy in Jesus Today By C. Houston Greene, 1915 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01369 Inasmuch Inasmuch By George Frederick Root,1885 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01370 Ingham, LM Ingham, LM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01371 As the Sun Doth Daily Rise Innocents, 77.77 By Paish Choir, 1850 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01371 Christian, Rise and Act Thy Creed Innocents, 77.77 By Paish Choir, 1850 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01371 Conquering Kings Their Titles Take Innocents, 77.77 By Paish Choir, 1850 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01371 Hear My Words, O Gracious Lord Innocents, 77.77 By Paish Choir, 1850 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01371 Innocents, 77.77 Innocents, 77.77 By Paish Choir, 1850 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01371 Morn of Morns, and Day of Days Innocents, 77.77 By Paish Choir, 1850 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01371 Morning Breaks upon the Tomb Innocents, 77.77 By Paish Choir, 1850 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01371 Once Again, Dear Lord, We Pray Innocents, 77.77 By Paish Choir, 1850 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01372 Duteous Day Now Closeth, The Innsbruck, 77.67.78 By Attributed to Heinrich Isaak, 1490 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01372 Innsbruck, 77.67.78 Innsbruck, 77.67.78 By Attributed to Heinrich Isaak, 1490 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01372 Now All the Woods Are Sleeping Innsbruck, 77.67.78 By Attributed to Heinrich Isaak, 1490 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01372 Now Woods and Wolds Are Sleeping Innsbruck, 77.67.78 By Attributed to Heinrich Isaak, 1490 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01372 Nu hviler Mark og Enge Innsbruck, 77.67.78 By Attributed to Heinrich Isaak, 1490 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01372 O Thou Who Dost to Man Accord Innsbruck, 77.67.78 By Attributed to Heinrich Isaak, 1490 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01373 Almighty God, Whose Only Son Intercession, LM By Early Music for Church Choirs, 1853 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01373 Bow Down Thine Ear, Almighty Lord Intercession, LM By Early Music for Church Choirs, 1853 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01373 Intercession, LM Intercession, LM By Early Music for Church Choirs, 1853 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01373 O Jesu, Crucified for Man Intercession, LM By Early Music for Church Choirs, 1853 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01373 O Lamb of God, Whose Love Divine Intercession, LM By Early Music for Church Choirs, 1853 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01374 Intercession New, Intercession New, By William Hutchins Callcott, 1867 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01374 When the Weary, Seeking Rest Intercession New, By William Hutchins Callcott, 1867 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01375 Intercessor, Intercessor, By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (1848-1918) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01375 O Word of Pity, for Our Pardon Pleading Intercessor, By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (1848-1918) DP05.3 MV15 GHC01376 In Allen Meinen Thathen, 77.67.76 In Allen Meinen Thathen, 77.67.76 By Davidisches Harfen und Psalterspiel, 1744 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01377 In a Manger Laid So Lowly In a Manger Laid So Lowly By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01378 God, We've Known Such Grief and Anger In Babilone By Traditional Dutch melody DP05.3 MV15 GHC01378 Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus In Babilone By Traditional Dutch melody DP05.3 MV15 GHC01378 In Babilone In Babilone By Traditional Dutch melody DP05.3 MV15 GHC01379 In Bethany In Bethany By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1884 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01380 In Dir Ist Freude, Irr. In Dir Ist Freude, Irr. By Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi, 1593 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01380 In Thee Is Gladness In Dir Ist Freude, Irr. By Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi, 1593 DP05.3 MV15 GHC01381 Good Christian Men, Rejoice In Dulci Jubilo By German melody, 14th Century DP05.3 MV15 GHC01381 In Dulci Jubilo In Dulci Jubilo By German melody, 14th Century DP06.1 MV16 GHC01382 In Gethsemane Alone In Gethsemane Alone By S. E. Reed, circa 1912 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01383 In Hochsten Noten, LM In Hochsten Noten, LM By Strasbourg, 1545 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01383 When in the Hour of Utmost Need In Hochsten Noten, LM By Strasbourg, 1545 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01384 He's Everything to Me He's Everything to Me By Hampton Haygood Sewell, 1907 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01384 In Since I Once Had Wandered He's Everything to Me By Hampton Haygood Sewell, 1907 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01385 In Storm, In Storm, By C. E. Stephens DP06.1 MV16 GHC01385 When Through the Torn Sail In Storm, By C. E. Stephens DP06.1 MV16 GHC01386 In Tenderness He Sought Me In Tenderness He Sought Me By Adoniram Judson Gordon DP06.1 MV16 GHC01387 In Tenebris Lumen In Tenebris Lumen By John Bacchus Dykes DP06.1 MV16 GHC01387 Sweet Savior, Bless Us Ere We Go In Tenebris Lumen By John Bacchus Dykes DP06.1 MV16 GHC01388 In The Child Garden In The Child Garden By Florence W. Williams, 1908 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01388 In the Child Garden In The Child Garden By Florence W. Williams, 1908 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01389 In the City Where the Lamb Is the Light In the City Where the Lamb Is the Light By Herbert Buffum DP06.1 MV16 GHC01390 In the Garden In the Garden By Charles Austin Miles, 1912 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01391 In the Great Triumphant Morning In the Great Triumphant Morning By Robert Emmett Winsett, 1918 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01392 In the New Jerusalem In the New Jerusalem By C. B. Widmeyer, 1911 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01392 When the Toils of Life Are Over In the New Jerusalem By C. B. Widmeyer, 1911 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01393 In the Service of the King Service of the King By Alfred Henry Ackley, 1912 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01393 Service of the King Service of the King By Alfred Henry Ackley, 1912 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01394 In the Shadow of His Wings In the Shadow of His Wings By Jonathan Bush Atchinson (1840-?) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01395 In the Sweet By and By In the Sweet By and By By Sanford Fillmore Bennett, 1868 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01396 Heavenly Father, Send Thy Blessing Iona, 87.87 D By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01396 Iona, 87.87 D Iona, 87.87 D By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01397 By Vows of Love Together Bound Ira, CM By Heinrich Christoph (Charles) Zeuner, 1845 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01397 Ira, CM Ira, CM By Heinrich Christoph (Charles) Zeuner, 1845 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01398 He Who Once in Righteous Vengeance Ira Justa, 87.87.77 By E. H. Thorne DP06.1 MV16 GHC01398 Ira Justa, 87.87.77 Ira Justa, 87.87.77 By E. H. Thorne DP06.1 MV16 GHC01399 Irby Irby By Henry J. Gauntlett, 1858 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01399 Once in Royal David's City Irby By Henry J. Gauntlett, 1858 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01400 Come to Our Poor Nature's Night Irene, 77.75 By Clement Cotterrill Scholefield, 1874 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01400 Irene, 77.75 Irene, 77.75 By Clement Cotterrill Scholefield, 1874 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01400 Lord of Mercy and of Might Irene, 77.75 By Clement Cotterrill Scholefield, 1874 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01401 How Dear to Me, O Lord of Hosts Irish, CM By Hymns & Sacred Songs, Dublin, 1749 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01401 How Glorious Sion's Courts Appear Irish, CM By Hymns & Sacred Songs, Dublin, 1749 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01401 How Honorable Is the Place Irish, CM By Hymns & Sacred Songs, Dublin, 1749 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01401 Irish, CM Irish, CM By Hymns & Sacred Songs, Dublin, 1749 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01401 Son of Man from Jordan Rose, The Irish, CM By Hymns & Sacred Songs, Dublin, 1749 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01401 Through All the Changing Scenes of Life Irish, CM By Hymns & Sacred Songs, Dublin, 1749 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01401 Thy Kingdom Come, on Bended Knee Irish, CM By Hymns & Sacred Songs, Dublin, 1749 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01403 De Tierra Lejana Venimos Isla del Encanto By Traditional Puerto Rican carol DP06.1 MV16 GHC01403 Isla del Encanto Isla del Encanto By Traditional Puerto Rican carol DP06.1 MV16 GHC01404 Isles of the south Isles of the south By William Hauser, 1848 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01405 From Foes That Would the Land Devour Isleworth, 88.86 By Samuel Howard, 1765 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01405 His Are the Thousand Sparkling Rills Isleworth, 88.86 By Samuel Howard, 1765 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01405 Isleworth, 88.86 Isleworth, 88.86 By Samuel Howard, 1765 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01406 Christ, That Ever Reigneth Islington, By George Mursell Garrett DP06.1 MV16 GHC01406 Islington, Islington, By George Mursell Garrett DP06.1 MV16 GHC01407 He Whose Confession God of Old Accepted Iste Confessor, By Poitiers Antiphoner, 1746 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01407 Iste Confessor, Iste Confessor, By Poitiers Antiphoner, 1746 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01407 Lord of Our Life Iste Confessor, By Poitiers Antiphoner, 1746 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01407 Only Begotten, Word of God Eternal Iste Confessor, By Poitiers Antiphoner, 1746 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01408 Is It for Me? Is It for Me? By Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830-1912) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01409 Is It Not Wonderful? Is It Not Wonderful? By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1899 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01410 Is It There? Is It There? By William Howard Doane, 1877 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01411 Is It the Crowning Day? Is It the Crowning Day? By Charles H. Marsh, circa 1912 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01412 Is My Name Written There Is My Name Written There By Frank M. Davis DP06.1 MV16 GHC01412 Is My Name Written There? Is My Name Written There By Frank M. Davis DP06.1 MV16 GHC01413 All your Anxiety All your Anxiety By Edward Henry Joy, 1920 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01413 Is There a Heart Bent O'er with Sorrow? All your Anxiety By Edward Henry Joy, 1920 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01414 Is Thy Heart Right with God? Is Thy Heart Right with God? By Elisha Albright Hoffman (1839-1929) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01415 Is Your All on the Altar? Is Your All on the Altar? By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1900 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01416 Christ for the World We Sing Italian Hymn By Felice de Giardini, 1769 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01416 Come, O Thou God of Grace Italian Hymn By Felice de Giardini, 1769 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01416 Come, Thou Almighty King Italian Hymn By Felice de Giardini, 1769 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01416 Italian Hymn Italian Hymn By Felice de Giardini, 1769 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01416 Woman's Hymn, The Italian Hymn By Felice de Giardini, 1769 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01417 In the hollow of His hand In the hollow of His hand By Florence Jones Hadley, 1914 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01418 It passeth knowledge It passeth knowledge By Mary Shekleton DP06.1 MV16 GHC01419 It's Just Like His Great Love It's Just Like His Great Love By Clarence B. Strouse DP06.1 MV16 GHC01419 It's Just Like His Great Love It's Just Like His Great Love By Clarence B. Strouse DP06.1 MV16 GHC01420 It Cleanseth Me It Cleanseth Me By F. L. Synder, 19th Century DP06.1 MV16 GHC01421 It Is Finished (Proctor) It Is Finished! By James Proctor DP06.1 MV16 GHC01421 It Is Finished! It Is Finished! By James Proctor DP06.1 MV16 GHC01422 Glory Just to Walk Glory Just to Walk By Haldor Lillenas, 1918 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01422 It Is Glory Just to Walk with Him Glory Just to Walk By Haldor Lillenas, 1918 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01423 It Is Glory to Talk with Him It Is Glory to Talk with Him By Albert Chistopher Fisher, 1921 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01424 It Is Mine It Is Mine By Elisha Albright Hoffman (1839-1929) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01425 It Must Be Settled Tonight It Must Be Settled Tonight By C. B. Kendall, 1881 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01426 It Pays to Serve Jesus It Pays to Serve Jesus By Frank C. Huston DP06.1 MV16 GHC01427 Ive pitched my tent in beulah Ive pitched my tent in beulah By Margaret Jenkins Harris, 1908 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01428 Ives, 77.77 D Ives, 77.77 D By Plymouth Collection, 1855 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01429 I've Anchored in Jesus I've Anchored in Jesus By Lewis Ellis Jones, 1901 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01430 I've a Message from the Lord I've a Message from the Lord By William Augustine Ogden, 1887 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01431 I've Believed the True Report I've Believed the True Report By Charles P. Jones DP06.1 MV16 GHC01432 I've Enlisted I've Enlisted By A. R. Walton, 1914 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01433 I've Found a Refuge I've Found a Refuge By Lance Brenton Latham, 1920 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01434 I've Got Peace Like a River Peace Like a River By Traditional American DP06.1 MV16 GHC01434 Peace Like a River Peace Like a River By Traditional American DP06.1 MV16 GHC01435 Ivory Palaces Ivory Palaces By Henry Barraclough, circa 1915 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01436 Ivyhatch, LM Ivyhatch, LM By B. Luard Selby DP06.1 MV16 GHC01437 I Was there when it happened I Was there when it happened By Herbert J. Lacey, 1920 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01438 I Will sing of Jesus love I will sing of Jesus love By Franklin Edson Belden (1858-1945) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01439 I Would not be denied I Would not be denied By Charles Price Jones (1865-1949) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01440 I Will not forget thee I Will not forget thee By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel , 1889 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01441 I Will never turn back I Will never turn back By R. N. Grisham, and R. E. W. (4th verse) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01442 I will sing of Jesus love I will sing of Jesus love By Franklin Edson Belden (1858-1945) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01443 I Will trade the old cross for a crown I Will trade the old cross for a crown By Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01444 I Walk with the King I Walk with the King By James Rowe, circa 1915 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01446 I Am Coming Home I Am Coming Home By Alfred Henry Ackley, 1911 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01447 I Am Coming to the Cross I Am Coming to the Cross By William McDonald, 1870 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01448 I Am Happy in Him I Am Happy in Him By Edward Othello Excell, 1902 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01449 I Am on My Way to Heaven I Am on My Way to Heaven By Herbert J. Lacey DP06.1 MV16 GHC01450 I Am Praying for You I Am Praying for You By Ira David Sankey, 1874 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01450 We Have a Message I Am Praying for You By Ira David Sankey, 1874 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01451 I Am Resolved I Am Resolved By Palmer Hartsough DP06.1 MV16 GHC01452 I Am So Glad I Am So Glad By James Rowe, circa 1912 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01452 I Am So Glad Salvation's Free I Am So Glad By James Rowe, circa 1912 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01453 I Am Standing on the Word of God I Am Standing on the Word of God By E. M. Wadsworth, 1910 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01454 I Am Thine I Am Thine By William Howard Doane, 1875 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01454 I Am Thine, O Lord I Am Thine By William Howard Doane, 1875 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01454 Mas Cerca de Tu Cruz I Am Thine By William Howard Doane, 1875 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01455 I Believe the Bible I Believe the Bible By Edwin Smith Ufford and G. W. Schurman, 1909 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01456 Clifton, 66.9 D with refrain Clifton, 66.9 D with refrain By Joseph Lincoln Hall, 1896 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01456 I Belong to the King Clifton, 66.9 D with refrain By Joseph Lincoln Hall, 1896 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01457 I Bring My All to Thee I Bring My All to Thee By Secular melody DP06.1 MV16 GHC01457 I Bring Thee All I Bring My All to Thee By Secular melody DP06.1 MV16 GHC01457 Little Cares Which Fretted Me, The I Bring My All to Thee By Secular melody DP06.1 MV16 GHC01458 I Bring Thee All I Bring Thee All By Evangeline Cory Booth (1865-1950) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01459 I Choose Jesus I Choose Jesus By Samuel W. Beazley, 1913 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01460 Be Thou My Judge, O Righteous Lord I Do Believe, CM By Traditional English melody DP06.1 MV16 GHC01460 Forever Here My Rest Shall Be I Do Believe, CM By Traditional English melody DP06.1 MV16 GHC01460 I Do Believe, CM I Do Believe, CM By Traditional English melody DP06.1 MV16 GHC01460 To Us a Child of Hope Is Born I Do Believe, CM By Traditional English melody DP06.1 MV16 GHC01461 I Do Love Jesus with All My Heart I Do Love Jesus with All My Heart By Ernest G. Wellesley Wesley,1905 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01462 I Believe It I Believe It By Helen Howarth Lemmel, 1921 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01462 I Do Not Know How I Believe It By Helen Howarth Lemmel, 1921 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01463 I Dreamed That the Great Judgment Morning The Great Judgment Morning By L. L. Picke DP06.1 MV16 GHC01463 The Great Judgment Morning The Great Judgment Morning By L. L. Picke DP06.1 MV16 GHC01464 I Have a Savior I Have a Savior By Robert Harkness, 1909 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01465 I Have Entered Beulah Land I Have Entered Beulah Land By John Robson Sweney DP06.1 MV16 GHC01466 I Have Found a Precious Resting Place I Have Found a Precious Resting Place By Haldor Lillenas, 1918 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01467 I Have Settled the Question I Have Settled the Question By Haldor Lillenas, 1919 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01468 I Know God's Promise is True I Know God's Promise Is True By Leila Naylor Morris, 1899 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01468 I Know God's Promise Is True I Know God's Promise Is True By Leila Naylor Morris, 1899 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01469 I Know Not the Hour I Know Not the Hour By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP06.1 MV16 GHC01470 Beautiful Name, irr. Beautiful Name, irr. By Mabel Johnston Camp, 1916 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01470 I Know of a Name Beautiful Name, irr. By Mabel Johnston Camp, 1916 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01471 I Left It All with Jesus I Left It All with Jesus By Ellen H. Willis, 19th Century DP06.1 MV16 GHC01472 I Live but in Thee I Live but in Thee By Frances Janes (Fanny) Crosby, 1881 DP06.1 MV16 GHC01473 I Love His Appearing I Love His Appearing By Thoro Harris, 1916 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01474 I Love Jesus I Love Jesus By Eliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, 1910 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01475 I Love Thee I Love Thee By Anonymous, 1805 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01476 I Love to Hear the Story, 76.76 D I Love to Hear the Story, 76.76 D By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01477 I Love to Think of Jesus I Love to Think of Jesus By Charles Austin Miles, 1919 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01478 I Love to Walk with Jesus I Love to Walk with Jesus By Charles F. Weigle (1871-1966) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01479 I Need Thee Every Hour I Need Thee Every Hour By Annie Sherwood Hawks, 1872 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01479 J'ai Soif de Ta Pr‚sence I Need Thee Every Hour By Annie Sherwood Hawks, 1872 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01479 Per Ty Une Kam Nevoje I Need Thee Every Hour By Annie Sherwood Hawks, 1872 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01480 I Need to Be Filled I Need to Be Filled By Ada Ruth Habershon, 1910 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01481 I Remember Calvary I Remember Calvary By W. C. Martin DP06.2 MV17 GHC01482 I Remember When My Burdens Rolled Away My Burdens Rolled Away By Minnie A. Steele, 1908 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01482 My Burdens Rolled Away My Burdens Rolled Away By Minnie A. Steele, 1908 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01484 He Died for Me He Died for Me By Edswin Othello Excell (1851-1921) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01484 I Saw One Hanging on a Tree He Died for Me By Edswin Othello Excell (1851-1921) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01485 I See a Crimson Stream I See a Crimson Stream By Garfield Thomas Haywood (1880-1931) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01486 I See Thee Standing I See Thee Standing By Anonymous DP06.2 MV17 GHC01486 In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust I See Thee Standing By Anonymous DP06.2 MV17 GHC01487 I Shall Dwell Forever There I Shall Dwell Forever There By Alfred Henry Ackley, 1911 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01488 I Stand Amazed in the Presence My Savior's Love By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1905 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01488 My Savior's Love My Savior's Love By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1905 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01489 I Wandered in the Shades of Night Sunlight By Judson W. van de Venter, circa 1899 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01489 Sunlight Sunlight By Judson W. van de Venter, circa 1899 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01490 I Will Make the Darkness Light I Will Make the Darkness Light By Charles P. Jones, circa 1916 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01491 I Will Pass over You I Will Pass over You By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01491 I Will Pass Over You I Will Pass over You By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01492 I Will Praise Him I Will Praise Him By Mrs. M. J. Harris DP06.2 MV17 GHC01493 I Would Be Like Jesus I Would Be Like Jesus By B. D. Ackley, circa 1911 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01493 I Would Be Like Jesus I Would Be Like Jesus By B. D. Ackley, circa 1911 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01494 I Would Be True I Would Be True By Joseph Yates Peek, 1911 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01495 I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus By Robert Harkness (1880-1961) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01496 Jackson, CM Jackson, CM By Thomas Jackson (ca. 1715-1781) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01497 God Is the Name My Soul Adores Janes, LM By Johann C. W. Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01497 Janes, LM Janes, LM By Johann C. W. Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01498 Java, 88.88.8 Java, 88.88.8 By Shoel DP06.2 MV17 GHC01499 Jesus Bids us shine Jesus Bids us shine By Susan Warner, 1868 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01500 Jesus Blessed Jesus Jesus Blessed Jesus By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1906 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01501 Jesus Christus Jesus Christus By Geistliche Lieder (Wittenberg, Germany1535) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01502 Jerusalem, Thou City Bright Shining City By George F. Root (1820-1895) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01502 Shining City Shining City By George F. Root (1820-1895) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01503 Jeg vil mig Herren love Jeg vil mig Herren love By Zinck's Koralbog, 1801 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01504 Jejunia, 77.77 Jejunia, 77.77 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01505 Jenner, 76.76 D Jenner, 76.76 D By Henry Lascelles Jenner (1820-1898) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01506 Jerusalem Arise Jerusalem Arise By Joseph Proud (1745-1826) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01507 Jerusalem (Purday), CMD Jerusalem (Purday), CMD By Chalres Henry Purday (1799-1885) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01507 Jerusalem, Jerusalem Jerusalem (Purday), CMD By Chalres Henry Purday (1799-1885) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01508 Jerusalem (Stainer), 76.76 D Jerusalem (Stainer), 76.76 D By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01509 Jervaulx Abbey, 88.88.88 Jervaulx Abbey, 88.88.88 By French psalter melody, 1562 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01509 Saints of God! Their Conflict Past, The Jervaulx Abbey, 88.88.88 By French psalter melody, 1562 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01510 Jesus Only let me see Jesus Only let me see By Oswald J. Smith, 1914 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01511 Jesous Ahatonhia Jesous Ahatonhia By Jean de Brebeuf, ca. 1643 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01512 Jesu Redemptor omnium Jesu Redemptor omnium By German church melody, 1625 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01513 Jesus Is God Jesus Is God By William Charles Poole DP06.2 MV17 GHC01514 Jesus Bids Us Shine Jesus Bids Us Shine By Susan Warner, 1868 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01515 Jesus, I'll Go Through with Thee Jesus, I'll Go Through with Thee By Henry L. Gilmour (1836-1920) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01516 Jesus, in Sickness and in Pain Jesus, in Such Sickness and in Pain By Anonymous, 1845 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01516 Jesus, in Such Sickness and in Pain Jesus, in Such Sickness and in Pain By Anonymous, 1845 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01517 Jesus Is All the World to Me Jesus Is All the World to Me By Will Lamartine Thompson, 1904 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01518 Jesus Is Passing This Way Jesus Is Passing This Way By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01519 Jesus Is Calling Jesus Is Calling By George Coles Stebbins, 1883 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01519 Jesus Is Tenderly Calling You Home Jesus Is Calling By George Coles Stebbins, 1883 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01520 Jesus, I Come Jesus, I Come By William True Sleeper, 1887 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01520 Out of My Bondage, Sorrow and Night Jesus, I Come By William True Sleeper, 1887 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01521 Jesus, I Will Trust Thee Jesus, I Will Trust Thee By Mary J. Walker DP06.2 MV17 GHC01522 Jesus Leads Jesus Leads By John Ralston Clements, 1893 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01523 Jesus Lives Jesus Lives By Andrew L. Skoog, 1921 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01524 Gozo la Santa Palabra Leer Jesus Loves Even Me By Philip Paul Bliss DP06.2 MV17 GHC01524 Jesus Loves Even Me Jesus Loves Even Me By Philip Paul Bliss DP06.2 MV17 GHC01525 Jesus Liebt Mich Ganz Gewiss Jesus Loves Me By William M. Bradbury, 1862 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01525 Jesus Loves Me Jesus Loves Me By William M. Bradbury, 1862 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01526 Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense Jesus, meine Zuversicht By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01526 Jesus, meine Zuversicht Jesus, meine Zuversicht By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01527 Jesus, My Only Hope Jesus, My Only Hope By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1886 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01528 Jesus Only Jesus Only By Albert Benjamin Simpson, 1890 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01529 Jesus Paid It All Jesus Paid It All By Elvina Mable Hall, 1865 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01529 Let Your Mindset Be the Same Jesus Paid It All By Elvina Mable Hall, 1865 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01530 Jesus, Rose of Sharon Jesus, Rose of Sharon By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, circa 1922 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01531 Jesus Satisfies Jesus Satisfies By Paul Rader, 1921 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01532 Jesus Saves Salvation By William James Kirkpatrick, 1882 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01532 Salvation Salvation By William James Kirkpatrick, 1882 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01533 Jesus Understands! Jesus Understands! By Birdie Bell, 1903 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01534 Jesus! Wonderful Name! Jesus! Wonderful Name! By Avis Marguerite Burgeson Christiansen, 1915 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01535 Fast, as Taught by Holy Lore, The Jesu Corona, LM By Rouen Church Melody DP06.2 MV17 GHC01535 Jesu Corona, LM Jesu Corona, LM By Rouen Church Melody DP06.2 MV17 GHC01536 Jesu Dulcis Memoria, LM Jesu Dulcis Memoria, LM By Proper Sarum Melody DP06.2 MV17 GHC01537 Bread of Heaven, on Thee We Feed Jesu, Jesu Du Mein Hirt By Paul Heinlein, 1676 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01537 Jesu, Jesu Du Mein Hirt Jesu, Jesu Du Mein Hirt By Paul Heinlein, 1676 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01537 Quiet, Lord, My Froward Heart Jesu, Jesu Du Mein Hirt By Paul Heinlein, 1676 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01538 Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring By Johann Schopp, arranged by Johann Bach, 1723 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01538 Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring By Johann Schopp, arranged by Johann Bach, 1723 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01539 Jesu, Magister Bone, 76.76 D Jesu, Magister Bone, 76.76 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01539 O Thou, Before Whose Presence Jesu, Magister Bone, 76.76 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01540 Jesu, Meine Freude Jesu, Meine Freude By Praxis Pietatis Melica, 1656 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01540 Jesus, Priceless Treasure Jesu, Meine Freude By Praxis Pietatis Melica, 1656 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01541 Jesu Redemptor Saeculi, LM Jesu Redemptor Saeculi, LM By La Feilee, Methode du plain-chant, 1782 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01542 Jewett Jewett By Carl Maria von Weber, 1821 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01542 Mein Jesu, wie du willt Jewett By Carl Maria von Weber, 1821 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01542 My Jesus, as Thou Wilt Jewett By Carl Maria von Weber, 1821 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01543 Jesus Is Coming Again Jesus Is Coming Again By Jessie E. Strout, 1872 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01544 Jesus Is Coming Jesus Is Coming By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01545 Jesus Is the Friend You Need Jesus Is the Friend You Need By I. E. Reynolds, 1918 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01546 Jesus, My Friend Jesus, My Friend By Henry de Fluiter, 1918 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01547 Christ, the Life of All the Living Jesu, Meines Lebens Leben, By Darmstadt Gesangbuch, 1687 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01547 Jesu, Meines Lebens Leben, Jesu, Meines Lebens Leben, By Darmstadt Gesangbuch, 1687 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01548 Jonah and the Whale Jonah and the Whale By W. E. S. DP06.2 MV17 GHC01549 Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By By Etta Campbelll DP06.2 MV17 GHC01550 Jesus Opened Up the Way Jesus Opened Up the Way By E. M. Bartlett DP06.2 MV17 GHC01551 Jordan, LMD Jordan, LMD By Joseph Barnby, 1872 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01551 Lord Is Come!, The Jordan, LMD By Joseph Barnby, 1872 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01552 Fret Not Thyself Josephine, 88.68.86 By Ernest Richard Kroeger (1862-1934) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01552 Josephine, 88.68.86 Josephine, 88.68.86 By Ernest Richard Kroeger (1862-1934) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01553 Defend Us, Lord, from Every Ill Joshua, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin, 1905 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01553 Joshua, LM Joshua, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin, 1905 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01554 You May Have the Joy-Bells You May Have the Joy-Bells By J. Edward Ruark DP06.2 MV17 GHC01555 Joyfully Sing Joyfully Sing By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01556 Joy Unspeakable Joy Unspeakable By Barney Elliott Warren (1867-1951) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01557 Joy By and By Joy By and By By Franklin Edson Belden, 1886 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01558 Joy Dispels Our Sorrow Joy Dispels Our Sorrow By Grant Colfax Tullar, circa 1903 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01559 Jesus the Son of God Jesus the Son of God By G. T. Haywood DP06.2 MV17 GHC01560 Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know By Lela Long DP06.2 MV17 GHC01561 I Hear Ten Thousand Voices Singing Jubilee, 98.98 D By John Henry Maunder (1858-1920) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01561 Jubilee, 98.98 D Jubilee, 98.98 D By John Henry Maunder (1858-1920) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01562 A Toi la Gloire Judas Maccabeus By Georg Friedrich Handel, 1747 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01562 Judas Maccabeus Judas Maccabeus By Georg Friedrich Handel, 1747 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01562 Thine Is the Glory Judas Maccabeus By Georg Friedrich Handel, 1747 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01563 Judea Judea By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP06.2 MV17 GHC01564 Judgment Has Set, The Judgment, Refrain By Franklin Edson Beldon, 1886 DP06.2 MV17 GHC01564 Judgment, Refrain Judgment, Refrain By Franklin Edson Beldon, 1886 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01565 Juldagsmorgon Juldagsmorgon By German folk song, 1823 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01565 When Christmas Morn Is Dawning Juldagsmorgon By German folk song, 1823 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01566 How Great Our Joy Jungst By Arranged by Hugo Jungst (1853-1923) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01566 Jungst Jungst By Arranged by Hugo Jungst (1853-1923) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01567 Jesus, Friend of Sinners Junkin, By George Coles Stebbins, before 1919 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01567 Junkin, Junkin, By George Coles Stebbins, before 1919 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01568 Just a Word for Jesus Just a Word for Jesus By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01569 Just Over in the Glory Land Just Over in the Glory Land By James W. Acuff DP06.3 MV18 GHC01570 Gabriel Gabriel By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01570 Just When I Need Him Most Gabriel By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01571 Jesus Will Let You In Jesus Will Let You In By A. S. Kieffer, before 1895 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01572 Kathrine, CM Kathrine, CM By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01572 Protect and Save Me, O My God Kathrine, CM By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01573 Keble, LM Keble, LM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01573 We Bid Thee Welcome in the Name Keble, LM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01574 Kedron Dare Kedron Dare By Attributed to Elkanah Kelsay Dare (1782-1826) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01575 Keep on Praying Keep on Praying By Frederick William Vandersloot DP06.3 MV18 GHC01576 Keep Thou Me Keep Thou Me By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01577 Keep Thou My Way Keep Thou My Way By Theodore E. Perkins, 1894 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01578 Keep Your Colors Flying Keep Your Colors Flying By Jeremiah Eames Rankin, 1886 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01579 Kelbrook, Kelbrook, By J. Riley DP06.3 MV18 GHC01579 O Tell Me No More of This World's Vain Store Kelbrook, By J. Riley DP06.3 MV18 GHC01580 In the Vineyard of Our Father Kelveden, 87.87.47 By William Blow, Jr., 1867 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01580 Kelveden, 87.87.47 Kelveden, 87.87.47 By William Blow, Jr., 1867 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01580 Lift Your Heads Kelveden, 87.87.47 By William Blow, Jr., 1867 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01581 Kenilworth, 886.886 Kenilworth, 886.886 By Francis Everard William Hulton, 1875 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01581 Within the Church's Sacred Fold Kenilworth, 886.886 By Francis Everard William Hulton, 1875 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01582 I Gave My Life for Thee Kenosis By Philip P. Bliss, 1873 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01582 Kenosis Kenosis By Philip P. Bliss, 1873 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01583 Kent, CM Kent, CM By Samuel Stanley (1767-1822) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01584 Kentucky, SM Kentucky, SM By Jeremiah Ingalls (1764-1828) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01585 Kersnacht, 99.8 D Kersnacht, 99.8 D By Traditional DP06.3 MV18 GHC01585 O Christmas Night! Kersnacht, 99.8 D By Traditional DP06.3 MV18 GHC01585 O Kersnacht Kersnacht, 99.8 D By Traditional DP06.3 MV18 GHC01586 Come, Let Us to the Lord Our God Kilmarnock, CM By Neil Dougall (1776-1862) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01586 Kilmarnock, CM Kilmarnock, CM By Neil Dougall (1776-1862) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01587 Kilmorey, 76.76 D Kilmorey, 76.76 D By John Ambrose Lloyd (1840-1914) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01588 Kingley Vale, 87.87.47 Kingley Vale, 87.87.47 By Hugh Percy Allen (1869-1946) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01590 King's Lynn, 76.76 D King's Lynn, 76.76 D By English melody, arr. by R. V. Williams, 1906 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01591 Jesu! Speak to Me in Love King Alfred, 77.77.77 By Alfred Edward Redhead, 1916 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01591 King Alfred, 77.77.77 King Alfred, 77.77.77 By Alfred Edward Redhead, 1916 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01592 King of Kings King of Kings By Based on Psalm 136. DP06.3 MV18 GHC01593 Kinsman, CM refrain Kinsman, CM refrain By James McGrahanan (1840-1907), alt. DP06.3 MV18 GHC01593 Most Perfect Is the Law of God Kinsman, CM refrain By James McGrahanan (1840-1907), alt. DP06.3 MV18 GHC01594 Christ in His Word Draws Near Kirby Bedon, By Edward Burnett, 1887 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01594 Father of Love and Power Kirby Bedon, By Edward Burnett, 1887 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01594 Kirby Bedon, Kirby Bedon, By Edward Burnett, 1887 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01595 Built on the Rock Built on the Rock By Ludvig M. Lindeman (1812-1887) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01595 Kirken Den Er et Gammelt Hus Built on the Rock By Ludvig M. Lindeman (1812-1887) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01596 Kirkwood Kirkwood By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01597 Healing Fountain, The Kjellman, 65.65 By Gerda Kjellman DP06.3 MV18 GHC01597 Kjellman, 65.65 Kjellman, 65.65 By Gerda Kjellman DP06.3 MV18 GHC01598 Knighton, CMD Knighton, CMD By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01599 Knocking, Knocking, Who Is There? Knocking, Knocking, Who Is There? By Harriet Beecher Stowe (1812-1896) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01600 Kolding Kolding By Peter Christian Lutkin, circa 1905 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01601 Come, All Ye Shepherds Kommet Ihr Hirten, By Bohemian Folk Song DP06.3 MV18 GHC01601 Kommet Ihr Hirten, Kommet Ihr Hirten, By Bohemian Folk Song DP06.3 MV18 GHC01602 Komm, Seele, 76.76 D Komm, Seele, 76.76 D By Melody by J. Wl Franck, circa 1681 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01602 Remember All the People Komm, Seele, 76.76 D By Melody by J. Wl Franck, circa 1681 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01603 Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord! Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott By 15th Century melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01603 Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott By 15th Century melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01604 Komm, o komm, du Geist, 87.87.77 Komm, o komm, du Geist, 87.87.77 By Johann Christoph Bach,1680 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01605 Korea, 87.87 D Korea, 87.87 D By Korean Carol DP06.3 MV18 GHC01605 On a Day When Men Were Counted Korea, 87.87 D By Korean Carol DP06.3 MV18 GHC01606 Kremser Kremser By 16th Century Dutch melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01606 We Gather Together Kremser By 16th Century Dutch melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01606 We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator Kremser By 16th Century Dutch melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01606 Wilt Heden Nu Treden Kremser By 16th Century Dutch melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01607 Kremser, Kremser, By 16th Century Dutch melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01608 Kum ba Yah Kum ba Yah By African melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01609 Laban, SM Laban, SM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01609 My Soul Be on Thy Guard Laban, SM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01609 Now from the World Withdrawn Laban, SM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01609 O Lord Our God, Arise! Laban, SM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01610 Labor On Labor On By Dr. C. R. Blackall DP06.3 MV18 GHC01611 Lacquiparle Lacquiparle By American Folk Hymn DP06.3 MV18 GHC01612 Jesus, I Live to Thee Lake Enon, SM By Isaac Baker Woodbury, 1856 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01612 Lake Enon, SM Lake Enon, SM By Isaac Baker Woodbury, 1856 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01613 Lambeth Lambeth By Wihlelm A. F. Schulthes, 1871 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01613 Lord, I Believe, Thy Power I Own Lambeth By Wihlelm A. F. Schulthes, 1871 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01613 Trespass of the Wicked Man, The Lambeth By Wihlelm A. F. Schulthes, 1871 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01613 What Shall I Render to the Lord? Lambeth By Wihlelm A. F. Schulthes, 1871 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01614 Christ, in Highest Heaven EnthronŠd Lamborne, 87.87.77 By G. C. Martin DP06.3 MV18 GHC01614 Lamborne, 87.87.77 Lamborne, 87.87.77 By G. C. Martin DP06.3 MV18 GHC01615 Lammas, 10.10 Lammas, 10.10 By Arthur Henry Brown, 1868 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01616 Lamps Trimmed and Burning Lamps Trimmed and Burning By Eden Reeder Latta (1839-?) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01617 Day of Resurrection, The Lancashire, 76.76 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1836 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01617 Endless Line of Splendor, An Lancashire, 76.76 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1836 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01617 From Ocean unto Ocean Lancashire, 76.76 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1836 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01617 Go Forward, Christian Soldier Lancashire, 76.76 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1836 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01617 Lancashire, 76.76 D Lancashire, 76.76 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1836 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01617 Lead On, O King Eternal Lancashire, 76.76 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1836 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01617 O Day of Light and Gladness Lancashire, 76.76 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1836 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01618 Lancaster Lancaster By Samuel Howard (1710-1782) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01618 Morning Lancaster By Samuel Howard (1710-1782) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01619 Landas, CMD Landas, CMD By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01619 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place Landas, CMD By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01620 Land of rest Land of rest By Richard S. Newman, 1879 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01621 Blest Morning, Whose Young Dawning Rays Lanesboro, CM By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01621 Lanesboro, CM Lanesboro, CM By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01621 Lord of Glory Is My Light, The Lanesboro, CM By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01622 Langdale, 87.87 Langdale, 87.87 By Richard Redhead (1820-1901) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01623 Father Eternal, Ruler of Creation Langham, By Geoffrey Turton Shaw, 1921 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01623 Langham, Langham, By Geoffrey Turton Shaw, 1921 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01624 Langport, Langport, By Adapted from an English traditional melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01625 Come Ye Yourselves Apart Langran. By James Langran, 1862 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01625 Langran. Langran. By James Langran, 1862 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01625 Lead Us, O Father Langran. By James Langran, 1862 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01625 Weary of Earth, and Laden with My Sin Langran. By James Langran, 1862 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01626 Langran (long), Langran (long), By James Langran, 1862 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01626 O Thou Great Shepherd of Thy Chosen Race Langran (long), By James Langran, 1862 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01627 Enthroned Is Jesus Now Langton, SM By Charlotte Saint Streatfield (1829-?) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01627 Langton, SM Langton, SM By Charlotte Saint Streatfield (1829-?) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01628 Into the Woods Lanier By Peter Christian Lutkin, 1905 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01628 Lanier Lanier By Peter Christian Lutkin, 1905 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01629 Lansing, Lansing, By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01629 Ye Gates, Lift Your Heads Lansing, By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01630 Lasst uns alle frolich sein, 76.76 Lasst uns alle frolich sein, 76.76 By Gesangbuch, Ander Teil (Dresden, Germany:1632) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01630 Let Us All with Gladsome Voice Lasst uns alle frolich sein, 76.76 By Gesangbuch, Ander Teil (Dresden, Germany:1632) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01630 Unto Us a Boy Is Born Lasst uns alle frolich sein, 76.76 By Gesangbuch, Ander Teil (Dresden, Germany:1632) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01631 All Creatures of Our God and King Lasst Uns Erfreuen, 88.44.88 alleluias By Geistliche Kirchengesange (Koln, Germany1623) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01631 Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing, A Lasst Uns Erfreuen, 88.44.88 alleluias By Geistliche Kirchengesange (Koln, Germany1623) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01631 Lasst Uns Erfreuen, 88.44.88 alleluias Lasst Uns Erfreuen, 88.44.88 alleluias By Geistliche Kirchengesange (Koln, Germany1623) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01631 Now Let the Vault of Heaven Resound Lasst Uns Erfreuen, 88.44.88 alleluias By Geistliche Kirchengesange (Koln, Germany1623) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01631 O Criaturas do Senhor Lasst Uns Erfreuen, 88.44.88 alleluias By Geistliche Kirchengesange (Koln, Germany1623) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01631 Vous Creatures du Seigneur Lasst Uns Erfreuen, 88.44.88 alleluias By Geistliche Kirchengesange (Koln, Germany1623) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01631 Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones Lasst Uns Erfreuen, 88.44.88 alleluias By Geistliche Kirchengesange (Koln, Germany1623) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01632 Last Mile of the Way, The The Last Mile of the Way By Johnson Oatman, Jr, 1908 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01632 The Last Mile of the Way The Last Mile of the Way By Johnson Oatman, Jr, 1908 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01633 Latakia, Latakia, By E. G. Taylor DP06.3 MV18 GHC01633 Now the King in Thy Strength Shall Be Joyful Latakia, By E. G. Taylor DP06.3 MV18 GHC01634 Latchford, 66.66.68 Latchford, 66.66.68 By W. Statham DP06.3 MV18 GHC01634 To Thee Our God We Fly Latchford, 66.66.68 By W. Statham DP06.3 MV18 GHC01635 Come Ye That Love the Savior's Name Laud, CM By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01635 Laud, CM Laud, CM By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01636 Laudate Dominum (Parry), Laudate Dominum (Parry), By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (1848-1918) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01636 Sing Praise to the Lord! Laudate Dominum (Parry), By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (1848-1918) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01637 Come, Lord Jesus, Our Redeemer Lauda Anima By John Goss, 1869 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01637 God Is Known Among His People Lauda Anima By John Goss, 1869 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01637 Lauda Anima Lauda Anima By John Goss, 1869 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01637 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Lauda Anima By John Goss, 1869 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01638 Laudes Christi, 777.777 Laudes Christi, 777.777 By R. Riach Thom, 1893 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01639 Laudes Domini (Barnby), 666 D Laudes Domini (Barnby), 666 D By Joseph Barnby, 1868 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01639 When Morning Gilds the Skies Laudes Domini (Barnby), 666 D By Joseph Barnby, 1868 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01640 Lauds, LM Lauds, LM By Proper Sarum Melody DP06.3 MV18 GHC01641 Laurels, Fresh Laurels Laurels, Fresh Laurels By Fanny Crosby, 1867 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01642 In Heav'n Above Laurinus, 86.86.886 By Swedish Koralbok, 1697 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01642 Laurinus, 86.86.886 Laurinus, 86.86.886 By Swedish Koralbok, 1697 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01643 Lausanne, Lausanne, By Lausanne Chorale Book DP06.3 MV18 GHC01644 Laus Matutina Laus Matutina By John Stainer, 1872 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01645 Laus Deo, 6666.88 Laus Deo, 6666.88 By John H. Gower, 1895 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01645 Yes, the Redeemer Rose Laus Deo, 6666.88 By John H. Gower, 1895 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01646 Lay It Down Lay It Down By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01647 Lead Them to Thee Lead Them to Thee By Robert Lowry DP06.3 MV18 GHC01648 Lead Me Gently Home, Father Lead Me Gently Home, Father By Will Lamartine Thompson (1847-1909) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01649 Lead Me Higher Lead Me Higher By Anonymous DP06.3 MV18 GHC01650 Lead Me to Calvary Lead Me to Calvary By William J. Kirkpatrick, circa 1921 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01651 Leaf, CM Leaf, CM By Arranged from S. W. B., 1863 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01651 O Wherefore Hast Thou Cast Us Off Leaf, CM By Arranged from S. W. B., 1863 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01652 Lean on His Arms Lean on His Arms By Lewis Ellis Jones (1865-1936) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01653 Leave It There Leave It There By Chalres Albert Tindley, 1916 DP06.3 MV18 GHC01654 Leaving It All with Jesus Leaving It All with Jesus By James Martin Gray (1851-1935) DP06.3 MV18 GHC01655 Leaving All to Follow Jesus Leaving All to Follow Jesus By Ida M. Budd, 1898 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01656 Leaving Smiles Leaving Smiles By Lincoln McConnell, 1922 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01657 I Was a Wandering Sheep Lebanon, SMD By John Zundel, 1856 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01657 Lebanon, SMD Lebanon, SMD By John Zundel, 1856 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01658 I Am Not Worthy, Holy Lord Leicester, CM By W. Hurst DP07.1 MV19 GHC01658 Leicester, CM Leicester, CM By W. Hurst DP07.1 MV19 GHC01659 Leighton Ahira Leighton Ahira By Unknown DP07.1 MV19 GHC01660 Leighton (Greatorex), SM Leighton (Greatorex), SM By Henry Wellington Greatorex, 1849 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01661 Christ Hath a Garden Leighton, LM By Arranged from William Leighton, circa 1614 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01661 Leighton, LM Leighton, LM By Arranged from William Leighton, circa 1614 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01661 My God! Permit My Tongue Leighton, LM By Arranged from William Leighton, circa 1614 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01662 Arise, My Soul, Arise Lenox By Lewis Edson, circa 1782 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01662 Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow Lenox By Lewis Edson, circa 1782 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01662 Lenox Lenox By Lewis Edson, circa 1782 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01662 Ye Ransomed Sinners, Hear Lenox By Lewis Edson, circa 1782 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01663 Few More Years Will Roll, A Leominster By George Walter Martin, 1862 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01663 Leominster Leominster By George Walter Martin, 1862 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01663 My Heart Doth Overflow Leominster By George Walter Martin, 1862 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01663 Not What My Hands Have Done Leominster By George Walter Martin, 1862 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01663 Wide Open Are Thy Hands Leominster By George Walter Martin, 1862 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01664 Leoni, 66.84 D Leoni, 66.84 D By Hebrew Melody DP07.1 MV19 GHC01664 Shine Thou upon Us, Lord Leoni, 66.84 D By Hebrew Melody DP07.1 MV19 GHC01665 Da Yw Bod Wrth Draed Yr Iesu Leonora, By Caradog Roberts (1878-1935) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01665 Leonora, Leonora, By Caradog Roberts (1878-1935) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01666 Lest We Forget, 88.88.88 Lest We Forget, 88.88.88 By George F. Blanchard (1868-?) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01667 Let the Sunshine In Let the Sunshine In By Ada Blenkhorn, circa 1895 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01668 Let Us Break Bread Together letusbbt By Negro spiritual DP07.1 MV19 GHC01669 Diligence Diligence By Franklin E. Belden DP07.1 MV19 GHC01669 Let Every Lamp Be Burning Bright Diligence By Franklin E. Belden DP07.1 MV19 GHC01670 Let Him Come In Let Him Come In By C. W. Ray DP07.1 MV19 GHC01671 Let Him In Let Him In By Edwin O. Excell, circa 1909 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01672 Let Jesus Come into Your Heart Let Jesus Come into Your Heart By Leila Naylor Morris, 1898 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01673 Let Me Lean on Thee Let Me Lean on Thee By Hubert Platt Main, 1877 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01674 Let the Blessed Sunlight In Let the Blessed Sunlight In By A. F. Myers, 1897 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01674 Let the BlessŠd Sunlight In Let the Blessed Sunlight In By A. F. Myers, 1897 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01675 Let the Joy Overflow Let the Joy Overflow By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, 1917 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01676 Let the Lower Lights Be Burning Lower Lights By Philip Paul Bliss, 1871 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01676 Lower Lights Lower Lights By Philip Paul Bliss, 1871 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01677 Lewes, 87.87.87 Lewes, 87.87.87 By John Randall (1716-1799) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01678 Let the Holy Ghost Come In Let the Holy Ghost Come In By R. F. Reynolds DP07.1 MV19 GHC01679 Lord Is Coming By and By, The Lord Is Coming By and By, The By Elijah Albright Hoffman (1839-1929) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01680 Liebster Immanuel, Liebster Immanuel, By Himmels-Lust, Leipzig, 1675; harm by Bach DP07.1 MV19 GHC01681 Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word Liebster Jesu, 7 8 7 8 8 8 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1664 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01681 Book of Books Liebster Jesu, 7 8 7 8 8 8 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1664 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01681 Liebster Jesu, 7 8 7 8 8 8 Liebster Jesu, 7 8 7 8 8 8 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1664 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01681 Me Voici, Seigneur, Sauveur Liebster Jesu, 7 8 7 8 8 8 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1664 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01681 Now, the Hour of Worship O'er Liebster Jesu, 7 8 7 8 8 8 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1664 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01682 Life's Railway to Heaven Life's Railway to Heaven By Charlie D. Tillman, circa 1894 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01683 Life and Love, Life and Love, By William Henry Monk, 1889 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01684 Life in the Loom Life in the Loom By Mary Artemesia Lathbury, 1902 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01685 Lift Every Voice Lift Every Voice By John Rosamond Johnson, circa 1921 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01685 Lift Every Voice and Sing Lift Every Voice By John Rosamond Johnson, circa 1921 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01686 Lift Him Up Lift Him Up By Johnson Oatman, Jr. DP07.1 MV19 GHC01686 Lift Him Up (Oatman) Lift Him Up By Johnson Oatman, Jr. DP07.1 MV19 GHC01687 Lift Him Up Lift Him Up By May E. Warren DP07.1 MV19 GHC01687 Lift Him Up (Warren) Lift Him Up By May E. Warren DP07.1 MV19 GHC01688 Arise and Shine Arise and Shine By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01688 Lift Up, Lift Up Your Voice Arise and Shine By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01689 Light after Darkness Light After Darkness, 99.99 By Music by Ira David Sankey, 1909 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01689 Light After Darkness, 99.99 Light After Darkness, 99.99 By Music by Ira David Sankey, 1909 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01690 Lights of Home, The The Lights of Home By Charles H. Marsh DP07.1 MV19 GHC01690 The Lights of Home The Lights of Home By Charles H. Marsh DP07.1 MV19 GHC01691 Light in the Eastern Sky Light in the Eastern Sky By Daniel Brink Towner, 1905 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01692 Like as a Father Like as a Father By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01693 Like a Mighty Sea Like a Mighty Sea By A. I. Zelley DP07.1 MV19 GHC01694 Like a Wayward Child I Wandered Like a Wayward Child I Wandered By Anthony Johnson Showalter (1858-1924) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01695 Like Zion's Holy Mount Like Zion's Holy Mount By C. M. Seamans DP07.1 MV19 GHC01696 Jesus Has Lifted Me Jesus Has Lifted Me By Avis Marguerite Burgeson Christiansen, ca. 1918 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01697 He's Coming Soon Liluokalani By Hawaiian melody, arr. by Thoro Harris, ca. 1918 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01697 Liluokalani Liluokalani By Hawaiian melody, arr. by Thoro Harris, ca. 1918 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01698 Lily of the Valley, The Salvation (Hays) By William Shakespeare Hays, 1881 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01698 Salvation (Hays) Salvation (Hays) By William Shakespeare Hays, 1881 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01699 Lincoln, CM Lincoln, CM By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01699 Lord, in Thy Name Thy Servants Plead Lincoln, CM By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01699 Thou Spakest, Lord, and into One Lincoln, CM By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01699 While Men Grow Bold in Wicked Ways Lincoln, CM By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01700 Lindeman, Lindeman, By Ludvig M. Lindeman (1812-1887) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01701 Linden, LM Linden, LM By H. Elliot Button DP07.1 MV19 GHC01702 Jesus Lives! Lindisfarne, 78.78.4 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01702 Jesus Vit! Lindisfarne, 78.78.4 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01702 Lindisfarne, 78.78.4 Lindisfarne, 78.78.4 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01703 Lion of Judah, The The Lion of Judah By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01703 The Lion of Judah The Lion of Judah By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01704 Lisbon, CM Lisbon, CM By Daniel Read DP07.1 MV19 GHC01704 Lord, Who Shall Come to Thee Lisbon, CM By Daniel Read DP07.1 MV19 GHC01704 Welcome, Sweet Day of Rest Lisbon, CM By Daniel Read DP07.1 MV19 GHC01705 Listen to the Blessed Invitation Listen to the Blessed Invitation By William James Kirkpatrick, 1888 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01706 Father, Whose Creating Hand Litany for Those at Sea, Part 1, 66.66.5 By Charles Edward Stephens (1821-1891) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01706 Litany for Those at Sea, Part 1, 66.66.5 Litany for Those at Sea, Part 1, 66.66.5 By Charles Edward Stephens (1821-1891) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01707 Litany for Those at Sea (Part 2), 77.77.6 Litany for Those at Sea (Part 2), 77.77.6 By Charles Edward Stephens (1821-1891) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01707 May Thy Church Our Shelter Be Litany for Those at Sea (Part 2), 77.77.6 By Charles Edward Stephens (1821-1891) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01708 Litany (Hervey), 77.76 Litany (Hervey), 77.76 By Frederick Alfred John Hervey (1846-1910) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01709 Jesus, with Thy Church Abide Litany of the Passion, 77.76 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01709 Litany of the Passion, 77.76 Litany of the Passion, 77.76 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01710 Light of the World Is Jesus, The The Light of the World Is Jesus By Philip Paul Bliss, 1875 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01710 The Light of the World Is Jesus The Light of the World Is Jesus By Philip Paul Bliss, 1875 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01711 A Little Kingdom, CMD A Little Kingdom, CMD By A. P. Howard, 1873 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01711 Little Kingdom I Possess, A A Little Kingdom, CMD By A. P. Howard, 1873 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01712 Littlefield, LM Littlefield, LM By Calvin W. Laufer, 1918 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01712 My Life, Dear Lord, I Give to Thee Littlefield, LM By Calvin W. Laufer, 1918 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01713 Little Lamb, Who Made Thee? Little Lamb, Who Made Thee? By W. B. Caldwell DP07.1 MV19 GHC01714 A Little While A Little While By Mrs. Jane Crewdson DP07.1 MV19 GHC01714 Little While, A A Little While By Mrs. Jane Crewdson DP07.1 MV19 GHC01715 Little Brown Church in the Vale Little Brown Church in the Vale By William S. Pitts, 1857 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01717 Little Is Much When God Is in It Little Is Much When God Is in It By Kittie L. Suffield, 1924 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01718 Little Sunbeams Little Sunbeams By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1902 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01719 A Little Ship, CM A Little Ship, CM By English folk tune DP07.1 MV19 GHC01720 Father, Loving Father Livermore, 65.65 By Jean MIle Gower (1867-?) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01720 Livermore, 65.65 Livermore, 65.65 By Jean MIle Gower (1867-?) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01721 Living for Jesus Living for Jesus By Charles Frederick Weigle, 1903 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01721 Living for Jesus (Weigle) Living for Jesus By Charles Frederick Weigle, 1903 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01722 Liverpool Liverpool By Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01723 Llanberis, 76.76 D Llanberis, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1739 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01724 Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise Llanfair, 77.77 alleluias By Robert Williams, 1817 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01724 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Llanfair, 77.77 alleluias By Robert Williams, 1817 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01724 Let the Whole Creation Cry Llanfair, 77.77 alleluias By Robert Williams, 1817 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01724 Llanfair, 77.77 alleluias Llanfair, 77.77 alleluias By Robert Williams, 1817 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01724 Praise the Lord, God's Glories Show Llanfair, 77.77 alleluias By Robert Williams, 1817 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01725 Llanfyllin, 76.76D Llanfyllin, 76.76D By Traditional Welsh melody, published 1865 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01726 Llangloffan, 76.76 D Llangloffan, 76.76 D By D. Evans, 1865 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01726 O Brothers, Lift Your Voices Llangloffan, 76.76 D By D. Evans, 1865 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01726 O God of Earth and Altar Llangloffan, 76.76 D By D. Evans, 1865 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01726 O Lord of Hosts, How Lovely Llangloffan, 76.76 D By D. Evans, 1865 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01726 Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers Llangloffan, 76.76 D By D. Evans, 1865 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01727 Father of Men, in Whom Are One Llangoedmor, 88.88.88 By Welsh hymn melody DP07.1 MV19 GHC01727 Llangoedmor, 88.88.88 Llangoedmor, 88.88.88 By Welsh hymn melody DP07.1 MV19 GHC01728 Debtor to Mercy Alone, A Llangristiolus By Joseph Parry (1841-1903) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01728 Llangristiolus Llangristiolus By Joseph Parry (1841-1903) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01729 Angels Holy, High and Lowly Llanherne, 87.887 By George T. Thalben-Bell (1896-?) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01729 Llanherne, 87.887 Llanherne, 87.887 By George T. Thalben-Bell (1896-?) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01730 Llanllyfni, SMD Llanllyfni, SMD By John Jones (1797-1857) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01731 Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Llanthony, 65.65 By Abbey Hymns DP07.1 MV19 GHC01731 Llanthony, 65.65 Llanthony, 65.65 By Abbey Hymns DP07.1 MV19 GHC01732 Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord and Hear Llef, LM By Griffith Hugh Jones, 1890 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01732 Llef, LM Llef, LM By Griffith Hugh Jones, 1890 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01732 Terrible God, That Reign'st on High Llef, LM By Griffith Hugh Jones, 1890 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01733 Dear Father, Whom We Cannot See Llewellyn, 86.88.6 By Stanley Llewellyn Osborne (1907-2000) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01733 Llewellyn, 86.88.6 Llewellyn, 86.88.6 By Stanley Llewellyn Osborne (1907-2000) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01734 Let the Light Stream In Let the Light Stream In By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01735 Lead Me, Savior Lead Me, Savior By Frank M. Davis (1839-1896) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01736 God of Our Fathers, the Strength of Our People Lobe den Herren By Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01736 Lobe den Herren Lobe den Herren By Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01736 Louvai a Deus Lobe den Herren By Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01736 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Lobe den Herren By Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01737 Lobe Den Herren, O Meine Seele Lobe Den Herren, O Meine Seele By Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen, 1704 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01737 Praise Thou the Lord, O My Soul Lobe Den Herren, O Meine Seele By Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen, 1704 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01738 Lobe Den Herrn, Ihr, 87.87 D Lobe Den Herrn, Ihr, 87.87 D By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01739 Lobt Gott Ihr Chisten, CM Lobt Gott Ihr Chisten, CM By Nikolaus Hermann (c. 1500 -1561) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01739 Sing to the Great Jehovah's Praise Lobt Gott Ihr Chisten, CM By Nikolaus Hermann (c. 1500 -1561) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01740 Lodsworth, 88.88.88 Lodsworth, 88.88.88 By English Traditional melody DP07.1 MV19 GHC01741 Log College, CM Log College, CM By George William Warren, 1895 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01742 Lo! the Golden Fields Are Smiling Lo! the Golden Fields Are Smiling By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP07.1 MV19 GHC01744 Father, to Thee We Look in All Our Sorrow L'Omnipotent, By Louis Bourgeois, Genevan Psalter, 1543 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01744 L'Omnipotent, L'Omnipotent, By Louis Bourgeois, Genevan Psalter, 1543 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01745 London (Addison's), LMD London (Addison's), LMD By J. Sheeles, circa 1720 DP07.1 MV19 GHC01746 Above the Hills of Time Londonderry By Traditional Irish melody DP07.1 MV19 GHC01746 I Cannot Tell Londonderry By Traditional Irish melody DP07.1 MV19 GHC01746 Londonderry Londonderry By Traditional Irish melody DP07.1 MV19 GHC01746 My Own Dear Land Londonderry By Traditional Irish melody DP07.1 MV19 GHC01747 London New, CM London New, CM By Psalms (Edinburgh, Scotland1635) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01748 There's a Hill Lone and Grey There's a Hill Lone and Grey By R. Carradine DP07.2 MV20 GHC01749 In the Lonely Midnight Lonely Midnight, By Alonzo Potter Howard (1838-1902) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01749 Lonely Midnight, Lonely Midnight, By Alonzo Potter Howard (1838-1902) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01750 Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley By American spiritual DP07.2 MV20 GHC01751 Longfellow, 86.86.88 Longfellow, 86.86.88 By Frederic Field Bullard (1864-1904) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01752 Father, Again in Jesus' Name We Meet Longwood, By Joseph Barnby, 1872 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01752 Longwood, Longwood, By Joseph Barnby, 1872 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01752 Lord, I Believe Longwood, By Joseph Barnby, 1872 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01753 Longwood Longwood By Joseph Barnby, 1872 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01754 Long Ago a Shining Throng Long Ago a Shining Throng By Kate Ulmer DP07.2 MV20 GHC01755 Looking for That Blessed Hope Looking for That Blessed Hope By Thoro Harris, 1909 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01756 Look for Me! Look for Me! By A. A. Payne, 1905 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01757 Looking This Way Looking This Way By Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter, 1895 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01758 Look to the Lamb of God Look to the Lamb of God By H. G. Jackson DP07.2 MV20 GHC01759 Look Up! Ye Weary Ones Look Up! Ye Weary Ones By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01760 Look Away to Jesus, 65.65 D Look Away to Jesus, 65.65 D By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01761 Look for the Waymarks Look for the Waymarks By Franklin Edson Belden (1858-1945) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01763 Lord, Send Us Forth Lord, Send Us Forth By John R. Clements, 1908 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01764 Earth Is Hushed in Silence, The Lord's Day, 76.76 refrain By Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01764 Lord's Day, 76.76 refrain Lord's Day, 76.76 refrain By Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01765 Lord, I'm Coming Home Lord, I'm Coming Home By William J. Kirkpatrick, circa 1920 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01766 Lord, I Want to be a Christian Lord, I Want to be a Christian By American folk hymn DP07.2 MV20 GHC01766 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian Lord, I Want to be a Christian By American folk hymn DP07.2 MV20 GHC01767 Lord of Might, 87.87.887 Lord of Might, 87.87.887 By Arthur Page (1846-?) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01767 Unto My Lord Jehovah Said Lord of Might, 87.87.887 By Arthur Page (1846-?) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01768 Lord of the Gospel Harvest The Gospel Harvest By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01768 Lord of the Harvest, The The Gospel Harvest By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01768 The Gospel Harvest The Gospel Harvest By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01769 Lord Jesus, Come! Lord Jesus, Come! By Anonymous; music by Philip P. Bliss (1838-1876) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01770 The Lord Will Provide The Lord Will Provide By Mrs. A. W. Cook, before 1895 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01771 Los Angeles, 88.68.86 Los Angeles, 88.68.86 By David Stanley Smith (1878-?) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01772 Loughton, CM Loughton, CM By Benjamin Milgrove, 1782 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01773 God of My Life, to Thee I Call Louvan By Virgili C. Taylor, 1847 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01773 God of Our Salvation Hears, The Louvan By Virgili C. Taylor, 1847 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01773 Look from Thy Sphere of Endless Day Louvan By Virgili C. Taylor, 1847 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01773 Lord of All Being Louvan By Virgili C. Taylor, 1847 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01773 Lord of Our Life, God Whom We Fear Louvan By Virgili C. Taylor, 1847 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01773 Lord, Source of All Blessing Louvan By Virgili C. Taylor, 1847 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01773 Louvan Louvan By Virgili C. Taylor, 1847 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01773 O Lord, All Glorious, Life of Life Louvan By Virgili C. Taylor, 1847 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01773 Twas the Commission of Our Lord Louvan By Virgili C. Taylor, 1847 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01775 Loved One, Farewell Loved One, Farewell By Mary Bridges Canedy Slade, 1876 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01776 Master, No Offering Costly and Sweet Master, No Offering Costly and Sweet By Edwin Pond Parker, 1888 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01777 Holy Father, God Almighty Love Divine (Stainer) By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01777 Love Divine (Stainer) Love Divine (Stainer) By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01778 Jesus, Thou Divine Companion Love Divine (Le Jeune), 87.87 D By George F. Le Jeune, 1872 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01778 Love Divine (Le Jeune), 87.87 D Love Divine (Le Jeune), 87.87 D By George F. Le Jeune, 1872 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01779 Love Is the Theme Love Is the Theme By Albert C. Fisher, circa 1913 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01780 Love Lifted Me Love Lifted Me By Howard E. Smith (before 1913) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01781 Love Unknown, 12.12.88 Love Unknown, 12.12.88 By John Ireland, 1918 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01782 Love Found a Way Love Found a Way By Avis Marguerite Burgeson Christiansen, 1915 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01783 Awake, My Soul, to Joyful Lays Loving-Kindness By William Caldwell, 19th Century DP07.2 MV20 GHC01783 Loving-Kindness Loving-Kindness By William Caldwell, 19th Century DP07.2 MV20 GHC01784 Jonah Living for Jesus By Carl Harold Lowden, 1917 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01784 Living for Jesus Living for Jesus By Carl Harold Lowden, 1917 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01784 Living for Jesus (Chisholm) Living for Jesus By Carl Harold Lowden, 1917 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01785 Lowry, LM Lowry, LM By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01785 Morning Kindles All the Sky, The Lowry, LM By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01786 Low in the Grave He Lay Low in the Grave He Lay By Robert Lowry, 1874 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01787 Loyalty to Christ Loyalty to Christ By Flora H. Cassel, circa 1894 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01788 L.oyalty unto Christ L.oyalty unto Christ By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1902 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01788 Loyalty unto Christ L.oyalty unto Christ By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1902 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01789 Luard, 77.77.88 Luard, 77.77.88 By Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01790 Come, Let Us Anew Our Journey Pursue Lucas, By James Lucas DP07.2 MV20 GHC01790 Lucas, Lucas, By James Lucas DP07.2 MV20 GHC01791 Lucerne, 87.87 Lucerne, 87.87 By T. A. Willis, 1876 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01792 Lucis Creator, LM Lucis Creator, LM By Angers Church Melody DP07.2 MV20 GHC01793 Lord, Pour Thy Spirit from on High Ludborough, LM By Timothy Richard Mathews (1826-1910) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01793 Ludborough, LM Ludborough, LM By Timothy Richard Mathews (1826-1910) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01793 O God, of All the Strength and Power Ludborough, LM By Timothy Richard Mathews (1826-1910) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01794 Lugano, 87.87 D Lugano, 87.87 D By Catholic Hymn Tunes, 1849 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01795 Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured Luise, 78.78.77 By Johann Cruger, Praxis Pietatis Melica, 1653 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01795 Luise, 78.78.77 Luise, 78.78.77 By Johann Cruger, Praxis Pietatis Melica, 1653 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01796 Jesus Is Mine Lundie By Theodore E. Perkins (1831-1912) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01796 Lundie Lundie By Theodore E. Perkins (1831-1912) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01797 Jehovah, Thee We Praise Luther, SM By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01797 Luther, SM Luther, SM By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01798 Luther League Hymn Luther League Hymn By George C. F. Haas (1854-1927) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01798 O Christians, Leagued Together Luther League Hymn By George C. F. Haas (1854-1927) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01799 Awake, Jerusalem, Awake! Luton, LM By Burder DP07.2 MV20 GHC01799 Luton, LM Luton, LM By Burder DP07.2 MV20 GHC01799 Praise Ye the Lord, My Heart Shall Join Luton, LM By Burder DP07.2 MV20 GHC01800 Lux Beata, Lux Beata, By Albert Lister Peace (1844-1912) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01800 Thy Word, O Lord Lux Beata, By Albert Lister Peace (1844-1912) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01801 Lead, Kindly Light Lux Benigna By John Bacchus Dykes, 1867 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01801 Lux Benigna Lux Benigna By John Bacchus Dykes, 1867 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01801 Luz Benigna Lux Benigna By John Bacchus Dykes, 1867 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01802 He Is Coming, He Is Coming Lux Eoi, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01802 Lux Eoi, 87.87 D Lux Eoi, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01802 Seek the Lord Who Now Is Present Lux Eoi, 87.87 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01803 Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit Lux Prima (Gounod), 87.87.77 By Charles Francois Gounod, 1872 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01803 Lux Prima (Gounod), 87.87.77 Lux Prima (Gounod), 87.87.77 By Charles Francois Gounod, 1872 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01804 Lux Prima Lux Prima By John Stainer, 1872 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01805 Lux Vera, Lux Vera, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1870 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01805 Still Throned in Heav'n Lux Vera, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1870 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01806 Living Where the Healing Waters Flow Living Where the Healing Waters Flow By Ina Duley Ogdon (1877-1964) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01807 Lydia, CM Lydia By Thomas Phillips (1735-1807) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01808 Lymington, 76.76 D Lymington, 76.76 D By Robert Jackson (1842-1914) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01808 Roll On,Thou Mighty Ocean Lymington, 76.76 D By Robert Jackson (1842-1914) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01809 Lyndhurst Lyndhurst By Frederick Charles Maker, 1876 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01810 Father, Lead Me Day by Day Lyne, 77.77 By Magadalen Chapel Hymns, circa 1760 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01810 Hark, My Soul, How Everything Lyne, 77.77 By Magadalen Chapel Hymns, circa 1760 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01810 Lyne, 77.77 Lyne, 77.77 By Magadalen Chapel Hymns, circa 1760 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01811 Lyngham Lyngham By Thomas Jarman (1776-1861) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01812 Cieux et la Terre C‚lŠbrent en Choeur, Les Lyons By Attributed to Johann Michael Haydn DP07.2 MV20 GHC01812 Lyons Lyons By Attributed to Johann Michael Haydn DP07.2 MV20 GHC01812 O Worship the King Lyons By Attributed to Johann Michael Haydn DP07.2 MV20 GHC01812 Ye Servants of God Lyons By Attributed to Johann Michael Haydn DP07.2 MV20 GHC01812 Ye Thirsty for God Lyons By Attributed to Johann Michael Haydn DP07.2 MV20 GHC01813 Lystra, CM Lystra, CM By Charles Wesley, Jr. (1757-1834) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01814 Lyte, SM Lyte, SM By John Bernard Wilkes (1785-1869) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01815 Lord, When We Have Not Any Light Lytham, CM By James Thomas Lightwood (1850-1944) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01815 Lytham, CM Lytham, CM By James Thomas Lightwood (1850-1944) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01816 Macedon, 88.88.88 Macedon, 88.88.88 By C. A. Barry DP07.2 MV20 GHC01817 Macfarren, CMD Macfarren, CMD By George Alexander Macfarren (1813-1887) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01817 Thou, Who Didst Call Thy Saints of Old Macfarren, CMD By George Alexander Macfarren (1813-1887) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01818 Fling Wide the Door Macht Hoch die Tur, By Johannes DP07.2 MV20 GHC01818 Macht Hoch die Tur, Macht Hoch die Tur, By Johannes DP07.2 MV20 GHC01819 Macht Hoch die Tur Macht Hoch die Tur By Johann A. Freylinghausen, 1704 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01820 Come, Ye Children of the Lord Madrid (Carr), 77.77 D By Spanish tune, arr. by Benjamin Carr, 1824 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01820 Lord, I Lift My Soul to Thee Madrid (Carr), 77.77 D By Spanish tune, arr. by Benjamin Carr, 1824 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01820 Madrid (Carr), 77.77 D Madrid (Carr), 77.77 D By Spanish tune, arr. by Benjamin Carr, 1824 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01820 Vinde, O Filhos do Senhor Madrid (Carr), 77.77 D By Spanish tune, arr. by Benjamin Carr, 1824 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01821 Come, Christians, Join to Sing Madrid, 66.66D By Traditional Spanish melody DP07.2 MV20 GHC01821 Madrid, 66.66D Madrid, 66.66D By Traditional Spanish melody DP07.2 MV20 GHC01822 Magdalena, 76.76 D Magdalena, 76.76 D By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01823 Magdalen College, 88.68.86 Magdalen College, 88.68.86 By W. Hayes, 1774 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01824 Magnify, CM Magnify, CM By Calvin Weiss Laufer (1874-1938) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01824 O Magnify the Lord with Me (Laufer) Magnify, CM By Calvin Weiss Laufer (1874-1938) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01825 If We Have Forgotten the Name of Our God Magnus, refrain By John Bunyan Herbert (1852-1927) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01825 Magnus, refrain Magnus, refrain By John Bunyan Herbert (1852-1927) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01826 Christ Is Risen from the Dead Maidstone, 77.77 D By Walter B. Gilbert, before 1906 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01826 Lord of Earth, Thy Forming Hand Maidstone, 77.77 D By Walter B. Gilbert, before 1906 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01826 Maidstone, 77.77 D Maidstone, 77.77 D By Walter B. Gilbert, before 1906 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01827 As Birds Their Infant Brood Protect Mainzer By Joseph Mainzer, circa 1845 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01827 Author of Faith, Eternal Word Mainzer By Joseph Mainzer, circa 1845 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01827 Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun Mainzer By Joseph Mainzer, circa 1845 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01827 God Only Wise, and Great, and Strong Mainzer By Joseph Mainzer, circa 1845 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01827 Great Shepherd of Thy Chosen Flock Mainzer By Joseph Mainzer, circa 1845 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01827 Mainzer Mainzer By Joseph Mainzer, circa 1845 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01827 Now Let Us Join with Hearts and Tongues Mainzer By Joseph Mainzer, circa 1845 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01828 Maitland, CM Maitland, CM By George Nelson Allen, 1844 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01828 Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone? Maitland, CM By George Nelson Allen, 1844 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01828 Son Forsook the Father's Home, The Maitland, CM By George Nelson Allen, 1844 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01828 When in the Night I Meditate Maitland, CM By George Nelson Allen, 1844 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01828 Wonders of Redeeming Love, The Maitland, CM By George Nelson Allen, 1844 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01829 Majesty Majesty, 66.66.88 By Wesleyan Centenary Tune Book, 1839 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01829 Majesty (Chinese) Majesty, 66.66.88 By Wesleyan Centenary Tune Book, 1839 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01829 Majesty, 66.66.88 Majesty, 66.66.88 By Wesleyan Centenary Tune Book, 1839 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01830 Lord Descended from Above, The Majesty (Billings), CMD By William Billings, 1778 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01830 Majesty (Billings), CMD Majesty (Billings), CMD By William Billings, 1778 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01831 Make Christ King Make Christ King By Robert Matthews, 1911 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01832 Make Haste! Make Haste!` By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1903 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01832 Make Haste!` Make Haste!` By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1903 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01833 Make Him Known Make Him Known By Carrie Breck & Mrs. C. M. Alexander DP07.2 MV20 GHC01834 Make Me a Channel of Blessing Make Me a Channel of Blessing By H. G. Smyth, circa 1903 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01835 Earth and the Fullness with Which It Is Stored Maldwyn, By Welsh melody, circa 1600 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01835 Maldwyn, Maldwyn, By Welsh melody, circa 1600 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01836 God Eternal, Mighty King Mallary, 77.77 D By R. De W. Mallary, 1901 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01836 Hark! How Time's Wide Sounding Bell Mallary, 77.77 D By R. De W. Mallary, 1901 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01836 Mallary, 77.77 D Mallary, 77.77 D By R. De W. Mallary, 1901 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01837 Malmesbury Abbey, CM Malmesbury Abbey, CM By J. Comley DP07.2 MV20 GHC01838 Before Thee, Lord, a People Waits Malone, 88.68.86 By Luther Orlando Emerson, 1869 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01838 Malone, 88.68.86 Malone, 88.68.86 By Luther Orlando Emerson, 1869 DP07.2 MV20 GHC01839 Jesus, Where'er Thy People Meet Malvern, LM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP07.2 MV20 GHC01839 Malvern, LM Malvern, LM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01840 Earth, O Lord, Is One Wide Field, The Manchester New, CM By Robert Wainright, 1774 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01840 Manchester New, CM Manchester New, CM By Robert Wainright, 1774 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01841 Man of Grief, LMD Man of Grief, LMD By George Coles (1792-1858) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01841 Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief, A Man of Grief, LMD By George Coles (1792-1858) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01841 Um Pobre e Aflito Viajor Man of Grief, LMD By George Coles (1792-1858) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01842 Manna, 88.68.86 Manna, 88.68.86 By Johann Gottfried Schicht, 1819 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01843 Lead Us, Heavenly Father Mannheim, 87.87.87 By Friedrich Filitz (1804-1876) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01843 Mannheim, 87.87.87 Mannheim, 87.87.87 By Friedrich Filitz (1804-1876) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01844 Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme Manoah By Unknown DP07.3 MV21 GHC01844 I Love the Voice Divine Manoah By Unknown DP07.3 MV21 GHC01844 I Walk the King's Highway Manoah By Unknown DP07.3 MV21 GHC01844 In Anger, Lord, Rebuke Me Not Manoah By Unknown DP07.3 MV21 GHC01844 Manoah Manoah By Unknown DP07.3 MV21 GHC01844 O Jesus Christ, Grow Thou in Me Manoah By Unknown DP07.3 MV21 GHC01844 O Mystery of Love Divine Manoah By Unknown DP07.3 MV21 GHC01844 Why Did the Nations Join to Slay Manoah By Unknown DP07.3 MV21 GHC01845 Mansfield, 87.83 Mansfield, 87.83 By E. H. Turpin DP07.3 MV21 GHC01846 Maori, Maori, By Maori melody DP07.3 MV21 GHC01846 Search Me, O God Maori, By Maori melody DP07.3 MV21 GHC01847 Maoz Tsur, Maoz Tsur, By German Askenazic melody DP07.3 MV21 GHC01847 Men and Children Everywhere Maoz Tsur, By German Askenazic melody DP07.3 MV21 GHC01847 Rock of Ages, Let Our Song Maoz Tsur, By German Askenazic melody DP07.3 MV21 GHC01848 Marblehead, LM Marblehead, LM By John Barnard, 1752 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01849 Marching, 87.87 Marching, 87.87 By Martin Fallas Shaw, 1915 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01850 Louvor Ao Senhor Maching to Zion By Robert Lowry, 1867 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01850 Maching to Zion Maching to Zion By Robert Lowry, 1867 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01850 Marching to Zion Maching to Zion By Robert Lowry, 1867 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01851 Marching with the Heroes Marching with the Heroes By William George Tarrant, circa 1904 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01852 Marching on in the Light of God Marching on in the Light of God By Captain Johnson DP07.3 MV21 GHC01853 Margaret Margaret By Timothy Richard Matthews, 1876 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01853 Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne Margaret By Timothy Richard Matthews, 1876 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01854 Marion, SM refrain Marion, SM refrain By Arthur Henry Messiter, 1883 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01854 O Seek the Lord in Prayer Marion, SM refrain By Arthur Henry Messiter, 1883 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01854 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart Marion, SM refrain By Arthur Henry Messiter, 1883 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01855 How Great the Wisdom Marlow, CM By John Chetham, Book of Psalmody, 1718 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01855 Marlow, CM Marlow, CM By John Chetham, Book of Psalmody, 1718 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01855 Teach Us, O Lord, true Brotherhood Marlow, CM By John Chetham, Book of Psalmody, 1718 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01856 Martham, LM Martham, LM By John Henry Maunder, circa 1897 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01857 Martyn Martyn By Simeon B. Marsh, 1834 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 According to Thy Gracious Word Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed? Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 Behold the Glories of the Lamb Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 Behold the Savior of Mankind Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 From Days of Early Youth, O God Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 I've Found the Pearl of Greatest Price Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 In Evil Long I Took Delight Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 In Thy Great Name, O Lord, We Come Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 Martyrdom, CM Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 O God, Whose Smile Is in the Sky Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 O Gracious God, Forsake Me Not Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 Our Guilt We Do Confess Today Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 Thou Lovely Source of True Delight Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01858 Too Many, Lord, Abuse Thy Grace Martyrdom, CM By Hugh Wilson, 1800 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01859 Mary, SMD Mary, SMD By Henry A. Lewis DP07.3 MV21 GHC01859 To Thee, O Lord, I Fly Mary, SMD By Henry A. Lewis DP07.3 MV21 GHC01860 I've Found the Secret of Success Maryland, LMD By Alexander Zarnock DP07.3 MV21 GHC01860 Maryland, LMD Maryland, LMD By Alexander Zarnock DP07.3 MV21 GHC01861 Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine Maryton, LM By Henry Percy Smith, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01861 Great Archangel's Trump, The Maryton, LM By Henry Percy Smith, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01861 Maryton, LM Maryton, LM By Henry Percy Smith, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01861 My Song Forever shall Record Maryton, LM By Henry Percy Smith, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01861 O Breath of God, Breathe on Us Now Maryton, LM By Henry Percy Smith, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01861 O Lord, the Holy Innocents Maryton, LM By Henry Percy Smith, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01861 O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee Maryton, LM By Henry Percy Smith, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01861 O Thou, Who Hast at Thy Command Maryton, LM By Henry Percy Smith, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01861 This Child We Dedicate to Thee Maryton, LM By Henry Percy Smith, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01862 Mary Magdalene (Sullivan), 77.77 D Mary Magdalene (Sullivan), 77.77 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01862 Time, by Moments, Steals Away Mary Magdalene (Sullivan), 77.77 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01863 Mary Magdalene (Dykes), 65.65 D Mary Magdalene (Dykes), 65.65 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01863 O Let Him Whose Sorrow Mary Magdalene (Dykes), 65.65 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01864 Lord, My Petition Heed Mason, 664.66.64 By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01864 Mason, 664.66.64 Mason, 664.66.64 By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01865 Master's Call, The The Master's Call By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1869 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01866 Master, the Tempest Is Raging Master, the Tempest Is Raging By Mary A. Baker, 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01867 Mater, CMD Mater, CMD By Arthur Depew (1869-1940) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01868 Lord, While Afar Our Brothers Fight Matlock, 88.88.88 By M. Wise, 1684 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01868 Matlock, 88.88.88 Matlock, 88.88.88 By M. Wise, 1684 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01868 Through Midnight Gloom from Macedon Matlock, 88.88.88 By M. Wise, 1684 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01869 Matrimony, 76.76 Matrimony, 76.76 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01870 Matthews, Matthews, By R. Norton Matthews DP07.3 MV21 GHC01870 There Came a Little Child to Earth Matthews, By R. Norton Matthews DP07.3 MV21 GHC01871 Dost Thou in a Manger Lie? Mauburn By Thomas Tertius Noble, 1918 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01871 Mauburn Mauburn By Thomas Tertius Noble, 1918 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01872 May God Depend on You? May God Depend on You? By W. C. Martin, 1878 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01873 McAfee McAfee By Cleland B. McAfee, 1903 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01873 Near to the Heart of God McAfee By Cleland B. McAfee, 1903 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01874 In Imitation, Lord, of Thee McCabe, LM By E. S. Widdemer DP07.3 MV21 GHC01874 McCabe, LM McCabe, LM By E. S. Widdemer DP07.3 MV21 GHC01875 McConnell, irr. McConnell, irr. By J. Edwin McConnell, 1914 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01875 Whosoever" Meaneth Me McConnell, irr. By J. Edwin McConnell, 1914 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01876 Hallelujah! Christ is Risen McGranahan, 87.87D By James McGranahan (1840-1907) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01876 McGranahan, 87.87D McGranahan, 87.87D By James McGranahan (1840-1907) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01877 How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place McKee, CM By African American Spiritual DP07.3 MV21 GHC01877 John Saw the Heav'n and Earth Made New McKee, CM By African American Spiritual DP07.3 MV21 GHC01877 McKee, CM McKee, CM By African American Spiritual DP07.3 MV21 GHC01878 How Did My Heart Rejoice to Hear Mear, CM By Old English DP07.3 MV21 GHC01878 Mear, CM Mear, CM By Old English DP07.3 MV21 GHC01878 Now Blessing, Honor, Glory, Praise Mear, CM By Old English DP07.3 MV21 GHC01878 O That I Knew the Secret Place Mear, CM By Old English DP07.3 MV21 GHC01879 High Word of God Mechlin, LM By Antiphonarium Romanum, Mechlin DP07.3 MV21 GHC01879 Mechlin, LM Mechlin, LM By Antiphonarium Romanum, Mechlin DP07.3 MV21 GHC01880 Forever Trusting in the Lord Meditation, CM By John Henry Gower, 1890 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01880 Meditation, CM Meditation, CM By John Henry Gower, 1890 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01880 That Man Is Blest Who, Fearing God Meditation, CM By John Henry Gower, 1890 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01881 Meeting of the Waters, Meeting of the Waters, By Irish Melody DP07.3 MV21 GHC01882 Meet Me in the Homeland Meet Me in the Homeland By Ada Ruth Habershon, 1909 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01883 Meet Me There Meet Me There By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01884 Meet Mother in the Skies Meet Mother in the Skies By Arr. by W. S.Nickle, 1899 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01885 Meinhold, 78.78.77 Meinhold, 78.78.77 By Gesangbuch (Luneburg, Germany1636) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01886 Jesus, Thy Church with Longing Eyes Meins Lebens Licht, LM By Nurnberger Gesangbuch, 1676 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01886 Meins Lebens Licht, LM Meins Lebens Licht, LM By Nurnberger Gesangbuch, 1676 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01887 Meiringen, 86.86.88 Meiringen, 86.86.88 By Christian G. Neefe,1777 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01887 O Maker of the Mighty Deep Meiringen, 86.86.88 By Christian G. Neefe,1777 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 Abide Not in the Realm of Dreams Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 All Things Are Thine Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 As Near the Wished for Port We Draw Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 How Blest Is the Man Who Fears the Lord Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 Melcombe, LM Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 New Every Morning Is the Love Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 O for That Flame of Living Fire Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 O Let My Supplicating Cry Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 O Lord of Hosts, Whose Glory Fills Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 O Lord, How Joyful 'Tis to See Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 O Who Like Thee, So Calm, So Bright Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01888 When Israel, of the Lord Beloved Melcombe, LM By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01889 Jesus, to Thy Table Led Melford, 7.7.7 By "M.B.F.," 1886 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01889 Melford, 7.7.7 Melford, 7.7.7 By "M.B.F.," 1886 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 Eternal Father, Strong to Save Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 God of the Living, in Whose Eyes Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 How Shall We Answer Terror's Cry? Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 Let Glory Be to God on High Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 Lord, I Deserve Thy Deepest Wrath Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 Melita, 88.88.88 Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 O Master of the Waking World Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 Sinners, RejoiceYour Peace Is Made Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 Strong, Righteous Man of Galilee Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 Surrounded by a Host of Foes Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01890 When Gathering Clouds Around I View Melita, 88.88.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01891 Melmore, LM Melmore, LM By William Martin, 1864 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01891 My Father Knows Melmore, LM By William Martin, 1864 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01892 Holy and Reverend Is the Name Melody, CM By A. Chapin, 1813 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01892 Melody, CM Melody, CM By A. Chapin, 1813 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01893 God Send Us Men Melrose, LM By Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01893 Melrose, LM Melrose, LM By Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01894 Melton Mowbray Melton Mowbray By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01894 Voice of God's Creation Found Me, The Melton Mowbray By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01895 Memories of Galilee Memories of Galilee By Horatio Richmond Palmer, circa 1874 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01896 Mendebras Mendebras By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01896 Now Be the Gospel Banner Mendebras By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01896 O Day of Rest and Gladness Mendebras By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01897 Engjejt Na Kumtojn' Tani Mendelssohn By Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01897 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Mendelssohn By Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01897 Mendelssohn Mendelssohn By Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01898 Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest Mendon By German melody, arranged by Samuel Dyer,1828 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01898 Go, Preach My Gospel Mendon By German melody, arranged by Samuel Dyer,1828 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01898 I Love the Lord, His Strength Is Mine Mendon By German melody, arranged by Samuel Dyer,1828 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01898 Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts Mendon By German melody, arranged by Samuel Dyer,1828 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01898 Mendon Mendon By German melody, arranged by Samuel Dyer,1828 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01898 Soldiers of Christ, in Truth Arrayed Mendon By German melody, arranged by Samuel Dyer,1828 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01898 With Glory Clad, with Strength Arrayed Mendon By German melody, arranged by Samuel Dyer,1828 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01899 Auxˇlio Divino Mercy, 77.77 By Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829-1869) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01899 Cada Dia Mercy, 77.77 By Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829-1869) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01899 Cast Thy Burden on the Lord Mercy, 77.77 By Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829-1869) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01899 Holy Ghost, with Light Divine Mercy, 77.77 By Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829-1869) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01899 Mercy, 77.77 Mercy, 77.77 By Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829-1869) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01899 Now May He Who from the Dead Mercy, 77.77 By Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829-1869) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01899 O Jesus, ‚s meu Guardiao Mercy, 77.77 By Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829-1869) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 Awaked by Sinai's Awful Sound Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 Lord Jesus, Thou Dost Keep Thy Child Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 Meribah, 886 D Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 O Deus de Amor e Santidade Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 O God, Mine Inmost Soul Convert Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 O God, Regard My Humble Plea Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 O Lord! How Happy Should We Be Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 Thou God of Glorious Majesty Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 Thou God of Power and God of Love Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01900 When Thou, My Righteous Judge, Shall Come Meribah, 886 D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01901 Merionydd Merionydd By William Lloyd, 1840 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01901 O God, to Us Show Mercy Merionydd By William Lloyd, 1840 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01901 O Jesus, We Adore Thee Merionydd By William Lloyd, 1840 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01901 Voice of God Is Calling, The Merionydd By William Lloyd, 1840 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01902 Merry, Merry Christmas Bells Merry, Merry Christmas Bells By Author Unknown DP07.3 MV21 GHC01903 Merrial Merrial By Sir Joseph Barnby, 1868 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01903 Now the Day Is Over Merrial By Sir Joseph Barnby, 1868 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01904 Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, By Anonymous DP07.3 MV21 GHC01904 Sing We Merry Christmas Merry Christmas, By Anonymous DP07.3 MV21 GHC01905 Lord of Sabbath Let Us Praise, The Merton (Oliver), CM By Henry Kemble Oliver (1800-1885) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01905 Merton (Oliver), CM Merton (Oliver), CM By Henry Kemble Oliver (1800-1885) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01906 Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding Merton, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01906 Lord, a Savior's Love Displaying Merton, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01906 Merton, Merton, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01907 Come, Ye Weary Sinners, Come Messiah, 77.77 D By Louis J. F.Herold, 1830, arr by George Kinsgley DP07.3 MV21 GHC01907 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts Messiah, 77.77 D By Louis J. F.Herold, 1830, arr by George Kinsgley DP07.3 MV21 GHC01907 Messiah, 77.77 D Messiah, 77.77 D By Louis J. F.Herold, 1830, arr by George Kinsgley DP07.3 MV21 GHC01907 See the Ransomed Millions Stand Messiah, 77.77 D By Louis J. F.Herold, 1830, arr by George Kinsgley DP07.3 MV21 GHC01907 Sinners, TurnWhy Will You Die? Messiah, 77.77 D By Louis J. F.Herold, 1830, arr by George Kinsgley DP07.3 MV21 GHC01907 Take My Life and Let It Be Messiah, 77.77 D By Louis J. F.Herold, 1830, arr by George Kinsgley DP07.3 MV21 GHC01907 Wherefore Do the Nations Rage Messiah, 77.77 D By Louis J. F.Herold, 1830, arr by George Kinsgley DP07.3 MV21 GHC01908 Jesu, Our Hope, Our Hearts' Desire Metzler's Redhead, CM By Richard Redhead (1820-1901) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01908 Metzler's Redhead, CM Metzler's Redhead, CM By Richard Redhead (1820-1901) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01909 Morning Hymn (Boyce), LM Morning Hymn (Boyce), LM By William Boyce (1710-1779) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01909 With Joy I Heard My Friends Exclaim Morning Hymn (Boyce), LM By William Boyce (1710-1779) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01910 Middlesex, 88.88.88 Middlesex, 88.88.88 By Anonymous DP07.3 MV21 GHC01910 My Heart Is Fixed, O God Middlesex, 88.88.88 By Anonymous DP07.3 MV21 GHC01911 Midsomer Norton, CMD Midsomer Norton, CMD By C. W. Pearce DP07.3 MV21 GHC01912 Migdol, LM Migdol, LM By Lowell Mason DP07.3 MV21 GHC01913 Mighty Army of the Young Mighty Army of the Young By John R. Colgan, 1891 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01914 Joyful News to All Mankind Mighty to Save By Charles Coller, 1920 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01914 Mighty to Save Mighty to Save By Charles Coller, 1920 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01915 Mighty to Save Mighty to Save By Gordon V. Thompson, 1911 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01916 Milano, 87.87.87 Milano, 87.87.87 By F. Bonaggi DP07.3 MV21 GHC01917 All Lands, to God in Joyful Sounds Miles Lane, CM By William Shrubsole, 1779 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01917 Miles Lane, CM Miles Lane, CM By William Shrubsole, 1779 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01918 Milites, Milites, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01918 O How Happy Are They Who the Savior Obey Milites, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01918 We Are Soldiers of Christ Milites, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01919 Jehovah Is My Light Millennium, 66.66.88 By Plymouth Collection, 1855 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01919 Millennium, 66.66.88 Millennium, 66.66.88 By Plymouth Collection, 1855 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01920 Mine, Still Mine Mine, Still Mine By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, 1919 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01921 Father, Most High, Be with Us Minster, 77.77 D By R. Stewart DP07.3 MV21 GHC01921 Minster, 77.77 D Minster, 77.77 D By R. Stewart DP07.3 MV21 GHC01922 Minster Court, 88.77.774 Minster Court, 88.77.774 By Edward C. Bairstow, 1915 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01923 How Blest Are They Who Hear God's Word Min Sjal og Aand By Psalmebog, 1569 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01923 Min Sjal og Aand Min Sjal og Aand By Psalmebog, 1569 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01924 Golden Gates Are Lifted Up, The Mirfield, CM By Arthur Cottman, 1872 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01924 Mirfield, CM Mirfield, CM By Arthur Cottman, 1872 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01925 Miriam, 76.76 D Miriam, 76.76 D By Joseph Holbrook, 1865 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01925 O God, the Rock of Ages Miriam, 76.76 D By Joseph Holbrook, 1865 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01926 Miserere, 77.77 D Miserere, 77.77 D By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01927 Misericordia, 88.86 Misericordia, 88.86 By Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879) DP07.3 MV21 GHC01928 Over the Ocean Wave Over the Ocean Wave By Julia Sampson Haskell DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 Around the Savior's Lofty Throne Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 Ascend Thy Throne, Almighty King Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 Exalted High at God's Right Hand Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 Go, Heralds of Salvation, Forth Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 Let God Arise in All His Might Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 Lord Is King, The Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 Missionary Chant Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 O Christ, Forget Not Them Who Stand Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 Praise Ye the Lord, Exalt His Name Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 To God the Great, the Ever Blest Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 What Equal Honors Shall We Bring Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP07.3 MV21 GHC01929 Ye Christian Heralds, Go Proclaim Missionary Chant By Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 Clap Your Hands, Ye People All Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 Disciples of All Nations Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 From Greenland's Icy Mountains Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 Glorious Day Is Dawning, A Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 Great Jehovah, Mighty Lord Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 If God Himself Be for Me Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 Ist Gott fur mich, so trete Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 Lord of the Living Harvest Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 O Lord, Thou Hast Ascended Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01930 Praise Waits for Thee in Zion Disciples of All Nations By Richard W. Adams, 2000 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01931 Mission Hymn, 77.77 Mission Hymn, 77.77 By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01932 In the Midst of Earthly Life Mitten Wir im Leben Sind, irr. By Based on Media Vita, circa 1200 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01932 Mitten Wir im Leben Sind, irr. Mitten Wir im Leben Sind, irr. By Based on Media Vita, circa 1200 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01933 Mit Freuden Zart Mit Freuden Zart By Bohemian Brethren's Kirchengesange, 1566 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01933 Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above Mit Freuden Zart By Bohemian Brethren's Kirchengesange, 1566 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01934 In Peace and Joy I Now Depart Mit Fried' und Freud', 85.84.77 By Geistliches Gesangbuchlein (Wittenberg:1524) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01934 Mit Fried' und Freud', 85.84.77 Mit Fried' und Freud', 85.84.77 By Geistliches Gesangbuchlein (Wittenberg:1524) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01935 JesŁs Es Mi Rey Soberano Mi Rey y Mi Amigo By Vicente Mendoza, 1920 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01935 Mi Rey y Mi Amigo Mi Rey y Mi Amigo By Vicente Mendoza, 1920 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01936 Meinem Jesum Lass Ich Nicht, 78.78.77 Meinem Jesum Lass Ich Nicht, 78.78.77 By Neuverfertiges Gesanbguch (Darmstadt1699) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01937 Maria Jung and Zart, 66.66 Maria Jung and Zart, 66.66 By Geistliche Kirchengesang, 1623, adapted DP08.1 MV22 GHC01937 Soul Wherein God Dwells, The Maria Jung and Zart, 66.66 By Geistliche Kirchengesang, 1623, adapted DP08.1 MV22 GHC01938 Moab, Moab, By John Roberts, 1870 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01939 Modena, 87.87.87 Modena, 87.87.87 By John Varley Roberts, 1889 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01939 Who the Multitudes Can Number Modena, 87.87.87 By John Varley Roberts, 1889 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01940 Let the Song Go Round the Earth Moel Llys, 75.75.77 By Sarah G. Stock, 1899 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01940 Moel Llys, 75.75.77 Moel Llys, 75.75.77 By Sarah G. Stock, 1899 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01941 Moments of Prayer Moments of Prayer By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01942 Moment by Moment Moment by Moment By May Whittle Moody, circa 1896 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01943 God the Spirit, We Adore Thee Monk By William Henry Monk, 1889 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01943 Monk Monk By William Henry Monk, 1889 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01944 All Glory Be to God on High (Wesley) Monkland, 77.77 By John Antes, 1790, arr. by John B. Wilkes, 1861 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01944 Let Us with a Gladsome Mind Monkland, 77.77 By John Antes, 1790, arr. by John B. Wilkes, 1861 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01944 Monkland, 77.77 Monkland, 77.77 By John Antes, 1790, arr. by John B. Wilkes, 1861 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01944 Praise, O Praise Our God and King Monkland, 77.77 By John Antes, 1790, arr. by John B. Wilkes, 1861 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01944 Songs of Praise the Angels Sang Monkland, 77.77 By John Antes, 1790, arr. by John B. Wilkes, 1861 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01945 Monks Gate, Monks Gate, By Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1904 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01946 Monmouth, 888.888 Monmouth, 888.888 By G. Davis DP08.1 MV22 GHC01947 Hear, Lord, the Voice of My Complaint Monora, CMD By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1873 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01947 Monora, CMD Monora, CMD By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1873 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01947 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Monora, CMD By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1873 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01948 Monsell, 76.76 D Monsell, 76.76 D By John S. B. Monsell, 1863 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01948 My Sins, My Sins, My Savior Monsell, 76.76 D By John S. B. Monsell, 1863 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01949 Monsell (Sherwin), Monsell (Sherwin), By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01949 Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness Monsell (Sherwin), By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01950 Monsell (Barnby), SM Monsell (Barnby), SM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01951 Monson, CM Monson, CM By S. R. Brown, arr by Thomas Hastings, 1838 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01951 My Soul, How Lovely Is the Place Monson, CM By S. R. Brown, arr by Thomas Hastings, 1838 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01952 Monte Cassino, LM Monte Cassino, LM By Italian Hymn Melody DP08.1 MV22 GHC01952 When Christ Our Lord Had Passed Once More Monte Cassino, LM By Italian Hymn Melody DP08.1 MV22 GHC01953 Be Still, My Soul! for God Is Near! Montgomery, By Composer unknown DP08.1 MV22 GHC01953 Montgomery, Montgomery, By Composer unknown DP08.1 MV22 GHC01954 Moravia (Stanley), 86.68.86 Moravia (Stanley), 86.68.86 By Albert A. Stanley, before 1908 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01954 To Him Who for Our Sins Was Slain Moravia (Stanley), 86.68.86 By Albert A. Stanley, before 1908 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01955 Fierce Was the Storm of Wind Moravia, SM By L. R. West DP08.1 MV22 GHC01955 Moravia, SM Moravia, SM By L. R. West DP08.1 MV22 GHC01956 Morecambe, Morecambe, By Frederick Cook Atkinson, 1870 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01956 Not Worthy, Lord, to Gather Up the Crumbs Morecambe, By Frederick Cook Atkinson, 1870 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01956 O Thou Who Hearest Every Heartfelt Prayer Morecambe, By Frederick Cook Atkinson, 1870 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01956 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart Morecambe, By Frederick Cook Atkinson, 1870 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01957 More Than Conquerors More Than Conquerors By Jeremiah Eames Rankin (1828-1904) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01958 More Than These More Than These By Ina Duley Ogdon, 1914 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01959 More About Jesus More About Jesus By Eliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, 1887 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01960 More Abundantly More Abundantly By Thoro Harris, 1914 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01961 More Holiness Give Me More Holiness Give Me By Philip Paul Bliss, circa 1873 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01962 More Like Jesus Would I Be More Like Jesus, By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01962 More Like Jesus, More Like Jesus, By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01963 Hanford (Gabriel) Hanford (Gabriel) By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1906 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01963 More Like the Master Hanford (Gabriel) By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1906 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01964 Me Teper Dashuri More Love to Thee By William H. Doane, 1870 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01964 More Love to Thee More Love to Thee By William H. Doane, 1870 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01964 More Love to Thee, O Christ More Love to Thee By William H. Doane, 1870 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01965 Dayspring of Eternity Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit, 78.78.73 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1662 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01965 Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit, 78.78.73 Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit, 78.78.73 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1662 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01966 Christ Is Risen! Hallelujah! Morgenlied, 87.87.87 D By Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01966 Morgenlied, 87.87.87 D Morgenlied, 87.87.87 D By Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01967 O Morning Star O Morning Star By Philipp Nicolai DP08.1 MV22 GHC01967 O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright O Morning Star By Philipp Nicolai DP08.1 MV22 GHC01968 In Life's Earnest Morning Morley, By Thomas Morley (1845-1891) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01968 Morley, Morley, By Thomas Morley (1845-1891) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01969 Morning, 77.77.77 Morning, 77.77.77 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01969 Oh How Fair That Morning Broke Morning, 77.77.77 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01970 Hark! 'Tis the Watchman's Cry Morningside, By Henry Edward Dibdin, 1866 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01970 Morningside, Morningside, By Henry Edward Dibdin, 1866 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01971 How Charming Is the Place Mornington, SM By Earl of Mornington DP08.1 MV22 GHC01971 Jesus, We Look to Thee Mornington, SM By Earl of Mornington DP08.1 MV22 GHC01971 Mornington, SM Mornington, SM By Earl of Mornington DP08.1 MV22 GHC01971 My Lord, My Truth, My Way Mornington, SM By Earl of Mornington DP08.1 MV22 GHC01971 Servant of God, Well Done! Mornington, SM By Earl of Mornington DP08.1 MV22 GHC01971 We Lift Our Hearts to Thee Mornington, SM By Earl of Mornington DP08.1 MV22 GHC01972 Behold, the Heathen Waits to Know Morning Hymn, LM By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1791 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01972 Head of Thy Church, Whose Spirit Fills Morning Hymn, LM By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1791 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01972 Little Child the Savior Came, A Morning Hymn, LM By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1791 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01972 Morning Hymn, LM Morning Hymn, LM By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1791 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01972 Though Now the Nations Sit Beneath Morning Hymn, LM By Francois Hippolyte Barthelemon, 1791 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01973 Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning Morning Star By James P. Harding, 1892 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01973 Into the Dim Earth's Lowest Parts Descending Morning Star By James P. Harding, 1892 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01973 Morning Star Morning Star By James P. Harding, 1892 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01974 Morning Red Morning Red By Rossiter W. Raymond DP08.1 MV22 GHC01977 Awake, Awake to Love and Work Morning Song, 86.86.86 By Kentucky Harmony, 1816 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01977 Morning Song, 86.86.86 Morning Song, 86.86.86 By Kentucky Harmony, 1816 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01978 Again the Morn of Gladness Morn of Gladness, 76.76 D refrain By Arthur Cottman, 1877 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01978 Morn of Gladness, 76.76 D refrain Morn of Gladness, 76.76 D refrain By Arthur Cottman, 1877 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01979 Most Holy Lord and God of Heaven The Morning Watch, LM By Carl Fowler Price, 1913 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01979 The Morning Watch, LM The Morning Watch, LM By Carl Fowler Price, 1913 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01980 Father, I Know That All My Life Morwellham, 86.86.86 By Charles Steggall (1826-1905) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01980 Morwellham, 86.86.86 Morwellham, 86.86.86 By Charles Steggall (1826-1905) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01980 O Holy City, Seen of John Morwellham, 86.86.86 By Charles Steggall (1826-1905) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01981 And Now This Holy Day Moseley, 66.66 By Henry Smart, 1881 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01981 Moseley, 66.66 Moseley, 66.66 By Henry Smart, 1881 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01982 Motherhood, 87.87.77 Motherhood, 87.87.77 By L. Meadows White (1860-1950) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01983 Moultrie, 87.87 D Moultrie, 87.87 D By Gerard F. Cobb, 1890 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01984 How Sweet, How Heavenly Is the Sight Mount Calvary, CM By Sir Robert Prescott Stewart (1825-1894) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01984 Mount Calvary, CM Mount Calvary, CM By Sir Robert Prescott Stewart (1825-1894) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01985 Dyma Feibel Annwyl Iesu Mount of Olives, 87.87 D By Arranged from Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01985 Mount of Olives, 87.87 D Mount of Olives, 87.87 D By Arranged from Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01985 This Is Jesus' Precious Bible Mount of Olives, 87.87 D By Arranged from Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01986 Mount Sion, CMD Mount Sion, CMD By Horatio Parker, 1886 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01986 O 'Twas a Joyful Sound to Hear Mount Sion, CMD By Horatio Parker, 1886 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01987 Mount Auburn, CM Mount Auburn, CM By George Kingsley (1811-1884) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01987 When the Last Trumpet's Awful Voice Mount Auburn, CM By George Kingsley (1811-1884) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01988 Lord of Power, Lord of Might Mount Zion, 77.77.77 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1867 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01988 Mount Zion, 77.77.77 Mount Zion, 77.77.77 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1867 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01988 When This Passing World Is Done Mount Zion, 77.77.77 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1867 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01989 Move Forward Move Forward By Isaac H. Meredith, 1890 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01990 As Thou, O Lord, Hast Made Me Strong Mozart, LM By Arranaged from Wolfgang A. Mozart (1756-1791) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01990 Lotd, I Can Suffer Thy Rebukes Mozart, LM By Arranaged from Wolfgang A. Mozart (1756-1791) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01990 Mozart, LM Mozart, LM By Arranaged from Wolfgang A. Mozart (1756-1791) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01990 O Love Divine, That Stooped to Share Mozart, LM By Arranaged from Wolfgang A. Mozart (1756-1791) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01991 Message of His Coming, The The Message of His Coming By R. E. Winsett DP08.1 MV22 GHC01991 The Message of His Coming The Message of His Coming By R. E. Winsett DP08.1 MV22 GHC01992 Away in a Manger Mueller, By James Ramsey Murray (1841-1905) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01992 I Met the Good Shepherd Mueller, By James Ramsey Murray (1841-1905) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01992 Mueller, Mueller, By James Ramsey Murray (1841-1905) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01993 Deliver Me from Evil Munich, 76.76 D By Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch, Meiningen, 1693 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01993 Munich, 76.76 D Munich, 76.76 D By Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch, Meiningen, 1693 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01993 O Word of God Incarnate Munich, 76.76 D By Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch, Meiningen, 1693 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01993 We Sing the Glorious Conquest Munich, 76.76 D By Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch, Meiningen, 1693 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01994 Day by Day the Manna Fell Munus, 77.77 By John Baptiste Calkin, 1872 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01994 Munus, 77.77 Munus, 77.77 By John Baptiste Calkin, 1872 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01994 Soldiers Who to Christ Belong Munus, 77.77 By John Baptiste Calkin, 1872 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01995 Music of the Angels Music of the Angels By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1881 DP08.1 MV22 GHC01996 Must I Go, and Empty-Handed? Must I Go, and Empty-Handed? By George Coles Stebbins (1846-1945) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01997 My Latest Sun Is Sinking Fast My Latest Sun Is Sinking Fast By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP08.1 MV22 GHC01998 How Can I Keep from Singing? My Life Flows On By Robert Lowry, 1860, alt. DP08.1 MV22 GHC01998 My Life Flows On My Life Flows On By Robert Lowry, 1860, alt. DP08.1 MV22 GHC01999 Mylon, CM Mylon, CM By Composer unknown DP08.1 MV22 GHC02000 My Lord, What a Morning! My Lord, What a Morning! By African-American Spiritual DP08.1 MV22 GHC02001 My Mother's Prayer My Mother's Prayer By Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter, 1895 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02002 My Only Plea My Only Plea By John Crombie White, 1908 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02003 My Prayer My Prayer By Virgil O. Stamps, 1922 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02004 My Precious Bible My Precious Bible By Mrs. H. E. Brown, 1868 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02005 My Wonderful Friend My Wonderful Friend By Haldor Lillenas, 1919 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02006 My Ain Countrie My Ain Countrie By Mary Lee Demarest, 1861 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02007 My Anchor Holds My Anchor Holds By William Clark Martin, 1902 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02008 God's Love Is as High as the Heavens My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean By Sea shanty DP08.1 MV22 GHC02008 My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean By Sea shanty DP08.1 MV22 GHC02009 Boundless Salvation Boundless Salvation By J. Ellis DP08.1 MV22 GHC02010 My Mothers Bible My Mothers Bible (Williams) By By Charlie D. Tillman, circa 1893 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02011 My Name in Mother's Prayer My Name in Mother's Prayer By Philip Paul Bliss, 1896 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02012 My Record Will Be There My Record Will Be There By J. A. Brown, 1908 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02013 My Redeemer My Redeemer, 8 7 8 7 with Refrain By James McGranahan,1877 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02013 My Redeemer, 8 7 8 7 with Refrain My Redeemer, 8 7 8 7 with Refrain By James McGranahan,1877 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02014 My Savior First of All My Savior First of All By John Robson Sweney, 1894 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02015 My Sheep Know My Voice My Sheep Know My Voice By I.G.Martin DP08.1 MV22 GHC02016 My Song in the Night My Song in the Night By Frederick Arthur Graves, 1894 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02017 My Song Shall Be of Jesus My Song Shall Be of Jesus By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP08.1 MV22 GHC02018 My Soul Is Filled with Glory My Soul Is Filled with Glory By John Millard Harris, 1905 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02019 Honor and Glory, Thanksgiving and Praise Naaman, By M. Costa, arranged byW. H. Calcott DP08.1 MV22 GHC02019 Naaman, Naaman, By M. Costa, arranged byW. H. Calcott DP08.1 MV22 GHC02020 Day Is Gently Sinking to a Close Nachtlied, By Henry Thomas Smart, 1872 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02020 Nachtlied, Nachtlied, By Henry Thomas Smart, 1872 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02020 Through Love to Light Nachtlied, By Henry Thomas Smart, 1872 DP08.1 MV22 GHC02021 Nailed to the Cross Nailed to the Cross By Carrie Elizabeth Ellis Breck, 1899 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02022 Nain, 64.64 Nain, 64.64 By Lowell Mason, 1831 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02022 Today the Savior Calls Nain, 64.64 By Lowell Mason, 1831 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02023 Name Which I Whisper, The The Name Which I Whisper By Leon­hard G. Gud­mund­sen, 1980 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02023 The Name Which I Whisper The Name Which I Whisper By Leon­hard G. Gud­mund­sen, 1980 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02024 Father, I Stretch My Hands to Thee Naomi, CM By Lowell Mason, arr. fm Hans Nageli, 1836 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02024 Father, Whate'er of Earthly Bliss Naomi, CM By Lowell Mason, arr. fm Hans Nageli, 1836 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02024 Holy Air Is Breathing Round, A Naomi, CM By Lowell Mason, arr. fm Hans Nageli, 1836 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02024 In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust Naomi, CM By Lowell Mason, arr. fm Hans Nageli, 1836 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02024 Naomi, CM Naomi, CM By Lowell Mason, arr. fm Hans Nageli, 1836 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02024 Now from the Altar of My Heart Naomi, CM By Lowell Mason, arr. fm Hans Nageli, 1836 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02024 Out of the Depths to Thee I Cry Naomi, CM By Lowell Mason, arr. fm Hans Nageli, 1836 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02024 Spirit of Holiness, Descend Naomi, CM By Lowell Mason, arr. fm Hans Nageli, 1836 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02025 Nao tardara a volta do Senhor Nao tardara a volta do Senhor By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02026 Narenza, SM Narenza, SM By Katholisches Kirchgesangbuch, Koln, 1619 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02026 Ye Servants of the Lord Narenza, SM By Katholisches Kirchgesangbuch, Koln, 1619 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02027 Nassau, 77.77.77 Nassau, 77.77.77 By Johann Rosenmuller (1615-1686) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02027 Till He Come Nassau, 77.77.77 By Johann Rosenmuller (1615-1686) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02028 Com Bra‡o Forte National Hymn By George C. Warren, 1894 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02028 God of Our Fathers National Hymn By George C. Warren, 1894 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02028 Heralds of Christ National Hymn By George C. Warren, 1894 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02028 National Hymn National Hymn By George C. Warren, 1894 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02028 Rise, Crowned with Light National Hymn By George C. Warren, 1894 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02029 Behold My Servant! See Him Rise Nativity, CM By Henry Lahee (1826-?) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02029 Nativity, CM Nativity, CM By Henry Lahee (1826-?) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02029 Sing We the Song Nativity, CM By Henry Lahee (1826-?) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02029 Workman of God Nativity, CM By Henry Lahee (1826-?) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02030 Nativity New, 866.866 Nativity New, 866.866 By Frederick Charles Maker, 1881 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02031 My God, My King, Thy Praise I Sing Nature's Voice, 44.64.46 By Henry Coward, 1889 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02031 Nature's Voice, 44.64.46 Nature's Voice, 44.64.46 By Henry Coward, 1889 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02032 Blest Are the Pure, Whose Hearts Are Clean Nayton, LM By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02032 Nayton, LM Nayton, LM By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02033 Neale, 87.87.87 Neale, 87.87.87 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02034 Nearer, Still Nearer Nearer, Still Nearer By Leila Naylor Morris (1862-1929) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02035 Nearer The Cross Nearer The Cross By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1893 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02035 Nearer the Cross Nearer The Cross By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1893 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02036 Jesus Salvawajniypi Near the Cross By William H. Doane, 1869 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02036 Lejos de Mi Padre Dios Near the Cross By William H. Doane, 1869 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02036 Nayajj Thaktwa Jesusar Near the Cross By William H. Doane, 1869 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02036 Near the Cross Near the Cross By William H. Doane, 1869 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02036 Prane Kryqit Mua Me Mbaj Near the Cross By William H. Doane, 1869 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02037 Neither Do I Condemn Thee Neither Do I Condemn Thee By Daniel Webster Whittle, 1885 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02038 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Nettleton, 87.87 D By John Wyeth, 1813 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02038 Nettleton, 87.87 D Nettleton, 87.87 D By John Wyeth, 1813 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02039 Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord! Das Neugeborne Kindlein, LM By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02039 Das Neugeborne Kindlein, LM Das Neugeborne Kindlein, LM By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02040 Abide with Us, the Day Is Waning Neumark By Georg Neumark (1621-1681) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02040 If You Will Only Let God Guide You Neumark By Georg Neumark (1621-1681) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02040 Neumark Neumark By Georg Neumark (1621-1681) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02040 Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten Neumark By Georg Neumark (1621-1681) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02041 I Never Will Cease to Love Him I Never Will Cease to Love Him By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02042 Never Alone Never Alone By Arranged by Fred Jackey DP08.2 MV23 GHC02043 Never Give Up Never Give Up By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1903 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02044 Never Grow Old Never Grow Old By James Cleveland Moore, 1914 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02045 Never Mind, Go On! Never Mind, Go On! By Richard Slater, 1886 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02046 Never Shone a Light So Fair! Never Shone a Light So Fair! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02047 Almighty Spirit, Now Behold Newbold, CM By George Kingsley (1811-1884) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02047 Newbold, CM Newbold, CM By George Kingsley (1811-1884) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02048 Maker of the Sun and Moon, The Newbury, CM By Traditional English melody DP08.2 MV23 GHC02048 Newbury, CM Newbury, CM By Traditional English melody DP08.2 MV23 GHC02049 Eternal Light Newcastle, 86.886 By Henry Killick Morley, 1875 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02049 Newcastle, 86.886 Newcastle, 86.886 By Henry Killick Morley, 1875 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02050 Newington, 77.77 Newington, 77.77 By William Daylrymple MacLagan (1826-1910) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02052 Newland, 65.65 Newland, 65.65 By Attributed to J. Armstrong DP08.2 MV23 GHC02054 Newton Ferns, 87.87 Newton Ferns, 87.87 By Samuel Smith, 1865 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02055 New Ulm, 87.87.87 New Ulm, 87.87.87 By Fritz Reuter, 1910 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02056 Niagara, LM Niagara, LM By Robert Jackson (1842-1914) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02057 Bring, O Morn, Thy Music Nicaea By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02057 Holy, Holy, Holy Nicaea By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02057 Nicaea Nicaea By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02057 Santo! Santo! Santo! Nicaea By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02058 My Blessed Savior, Is Thy Love Nikolaus, CM By Nikolaus Hermann, 1554 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02058 Nikolaus, CM Nikolaus, CM By Nikolaus Hermann, 1554 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02058 Praise God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men Nikolaus, CM By Nikolaus Hermann, 1554 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02059 Nkauj Cog Lus Nkauj Cog Lus By Unknown DP08.2 MV23 GHC02060 There'll Be No Dark Valley There'll Be No Dark Valley By Ira David Sankey, circa 1896 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02061 No Dying There No Dying There By F. A. Blackmer, 1892 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02062 If Human Kindness Meets Return Noel By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02062 Noel Noel By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02062 Thousand Years Have Come and Gone, A Noel By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02063 There's No Friend Like Jesus There's No Friend Like Jesus By M. J. Babbitt, circa 1917 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02064 No King but Christ No King but Christ By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02065 Nomen Tersanctum, Nomen Tersanctum, By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02065 Thrice-Holy Name! Nomen Tersanctum, By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02066 Normandy Carol, Normandy Carol, By Anonymous DP08.2 MV23 GHC02066 When Wise Men Came Seeking Normandy Carol, By Anonymous DP08.2 MV23 GHC02067 Jesus, High in Glory North Coates, 65.65 By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02067 North Coates, 65.65 North Coates, 65.65 By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02067 O My Savior, Lifted North Coates, 65.65 By Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02068 Norwich (Old 137th) Norwich (Old 137th) By Daye's Psalter, 1563 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02068 Once More, O Lord, Thy Sign Norwich (Old 137th) By Daye's Psalter, 1563 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02069 Nor Silver Nor Gold Nor Silver Nor Gold By Daniel Brink Towner, 1900 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02070 No Tears in Heaven No Tears in Heaven By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02071 No Te De Temor Hablar por Cristo No Te De Temor Hablar por Cristo By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02071 No Te D‚ Temor Hablar por Cristo No Te De Temor Hablar por Cristo By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02072 Nothing Between Nothing Between By Charles Albert Tindley, circa 1906 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02073 Nothing but Leaves Nothing but Leaves By Lucy Elvina Akerman, ca.1874 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02074 Nothing but the Blood Plainfield By Robert Lowry, 1876 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02074 Plainfield Plainfield By Robert Lowry, 1876 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02075 Nottingham, 77.77 Nottingham, 77.77 By Arranged from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-91) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02076 Not Now, My Child Not Now, My Child By Catherine King Pennefather (?-1893) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02078 My Span of Life Will Soon Be Done Nox Praecessit, CM By John Baptiste Calkin, 1875 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02078 Nox Praecessit, CM Nox Praecessit, CM By John Baptiste Calkin, 1875 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02078 O Son of Man Nox Praecessit, CM By John Baptiste Calkin, 1875 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02079 No Hope in Jesus No Hope in Jesus By William Orcutt Cushing, 1877 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02080 No Longer Lonely No Longer Lonely By Robert Harkness, 1920 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02081 No Night There No Night There By John R. Clements, 1899 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02082 No, Not One! No, Not One! By George C. Hugg DP08.2 MV23 GHC02083 No Other Name No Other Name By Philip Paul Bliss, circa 1870 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02084 No Other Story No Other Story By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1907 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02085 No Voice But Thine No Voice but Thine By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02085 No Voice but Thine No Voice but Thine By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02086 Nicht so Traurig, 77.77.77 Nicht so Traurig, 77.77.77 By Johann Georg Ebeling, 1666 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02086 Veiled in Darkness Judah Lay Nicht so Traurig, 77.77.77 By Johann Georg Ebeling, 1666 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02087 Nukapu, 87.87.87 Nukapu, 87.87.87 By Edward John Hopkins (1818-1901O DP08.2 MV23 GHC02087 Thou Who Sentest Thine Apostles Nukapu, 87.87.87 By Edward John Hopkins (1818-1901O DP08.2 MV23 GHC02088 Numberless as the Sands Numberless as the Sands By Francis Augustus Blackmer, 1884 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02089 Now Let All Loudly Sing Praise Nun Preiset Alle, By Appelislieder (Breslau1644) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02089 Nun Preiset Alle, Nun Preiset Alle, By Appelislieder (Breslau1644) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02090 Nun Bitten Wir, Nun Bitten Wir, By Composer unknown, circa 1100 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02090 We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost Nun Bitten Wir, By Composer unknown, circa 1100 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02091 Lord God, We Worship Thee Nun Danket By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02091 Now Thank We All Our God Nun Danket By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02091 Nun Danket Nun Danket By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02091 Nun danket alle Gott Nun Danket By Johann Cruger, 1647 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02092 Dear Christian People All, Rejoice Nun Freut Euch By Martin Luther, 1535 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02092 Es Spricht der Unweisen Mund Wohl Nun Freut Euch By Martin Luther, 1535 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02092 Great God, What Do I See and Hear? Nun Freut Euch By Martin Luther, 1535 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02092 Mouth of Fools Doth God Confess, The Nun Freut Euch By Martin Luther, 1535 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02092 Nun freut Euch Nun Freut Euch By Martin Luther, 1535 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02092 Nun Freut Euch Nun Freut Euch By Martin Luther, 1535 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02092 O Lord, Our Father, Thanks to Thee Nun Freut Euch By Martin Luther, 1535 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02092 Thou Judge by Whom Each Empire Fell Nun Freut Euch By Martin Luther, 1535 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02092 We Come unto Our Fathers' God Nun Freut Euch By Martin Luther, 1535 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02093 John in Vision Saw the Day Nun Komm, der heiden Heiland By Harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach DP08.2 MV23 GHC02093 Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord Nun Komm, der heiden Heiland By Harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach DP08.2 MV23 GHC02093 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland Nun Komm, der heiden Heiland By Harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach DP08.2 MV23 GHC02093 Nun Komm, der heiden Heiland Nun Komm, der heiden Heiland By Harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach DP08.2 MV23 GHC02093 O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God Nun Komm, der heiden Heiland By Harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach DP08.2 MV23 GHC02093 Savior of the Heathen, Known Nun Komm, der heiden Heiland By Harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach DP08.2 MV23 GHC02093 Savior of the Nations, Come Nun Komm, der heiden Heiland By Harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach DP08.2 MV23 GHC02094 Nun Lasst Uns Geh'n Nun Lasst Uns Geh'n By Kirchen und Haus-Buch (Dresden, Germany1694) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02094 Servant of God, Remember Nun Lasst Uns Geh'n By Kirchen und Haus-Buch (Dresden, Germany1694) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02095 Brighter Dawn Is Breaking, A Nun Lasst Uns Gott dem Herren, 77.77 By Nikolaus Selnecker, 1587 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02095 Now Let Us Come Before Him Nun Lasst Uns Gott dem Herren, 77.77 By Nikolaus Selnecker, 1587 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02095 Nun Lasst Uns Gott dem Herren, 77.77 Nun Lasst Uns Gott dem Herren, 77.77 By Nikolaus Selnecker, 1587 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02096 My Soul, Now Praise Thy Maker Nun Lob, By Concentus Novi (Augsburg, Germany1540) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02096 Nun Lob, Nun Lob, By Concentus Novi (Augsburg, Germany1540) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02097 Lord, Whom Winds and Waves Obey Nuremberg, 77.77 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1664, alt. DP08.2 MV23 GHC02097 Nuremberg, 77.77 Nuremberg, 77.77 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1664, alt. DP08.2 MV23 GHC02097 On This Stone Now Laid with Prayer Nuremberg, 77.77 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1664, alt. DP08.2 MV23 GHC02097 Praise to God, Immortal Praise Nuremberg, 77.77 By Johann Rudolf Ahle, 1664, alt. DP08.2 MV23 GHC02098 God the Father's Only Son Nutbourne, 77.77.77 By T. E. Aylward DP08.2 MV23 GHC02098 Nutbourne, 77.77.77 Nutbourne, 77.77.77 By T. E. Aylward DP08.2 MV23 GHC02099 Nutfield, Nutfield, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02100 Glad Tidings Nu Oli! (Glad Tidings!) By WF J Crosby T\Laiana\ MR Lowry DP08.2 MV23 GHC02100 Nu Oli Nu Oli! (Glad Tidings!) By WF J Crosby T\Laiana\ MR Lowry DP08.2 MV23 GHC02100 Nu Oli! (Glad Tidings!) Nu Oli! (Glad Tidings!) By WF J Crosby T\Laiana\ MR Lowry DP08.2 MV23 GHC02101 Nyberg, 88.88.88 Nyberg, 88.88.88 By Berndt Mikael Nyberg (1871-1940) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02102 Nyland, 76.76 D Nyland, 76.76 D By Finnish melody DP08.2 MV23 GHC02103 Oak, Oak, By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02103 Sing Ye the Songs of Praise Oak, By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02104 Come, Shout Aloud the Father's Grace Oaksville, CM By Zeuner DP08.2 MV23 GHC02104 Oaksville, CM Oaksville, CM By Zeuner DP08.2 MV23 GHC02104 Sing to the Lord, Ye Distant Lands Oaksville, CM By Zeuner DP08.2 MV23 GHC02105 O Thou My Soul, Forget No More Oberlin, LM By Bost DP08.2 MV23 GHC02105 Oberlin, LM Oberlin, LM By Bost DP08.2 MV23 GHC02106 Oberlin (Demuth), Oberlin (Demuth), By J. Arthur Demuth, 1900 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02107 Oblation, 11.11.5 Oblation, 11.11.5 By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02108 O Blessed Bible O Blessed Bible By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1895 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02109 O Blessed Word O Blessed Word By L. W. Munhall, 1889 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02110 The Old Book Stands The Old Book Stands By John Henry Yates, circa 1898 DP08.2 MV23 GHC02111 O Church of God, Arise! O Church of God, Arise! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02112 O Comforter, Gentle and Tender O Comforter, Gentle and Tender By Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1919) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02113 Eternal Depth of Love Divine Octavius, LM By Joseph Emerson Sweetser (1817-1873) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02113 Octavius, LM Octavius, LM By Joseph Emerson Sweetser (1817-1873) DP08.2 MV23 GHC02114 O Do Some Good Deed Every Day O Do Some Good Deed Every Day By Eben Eugene Rexford, 1911 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02115 Jesus, Refuge of the Weary O du Liebe, 87.87D By Musikalischer Christenschatz, Basel, 1745 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02115 O du Liebe, 87.87D O du Liebe, 87.87D By Musikalischer Christenschatz, Basel, 1745 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02115 Rise, Thou Light of Gentile Nations O du Liebe, 87.87D By Musikalischer Christenschatz, Basel, 1745 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02116 O Du Mitt Hjartas Trangtan, 76.76 D O Du Mitt Hjartas Trangtan, 76.76 D By Johan Christian Fredrick Haeffner, 1808 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02116 O How Shall I Receive Thee (2) O Du Mitt Hjartas Trangtan, 76.76 D By Johan Christian Fredrick Haeffner, 1808 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02117 O Eden, Dear Eden O Eden, Dear Eden By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1896 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02118 Oh to Be Over Yonder Oh to Be Over Yonder By George Coles Stebbins (1846-1945) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02119 O Heiliger Geist, 10.888.10 O Heiliger Geist, 10.888.10 By Geistliche Kirchengesang, Koln, 1623 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02120 Oh, How Sweet When We Mingle Oh, How Sweet When We Mingle By Robert Lowry, late 19th Century DP08.3 MV24 GHC02121 Oh, the Bitter, 87.887 Oh, the Bitter, 87.887 By William Henry Monk, 1889 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02122 Only His Love Only His Love By William James Kirkpatrick, circa 1881 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02123 Oh, to Be Nothing Oh, to Be Nothing By Georgiana M. Taylor, 1869 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02124 Oh, What Are You Going to Do? What Are You Going to Do? By Phillip Phillips (1834-1895) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02124 What Are You Going to Do? What Are You Going to Do? By Phillip Phillips (1834-1895) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02125 Oh, Wonderful Love! Oh, Wonderful Love! By Albert Simpson Reitz, 1918 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02126 Oh, Wonderful Word! Wonderful Word By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02126 Wonderful Word Wonderful Word By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02127 O Jesus, Jesus O Jesus, Jesus By Frederick William Faber (1814-1863) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02129 My God, My Portion, and My Love Olaf, CM By Arranged from Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02129 Olaf, CM Olaf, CM By Arranged from Franz Josef Haydn (1732-1809) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02130 O Lamb of God Most Holy O Lamm Gottes, 77.77.777 By Nikolaus Decius, 1541 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02130 O Lamm Gottes, 77.77.777 O Lamm Gottes, 77.77.777 By Nikolaus Decius, 1541 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02131 For All the Blessings of the Year Oldbridge, 88.84 By Robert Newton Quaile (1867-?) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02131 Oldbridge, 88.84 Oldbridge, 88.84 By Robert Newton Quaile (1867-?) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02132 Old Fashioned Way, The The Old Fashioned Way By Walter Stillman Martin, 1914 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02133 Old Time Way, The Old Time Way, The By Robert Harkness, 1908 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02134 All People That on Earth Do Dwell Old 100th, LM By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02134 Be Thou, O God, Exalted High Old 100th, LM By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02134 Ho'onani i Ka Makua Mau Old 100th, LM By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02134 Law Commands and Makes Us Know, The Old 100th, LM By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02134 Lord God, We All to Thee Give Praise Old 100th, LM By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02134 O Holy, Holy, Holy Lord (Conder) Old 100th, LM By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02134 Old 100th, LM Old 100th, LM By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02134 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Old 100th, LM By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02134 Vous, Qui sur la Terre Habitez Old 100th, LM By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02135 How Wondrous and Great Thy Works Old 104th, By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02135 Old 104th, Old 104th, By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02136 God's Word Is Like a Flaming Sword Old 107th, CMD By Louis Bourgeois, 1543 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02136 Old 107th, CMD Old 107th, CMD By Louis Bourgeois, 1543 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02137 From Highest Heav'n the Eternal Son Old 113th, 88.88.88 By Attributed to Matthaus Greiter, 1525 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02137 I'll Praise My Maker Old 113th, 88.88.88 By Attributed to Matthaus Greiter, 1525 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02137 I Love the Volumes of Thy Word Old 113th, 88.88.88 By Attributed to Matthaus Greiter, 1525 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02137 O Thou Who at Thy Creature's Bar Old 113th, 88.88.88 By Attributed to Matthaus Greiter, 1525 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02137 Old 113th, 88.88.88 Old 113th, 88.88.88 By Attributed to Matthaus Greiter, 1525 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02138 I Wandered Sore Distressed old120th By From Thomas Est's Whole Book of Psalmes, 1592 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02138 old120th old120th By From Thomas Est's Whole Book of Psalmes, 1592 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02139 Old 122nd Old 122nd By Louis Bourgeois, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02140 Dying Robber Raised His Aching Brow, The Old 124th By Genevan Psaler, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02140 Father of Spirits, Whose Divine Control Old 124th By Genevan Psaler, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02140 Now Israel May Say Old 124th By Genevan Psaler, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02140 Old 124th Old 124th By Genevan Psaler, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02140 Turn Back, O Man Old 124th By Genevan Psaler, 1551 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02141 Great King of Nations, Hear Our Prayer Old 137th, CMD By Day's Psalter, 1553 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02141 How Shall I Sing That Majesty Old 137th, CMD By Day's Psalter, 1553 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02141 Old 137th, CMD Old 137th, CMD By Day's Psalter, 1553 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02142 O Unity of Threefold Light Old 22nd, CMD By Anglo Genevan Psalter, 1556 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02142 Old 22nd, CMD Old 22nd, CMD By Anglo Genevan Psalter, 1556 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02142 Thou God of All, Whose Spirit Moves Old 22nd, CMD By Anglo Genevan Psalter, 1556 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02142 We Limit Not the Truth of God Old 22nd, CMD By Anglo Genevan Psalter, 1556 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02143 Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein Old 23rd, 88.88.88 By Divine Musical Miscellany, 1754 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02143 Old 23rd, 88.88.88 Old 23rd, 88.88.88 By Divine Musical Miscellany, 1754 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02144 Old 25th, SMD Old 25th, SMD By Psalmes, 1558 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02145 Old 44th, CMD Old 44th, CMD By Psalmes, 1556 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02145 What Time the Evening Shadows Fall Old 44th, CMD By Psalmes, 1556 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02146 Almighty Father, Unoriginate Old 50th, 10.10.10 D By Psalmes, 1558 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02146 Old 50th, 10.10.10 D Old 50th, 10.10.10 D By Psalmes, 1558 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02147 Old 81st, CMD Old 81st, CMD By Psalmes, 1562 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02147 We Praise Thy Name, All-Holy Lord Old 81st, CMD By Psalmes, 1562 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02148 O Jesus, My Hope Old German By From \Sacred Melody,\ 1761 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02148 Old German Old German By From \Sacred Melody,\ 1761 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02149 Old Martyrs, CM Old Martyrs, CM By Psalms (Edinburgh, Scotland1615) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02150 Old Time Power Old Time Power (Rader) By Paul Rader, circa 1920 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02150 Old Time Power (Rader) Old Time Power (Rader) By Paul Rader, circa 1920 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02151 Old-Time Religion Old Time Religion By African-American spiritual DP08.3 MV24 GHC02151 Old Time Religion Old Time Religion By African-American spiritual DP08.3 MV24 GHC02152 Olivant, 76.76 D Olivant, 76.76 D By Walter Olivant Wilkinson, 1895 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02153 Olivarius, LM Olivarius, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin, circa 1905 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02153 Our Thought of Thee Is Glad with Hope Olivarius, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin, circa 1905 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02154 Olive's Brow, LM Olive's Brow, LM By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1853 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02154 Tis Finished! The Messiah Dies Olive's Brow, LM By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1853 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02154 Tis Midnight, and on Olive's Brow Olive's Brow, LM By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1853 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02155 Olivet (Dykes), SMD Olivet (Dykes), SMD By John Bacchus Dykes, 1870 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02155 Thou Art Gone Up on High Olivet (Dykes), SMD By John Bacchus Dykes, 1870 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02156 Come, Holy Ghost, in Love Olivet (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1831 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02156 My Faith Looks Up to Thee Olivet (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1831 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02156 O God, How Good Thou Art Olivet (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1831 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02156 Olivet (Mason) Olivet (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1831 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02156 Shepherd of Tender Youth Olivet (Mason) By Lowell Mason, 1831 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02157 Not Naughty Is My Heart Olmutz, SM By Unknown DP08.3 MV24 GHC02157 Olmutz, SM Olmutz, SM By Unknown DP08.3 MV24 GHC02157 Your Harps, Ye Trembling Saints Olmutz, SM By Unknown DP08.3 MV24 GHC02158 O God, Who Didst Thy Will Unfold Olney, LM By W. Statham DP08.3 MV24 GHC02158 Olney, LM Olney, LM By W. Statham DP08.3 MV24 GHC02159 Ombersley, LM Ombersley, LM By William Henry Gladstone (1840-1891) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02159 Spirit of Mercy, Truth, and Love Ombersley, LM By William Henry Gladstone (1840-1891) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02160 Omni Die, 87.87 Omni Die, 87.87 By Corner's Gesangbuch, 1631, arr by Rockstro 1906 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02161 Once I Thought I Walked with Jesus Once I Thought I Walked with Jesus By Francis Augustus Blackmer (1855-1930) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02162 Once My Way Was Dark and Dreary Once My Way Was Dark and Dreary By Bentley DeForest Ackley, 1916 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02163 Not Always on the Mount Oneonta, LM By Walter Henry Hall, 1918 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02163 Oneonta, LM Oneonta, LM By Walter Henry Hall, 1918 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02164 Chapman Chapman By J. Wilbur Chapman (1859-1918) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02164 One Day Chapman By J. Wilbur Chapman (1859-1918) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02165 My Burden Is Gone My Burden Is Gone By Haldor Lillenas, 1923 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02165 One Day I Traveled a Toilsome Road My Burden Is Gone By Haldor Lillenas, 1923 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02166 One More Day's Work One More Day's Work By Robert Lowry (1826-1899) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02166 One More Day's Work for Jesus One More Day's Work By Robert Lowry (1826-1899) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02167 Holy Lamb, Who Thee Receive Onido, 77.77 D By Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757-1831) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02167 Onido, 77.77 D Onido, 77.77 D By Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757-1831) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02168 Only a Beam of Sunshine Only a Beam of Sunshine By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02169 Only a Sinner Only a Sinner By Daniel Brink Towner (1850-1919) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02170 Only a Step Only a Step By William H. Doane, circa 1901 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02171 Only Believe Only Believe By Paul Rader, circa 1921 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02172 Only in Thee Only in Thee By Thomas Obediah Chisholm, 1905 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02173 Only Once You Pass This Way Only Once You Pass This Way By John Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02174 Only Thy Garment's Hem Only Thy Garment's Hem By William Howard Doane,1877 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02175 Only Trust the Savior's Promise Only Trust the Savior's Promise By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1903 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02176 Onward, Ye Pilgrims Onward, Ye Pilgrims That Journey to Zion By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02176 Onward, Ye Pilgrims That Journey to Zion Onward, Ye Pilgrims That Journey to Zion By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02177 On Let Us Go On Let Us Go By William James Kirkpatrick, circa 18867 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02178 On the Cross of Calvary On the Cross of Calvary By Sarah Jean Graham, 1886 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02179 On the Resurrection Morning Resurrection Morn, 87.83 By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02179 Resurrection Morn, 87.83 Resurrection Morn, 87.83 By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02180 On to Victory On to Victory By C. S. Kauffman, 1901 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02181 An Open Bible for the World An Open Bible for the World By Henry M. King, circa 1882 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02181 Open Bible for the World, An An Open Bible for the World By Henry M. King, circa 1882 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02182 Open My Eyes, That I May See Open My Eyes, That I May See By Clara H. Fiske Scott, 1895 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02183 Opening Hymn Opening Hymn By Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830-1912) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02184 Open the wells Open the wells By MusicC.Pollock DP08.3 MV24 GHC02185 Open the Windows of Heaven Open the Windows of Heaven By R. G. Staples, 1895 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02186 Oporto, 87.87 Oporto, 87.87 By William Mason (1829-1908) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02187 Oh, Revive Us by Thy Word Oh, Revive Us by Thy Word By Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02188 Lord of Life, Prophetic Spirit Oriel, 87.87.87 By C. Ett, Cantica Sacra, 1840 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02188 Oriel, 87.87.87 Oriel, 87.87.87 By C. Ett, Cantica Sacra, 1840 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02188 To the Name That Is Salvation Oriel, 87.87.87 By C. Ett, Cantica Sacra, 1840 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02189 All That's Good, and Great, and True Orientis Partibus 2, 77.77 By French melody DP08.3 MV24 GHC02189 Friendly Beasts, The Orientis Partibus 2, 77.77 By French melody DP08.3 MV24 GHC02189 Orientis Partibus 2, 77.77 Orientis Partibus 2, 77.77 By French melody DP08.3 MV24 GHC02190 Orlington, 86.886 Orlington, 86.886 By John Campbell (1807-1860) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02191 Good Thou Art, and Good Thou Dost Ormesby, 76.76.778.76 By George Merritt DP08.3 MV24 GHC02191 Ormesby, 76.76.778.76 Ormesby, 76.76.778.76 By George Merritt DP08.3 MV24 GHC02192 I Do Not Ask, O Lord Orono, 10s, 4s By Karl Pomeroy Harrington DP08.3 MV24 GHC02192 Orono, 10s, 4s Orono, 10s, 4s By Karl Pomeroy Harrington DP08.3 MV24 GHC02193 Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned Ortonville By Thomas Hastings, 1837 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02193 O God, We Pray for All Mankind Ortonville By Thomas Hastings, 1837 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02193 Ortonville Ortonville By Thomas Hastings, 1837 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02193 Pilgrim Through This Lonely World, A Ortonville By Thomas Hastings, 1837 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02194 I Must Tell Jesus Orwigsburg By Elisha A. Hoffman DP08.3 MV24 GHC02194 Orwigsburg Orwigsburg By Elisha A. Hoffman DP08.3 MV24 GHC02195 Our Savior Will Descend Again Our Savior Will Descend Again By Thomas Laurie DP08.3 MV24 GHC02196 Osborne, Osborne, By W. Jones DP08.3 MV24 GHC02197 Ossett, LM Ossett, LM By Widdop DP08.3 MV24 GHC02197 Ye Sons of Men, with Joy Record Ossett, LM By Widdop DP08.3 MV24 GHC02199 Ostergaard, Ostergaard, By Danish folk tune DP08.3 MV24 GHC02199 That Cause Can Neither Be Lost Nor Stayed Ostergaard, By Danish folk tune DP08.3 MV24 GHC02200 O Store Gud O Store Gud By Swedish Folk Melody DP08.3 MV24 GHC02200 What Shall We Say? O Store Gud By Swedish Folk Melody DP08.3 MV24 GHC02201 O the Crown O the Crown By G. M. J., 19th Century DP08.3 MV24 GHC02202 Othello Othello By Edwin Othello Excell, circa 1884 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02202 Since I Have Been Redeemed Othello By Edwin Othello Excell, circa 1884 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02203 O to Abide in Jesus O to Abide in Jesus By Frances Jane (Franny) Crosby, 1896 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02204 O Darkest Woe O Traurigkeit, 44.776 By Anonymous (Mainz, Germany1628) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02204 O Traurigkeit, 44.776 O Traurigkeit, 44.776 By Anonymous (Mainz, Germany1628) DP08.3 MV24 GHC02205 Our Festive Song Our Festive Song By William Howard Doane, 1877 DP08.3 MV24 GHC02206 Our Land for Christ Our Land for Christ By C. G. Clark DP09.1 MV25 GHC02207 Our Best Our Best By Grant Colfax Tullar, circa 1912 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02208 Nu Gladjens Timme, CM with refrain Nu Gladjens Timme, CM with refrain By Andrew L. Skoot DP09.1 MV25 GHC02208 Our Day of Joy Is Here Again Nu Gladjens Timme, CM with refrain By Andrew L. Skoot DP09.1 MV25 GHC02209 Our Father's Business Our Father's Business By I. E. Diekenga, before 1899 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02210 Our Lord's Return to Earth Again Our Lord's Return to Earth Again By James M. Kirk (1854-1945) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02211 Our Soldier Heroes Sleeping Our Soldier Heroes Sleeping By Neva P. Prentice DP09.1 MV25 GHC02212 Out in the Sunshine Out in the Sunshine By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02213 Out of Bondage Out of Bondage By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby), 1877 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02214 Over Yonder Over Yonder By Henry de Fluiter, 1918 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02215 Over There Over There By Paul Rader, 1918 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02216 O Where Are the Reapers? O Where Are the Reapers? By Eben Eugene Rexford (1848-1916) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02217 Mourn for the Thousands Slain Owen, SM By Joseph Emerson Sweetser (1817-1873) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02217 Owen, SM Owen, SM By Joseph Emerson Sweetser (1817-1873) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02218 O Wonder Amazing O Wonder Amazing By William Wallace Gilchrist (1846-1916) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02219 Oxford Oxford By John Stainer, 1887 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02220 Oxford New, CM Oxford New, CM By J. H. Coombes,1784 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02221 On a Christmas Morning On a Christmas Morning By William Augustine Ogden, 1870 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02222 O Be Saved O Be Saved By Silas Jones Vail (1818-1884) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02223 Lord of the Lands O Canada By Calixa Lavalle (1842-1891) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02223 O Canada O Canada By Calixa Lavalle (1842-1891) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02225 O Child of God O Child of God By Ira David Sankey DP09.1 MV25 GHC02226 O Dass Ich Tausen Zungen O Dass Ich Tausen Zungen By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02226 O That I Had a Thousand Voices O Dass Ich Tausen Zungen By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02226 This Night a Wondrous Revelation O Dass Ich Tausen Zungen By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02227 O der alles, 87.87 O der alles, 87.87 By Neues geistreiches Gesangbuch (Halle, 1705) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02228 Hail, Thou Source of Every Blessing O Durchbrecher, 87.87 D By Neues geistreiches Gesangbuch (Halle1704) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02228 O Durchbrecher, 87.87 D O Durchbrecher, 87.87 D By Neues geistreiches Gesangbuch (Halle1704) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02229 O Esca Viatorum, 77.67.76 O Esca Viatorum, 77.67.76 By Louis Bourgeois, 1549 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02229 O Food of Men Wayfaring O Esca Viatorum, 77.67.76 By Louis Bourgeois, 1549 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02230 O Filii et Filiae, 8.8.8 with Alleluias O Filii et Filiae, 8.8.8 with Alleluias By French melody, 15th Century DP09.1 MV25 GHC02230 O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing! O Filii et Filiae, 8.8.8 with Alleluias By French melody, 15th Century DP09.1 MV25 GHC02231 O Fly to Him O Fly to Him By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1890 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02232 O Grosser Gott, LMD O Grosser Gott, LMD By Gesang- und Notenbuch (Stuttgart, Germany 1744) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02233 O Happy Day O Happy Day By Anonymous DP09.1 MV25 GHC02233 O Happy Day, That Fixed My Choice O Happy Day By Anonymous DP09.1 MV25 GHC02234 O How I Love Jesus O How I Love Jesus By 19th Century American melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02235 O I Want to See Him O I Want to See Him By R. H. Cornelius, 1916 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02236 I Look to Thee in Every Need O Jesu By Hirschberg Gesangbuch, 1741 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02236 O Jesu O Jesu By Hirschberg Gesangbuch, 1741 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02236 O North with All Thy Vales of Green O Jesu By Hirschberg Gesangbuch, 1741 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02237 O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02237 O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02237 We Christians May Rejoice Today O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02238 O Jesu Christ, LM O Jesu Christ, LM By P. Reinigius, 1587 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02239 Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light O Jesu Christ, mein's, LM By Nurnbergisches Gesangbuch, 1676 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02239 O Jesu Christ, mein's, LM O Jesu Christ, mein's, LM By Nurnbergisches Gesangbuch, 1676 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02240 All Hail, Adored Trinity O Lux Beata, LM By Proper Sarum Melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02240 O Lux Beata, LM O Lux Beata, LM By Proper Sarum Melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02241 O Magnify the Lord with Me (Morris) People Praise, refrain By Leila Naylor Morris, 1906 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02241 People Praise, refrain People Praise, refrain By Leila Naylor Morris, 1906 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02242 O My Savior, Hear Me O My Savior, Hear Me By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02243 O Precious Word O Precious Word By Frances J. (Fanny) Crosby, 1886 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02244 Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power O Quanta Qualia By Paris Antiphoner, 1681, & John B. Dykes, 1868 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02244 God of Compassion, in Mercy Befriend Us O Quanta Qualia By Paris Antiphoner, 1681, & John B. Dykes, 1868 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02244 O Quanta Qualia O Quanta Qualia By Paris Antiphoner, 1681, & John B. Dykes, 1868 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02244 O What Their Joy and Their Glory Must Be O Quanta Qualia By Paris Antiphoner, 1681, & John B. Dykes, 1868 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02245 O Salutaris Hostia O Salutaris Hostia By Abbe Duguet, ?-c. 1767 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02245 O Saving Victim, Open Wide O Salutaris Hostia By Abbe Duguet, ?-c. 1767 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02246 O Savior, Precious Savior O Savior, Precious Savior By Frances Ridley Havergal, 1870 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02247 O! Say, But I'm Glad O! Say, But I'm Glad By Mildred Ellen Sullivan DP09.1 MV25 GHC02248 O the Way Is Long and Weary O the Way Is Long and Weary By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02249 O to Be Like Thee! O to Be Like Thee! By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02250 O Voice of the Beloved O Voice, 76.76 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02250 O Voice, 76.76 D O Voice, 76.76 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02251 Now Rest Beneath Night's Shadow O Welt, Ich Muss Dich lassen By German melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02251 O Food to Pilgrims Given O Welt, Ich Muss Dich lassen By German melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02251 O Welt, Ich Muss Dich lassen O Welt, Ich Muss Dich lassen By German melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02252 O Welt, sieh hier, 77.67.78 O Welt, sieh hier, 77.67.78 By Heinrich Friese, 1703 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02252 Upon the Cross Extended O Welt, sieh hier, 77.67.78 By Heinrich Friese, 1703 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02253 O Why Not Tonight? O Why Not Tonight? By Elizabeth Reed DP09.1 MV25 GHC02254 O Wie Selig, O Wie Selig, By J. Georg Stozel, 1744 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02254 Oh, How Blest Are Ye Whose Toils Are Ended O Wie Selig, By J. Georg Stozel, 1744 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02255 O Word of God O Word of God By Daniel Brink Towner, 1903 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02256 Packington, SM Packington, SM By John Black (1817-1871) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02257 Lamb's High Banquet Called to Share, The Paddington, LM By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02257 O Christ, the Lord of Heaven, To Thee Paddington, LM By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02257 Paddington, LM Paddington, LM By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02258 Because Thou Hast Said Paderborn By Paderborn Gesangbuch, 1765 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02258 Paderborn Paderborn By Paderborn Gesangbuch, 1765 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02259 Her kommer, Jesus, dine smaa Paedia, LM By Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747-1800) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02259 Paedia, LM Paedia, LM By Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747-1800) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02259 Thy Little Ones, Dear Lord, Are We Paedia, LM By Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747-1800) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02260 Palms of Glory Palms of Glory, 77.77 By William Daylrymple MacLagan (1826-1910) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02260 Palms of Glory, 77.77 Palms of Glory, 77.77 By William Daylrymple MacLagan (1826-1910) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02261 Pange Lingua, 87.87.87 Pange Lingua, 87.87.87 By Proper Sarum Melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02262 O Paradise! Paradise (Dykes), By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02262 Paradise (Dykes), Paradise (Dykes), By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02263 Pardoning Grace Pardoning Grace By Alfred Henry Ackley, 1914 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02264 Parker, CM Parker, CM By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, before 1906 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02264 She Loved Her Savior Parker, CM By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, before 1906 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02265 All Ye That Fear God's Holy Name Park Street, LM By Frederick Marc Antoine Venua, circa 1810 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02265 Before Jehovah's Awful Throne Park Street, LM By Frederick Marc Antoine Venua, circa 1810 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02265 Bless, O My Soul! the Living God Park Street, LM By Frederick Marc Antoine Venua, circa 1810 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02265 Come, O My Soul, in Sacred Lays Park Street, LM By Frederick Marc Antoine Venua, circa 1810 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02265 Great God! Attend while Zion Sings Park Street, LM By Frederick Marc Antoine Venua, circa 1810 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02265 Lo! Round the Throne a Glorious Band Park Street, LM By Frederick Marc Antoine Venua, circa 1810 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02265 Lord of the Sabbath and Its Light Park Street, LM By Frederick Marc Antoine Venua, circa 1810 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02265 Park Street, LM Park Street, LM By Frederick Marc Antoine Venua, circa 1810 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02265 Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord Park Street, LM By Frederick Marc Antoine Venua, circa 1810 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02266 Commit Whatever Grieves Thee Passion Chorale By Hans L. Hassler,1601 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02266 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Passion Chorale By Hans L. Hassler,1601 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02266 Passion Chorale Passion Chorale By Hans L. Hassler,1601 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02266 Roi Couvert de Blessures Passion Chorale By Hans L. Hassler,1601 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02267 At All Times Praise the Lord Pastor Bonus, SMD By Alfred James Caldicott (1842-1897) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02267 Pastor Bonus, SMD Pastor Bonus, SMD By Alfred James Caldicott (1842-1897) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02268 Faithful Shepherd, Feed Me Pastor Pastorum, 65.65 By Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02268 Pastor Pastorum, 65.65 Pastor Pastorum, 65.65 By Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02269 Music on Christmas Morning Pater Omnium By Henry J. E. Holmes, 1875 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02269 Of All the Thoughts of God Pater Omnium By Henry J. E. Holmes, 1875 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02269 Pater Omnium Pater Omnium By Henry J. E. Holmes, 1875 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02269 This Is the Field Pater Omnium By Henry J. E. Holmes, 1875 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02269 Thou Art, O God, the Life and Light Pater Omnium By Henry J. E. Holmes, 1875 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02270 I Heard a Sound of Voices Patmos, 76.86 D By Henry Johnson Storer (1860-1935) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02270 O'er Continent and Ocean Patmos, 76.86 D By Henry Johnson Storer (1860-1935) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02270 Patmos, 76.86 D Patmos, 76.86 D By Henry Johnson Storer (1860-1935) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02271 Almighty Lord, with One Accord Patten, CM By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02271 Patten, CM Patten, CM By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02272 Jehovah, My God, on Thy Help I Depend Paulina, By Arranged from Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02272 Paulina, Paulina, By Arranged from Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02273 Pax, CMD Pax, CMD By John Kinross, 1887 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02274 Paxtang, LMD Paxtang, LMD By Robert Lowry (1826-1899) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02274 To Thee, O Lord, I Lift Mine Eyes Paxtang, LMD By Robert Lowry (1826-1899) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02274 Why Should I Fear in Evil Days Paxtang, LMD By Robert Lowry (1826-1899) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02275 Again Returns the Day of Holy Rest Pax Dei, By John Bacchus Dykes DP09.1 MV25 GHC02275 O God, I Love Thee Pax Dei, By John Bacchus Dykes DP09.1 MV25 GHC02275 Pax Dei, Pax Dei, By John Bacchus Dykes DP09.1 MV25 GHC02276 Because I Knew Not When My Life Was Good Peace, 10.10.10 6 By George Whitefield Chadwick, 1890 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02276 I Sought the Lord Peace, 10.10.10 6 By George Whitefield Chadwick, 1890 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02276 Peace, 10.10.10 6 Peace, 10.10.10 6 By George Whitefield Chadwick, 1890 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02276 Two Views, The Peace, 10.10.10 6 By George Whitefield Chadwick, 1890 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02277 Peaceful Night Peaceful Night By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt DP09.1 MV25 GHC02277 Peaceful the Wondrous Night Peaceful Night By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt DP09.1 MV25 GHC02278 Pearsall, 76.76 D Pearsall, 76.76 D By R. L. Pearsall DP09.1 MV25 GHC02278 World Is Very Evil, The Pearsall, 76.76 D By R. L. Pearsall DP09.1 MV25 GHC02279 Hear Us, O Lord Peel Castle, By Arr from Manx fisherman's hymn by W. H. Gill DP09.1 MV25 GHC02279 Peel Castle, Peel Castle, By Arr from Manx fisherman's hymn by W. H. Gill DP09.1 MV25 GHC02280 In the Hour of Trial Penitence, 65.65 D By Spencer Lane, 1874 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02280 On the Good and Faithful Penitence, 65.65 D By Spencer Lane, 1874 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02280 Penitence, 65.65 D Penitence, 65.65 D By Spencer Lane, 1874 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02281 Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord Penitentia By Horatius Bonar, 1857 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02281 Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Penitentia By Horatius Bonar, 1857 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02281 Penitentia Penitentia By Horatius Bonar, 1857 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02282 Penlan, 76.76 D Penlan, 76.76 D By David Jenkins (1849-1915) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02283 Penshurst, LM Penshurst, LM By Vincent Novello, 1836 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02285 Fight the Good Fight with All Thy Might Pentecost By William Boyd, 1864 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02285 Go, Labor OnSpend, and Be Spent Pentecost By William Boyd, 1864 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02285 Keep Thyself Pure Pentecost By William Boyd, 1864 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02285 Let There Be Light, Lord God of Hosts Pentecost By William Boyd, 1864 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02285 My God, in Whom Are All the Springs Pentecost By William Boyd, 1864 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02285 Pentecost Pentecost By William Boyd, 1864 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02286 Old Time Power Old Time Power By Charles H. Gabriel (1856-1932) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02286 Pentecostal Power Old Time Power By Charles H. Gabriel (1856-1932) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02287 Pentecost in My Soul Pentecost in My Soul By Thoro Harris, 1920 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02288 O Perfect Love Perfect Love By Josesph Barnby, 1890 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02288 Perfect Love Perfect Love By Josesph Barnby, 1890 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02289 Perranporth, 75.75 D Perranporth, 75.75 D By A. W. Wilson DP09.1 MV25 GHC02290 Perry Street, LM Perry Street, LM By Thoro Harris (1874-1955) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02291 Peterborough Peterborough By John Goss, 1864 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02292 Petersen, 87.87 Petersen, 87.87 By Halle, Germany, 1697 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02293 Petition, 76.76 D Petition, 76.76 D By Franz Josef Haydn (1731-1809) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02293 Sometimes a Light Surprises Petition, 76.76 D By Franz Josef Haydn (1731-1809) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02294 Praise God for What He's Done for Me Praise God for What He's Done for Me By Author unkown, before 1845 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02294 Praise God for What He Has Done for Me Praise God for What He's Done for Me By Author unkown, before 1845 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02295 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Picardy By French carol melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02295 Picardy Picardy By French carol melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02295 Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle Picardy By French carol melody DP09.1 MV25 GHC02296 Pilgrimage, 87.87.47 Pilgrimage, 87.87.47 By George Job Elvey (1816-1893) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02297 Pilgrim's Journey, The The Pilgrim's Journey By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02297 The Pilgrim's Journey The Pilgrim's Journey By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP09.1 MV25 GHC02298 Hark! Hark, My Soul! (Faber) Pilgrims By Henry Thomas Smart, 1868 DP09.1 MV25 GHC02298 Pilgrims Pilgrims By Henry Thomas Smart, 1868 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02299 Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Pilot By John Edgar Gould, 1871 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02299 Pilot Pilot By John Edgar Gould, 1871 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02300 Pisgah, CM Pisgah, CM By J. C. Lowry, 1817, harmony by Austin C Lovelace DP09.2 MV26 GHC02300 When I Can Read My Title Clear Pisgah, CM By J. C. Lowry, 1817, harmony by Austin C Lovelace DP09.2 MV26 GHC02301 O Jesu Christ, from Thee Began Plaistow, LM By From Magadalen Hymns, 1760 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02301 Plaistow, LM Plaistow, LM By From Magadalen Hymns, 1760 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02302 Pleading Savior, 87.87 D Pleading Savior, 87.87 D By Christian Lyre, 1830 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02303 Children of the Heavenly King Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1791 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02303 Hasten, Sinner, to Be Wise Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1791 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02303 Heavenly Father, Sovereign Lord Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1791 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02303 Now Begin the Heavn'ly Theme Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1791 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02303 On the Waters Dark and Drear Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1791 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02303 Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1791 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02303 Sinner, Art Thou Still Secure? Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1791 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02303 Soldiers, Who Are Christ's Below Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1791 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02303 Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest Pleyel's Hymn, 77.77 By Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1791 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02304 Hush, All Ye Sounds of War The Prince of Peace, By Cyril Barker DP09.2 MV26 GHC02304 The Prince of Peace, The Prince of Peace, By Cyril Barker DP09.2 MV26 GHC02305 Portsea, 87.87 Portsea, 87.87 By William Boyce, 1775 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02305 Righteous Father, We Have Wronged Thee Portsea, 87.87 By William Boyce, 1775 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02306 Posen Posen By Georg Christoph Strattner (1644-1704) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02306 Safe upon the Billowy Deep Posen By Georg Christoph Strattner (1644-1704) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02306 Savior, Teach Me Day by Day Posen By Georg Christoph Strattner (1644-1704) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02307 Potsdam, SM Potsdam, SM By Adapted from Johann Sebastian Bach, 1750 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02307 Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here Potsdam, SM By Adapted from Johann Sebastian Bach, 1750 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02308 O God, Thy Power Is Wonderful Power, CM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02308 Power, CM Power, CM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02308 With Restless and Ungoverned Rage Power, CM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02309 Power for Service Power for Service By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1904 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02310 Precious Promise Precious Promise By Nathaniel Niles DP09.2 MV26 GHC02311 How Are Thy Servants Blest, O Lord! Praetorius, CM By Harmoniae Hymnorum Scholae Gorlicensis, 1599 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02311 Praetorius, CM Praetorius, CM By Harmoniae Hymnorum Scholae Gorlicensis, 1599 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02312 Come Sing, Ye Choirs Exultant Praetorius 7 By Melody, 1536; ad. by Michael Praetorius, 1609 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02312 Praetorius 7 Praetorius 7 By Melody, 1536; ad. by Michael Praetorius, 1609 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02313 Praise Ye Jehovah! (Campbell) Praise, By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, before 1906 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02313 Praise, Praise, By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, before 1906 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02314 Praises, 88.88.7 Praises, 88.88.7 By Bertram Luard-Selby (1853-1918) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02315 I Bless the Christ of God Praise Song, SMD By Felix Mendelssohn DP09.2 MV26 GHC02315 Praise Song, SMD Praise Song, SMD By Felix Mendelssohn DP09.2 MV26 GHC02316 Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! By Chester G. Allen DP09.2 MV26 GHC02316 Praise Him, Praise Him Praise Him! Praise Him! By Chester G. Allen DP09.2 MV26 GHC02317 Praise, Praise His Name Praise, Praise His Name By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02318 Praise the Lord, Each Tribe and Nation Praise the Lord, Each Tribe and Nation By Swedish tune DP09.2 MV26 GHC02319 Praise Ye Jehovah (Taylor) Praise Ye Jehovah (Taylor) By Alfred Taylor, ca. 1896 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02320 Praise Ye the Lord Praise Ye the Lord By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1881 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02321 In Sweet Communion Prayer, CM By William U. Butcher, circa 1860 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02321 Prayer, CM Prayer, CM By William U. Butcher, circa 1860 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02322 Prayer (Abbot), 77.77 Prayer (Abbot), 77.77 By Asahel Abbot DP09.2 MV26 GHC02323 Praying Always Praying Always By Philip P. Bliss, 1871 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02324 Pray, Pray Pray, Pray By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1912 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02325 Preach the Gospel Preach the Gospel By James McGranahan (1840-1907) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02327 Precious Name Precious Name By William Howard Doane, 1871 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02328 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates of Brass Presbyter, CMD By Walter O. Wilkinson, 1895 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02328 Presbyter, CMD Presbyter, CMD By Walter O. Wilkinson, 1895 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02329 Jesus, Thou All Redeeming Lord Prescott, CM By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02329 Prescott, CM Prescott, CM By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02330 Precious Child, So Sweetly Sleeping Prescott (Stewart), 87.87.77 By Robert Prescott Stewart, 1868 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02330 Prescott (Stewart), 87.87.77 Prescott (Stewart), 87.87.77 By Robert Prescott Stewart, 1868 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02331 Good Man's Steps Are Led Aright, The Pressly, 88.68.86 By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02331 Pressly, 88.68.86 Pressly, 88.68.86 By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02332 Preston Preston By William Howard Doane (1831-1915) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02333 Princethorpe, 65.65 D Princethorpe, 65.65 D By William Pitts (1829-1903) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02334 Morning Purples All the Sky, The Prince of Peace, CMD By John Bacchus Dykes, 1874 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02334 Prince of Peace, CMD Prince of Peace, CMD By John Bacchus Dykes, 1874 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02335 Processional, Processional, By William Marion Runyan, 1920 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02335 To Thy Temple Holy Processional, By William Marion Runyan, 1920 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02336 Praise the Rock of Our Salvation Praise the Rock of Our Salvation By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02337 Promoted to Glory Promoted to Glory By Anonymous DP09.2 MV26 GHC02338 Pro Patria, 66.66.88 Pro Patria, 66.66.88 By J. Armistead DP09.2 MV26 GHC02339 Propior Deo, Propior Deo, By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02340 Protection Protection By Early American melody, pre-1870 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02341 God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall Providence, CM Refrain By S.W. Straub DP09.2 MV26 GHC02341 Providence, CM Refrain Providence, CM Refrain By S.W. Straub DP09.2 MV26 GHC02342 Presrve Us, Lord, LM Presrve Us, Lord, LM By Medieval melody DP09.2 MV26 GHC02343 Prysgol, 76.76 D Prysgol, 76.76 D By William Owen (1814-1898) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02344 Babe Is Born in Bethlehm, A Puer Natus, 83.88 By Composer unknown DP09.2 MV26 GHC02344 Puer Natus, 83.88 Puer Natus, 83.88 By Composer unknown DP09.2 MV26 GHC02345 Purer in Heart Purer in Heart By James Henry Fillmore, Sr., 1877 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02345 Purer in Heart, O God Purer in Heart By James Henry Fillmore, Sr., 1877 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02346 Pure Within Pure Within By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02347 Our Fathers' God, to Thee We Raise Puritan, LM By Henry Dunham (before 1906) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02347 Puritan, LM Puritan, LM By Henry Dunham (before 1906) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02348 O Love Divine, How Sweet Thou Art Purleigh, 88.68.86 By Arthur Henry Brown, 1861 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02348 Purleigh, 88.68.86 Purleigh, 88.68.86 By Arthur Henry Brown, 1861 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02349 God Is Working His Purpose Out Purpose By Martin Fallas Shaw, 1915 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02349 Purpose Purpose By Martin Fallas Shaw, 1915 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02350 O'er the Realms of Pagan Darkness Putney, 87.87.47 By From Carmina Sacra, by Lowell Mason, 1841 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02350 Putney, 87.87.47 Putney, 87.87.47 By From Carmina Sacra, by Lowell Mason, 1841 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02351 Putney Hill, CM Putney Hill, CM By Rev. F. A. J. Hervey DP09.2 MV26 GHC02352 Pearly White City, The The Pearly White City By Arthur F. Ingler, 1902 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02352 The Pearly White City The Pearly White City By Arthur F. Ingler, 1902 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02353 My Father, Hear My Prayer Quam Dilecta, 66.66 By H. L. Jenner DP09.2 MV26 GHC02353 Quam Dilecta, 66.66 Quam Dilecta, 66.66 By H. L. Jenner DP09.2 MV26 GHC02353 We Love the Place, O God Quam Dilecta, 66.66 By H. L. Jenner DP09.2 MV26 GHC02354 Quedlinburg Quedlinburg By J. C. Kittel (1732-1809) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02355 Quelle Est Cette Odeur Agreable? Quelle Est Cette Odeur Agreable? By Traditional French carol DP09.2 MV26 GHC02355 Quelle Est Cette Odeur Agr‚able? Quelle Est Cette Odeur Agreable? By Traditional French carol DP09.2 MV26 GHC02356 Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising Quem Pastores, 88.87 By Melody from Hohenfurth mss, 1410 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02356 Jesus, Good Above All Other Quem Pastores, 88.87 By Melody from Hohenfurth mss, 1410 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02356 Quem Pastores, 88.87 Quem Pastores, 88.87 By Melody from Hohenfurth mss, 1410 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02357 Dawning Fair, Morning Wonderful Que Preciosas Mananitas By Traditional DP09.2 MV26 GHC02357 Que Preciosas Mananitas Que Preciosas Mananitas By Traditional DP09.2 MV26 GHC02358 Quiet Hour, The The Quiet Hour By E. May Grimes DP09.2 MV26 GHC02358 The Quiet Hour The Quiet Hour By E. May Grimes DP09.2 MV26 GHC02359 Hark! The Sounds of Singing Rachie, 65.65 D refrain By Caradog Roberts (1897-1935) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02359 I Bob Un Sydd Ffyddlon Rachie, 65.65 D refrain By Caradog Roberts (1897-1935) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02359 Rachie, 65.65 D refrain Rachie, 65.65 D refrain By Caradog Roberts (1897-1935) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02360 Radiant Morn (88.84) Radiant Morn (88.84) By Charles F. Gounod (1818-1893) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02360 Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away, The Radiant Morn (88.84) By Charles F. Gounod (1818-1893) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02361 Rainbow Round the Throne, The The Rainbow Round the Throne By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02361 The Rainbow Round the Throne The Rainbow Round the Throne By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02362 Rakem, LM Rakem, LM By Isaac Baker Woodbury (1819-1858) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02363 Little That the Righteous Hold, A Ramoth, 88.68.86 By English Melody DP09.2 MV26 GHC02363 Ramoth, 88.68.86 Ramoth, 88.68.86 By English Melody DP09.2 MV26 GHC02364 Lord, to Thee Alone We Turn Ramoth, 77.77 D By John Baptiste Calkin, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02364 Ramoth, 77.77 D Ramoth, 77.77 D By John Baptiste Calkin, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02365 Randolph, Randolph, By Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02366 Rangoon, irr. Rangoon, irr. By C. Wood, 1904 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02366 Trumpet of God, Sound High Rangoon, irr. By C. Wood, 1904 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02367 Holy Savior, We Adore Thee Raphael, 87.87.47 By Edward John Hopkins, 1862 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02367 In Thy Name, O Lord, Assembling Raphael, 87.87.47 By Edward John Hopkins, 1862 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02367 Jesu, Lord of Life and Glory Raphael, 87.87.47 By Edward John Hopkins, 1862 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02367 Raphael, 87.87.47 Raphael, 87.87.47 By Edward John Hopkins, 1862 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02368 Rapture Indeed! Rapture Indeed! By James Rowe, circa 1913 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02369 How Happy Are They Rapture (Humphreys), 66.9 D By R. D. Humphreys (1826-?) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02369 Rapture (Humphreys), 66.9 D Rapture (Humphreys), 66.9 D By R. D. Humphreys (1826-?) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02370 Hark! Ten Thousand Voices Crying Rathbun By Ithamar Conkey, 1849 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02370 Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices? Rathbun By Ithamar Conkey, 1849 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02370 In the Cross of Christ I Glory Rathbun By Ithamar Conkey, 1849 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02370 Rathbun Rathbun By Ithamar Conkey, 1849 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02370 Valley Lilies Rathbun By Ithamar Conkey, 1849 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02371 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies Ratisbon, 77.77.77 By Johann Gottlob Werner, 1815 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02371 God of Mercy, God of Grace Ratisbon, 77.77.77 By Johann Gottlob Werner, 1815 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02371 Jesus, meine Zuversicht Ratisbon, 77.77.77 By Johann Gottlob Werner, 1815 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02371 Ratisbon, 77.77.77 Ratisbon, 77.77.77 By Johann Gottlob Werner, 1815 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02371 We Believe in One True God Ratisbon, 77.77.77 By Johann Gottlob Werner, 1815 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02371 Wir Glauben All' Einen Gott Ratisbon, 77.77.77 By Johann Gottlob Werner, 1815 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02372 Fear Not, O Little Flock Ravendale 88.68.86 By Walter Stokes (1847-?) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02372 Ravendale 88.68.86 Ravendale 88.68.86 By Walter Stokes (1847-?) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02373 Lord, Thy Word Abideth Ravenshaw, 66.66 By Ave Hierarchia, 1531, arr by W. H. Monk, 1861 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02373 Ravenshaw, 66.66 Ravenshaw, 66.66 By Ave Hierarchia, 1531, arr by W. H. Monk, 1861 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02374 Ready Ready By A. C. Palmer DP09.2 MV26 GHC02375 Reapers Are Needed Reapers Are Needed By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02376 Come, Heaven-Bound Pilgrims Rebecca, By John M. Shenk (1848-1935) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02376 Rebecca, Rebecca, By John M. Shenk (1848-1935) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02377 Recessional Recessional By John Stainer, 1873 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02378 Rector Potens, LM Rector Potens, LM By Frank Sewall, 1910 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02379 Redeemed, and with the Price of Blood Redeemed, and with the Price of Blood By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1881 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02380 Morn's Roseate Hues Have Decked the Sky Redcliff, 88.84 By Edward John Hopkins (1818-1901) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02380 Redcliff, 88.84 Redcliff, 88.84 By Edward John Hopkins (1818-1901) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02381 Redeemed Redeemed By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1882 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02381 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! Redeemed By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1882 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02382 Blest Is He Who Loves God's Precepts Redeemer (Emerson), 87.87 By Luther Orlando Emerson, 1863 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02382 Redeemer (Emerson), 87.87 Redeemer (Emerson), 87.87 By Luther Orlando Emerson, 1863 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02383 Redemption Redemption By S. M. Sayford DP09.2 MV26 GHC02384 O Come, Redeemer of Mankind Redemptor Mundi By A. H. Brown DP09.2 MV26 GHC02384 Redemptor Mundi Redemptor Mundi By A. H. Brown DP09.2 MV26 GHC02385 Go to Dark Gethsemane Redhead (Petra), 77.77.77 By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02385 God, Be Merciful to Me Redhead (Petra), 77.77.77 By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02385 Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me Redhead (Petra), 77.77.77 By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02385 Mistful Are Our Waiting Eyes Redhead (Petra), 77.77.77 By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02385 Redhead (Petra), 77.77.77 Redhead (Petra), 77.77.77 By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02385 Resting from His Work Today Redhead (Petra), 77.77.77 By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02386 Redhead No. 46 (87.87) Redhead No. 46 (87.87) By Richard Redhead (1820-1901) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02387 Refuge, 77.77 D Refuge, 77.77 D By Joseph Perry Holbrook (1822-1888) DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 All the Sacrifice is Ended Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 Angels from the Realm of Glory Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 Engjejt prej lavdise se qiejve Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 Glory Be to God the Father Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 God, the Lord, a King Remaineth Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 He Who Suns and Worlds Upholdeth Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 Holy Father, Great Creator Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 Light's Abode, Celestial Salem Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 Regent Square, 87.87.87 Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02388 Saints of God! the Dawn Is Brightening Regent Square, 87.87.87 By Henry Thomas Smart, 1867 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02389 O Jehovah, Hear My Words Rehoboth, 77.77 D By Henry Vander Werp, 1911 DP09.2 MV26 GHC02389 Rehoboth, 77.77 D Rehoboth, 77.77 D By Henry Vander Werp, 1911 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02390 Rejoice Today Rejoice Today By Henry R. Baldwin DP09.3 MV27 GHC02391 Release, CMD Release, CMD By Danish melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02391 Thy Word, O Lord, Like Gentle Dews Release, CMD By Danish melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02392 Reliance, 77.77.77 Reliance, 77.77.77 By John Henry Gower, 1895 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02392 When Thy Soldiers Take Their Swords Reliance, 77.77.77 By John Henry Gower, 1895 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02393 Awake, O Lord, As in the Time of Old! Reliance (Wesley), By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02393 Reliance (Wesley), Reliance (Wesley), By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02394 Day of the Lord Is at Hand, The Remember the Poor By Traditional Irish melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02394 Remember the Poor Remember the Poor By Traditional Irish melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02395 Rendez a Dieu, 98.98 D Rendez a Dieu, 98.98 D By Louis Bourgeois, 1543, rev. 1551 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02396 Absent from Flesh! O Blissful Thought! Repentance, LM By Theodore E. Perkins (1831-1912) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02396 Lord, Thou Hast Greatly Blessed Our Land Repentance, LM By Theodore E. Perkins (1831-1912) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02396 Repentance, LM Repentance, LM By Theodore E. Perkins (1831-1912) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02396 Thy Word Sheds Light upon My Path Repentance, LM By Theodore E. Perkins (1831-1912) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02397 Repent! 'Tis the Voice of Jesus Repent! 'Tis the Voice of Jesus By Alfred Henry Ackley, 1910 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02398 All Is O'er, the Pain, the Sorrow Requiem, 87.87.77 By Wilhelm A. F. Schulthes (1816-1879) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02398 Requiem, 87.87.77 Requiem, 87.87.77 By Wilhelm A. F. Schulthes (1816-1879) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02398 Thou to Whom the Sick and Dying Requiem, 87.87.77 By Wilhelm A. F. Schulthes (1816-1879) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02399 Requies, LM Requies, LM By F. Hastie DP09.3 MV27 GHC02400 Now the Laborer's Task Is O'er Requiescat, 77.77.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02400 Requiescat, 77.77.88 Requiescat, 77.77.88 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02401 Rest for the Weary Rest for the Weary By William Hunter DP09.3 MV27 GHC02402 Rescue the Perishing Rescue the Perishing By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1869 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02403 Resignation (Cross), LM Resignation (Cross), LM By Moses Smith Cross (1854-1911) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02403 We Hope in Thee, O God! Resignation (Cross), LM By Moses Smith Cross (1854-1911) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02404 Resignation, Resignation, By Anonymous DP09.3 MV27 GHC02405 Joseph Dearest Rosent in Laudibus By 14th Century German Carol melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02405 Rosent in Laudibus Rosent in Laudibus By 14th Century German Carol melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02406 Rest at Home Rest at Home By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02408 I Bow My Forehead to the Dust Resting Place, CMD By Henry Vander Werp, 1911 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02408 Resting Place, CMD Resting Place, CMD By Henry Vander Werp, 1911 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02409 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy Restoration, 87.87 Refrain By Southern Harmony, William Walker, 1835 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02409 Restoration, 87.87 Refrain Restoration, 87.87 Refrain By Southern Harmony, William Walker, 1835 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02410 Rest (Beecher), Rest (Beecher), By Charles Beecher, 1855 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02410 When Winds Are Raging Rest (Beecher), By Charles Beecher, 1855 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02411 Asleep in Jesus Rest (Bradbury) By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1843 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02411 Lord Has Heard and Answered Prayer, The Rest (Bradbury) By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1843 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02411 My Righteous God, Who Oft of Old Rest (Bradbury) By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1843 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02411 Rest (Bradbury) Rest (Bradbury) By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1843 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02411 To Thee Before the Close of Day Rest (Bradbury) By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1843 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02412 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind Rest By Frederick C. Maker, 1887 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02412 O Thou Whose Gracious Presence Blest Rest By Frederick C. Maker, 1887 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02412 Rest Rest By Frederick C. Maker, 1887 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02413 None Else but Thee, Forevermore Rest (Stainer), 88.88.88 By John Stainer, 1875 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02413 Rest (Stainer), 88.88.88 Rest (Stainer), 88.88.88 By John Stainer, 1875 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02413 We Sing His Love, Who Once Was Slain Rest (Stainer), 88.88.88 By John Stainer, 1875 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02414 Lord of Life Is Risen, The The Resurrection By Aldine Silliman Kieffer (1840-1904) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02414 Resurrection, The The Resurrection By Aldine Silliman Kieffer (1840-1904) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02414 The Resurrection The Resurrection By Aldine Silliman Kieffer (1840-1904) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02415 Resurgenti Nazareno, 88.87 Resurgenti Nazareno, 88.87 By Bohemian melody, 1505 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02416 Resurrection (Gould), irr. Resurrection (Gould), irr. By John Edgar Gould (1822-1875) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02417 Resurrexit, Resurrexit, By Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02418 Another Six Days' Work Is Done Retreat By Thomas Hatings, 1842 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02418 From Every Stormy Wind Retreat By Thomas Hatings, 1842 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02418 Retreat Retreat By Thomas Hatings, 1842 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02418 We Bless the Name of Christ, the Lord Retreat By Thomas Hatings, 1842 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02419 Return (Monk), 86.86.4 Return (Monk), 86.86.4 By William Henry Monk, 1871 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02419 Return, O Wanderer, to Thy Home Return (Monk), 86.86.4 By William Henry Monk, 1871 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02420 Return to Bless My Waiting Eyes Return, LM By William Henry Squires, 1895 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02420 Return, LM Return, LM By William Henry Squires, 1895 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02420 Return, O Wanderer, Return Return, LM By William Henry Squires, 1895 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02421 Revive Us Again Revive Us Again By John J. Husband (1760-1825) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02422 Revive the Hearts of All Revive the Hearts of All By James Milton Black (1856-1938) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02423 Rex Gloriae, 87.87 D Rex Gloriae, 87.87 D By Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02424 Rex Maximus, Rex Maximus, By Johann G. Hille, 1739 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02425 And Let This Feeble Body Fail Rex Regum, CMD By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02425 O King of Kings, O Lord of Hosts Rex Regum, CMD By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02425 Rex Regum, CMD Rex Regum, CMD By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02426 Lamb's High Banquet We Await, The Rex Gloriose, LM By French church melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02426 O Glorious King of Martyr Hosts Rex Gloriose, LM By French church melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02426 Rex Gloriose, LM Rex Gloriose, LM By French church melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02427 Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise Rex Gloriose Martyrum, LM By Catholische Geistliche Gesange (Andenach1608) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02427 Rex Gloriose Martyrum, LM Rex Gloriose Martyrum, LM By Catholische Geistliche Gesange (Andenach1608) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02428 Rhiw, SM Rhiw, SM By Welsh tune DP09.3 MV27 GHC02428 Still with Thee, O My God Rhiw, SM By Welsh tune DP09.3 MV27 GHC02429 Did Christ o'er Sinners Weep Rhodes, SM By Charles Warwick Jordan, 1875 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02429 Rhodes, SM Rhodes, SM By Charles Warwick Jordan, 1875 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02429 Why Dost Thou Stand Afar Rhodes, SM By Charles Warwick Jordan, 1875 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02430 Arise, O God, and Shine Rhosymedre, 66.66.88 By John David Edwards, circa 1840 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02430 Rhosymedre, 66.66.88 Rhosymedre, 66.66.88 By John David Edwards, circa 1840 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02431 Judge Eternal, Throned in Splendor Rhuddlan, 87.87.87 By Welsh traditional melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02431 Rhuddlan, 87.87.87 Rhuddlan, 87.87.87 By Welsh traditional melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02432 Rhyddid, 76.76 D Rhyddid, 76.76 D By Peroiaeth Hyfryd, by Joseph Parry, 1837 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02433 Jesus, My Strength, My Hope Richmond (Everett), SMD By Asa Brooks Everett (1828-1875) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02433 Richmond (Everett), SMD Richmond (Everett), SMD By Asa Brooks Everett (1828-1875) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 Blest Day of God, Most Calm, Most Bright Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 City of God, How Broad and Far Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 How Few Receive with Cordial Faith Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 My God, the Spring of All My Joys Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 O for a Heart to Praise My God Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 O for a Shout of Sacred Joy Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 O Lord, I Will Delight in Thee Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 Richmond (Haweis), CM Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 Walk in the Light Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02434 What Shall I Do, My God to Love Richmond (Haweis), CM By Thomas Haweis, 1792 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02435 Riley, 77.77 D Riley, 77.77 D By Martin Fallas Shaw, 1915 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02436 Rimington, LM Rimington, LM By Francis Duckworth, 1904 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02436 Teach Me, O Lord, Thy Holy Way Rimington, LM By Francis Duckworth, 1904 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02437 Lord, Thy Mercy Now Entreating Ringe Recht, 87.87 By Johann Thommen, 1745 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02437 Ringe Recht, 87.87 Ringe Recht, 87.87 By Johann Thommen, 1745 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02437 Strive Aright When God Doth Call Ringe Recht, 87.87 By Johann Thommen, 1745 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02439 Ring the Bells of Heaven Ring the Bells of Heaven By William Orcutt Cushing, 1866 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02440 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah (1) Ripley, 87.87.D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02440 Ripley, 87.87.D Ripley, 87.87.D By Lowell Mason, 1839 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02441 Father of All, from Land and Sea Riseholme, 88.84 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02441 Riseholme, 88.84 Riseholme, 88.84 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02442 Lord Is Risen Indeed (Hogue), The Risen Lord, By Thoro Harris, before 1911 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02442 Risen Lord, Risen Lord, By Thoro Harris, before 1911 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02443 Rise, Glorious Conqueror Rise, Glorious Conqueror By WordsMatthew Bridges MusicV. Righini DP09.3 MV27 GHC02444 Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow By African-American spiritual DP09.3 MV27 GHC02445 Father of Heaven Rivaulx By John Bacchus Dykes DP09.3 MV27 GHC02445 O Holy, Holy, Holy Lord (Eastburn) Rivaulx By John Bacchus Dykes DP09.3 MV27 GHC02445 Rivaulx Rivaulx By John Bacchus Dykes DP09.3 MV27 GHC02446 Rochester,CM Rochester,CM By Aaron Williams' Universal Psalmodist, 1764 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02446 Thought of God, The Rochester,CM By Aaron Williams' Universal Psalmodist, 1764 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02448 My Opening Eyes with Rapture See Rockingham New By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02448 Of Him Who Did Salvation Bring Rockingham New By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02448 Rockingham New Rockingham New By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 Almighty Father, Hear Our Cry Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 And Will the Great Eternal God Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 Eternal Power, Whose High Abode Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 My God, and Is Thy Table Spread Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 My God, My King, Thy Various Praise Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 O Lord Most High Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 Rockingham (Miller), LM Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 Since with My God with Perfect Heart Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 Thy Presence, Gracious God, Afford Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 To God My Earnest Voice I Raise Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02449 Twas on that Night When Doomed to Know Rockingham (Miller), LM By Carl P. E. Bach, arr. by Edward Miller, 1790 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02450 Room for Jesus Room for Jesus By F. M. Atkinson, 1904 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02451 Room for the Penitent Room for the Penitent By Robert Lowry, 1877 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02452 Rest over Jordan Rest over Jordan By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1877 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02452 Room over Jordan Rest over Jordan By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1877 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02453 Rorate Rorate By Scottish traditional tune DP09.3 MV27 GHC02454 God Eternal, Lord of All Rosebank, 77.77 By Anonymous, before 1908 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02454 Rosebank, 77.77 Rosebank, 77.77 By Anonymous, before 1908 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02455 Rosedale, LM Rosedale, LM By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02455 Shall Man, O God of Light and Life Rosedale, LM By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02456 Blessed Are the Sons of God Rosefield, 77.77.77 By Henri Abraham Cesar Malan, 1834 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02456 Rosefield, 77.77.77 Rosefield, 77.77.77 By Henri Abraham Cesar Malan, 1834 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02456 Weary Souls, That Wander Wide Rosefield, 77.77.77 By Henri Abraham Cesar Malan, 1834 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02457 Rose Hill, LM Rose Hill, LM By Joseph Emerson Sweetser, 1849 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02458 From the Eastern Mountains Rosmore, 65.65.D with refrain By Henry G. Trembath, 1893 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02458 Rosmore, 65.65.D with refrain Rosmore, 65.65.D with refrain By Henry G. Trembath, 1893 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02459 None Other Lamb Rossetti, By William Jeater, 1907 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02459 Rossetti, Rossetti, By William Jeater, 1907 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02460 In Our Work and in Our Play Rosslyn, 77.77.77 By English melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02460 Rosslyn, 77.77.77 Rosslyn, 77.77.77 By English melody DP09.3 MV27 GHC02461 Ring Out the Bells for Christmas Ring Out the Bells for Christmas By William Augustine Ogden, 1870 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02462 Give Light, O Lord Rothley, 86.84 By John Goss, 1872 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02462 Rothley, 86.84 Rothley, 86.84 By John Goss, 1872 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02463 Rothwell Rothwell By Geoffrey Shaw 1879-1943 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02464 Rotterdam, 76.76 D Rotterdam, 76.76 D By Berthold Tours, 1875 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02465 Rouen, Rouen, By Church melody from Rouen, France DP09.3 MV27 GHC02466 Royal Telephone, The The Royal Telephone By Frederick Martin Lehman, 1919 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02466 The Royal Telephone The Royal Telephone By Frederick Martin Lehman, 1919 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02467 All Things Bright and Beautiful Royal Oak By 17th Century English melody arr. by Martin Shaw DP09.3 MV27 GHC02467 Cdo Gje T'vogel Dhe Te Madhe Royal Oak By 17th Century English melody arr. by Martin Shaw DP09.3 MV27 GHC02467 Jesus, Faithful to His Word Royal Oak By 17th Century English melody arr. by Martin Shaw DP09.3 MV27 GHC02467 Royal Oak Royal Oak By 17th Century English melody arr. by Martin Shaw DP09.3 MV27 GHC02467 Sing the Joy of Easter Day Royal Oak By 17th Century English melody arr. by Martin Shaw DP09.3 MV27 GHC02468 Ruhetag, CMD Ruhetag, CMD By Frederick R. Daries, 1916 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02468 This Day in Jesus' Name We Meet Ruhetag, CMD By Frederick R. Daries, 1916 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02469 Are You Ready for the Coming? Are You Ready for the Coming? By Ada Ruth Habershon, 1907 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02470 Ruskin, CM Ruskin, CM By J. W. Griffith, before 1890 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02471 Come, Let Us Sing Russia, LM By Adapted from Dmitri S. Bortniansky (1751-1825) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02471 Russia, LM Russia, LM By Adapted from Dmitri S. Bortniansky (1751-1825) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02472 God, the Omnipotent! Russian Hymn By Alexis Lvov, 1833 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02472 Russian Hymn Russian Hymn By Alexis Lvov, 1833 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02473 Rustington, 87.87 D Rustington, 87.87 D By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, 1897 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02473 See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph Rustington, 87.87 D By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, 1897 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02474 God's Free Mercy Streameth Ruth, 65.65 D By Samuel Smith (1821-1917), 1865 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02474 Ruth, 65.65 D Ruth, 65.65 D By Samuel Smith (1821-1917), 1865 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02475 How Blest Is He Whose Trespass Rutherford By Chretien Urhan, 1734 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02475 O Lamb of God, Still Keep Me Rutherford By Chretien Urhan, 1734 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02475 Rutherford Rutherford By Chretien Urhan, 1734 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02475 Sands of Time Are Sinking, The Rutherford By Chretien Urhan, 1734 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02476 Ruth (Hartshorn), CMD Ruth (Hartshorn), CMD By W. Irving Hartshorn DP09.3 MV27 GHC02476 Thy Tender Mercies, O My Lord Ruth (Hartshorn), CMD By W. Irving Hartshorn DP09.3 MV27 GHC02477 Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord Sabaoth, 9.10.9 D refrain By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02477 Sabaoth, 9.10.9 D refrain Sabaoth, 9.10.9 D refrain By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02478 Sabbata, CM Sabbata, CM By Henri Frederick Hemy (1818-1888) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02478 Since Jesus Freely Did Appear Sabbata, CM By Henri Frederick Hemy (1818-1888) DP09.3 MV27 GHC02479 Sabbath, 77.77 D Sabbath, 77.77 D By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02479 Safely Through Another Week Sabbath, 77.77 D By Lowell Mason, 1824 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02480 Sacramentum Unitatus, Sacramentum Unitatus, By Charles H. Lloyd, 1885 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02480 Thou, Who at Thy First Eucharist Did Pray Sacramentum Unitatus, By Charles H. Lloyd, 1885 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02481 Sacred Morn, 77.77.77 Sacred Morn, 77.77.77 By William Henry Squires, 1895 DP09.3 MV27 GHC02482 Sacred Fountain Sacred Fountain By William Howard Doane, 1868 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02483 Safely, Safely, 77.77 D Safely, Safely, 77.77 D By William Henry Monk, 1889 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02483 Safely, Safely, Gathered In Safely, Safely, 77.77 D By William Henry Monk, 1889 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02484 Safe in the Arms of Jesus Safe in the Arms of Jesus By William Howard Doane, 1868 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02485 Safe in the Shepherd's Care Safe in the Shepherd's Care By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, 1904 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02486 Saffron Walden, 88.86 Saffron Walden, 88.86 By Arthur Henry Brown, before 1907 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02487 And Can It Be That I Should Gain? Sagina, 88.88.88 with Repeat By Thomas Campbell, 1835 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02487 How Shall the Young Direct Their Way? Sagina, 88.88.88 with Repeat By Thomas Campbell, 1835 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02487 Last Prayer, A Sagina, 88.88.88 with Repeat By Thomas Campbell, 1835 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02487 Sagina, 88.88.88 with Repeat Sagina, 88.88.88 with Repeat By Thomas Campbell, 1835 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02488 Sailing into Port Sailing into Port By Philip Paul Bliss, 1871 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02489 Sail On Sail On By Charles H. Gabriel & Homer A. Rodeheaver DP10.1 MV28 GHC02489 Sail On! Sail On By Charles H. Gabriel & Homer A. Rodeheaver DP10.1 MV28 GHC02490 Salem, irr. Salem, irr. By Methfessel's Songbook, 1818 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02490 When Mothers of Salem Salem, irr. By Methfessel's Songbook, 1818 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02491 Sales, 886 Sales, 886 By F. Champneys DP10.1 MV28 GHC02492 Salisbury, LM Salisbury, LM By Thomas Ravenscroft, Psalmes, 1621 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02493 Our Lord the Path of Suff'ring Trod Salus Mortalium, 88.84.8 By Gesangbuch (Erfurt, Germany1663) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02493 Salus Mortalium, 88.84.8 Salus Mortalium, 88.84.8 By Gesangbuch (Erfurt, Germany1663) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02494 Salvete Flores, LM Salvete Flores, LM By John Bacchus Dykes DP10.1 MV28 GHC02494 Sweet Flow'rets of the Martyr Band Salvete Flores, LM By John Bacchus Dykes DP10.1 MV28 GHC02495 Light of the World, We Hail Thee Salve Domine, D By Lawrence F. Watson DP10.1 MV28 GHC02495 Salve Domine, D Salve Domine, D By Lawrence F. Watson DP10.1 MV28 GHC02496 Hail Thee, Festival Day Salve Festa Dies, 79.77 By Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02496 Salve Festa Dies, 79.77 Salve Festa Dies, 79.77 By Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02497 At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing Salzburg, 77.77 D By Jakob Hintze (1622-1702) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02497 Christ, by Heavenly Hosts Adored Salzburg, 77.77 D By Jakob Hintze (1622-1702) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02497 Salzburg, 77.77 D Salzburg, 77.77 D By Jakob Hintze (1622-1702) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02498 Samson, LM Samson, LM By From George F. Handel (1685-1759) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02498 Trembling Before Thine Awful Throne Samson, LM By From George F. Handel (1685-1759) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02499 Samuel (Monk), 66.66.88 Samuel (Monk), 66.66.88 By William Henry Monk, 1889 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02500 Father, Who Art Alone Samuel (Sullivan), 66.66.88 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02500 Hushed Was the Evening Hymn Samuel (Sullivan), 66.66.88 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02500 Samuel (Sullivan), 66.66.88 Samuel (Sullivan), 66.66.88 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02500 We Give Immortal Praise Samuel (Sullivan), 66.66.88 By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02501 Sanctifying Power Sanctifying Power By Leila Naylor Morris, 1908 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02502 Sancti Venite, 10.10 Sancti Venite, 10.10 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02503 Sanctuary (Dannstrom), 76.76 D Sanctuary (Dannstrom), 76.76 D By Johan Isidor Dannstrom (1821-1897) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02504 From Out the Depths I Cry, O Lord Sandon By Charles Henry Purday (1799-1885) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02504 God of Our Life Sandon By Charles Henry Purday (1799-1885) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02504 Sandon Sandon By Charles Henry Purday (1799-1885) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02504 Unto the Hills Around Do I Lift Up Sandon By Charles Henry Purday (1799-1885) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02505 Sanctuary, Sanctuary, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1871 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02505 Virgin Most Pure, A Sanctuary, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1871 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02506 God Loveth the Righteous Sankey By Ira D. Sankey (1840-1908) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02506 Sankey Sankey By Ira D. Sankey (1840-1908) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02507 Santa Trinita, LM Santa Trinita, LM By E. Pieraccini DP10.1 MV28 GHC02508 Christian, Lo,the Star Appeareth Sardis, 87.87 By Arranged from Ludvig van Beethoven DP10.1 MV28 GHC02508 May the Grace of Christ Our Savior Sardis, 87.87 By Arranged from Ludvig van Beethoven DP10.1 MV28 GHC02508 Sardis, 87.87 Sardis, 87.87 By Arranged from Ludvig van Beethoven DP10.1 MV28 GHC02509 All Hail, Ye Little Martyr Flowers Sarratt (LM) By C. G. E. Ryley DP10.1 MV28 GHC02509 O God, Thou Art My God Alone Sarratt (LM) By C. G. E. Ryley DP10.1 MV28 GHC02509 Sarratt (LM) Sarratt (LM) By C. G. E. Ryley DP10.1 MV28 GHC02510 Sarum, Sarum, By Joseph Barnby, 1868 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02511 Satisfied Satisfied By Ralph E. Hudson (1843-1901) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02512 When I Have Finished My Pilgrimage Here When I Have Finished My Pilgrimage Here By Alfred Henry Ackley, 1909 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02513 Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare Savannah, 77.77 By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02513 Holy Lamb, Who Thee Confess Savannah, 77.77 By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02513 Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee Savannah, 77.77 By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02513 Let Us Plead for Faith Alone Savannah, 77.77 By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02513 Lord, as We Thy Name Profess Savannah, 77.77 By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02513 Savannah, 77.77 Savannah, 77.77 By Foundery Collection, 1742 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02514 Saved! Saved! By Oswald Jeffrey Smith, 1918 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02515 Saved by Grace Saved by Grace By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02516 Saved by the Blood Saved by the Blood By Daniel Brink Towner, circa 1903 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02517 Saved from the Wreck Saved from the Wreck By Henry L. Gilmour (1836-1920) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02518 Savile, Savile, By Charles Harford Lloyd, 1904 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02519 Saving Grace Saving Grace By Julia H. Johnston (1849-1919) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02520 Saving Health, 87.87.887 Saving Health, 87.87.887 By Etliche Christliche Lyeder, 1524 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02521 Savior and Regenerator Savior and Regenerator By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02522 Every Day and Every Hour Every Day and Every Hour By William Howard Doane, circa 1899 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02522 Savior, More Than Life Every Day and Every Hour By William Howard Doane, circa 1899 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02523 And Is the Time Approaching? Savoy Chapel, 76.76 D By John Baptiste Calkin, 1870 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02523 I Need Thee, Precious Jesus Savoy Chapel, 76.76 D By John Baptiste Calkin, 1870 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02523 Savoy Chapel, 76.76 D Savoy Chapel, 76.76 D By John Baptiste Calkin, 1870 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02523 Tis Not That I Did choose Thee Savoy Chapel, 76.76 D By John Baptiste Calkin, 1870 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02524 Jehovah, God the Father, Bless Sawley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02524 Jesus, These Eyes Have Never Seen Sawley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02524 Jesus, Thou Art the Sinner's Friend Sawley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02524 O How the Thought of God Attracts Sawley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02524 O Why So Far Removed Sawley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02524 Sawley, CM Sawley, CM By James Walch, 1860 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02525 Saxony, LM Saxony, LM By Christliche Gesangbuchlein, 1568 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02526 I Thought upon the Days of Old Saxony (Kirkpatrick), CM By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02526 Saxony (Kirkpatrick), CM Saxony (Kirkpatrick), CM By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02527 Stand by the Bible Stand by the Bible By Franklin Edson Belden (1858-1945) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02528 Stand by the Right Stand by the Right By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02529 Scattering Precious Seed Scattering Precious Seed By William Augustine Ogden (1841-1897) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02530 Sleep, Baby, Sleep Sleep, Baby, Sleep By North German lullaby DP10.1 MV28 GHC02531 Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness Schmucke Dich By Johann Cruger, 1649 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02531 Schmucke Dich Schmucke Dich By Johann Cruger, 1649 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02532 Schubert, 76.76 D Schubert, 76.76 D By Arr from Franz Schubert by W.W. Gilchrist, 1895 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02533 Oh, Come, Little Children Schulz By Johann A. P. Schulz (1747-1800) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02533 Schulz Schulz By Johann A. P. Schulz (1747-1800) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02534 Hail to the Sabbath Day Schumann, SM By Mason & Webb's Cantica Laudis, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02534 Jesus Invites His Saints Schumann, SM By Mason & Webb's Cantica Laudis, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02534 Not by Thy Mighty Hand Schumann, SM By Mason & Webb's Cantica Laudis, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02534 O Blessed Son of God Schumann, SM By Mason & Webb's Cantica Laudis, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02534 Our Day of Praise Is Done Schumann, SM By Mason & Webb's Cantica Laudis, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02534 Parting Hymn We Sing, A Schumann, SM By Mason & Webb's Cantica Laudis, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02534 Schumann, SM Schumann, SM By Mason & Webb's Cantica Laudis, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02534 We Give Thee but Thine Own Schumann, SM By Mason & Webb's Cantica Laudis, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02535 Scotland, Scotland, By John Clarke, before 1879 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02535 Voice of Free Grace Cries, The Scotland, By John Clarke, before 1879 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02536 Be Not Afraid Be Not Afraid By Adapted from Gounod by I. H. Meredith, 1903 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02536 Sealed Was the Tomb Be Not Afraid By Adapted from Gounod by I. H. Meredith, 1903 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02537 Carson, 77.87 Carson, 77.87 By Isaac H. Meredith, 1900 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02537 Seal Us, O Holy Spirit Carson, 77.87 By Isaac H. Meredith, 1900 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02538 Search Light Search Light By Bertha M. Schweizer, 1894 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02539 Praise for Thee, Lord, in Zion Waits Seasons, LM By Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757-1831) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02539 Seasons, LM Seasons, LM By Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757-1831) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02540 It Is Finished (Gillett) Sebastian, By Melody from J. Freylinghausen's Gesanbuch, 1714 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02540 Sebastian, Sebastian, By Melody from J. Freylinghausen's Gesanbuch, 1714 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02541 Behold the Bridegroom Cometh (Moultrie) Second Mode Melody, CMD By Thomas tallis (1515-1585) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02541 Second Mode Melody, CMD Second Mode Melody, CMD By Thomas tallis (1515-1585) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02542 Secret Prayer Secret Prayer By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1922 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02543 Sedulius, LM Sedulius, LM By Nurnbergisches Gesangbuch, 1676 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02544 Seeking for Me Seeking for Me By E. E. Hasty DP10.1 MV28 GHC02544 Seeking for Me (Thai) Seeking for Me By E. E. Hasty DP10.1 MV28 GHC02545 Seeking the Lost (Buchanan) Seeking the Lost (Buchanan) By A. J. Buchanan, 1889 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02546 Seeking the Lost Seeking the Lost By William Augustine Ogden (1841-1897) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02546 Seeking the Lost (Ogden) Seeking the Lost By William Augustine Ogden (1841-1897) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02547 Seek Ye First Seek Ye First By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02548 Jesu, geh voran Seelenbrautigam, 55.88.55 By Adam Drese, 1698 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02548 Jesus, Still Lead On Seelenbrautigam, 55.88.55 By Adam Drese, 1698 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02548 Round Me Falls the Night Seelenbrautigam, 55.88.55 By Adam Drese, 1698 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02548 Seelenbrautigam, 55.88.55 Seelenbrautigam, 55.88.55 By Adam Drese, 1698 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02549 Sefton, LM Sefton, LM By John Baptiste Calkin, 1872 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02550 Selby, CM Selby, CM By A. J. Eyre DP10.1 MV28 GHC02551 O Love Divine, What Hast Thou Done Selena, 8888.8888 By Isaac Baker Woodbury, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02551 Selena, 8888.8888 Selena, 8888.8888 By Isaac Baker Woodbury, 1850 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02552 Sellinge, CM Sellinge, CM By John Pike Hullah (1812-1884) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02552 We Know Thee Who Thou Art Sellinge, CM By John Pike Hullah (1812-1884) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02553 Fair Waved the Golden Corn Selma, SM By Adapted by R. A. Smith (1780-1829) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02553 Selma, SM Selma, SM By Adapted by R. A. Smith (1780-1829) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02554 If, on a Quiet Sea Selvin, SM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02554 Selvin, SM Selvin, SM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02555 For Ever We Would Gaze on Thee Semper Aspectemus, CM By J. H. Casson DP10.1 MV28 GHC02555 Hail Father, Whose Creating Call Semper Aspectemus, CM By J. H. Casson DP10.1 MV28 GHC02555 Semper Aspectemus, CM Semper Aspectemus, CM By J. H. Casson DP10.1 MV28 GHC02556 Somebody Else Needs a Blessing Somebody Else Needs a Blessing By Eliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, 1917 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02557 Send a Wave of Salvation Today Send a Wave of Salvation Today By Johnson Oatman, Jr., circa 1922 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02558 Send Out a Light Send Out a Light By Mary Bernstecher, 1916 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02559 Send Out the Sunlight Send Out the Sunlight By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02560 Send the Gospel Light Send the Gospel Light By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02561 McCabe McCabe By Charles H. Gabriel (1856-1932) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02561 Send the Light McCabe By Charles H. Gabriel (1856-1932) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02562 Send Thy Blessing Send Thy Blessing By Irvin H. Mack DP10.1 MV28 GHC02563 Immortal Love, Forever Full Serenity, CM By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1856 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02563 O God, the God That Saveth Me Serenity, CM By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1856 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02563 O Lord, While We Confess the Worth Serenity, CM By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1856 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02563 O Thou, in All Thy Might So Far Serenity, CM By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1856 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02563 Serenity, CM Serenity, CM By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1856 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02563 We May Not Climb the Heavenly Steeps Serenity, CM By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1856 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02564 O God, Within Whose Sight Serug, By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02564 Serug, Serug, By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02565 Service, CMD Service, CMD By Lorin Webster (1857-?) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02565 Toil of Brain, or Heart, or Hand, The Service, CMD By Lorin Webster (1857-?) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02566 Lord, I Am Thine, Entirely Thine Sessions, LM By Luther Orlando Emerson (1820-1915) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02566 Lord, We Are Blind Sessions, LM By Luther Orlando Emerson (1820-1915) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02566 Sessions, LM Sessions, LM By Luther Orlando Emerson (1820-1915) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02566 Wait, O Soul, Thy Maker's Will Sessions, LM By Luther Orlando Emerson (1820-1915) DP10.1 MV28 GHC02567 O Lord, and Is Thy Table Spread? Sewall, LM By WordsP. Doddridge MusicFrank Sewall DP10.1 MV28 GHC02567 Sewall, LM Sewall, LM By WordsP. Doddridge MusicFrank Sewall DP10.1 MV28 GHC02568 Holy Spirit, from on High Seymour, 77.77 By From Carl Maria von Weber, 1826 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02568 Lord, I Cannot Let Thee Go Seymour, 77.77 By From Carl Maria von Weber, 1826 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02568 Lord, This Day Thy Children Meet Seymour, 77.77 By From Carl Maria von Weber, 1826 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02568 Lord, to Me Thy Ways Make Known Seymour, 77.77 By From Carl Maria von Weber, 1826 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02568 Seymour, 77.77 Seymour, 77.77 By From Carl Maria von Weber, 1826 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02568 Softly Now the Light of Day Seymour, 77.77 By From Carl Maria von Weber, 1826 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02568 Suppliant, Lo! Seymour, 77.77 By From Carl Maria von Weber, 1826 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02569 Shine for Jesus Where You Are Shine for Jesus Where You Are By Harry Dixon Loes, ca. 1915 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02570 Shackelford, CMD Shackelford, CMD By Frederick Henry Cheesewright, circa 1889 DP10.1 MV28 GHC02571 Shall I Be Saved Tonight? Shall I Be Saved Tonight? By Mrs. N. Bliss Wilson DP10.1 MV28 GHC02572 Shall You? Shall I? Shall You? Shall I? By G. M. J., 1887 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02573 Sharon, LM Sharon, LM By Frederick Arthur Gore-Ouseley (1825-1889) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02574 Shall We Meet? Shall We Meet? By H. L. Hastings DP10.2 MV29 GHC02575 Shawmut, SM Shawmut, SM By Arranged by Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02576 Praises of Thy Wonders, The Sheffield, CM By William Mather DP10.2 MV29 GHC02576 Sheffield, CM Sheffield, CM By William Mather DP10.2 MV29 GHC02577 Sheltered Dale, 86.86.86 Sheltered Dale, 86.86.86 By German traditional melody DP10.2 MV29 GHC02578 No Longer of Him Be It Said Sheltering Wing, LM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02578 Sheltering Wing, LM Sheltering Wing, LM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02579 Sheltering Rock, The Sheltering Rock, The By W. E. Penn DP10.2 MV29 GHC02580 Shepherd's Fold on High, The Shepherd's Fold on High, The By John Robson Sweney, circa 1892 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02581 Lovingly the Shepherd Shepherd Care, 65.65 refrain By Ukranian, arr by William H. Hewlett (1873-1940) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02581 Shepherd Care, 65.65 refrain Shepherd Care, 65.65 refrain By Ukranian, arr by William H. Hewlett (1873-1940) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02582 Shepherd of Love, The The Shepherd of Love By Albert Simpson Reitz, circa 1911 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02582 The Shepherd of Love The Shepherd of Love By Albert Simpson Reitz, circa 1911 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02583 Shepton-Beauchamp, LM Shepton-Beauchamp, LM By English traditional melody DP10.2 MV29 GHC02584 See the Gold upon the Hills Sherborne (Mendelssohn), 77.77 By Arranged from Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02584 Sherborne (Mendelssohn), 77.77 Sherborne (Mendelssohn), 77.77 By Arranged from Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02585 Bishop of the Souls of Men Sherborne (Monk), 77.77.77 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02585 Sherborne (Monk), 77.77.77 Sherborne (Monk), 77.77.77 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02586 Beyond, Beyond That Boundless Sea Sherwood, 86.86.86 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02586 Sherwood, 86.86.86 Sherwood, 86.86.86 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02587 She Only Touched the Hem of His Garment The Hem of His Garment By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02587 The Hem of His Garment The Hem of His Garment By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02588 Shining for Jesus Shining for Jesus By C. C. Case DP10.2 MV29 GHC02589 Shiplake, Shiplake, By E. Hulton DP10.2 MV29 GHC02589 Unchanging God, Hear from Eternal Heav'n Shiplake, By E. Hulton DP10.2 MV29 GHC02590 Firmly I Believe and Truly Shipston, 87.87 By English melody arr Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02590 Shipston, 87.87 Shipston, 87.87 By English melody arr Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02591 By Christ Redeemed, by Christ Restored Shoreham, 88.84 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02591 Shoreham, 88.84 Shoreham, 88.84 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02592 O Lord, Our God, Almighty King Shortle, 886 D repeat By Charles G. Goodrich (1869-?) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02592 O People Blest, Whose Sons in Youth Shortle, 886 D repeat By Charles G. Goodrich (1869-?) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02592 Shortle, 886 D repeat Shortle, 886 D repeat By Charles G. Goodrich (1869-?) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02593 Shottery, 88.88.88 Shottery, 88.88.88 By Everard W. Hulton (1845-?) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02593 Sweet Savior, in Thy Pitying Grace Shottery, 88.88.88 By Everard W. Hulton (1845-?) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02594 Shouting His Praise Shouting His Praise By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby,1892 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02595 Dulce Comunion Leaning on the Everlasting Arms By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1887 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02595 Khanapaquiwa Leaning on the Everlasting Arms By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1887 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02595 Kusisqa Kani Leaning on the Everlasting Arms By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1887 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02595 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Leaning on the Everlasting Arms By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1887 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02596 Showers of Blessing Showers of Blessing By Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02597 Showers of Blessing (MacLagan), 87.87.3 Showers of Blessing (MacLagan), 87.87.3 By William Daylrymple MacLagan, 1884 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02598 Shropshire, LM Shropshire, LM By Edwrard John Hopkins, 1844 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02599 Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing (Fawcett) Sicilian Mariners By Sicilian melody, 1794 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02599 Sicilian Mariners Sicilian Mariners By Sicilian melody, 1794 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02600 O Thou Joyful, O Thou Wonderful Sicilian Mariners 2 By Sicilian melody, 1794 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02600 Sicilian Mariners 2 Sicilian Mariners 2 By Sicilian melody, 1794 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02601 In His Temple Now Behold Him Sieh, Hier Bin Ich, 87.87.87 By Geistreiches Gesangbuch, Darmstadt, 1698 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02601 Sieh, Hier Bin Ich, 87.87.87 Sieh, Hier Bin Ich, 87.87.87 By Geistreiches Gesangbuch, Darmstadt, 1698 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02602 Sienna, SM Sienna, SM By W. H. Deane DP10.2 MV29 GHC02603 Silchester, SM Silchester, SM By Henri Abraham Cesar Malan (1787-1864) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02604 Silksworth, 75.75.77 Silksworth, 75.75.77 By Charles John Vincent, Jr. (1852-?) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02605 Silver Hill, LM Silver Hill, LM By Composer uknown DP10.2 MV29 GHC02606 Awake, and Sing the Song Silver Street By Isaac Smith, circa 1770 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02606 Grace, 'Tis a Charming Sound Silver Street By Isaac Smith, circa 1770 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02606 Silver Street Silver Street By Isaac Smith, circa 1770 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02606 Sow in the Morn Thy Seed Silver Street By Isaac Smith, circa 1770 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02606 Stand, Soldier of the Cross Silver Street By Isaac Smith, circa 1770 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02607 Simpson, CM Simpson, CM By From Louis Spohr DP10.2 MV29 GHC02607 While Thee I Seek, Protecting Power Simpson, CM By From Louis Spohr DP10.2 MV29 GHC02608 Lord of Might from Sinai's Brow, The Sinai, 87.87.887 By C. H. Perrot DP10.2 MV29 GHC02608 Sinai, 87.87.887 Sinai, 87.87.887 By C. H. Perrot DP10.2 MV29 GHC02609 Since Jesus Came into My Heart Since Jesus Came into My Heart By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, circa 1914 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02609 Tangu Siku Hiyo Aliponijia Since Jesus Came into My Heart By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, circa 1914 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02610 Singing All the Time Singing All the Time By Rev. E. P. Hammond, 1878 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02611 Singing Today Singing Today By Lida M. Keck, 1914 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02612 Singing I Go Singing I Go By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02613 Singing of Jesus Singing of Jesus By Fanny Anderson, 1887 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02614 Sing Once More of Jesus Sing Once More of Jesus By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1881 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02615 Sing unto God Sing unto God By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02616 Sing Aloud with Gladness Sing Aloud with Gladness By Rev. W. G. Cooper DP10.2 MV29 GHC02617 Sing to Me of Heaven Sing to Me of Heaven By B. B. Beall, 1914 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02618 Sinner, Come to Jesus Sinner, Come to Jesus By A. Roten DP10.2 MV29 GHC02619 St. John Damascene, 76.76 D St. John Damascene, 76.76 D By Arthur Henry Brown (1830-1926) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02620 In Boundless Mercy In Boundless Mercy By Frank Sewall, circa 1910 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02621 Praise the Lord Through Every Nation Sleepers, Wake By Philip Nicolai, 1599 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02621 Sleepers, Wake Sleepers, Wake By Philip Nicolai, 1599 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02622 Slighted Stranger, The The Slighted Stranger By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1908 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02622 The Slighted Stranger The Slighted Stranger By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1908 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02623 Silver Star, The The Silver Star By D. K. En., 1895 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02623 The Silver Star The Silver Star By D. K. En., 1895 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02624 Smile and Sing Smile and Sing By Grant Colfax Tullar DP10.2 MV29 GHC02625 Jesus Is My Best of Friends Smyth, 77.77 D By MusicJulian K. Smyth DP10.2 MV29 GHC02625 Smyth, 77.77 D Smyth, 77.77 D By MusicJulian K. Smyth DP10.2 MV29 GHC02626 Snowfield, SM Snowfield, SM By Lowell Mason, 1844 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02627 Stars of Evening Softly Gleaming Stars of Evening Softly Gleaming By Mary Bradford Whiting, 1902 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02627 Stars of Evening, Softly Gleaming Stars of Evening Softly Gleaming By Mary Bradford Whiting, 1902 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02628 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling By Will Lamartine Thompson, 1880 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02629 Lord Will Happiness Divine, The Soho, CM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02629 O Lord of Life, Thy Quickening Voice Soho, CM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02629 See Israel's Gentle Shepherd Stand Soho, CM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02629 Soho, CM Soho, CM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02629 Talk with Us, Lord Soho, CM By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02630 Soldau, LM Soldau, LM By Geystliche Gesangk Buchleyn, 1524 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02630 Spirit of God, That Moved of Old Soldau, LM By Geystliche Gesangk Buchleyn, 1524 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02630 Where High the Heavenly Temple Stands Soldau, LM By Geystliche Gesangk Buchleyn, 1524 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02631 Conflicting Feelings The Solid Rock By William B. Bradbury, 1863 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02631 Lord Is Coming, The The Solid Rock By William B. Bradbury, 1863 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02631 My Hope Is Built The Solid Rock By William B. Bradbury, 1863 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02631 Por la Justicia de JesŁs The Solid Rock By William B. Bradbury, 1863 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02631 The Solid Rock The Solid Rock By William B. Bradbury, 1863 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02631 With Grateful Heart My Thanks I Bring The Solid Rock By William B. Bradbury, 1863 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02632 I Will Sing My Maker's Praises Sollt' Ich Meinem Gott, By Johann Schop, 1641 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02632 Sollt' Ich Meinem Gott, Sollt' Ich Meinem Gott, By Johann Schop, 1641 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02633 I Love the Lord, He Heard My Voice I Love the LordHe Heard My Voice By Joseph Proud Georg Fredrich Handel DP10.2 MV29 GHC02633 I Love the LordHe Heard My Voice I Love the LordHe Heard My Voice By Joseph Proud Georg Fredrich Handel DP10.2 MV29 GHC02634 O Thou Who Makest Souls to Shine Solothurn, LM By Traditional Swiss melody DP10.2 MV29 GHC02634 Solothurn, LM Solothurn, LM By Traditional Swiss melody DP10.2 MV29 GHC02635 Somebody Came and Lifted Me Somebody Came and Lifted Me By Robert Harkness, 1907 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02636 Somebody Cares Somebody Cares By Fannie Edna Stafford, 1910 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02637 Someone Is Looking to You Someone Is Looking to You By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, circa 1906 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02638 Someone Must Tell the Glad Story Someone Must Tell the Story By Adam Geibel, circa 1921 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02638 Someone Must Tell the Story Someone Must Tell the Story By Adam Geibel, circa 1921 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02639 Someone's Last Call Someone's Last Call By Edna R. Worrwell DP10.2 MV29 GHC02640 Dear Shepherd of Thy People, Hear Somerset, CM By William Henry Hewlett (1873-1940) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02640 Somerset, CM Somerset, CM By William Henry Hewlett (1873-1940) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02641 Come, for the Feast Is Spread Something for Jesus, By Robert Lowry, 1871 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02641 Savior, Thy Dying Love Something for Jesus, By Robert Lowry, 1871 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02641 Something for Jesus, Something for Jesus, By Robert Lowry, 1871 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02642 Sometime Sometime By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02642 Sometime (Hewitt) Sometime By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02643 Sometime We'll Understand Sometime We'll Understand By James McGranahan, circa 1891 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02644 Some Day Some Day By Charles Albert Tindley, 1906 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02645 Some Day He'll Make It Plain Some Day He'll Make It Plain By Lida Shivers Leech, 1921 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02646 Some Sweet Day Some Sweet Day By Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1919) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02646 Some Sweet Morn Some Sweet Day By Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1919) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02647 God, Who Made the Earth Sommerleid, 56.64 By Herman von Muller (1859-?) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02647 Sommerleid, 56.64 Sommerleid, 56.64 By Herman von Muller (1859-?) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02648 Some Sweet Day My Lord Will Come Some Sweet Day My Lord Will Come By J. O. Hillyer DP10.2 MV29 GHC02649 Song 13 (Gibbons), 77.77 Song 13 (Gibbons), 77.77 By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02650 Eternal Ruler of the Ceaseless Round Song 1, By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02650 Song 1, Song 1, By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02651 Love of the Father Song 22 (Gibbons), By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02651 Song 22 (Gibbons), Song 22 (Gibbons), By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02652 And Truly It Is a Most Glorious Thing Song 24 (Gibbons), 10.10.10 D By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02652 Song 24 (Gibbons), 10.10.10 D Song 24 (Gibbons), 10.10.10 D By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02653 He Wants Not Friends That Hath Thy Love Song 34 (Gibbons), LM By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02653 Jesu, My Savior, Brother, Friend Song 34 (Gibbons), LM By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02653 Song 34 (Gibbons), LM Song 34 (Gibbons), LM By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02654 Drop, Drop, Slow Tears Song 46 (Gibbons) By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02654 Song 46 (Gibbons) Song 46 (Gibbons) By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02655 Song 4 (Gibbons), Song 4 (Gibbons), By Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02656 Are Al lthe Foes of Sion Fools Song 67 (Gibbons), CM By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02656 Lo! What a Glorious Sight Appears Song 67 (Gibbons), CM By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02656 Lord, from the Depths to Thee I Cried Song 67 (Gibbons), CM By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02656 O Sing a New Song to the Lord Song 67 (Gibbons), CM By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02656 Song 67 (Gibbons), CM Song 67 (Gibbons), CM By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02656 Within the Maddening Maze of Things Song 67 (Gibbons), CM By Orlando Gibbons, 1623 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02657 Sons of Labor, Dear to Jesus Sons of Labour, 87.87 D By John Stainer, 1889 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02657 Sons of Labour, 87.87 D Sons of Labour, 87.87 D By John Stainer, 1889 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02659 Soon Shall We See the Glorious Morning The Glorious Morning By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02659 The Glorious Morning The Glorious Morning By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02660 Oh, What a Change! Oh, What a Change! By Robert Harkness, 1905 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02660 Soon Will Our Savior from Heaven Appear Oh, What a Change! By Robert Harkness, 1905 DP10.2 MV29 GHC02661 Night, with Ebon Pinion Sorrows, By Joseph P. Powell DP10.2 MV29 GHC02661 Sorrows, Sorrows, By Joseph P. Powell DP10.2 MV29 GHC02662 Someone Shall Go Someone Shall Go By Sarah Geraldine Stock (1838-1898) DP10.2 MV29 GHC02663 Sound the Alarm! Sound the Alarm! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02664 Sound the Battle Cry Sound the Battle Cry By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02665 Softly the Silent Night Southampton, By Anonymous DP10.3 MV30 GHC02665 Southampton, Southampton, By Anonymous DP10.3 MV30 GHC02666 Southport, SM Southport, SM By Rev. J. Davies DP10.3 MV30 GHC02667 And Will the Judge Descend? Southwell (Daman), SM By William Daman, 1579 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02667 Lord Jesus, Think on Me Southwell (Daman), SM By William Daman, 1579 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02667 Not All the Blood of Beasts Southwell (Daman), SM By William Daman, 1579 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02667 O Lord, How Many They Southwell (Daman), SM By William Daman, 1579 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02667 Southwell (Daman), SM Southwell (Daman), SM By William Daman, 1579 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02668 How Sad Our State by Nature Is! Southwell (Irons), CM By Herbert Stephen Irons, 1861 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02668 Southwell (Irons), CM Southwell (Irons), CM By Herbert Stephen Irons, 1861 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02669 Sowing with Song and Prayer Sowing with Song and Prayer By A. F. Myers, 1897 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02670 So lange Jesus bleibt der Herr So Lange Jesus Bleibt, LM By Gemeinden Russlands (Halbstadt:1914) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02670 So Lange Jesus Bleibt, LM So Lange Jesus Bleibt, LM By Gemeinden Russlands (Halbstadt:1914) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02671 So Near to the Kingdom So Near to the Kingdom By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1875 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02672 O Take My Hand, Dear Father So Nimm denn Meine Hande By Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02672 So Nimm denn Meine Hande So Nimm denn Meine Hande By Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02672 So nimm denn meine Hande So Nimm denn Meine Hande By Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02673 Speak, My Lord Speak, My Lord By George Bennard, 1911 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02674 Speak for Jesus Speak for Jesus By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, 1910 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02675 Speak to My Soul Speak to My Soul By Leander Lycurgus Pickett (1859-1928) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02676 Speed Away Speed Away By I. B. Woodbury, circa 1890 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02677 Speed the Light Speed the Light By Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1899 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02678 Spend One Hour with Jesus Spend One Hour with Jesus By Katharine E. Grimes, 1912 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02679 All Praise Be to God Spetisbury, By William Knapp, 1738 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02679 Spetisbury, Spetisbury, By William Knapp, 1738 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02680 Extended on a CursŠd Tree Spires, LM By Klug & Bach DP10.3 MV30 GHC02680 Glory of These Forty Days, The Spires, LM By Klug & Bach DP10.3 MV30 GHC02680 Spires, LM Spires, LM By Klug & Bach DP10.3 MV30 GHC02681 O Breath of Life Spiritus Vitae, 98.98 By Mary J. Hammond, circa 1920 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02681 O Frym' e Jetes, Ti Pershkona Spiritus Vitae, 98.98 By Mary J. Hammond, circa 1920 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02681 Spiritus Vitae, 98.98 Spiritus Vitae, 98.98 By Mary J. Hammond, circa 1920 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02682 As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams Spohr By Louis Spohr, 1835 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02682 O for a Heart of Calm Repose Spohr By Louis Spohr, 1835 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02682 Spohr Spohr By Louis Spohr, 1835 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02683 Sponsa Christi, 87.87 D Sponsa Christi, 87.87 D By Herbert Stanley Oakeley, 1889 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02684 Spring of Souls, 76.76 D Spring of Souls, 76.76 D By Ludvig Mathias Lindeman (1812-1887) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02685 Sri Lampang, Sri Lampang, By Thai folk hymn DP10.3 MV30 GHC02686 See the Shining Dewdrops See the Shining Dewdrops By Anonymous DP10.3 MV30 GHC02687 Some Sweet Day Some Sweet Day By Arthur W. French, 1889 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02688 Some Sweet Day, By and By Some Sweet Day, By and By By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby 1820-1915 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02689 At the Cross, Her Station Keeping Stabat Mater, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02689 By the Cross of Jesus Standing Stabat Mater, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02689 Father, in High Heaven Dwelling Stabat Mater, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02689 Stabat Mater, Stabat Mater, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02690 Near the Cross Was Mary Weeping Stabat Mater (Knight), 87.87 D By H. Knight DP10.3 MV30 GHC02690 Stabat Mater (Knight), 87.87 D Stabat Mater (Knight), 87.87 D By H. Knight DP10.3 MV30 GHC02691 Near the Cross, Her Vigil Keeping Stabat Mater (Mechlin), 887.887 By Proper Mechlin Melody DP10.3 MV30 GHC02691 Stabat Mater (Mechlin), 887.887 Stabat Mater (Mechlin), 887.887 By Proper Mechlin Melody DP10.3 MV30 GHC02692 Stafford, 87.87 D Stafford, 87.87 D By Johann G. C. Storl, arranged by Samuel S Wesley DP10.3 MV30 GHC02693 My Faith, It Is an Oaken Staff The Staff of Faith, By Traditional Swiss melody DP10.3 MV30 GHC02693 The Staff of Faith, The Staff of Faith, By Traditional Swiss melody DP10.3 MV30 GHC02694 Promises Promises By R. Kelso Carter, 1886 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02694 Standing on the Promises Promises By R. Kelso Carter, 1886 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02695 St. Andrew St. Andrew By Sir Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02696 Stand by Me Stand by Me By Charles Albert Tindley (1851-1933) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02697 Stand Up, 76.76 D Stand Up, 76.76 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02698 He Is Gone, a Cloud of Light Stanley, 77.77 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02698 Stanley, 77.77 D Stanley, 77.77 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02699 Star of bethlehemm, The The Star of Bethlehem By Andrew L. Skoog, circa 1921 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02699 The Star of Bethlehem The Star of Bethlehem By Andrew L. Skoog, circa 1921 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02700 Star in the East Star in the East By J. M. Lowrie, 1870 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02701 Starlight, Starlight, By Carl F. Crusius, 1921 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02702 Do You Know How Many Stars? Stars, By German melody DP10.3 MV30 GHC02702 Stars, Stars, By German melody DP10.3 MV30 GHC02703 Star of Morn and Even Star of Morn and Even, 66.55.55 By Francis T. Palgrave, 1862 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02703 Star of Morn and Even, 66.55.55 Star of Morn and Even, 66.55.55 By Francis T. Palgrave, 1862 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02704 Book of Grace and Book of Glory Star of Peace, 87.84.84 By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02704 Star of Peace, 87.84.84 Star of Peace, 87.84.84 By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02705 Church of the Living God State Street, SM By Jonathan C. Woodman, 1844 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02705 Our Heavenly Father Calls State Street, SM By Jonathan C. Woodman, 1844 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02705 State Street, SM State Street, SM By Jonathan C. Woodman, 1844 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02706 Our God, to Whom We Turn Steadfast, By Neu Ordentlich Gesangbuch, 1646 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02706 Steadfast, Steadfast, By Neu Ordentlich Gesangbuch, 1646 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02707 Steady, Brother, Steady Steady, Brother, Steady By Ida L. Reed, circa 1913 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02708 Steal Away to Jesus Steal Away to Jesus By African-American spiritual DP10.3 MV30 GHC02709 Behold, What Wondrous Love and Grace Stella (Hemy), 88.88.88 By Possibly Henry Hemy (1818-1888) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02709 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Stella (Hemy), 88.88.88 By Possibly Henry Hemy (1818-1888) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02709 Father, Who Dost Thy Children Feed Stella (Hemy), 88.88.88 By Possibly Henry Hemy (1818-1888) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02709 My Soul, Inspired with Sacred Love Stella (Hemy), 88.88.88 By Possibly Henry Hemy (1818-1888) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02709 Stella (Hemy), 88.88.88 Stella (Hemy), 88.88.88 By Possibly Henry Hemy (1818-1888) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02709 Ye Fair Green Hills of Galilee Stella (Hemy), 88.88.88 By Possibly Henry Hemy (1818-1888) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02710 Stella (Parker), 83.36.D Stella (Parker), 83.36.D By Horatio W.Parker (1863-1919) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02711 Stella (Wathall), 666.12.12 Stella (Wathall), 666.12.12 By Alfred G. Wathall, circa 1905 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02712 Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid? Stephanos By Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02712 Master, We Thy Footsteps Follow Stephanos By Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02712 Stephanos Stephanos By Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02713 Stepping in the Light Stepping in the Light By William James Kirkpatrick, circa 1891 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02714 Still Sweeter Every Day Still Sweeter Every Day By Charles Austin Miles (1868-1946) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02715 Jesus, Thy Name I Love Stobel, By Arranged by William Henry Havergal, 1860 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02715 Stobel, Stobel, By Arranged by William Henry Havergal, 1860 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02716 Der mange skal komme fra ost og fra vest Stockholm, By Swedish melody, 1694 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02716 Full Many Will Come Stockholm, By Swedish melody, 1694 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02716 Stockholm, Stockholm, By Swedish melody, 1694 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02717 Living Stream, As Crystal Clear, A Stockton, CM By T. Wright DP10.3 MV30 GHC02717 Stockton, CM Stockton, CM By T. Wright DP10.3 MV30 GHC02718 Now to God, Our Strength and Savior Stockwell, 87.87 By Darius Eliot Jones, in Carmina Sacra, 1850 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02718 Silently the Shades of Evening Stockwell, 87.87 By Darius Eliot Jones, in Carmina Sacra, 1850 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02718 Stockwell, 87.87 Stockwell, 87.87 By Darius Eliot Jones, in Carmina Sacra, 1850 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02719 O Lord, Our Strength in Weakness Stoke, 76.76 D By Mrs. G. E. Cole, 1889 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02719 Stoke, 76.76 D Stoke, 76.76 D By Mrs. G. E. Cole, 1889 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02720 In Royal Robes of Splendor Stola Regia, 76.76 D By John Stainer, 1889 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02720 Stola Regia, 76.76 D Stola Regia, 76.76 D By John Stainer, 1889 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02721 Believing Fathers Oft Have Told Stonypath, By Charles MacPherson, 1916 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02721 Stonypath, Stonypath, By Charles MacPherson, 1916 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02722 O'er the Distant Mountains Breaking Storl, 87.87.77 By J. G. C. Storl, 1744 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02722 Storl, 87.87.77 Storl, 87.87.77 By J. G. C. Storl, 1744 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02723 On Jordan's Stormy Banks On Jordan's Stormy Banks By Samuel Stennett, 1787 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02723 On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand On Jordan's Stormy Banks By Samuel Stennett, 1787 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02724 Come, Holy Spirit, Calm My Mind Storrs, LM By Timothy R. Matthews DP10.3 MV30 GHC02724 Friend of Sinners Dies, The Storrs, LM By Timothy R. Matthews DP10.3 MV30 GHC02724 Storrs, LM Storrs, LM By Timothy R. Matthews DP10.3 MV30 GHC02725 Story That Never Grows Old, The Story That Never Grows Old, The By Ira David Sankey, circa 1901 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02726 Lord of All Power and Might Stowell, 664.66.64 By Isaac H. Meredith (1872-?) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02726 Stowell, 664.66.64 Stowell, 664.66.64 By Isaac H. Meredith (1872-?) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02727 All as God Wills Stracathro, CM By Charles Hutcheson (1792-1860) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02727 O Lord, My God, Most Earnestly Stracathro, CM By Charles Hutcheson (1792-1860) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02727 Stracathro, CM Stracathro, CM By Charles Hutcheson (1792-1860) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02728 Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray Straf Mich Nicht, By Hundert Arien, Dresden, Germany, 1694 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02728 Straf Mich Nicht, Straf Mich Nicht, By Hundert Arien, Dresden, Germany, 1694 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02729 Stranger of Galilee, The The Stranger of Galilee By Leila Naylor Morris (1862-1929) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02729 The Stranger of Galilee The Stranger of Galilee By Leila Naylor Morris (1862-1929) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02730 My Lord, My Master, at Thy Feet Adoring Strength and Stay, By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02730 O Strength and Stay Strength and Stay, By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02730 Strength and Stay, Strength and Stay, By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02731 O Lord, Our Fathers Oft Have Told Stukely, CM By From Mendelssohn DP10.3 MV30 GHC02731 Stukely, CM Stukely, CM By From Mendelssohn DP10.3 MV30 GHC02732 Earth Has Many a Noble City Stuttgart By Christian Friedrich Witt (1660-1716) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02732 God, My King, Thy Might Confessing Stuttgart By Christian Friedrich Witt (1660-1716) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02732 O My Soul, Bless God the Father Stuttgart By Christian Friedrich Witt (1660-1716) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02732 Stuttgart Stuttgart By Christian Friedrich Witt (1660-1716) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02733 O God, the Joy of Heav'n Above Styall, LM By W. Statham DP10.3 MV30 GHC02733 Styall, LM Styall, LM By W. Statham DP10.3 MV30 GHC02734 Fierce Raged the Tempest O'er the Deep St. Aelred, 88.84 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02734 St. Aelred, 88.84 St. Aelred, 88.84 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02735 St. Agatha, 77.74 St. Agatha, 77.74 By Thomas Bishop Southgate (1814-1868) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Bride of the Lamb, Awake, Awake St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Calm on the Listening Ear of Night St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Father of Love St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 God of the Nations, Near and Far St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Happy the Home When God Is There St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 I Know Not How That bethlehemm's Babe St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Jesus, United by Thy Grace St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Mid All the Traffic of the Ways St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 None Is Like God St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 O Hope of Every Contrite Heart St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 O, for a Faith That Will Not Shrink St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Once More We Come Before Our God St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02736 St. Agnes, CM St. Agnes, CM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02737 St. Alban's, 65.65 D St. Alban's, 65.65 D By Thomas Morley, 1867 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02737 Those Eternal Bowers St. Alban's, 65.65 D By Thomas Morley, 1867 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02738 Jesus, King of Glory St. Alban, 65.65 refrain By Franz Josef Haydn, 1775 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02738 St. Alban, 65.65 refrain St. Alban, 65.65 refrain By Franz Josef Haydn, 1775 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02738 Standing at the Portal St. Alban, 65.65 refrain By Franz Josef Haydn, 1775 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02739 O Scorned and Outcast Lord St. Alban (Steggall), 87.87 By C. Steggall DP10.3 MV30 GHC02739 St. Alban (Steggall), 87.87 St. Alban (Steggall), 87.87 By C. Steggall DP10.3 MV30 GHC02740 St. Albinus, 78.784 St. Albinus, 78.784 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02741 O Source Divine, and Life of All St. Alkmund, LM By Early Music for Church Choirs, 1853 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02741 St. Alkmund, LM St. Alkmund, LM By Early Music for Church Choirs, 1853 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02742 Brief Life Is Here Our Portion St. Alphege, 76.76 By Henry John Gauntlett, 1852 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02742 O Heavenly Jerusalem St. Alphege, 76.76 By Henry John Gauntlett, 1852 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02742 O That the Lord's Salvation St. Alphege, 76.76 By Henry John Gauntlett, 1852 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02742 St. Alphege, 76.76 St. Alphege, 76.76 By Henry John Gauntlett, 1852 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02743 God Whom Earth, and Sea, and Sky, The St. Ambrose, LM By From La Feillee, 1782 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02743 Praises of That Saint We Sing, The St. Ambrose, LM By From La Feillee, 1782 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02743 Receive, O Lord, in Heaven Above St. Ambrose, LM By From La Feillee, 1782 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02743 St. Ambrose, LM St. Ambrose, LM By From La Feillee, 1782 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02744 From the Depths of Sin and Failure St. Ambrose (Cecil), 87.87 D By Richard Cecil (1748-1810) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02744 St. Ambrose (Cecil), 87.87 D St. Ambrose (Cecil), 87.87 D By Richard Cecil (1748-1810) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02745 St. Anatolius (Brown), 76.76.88 St. Anatolius (Brown), 76.76.88 By Arthur Henry Brown (1830-1926) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02746 St. Anatolius, St. Anatolius, By John Bacchus Dykes DP10.3 MV30 GHC02747 Beside the Gospel Pool St. Andrew, 66.86 By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02747 St. Andrew, 66.86 St. Andrew, 66.86 By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02747 To Thee, O God, in Heaven St. Andrew, 66.86 By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02748 Christian, Dost Thou See Them? St. Andrew of Crete, 65.65 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02748 St. Andrew of Crete, 65.65 D St. Andrew of Crete, 65.65 D By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02749 Like Zion's Steadfast Mount Are They St. Andrew (Tans'ur) By William Tans'ur, 1735 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02749 St. Andrew (Tans'ur) St. Andrew (Tans'ur) By William Tans'ur, 1735 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02750 St. Andrew (Thorne), 87.87 St. Andrew (Thorne), 87.87 By Edward Henry Thorne, 1875 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02751 Hail! Father, Son and Spirit Great St. Anne By William Croft, 1708 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02751 Lord, as to Thy Dear Cross We Flee St. Anne By William Croft, 1708 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02751 Lovers of Pleasure More Than God St. Anne By William Croft, 1708 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02751 O God, Our Words cannot Express St. Anne By William Croft, 1708 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02751 O God, the Help of All Thy Saints St. Anne By William Croft, 1708 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02751 O Lord and Master of Us All St. Anne By William Croft, 1708 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02751 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past St. Anne By William Croft, 1708 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02751 St. Anne St. Anne By William Croft, 1708 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02752 Dawn of God's Dear Sabbath, The St. Anselm, 76.76 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02752 St. Anselm, 76.76 D St. Anselm, 76.76 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02752 Thy Word, O God, Declareth St. Anselm, 76.76 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP10.3 MV30 GHC02753 At Thy Feet, Our God and Father St. Asaph, 87.87D By Wiliam S. Bambridge, 1872 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02753 Lord of Light, Whose Name Outshineth St. Asaph, 87.87D By Wiliam S. Bambridge, 1872 DP10.3 MV30 GHC02753 St. Asaph, 87.87D St. Asaph, 87.87D By Wiliam S. Bambridge, 1872 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02754 St. Athanasius, 77.77.77 St. Athanasius, 77.77.77 By Edward john Hopkins, 1872 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02755 Dear Master, in Thy Way St. Augustine, SM By Chorale Songs for Four Voices, 1769 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02755 St. Augustine, SM St. Augustine, SM By Chorale Songs for Four Voices, 1769 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02756 For Thy Mercy and Thy Grace St. Austell, 77.77 By Arthur Henry Brown, 1876 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02756 St. Austell, 77.77 St. Austell, 77.77 By Arthur Henry Brown, 1876 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02757 Lo! The Mighty God Appearing St. Austin, 87.87.47 By Gregorian chant in Bristol Tune Book, 1876 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02757 St. Austin, 87.87.47 St. Austin, 87.87.47 By Gregorian chant in Bristol Tune Book, 1876 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02758 Deem Not That They Are Blest Alone St. Barbara, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02758 St. Barbara, LM St. Barbara, LM By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02759 St. Barnabas, St. Barnabas, By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02760 St. Bartholomew, LM St. Bartholomew, LM By E. H. Thorne DP11.1 MV31 GHC02761 St. Basil the Great, 76.76 D St. Basil the Great, 76.76 D By Charles Villiers Stanford, 1916 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02761 We Hail Thee Now, O Jesu St. Basil the Great, 76.76 D By Charles Villiers Stanford, 1916 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02762 Sower Went Forth Sowing, The St. Beatrice, 76.76.76 D By John Frederick Bridge (1844-1924) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02762 St. Beatrice, 76.76.76 D St. Beatrice, 76.76.76 D By John Frederick Bridge (1844-1924) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02763 St. Bede, 87.87.87 St. Bede, 87.87.87 By P. Armes DP11.1 MV31 GHC02764 Hark, My Soul, It Is the Lord! St. Bees, 77.77 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02764 St. Bees, 77.77 St. Bees, 77.77 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02765 Dear Lord, on This Thy Servant's Day St. Bernard, LM By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02765 Jesu, the Virgins' Crown St. Bernard, LM By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02765 St. Bernard, LM St. Bernard, LM By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02766 All Ye Who Seek for Sure Relief St. Bernard (Richardson), CM By John Richardson (1816-1879) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02766 St. Bernard (Richardson), CM St. Bernard (Richardson), CM By John Richardson (1816-1879) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02766 Wake, Harp of Zion St. Bernard (Richardson), CM By John Richardson (1816-1879) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02766 When Wounded Sore the Stricken Heart St. Bernard (Richardson), CM By John Richardson (1816-1879) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02767 St boniface St boniface By Samuel Howard, 1762 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02768 Come, Lord, and Tarry Not St. Bride, SM By Samuel Howard, 1762 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02768 Far from My Heavenly Home St. Bride, SM By Samuel Howard, 1762 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02768 Have Mercy, Lord on Me St. Bride, SM By Samuel Howard, 1762 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02768 O'erwhelmed in˙ Depths of Woe St. Bride, SM By Samuel Howard, 1762 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02768 St. Bride, SM St. Bride, SM By Samuel Howard, 1762 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 Faith of Our Brothers St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 Faith of Our Fathers St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 Forth from the Dark and Stormy Sky St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 Give Me, O Lord, Right Views of Thee St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 God of the Earth, the Sky, the Sea! St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 O Jesus Christ, Our Lord Most Dear St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 Our Earth We Now Lament to See St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 See, Sinners, in the Gospel Glass St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02769 St. Catherine, 888.8888 St. Catherine, 888.8888 By Henry Frederick Hemy, 1865 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02770 St. Catherine's Court, St. Catherine's Court, By Richard Strutt (1848-1927) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02771 St. Catherine (Dale), 76.76 D St. Catherine (Dale), 76.76 D By R. F. Dale DP11.1 MV31 GHC02772 St. Cecilia (Hampton), LM St. Cecilia (Hampton), LM By Rev. J. Hampton DP11.1 MV31 GHC02773 My Spirit Longs for Thee St. Cecilia By Leighton George Hayne, 1863 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02773 O Love That Casts Out Fear St. Cecilia By Leighton George Hayne, 1863 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02773 St. Cecilia St. Cecilia By Leighton George Hayne, 1863 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02773 Thy Kingdom Come, O Lord St. Cecilia By Leighton George Hayne, 1863 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02773 Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord St. Cecilia By Leighton George Hayne, 1863 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02774 Rest of the Weary St. Cecilia (Sewall) By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02774 St. Cecilia (Sewall) St. Cecilia (Sewall) By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02775 St. Cephas, 65.65 D St. Cephas, 65.65 D By Howard A. Crosbie, 1875 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02776 Beneath the Cross of Jesus St. Christopher By Frederick C. Maker, 1881 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02776 Man Named Nicodemus, A St. Christopher By Frederick C. Maker, 1881 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02776 St. Christopher St. Christopher By Frederick C. Maker, 1881 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02776 Tek Kryqi i Jezusit St. Christopher By Frederick C. Maker, 1881 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02777 Infinite God, to Thee We Raise St. Chrysostom (Ohl), 77.77.77 By Jeremiah Franklin Ohl (1850-1941) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02777 Jesus, Master, Whose I Am St. Chrysostom (Ohl), 77.77.77 By Jeremiah Franklin Ohl (1850-1941) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02777 St. Chrysostom (Ohl), 77.77.77 St. Chrysostom (Ohl), 77.77.77 By Jeremiah Franklin Ohl (1850-1941) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02778 St. Clare, 887.85 St. Clare, 887.85 By A. J. Eyre DP11.1 MV31 GHC02778 Take Not Thought for Food or Raiment St. Clare, 887.85 By A. J. Eyre DP11.1 MV31 GHC02779 Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended, The St. Clement By Clement C. Scholefield, 1874 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02779 O Lord, Our God, in Adoration St. Clement By Clement C. Scholefield, 1874 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02779 Our Father's Love St. Clement By Clement C. Scholefield, 1874 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02779 St. Clement St. Clement By Clement C. Scholefield, 1874 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02780 St. Columb, St. Columb, By W. S. Hoyte DP11.1 MV31 GHC02781 As Now the Sun's Declining Rays St. Columba By Ancient Irish melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02781 How Sweet and Awesome Is This Place St. Columba By Ancient Irish melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02781 King of Love My Shepherd Is, The St. Columba By Ancient Irish melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02781 St. Columba St. Columba By Ancient Irish melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02782 Bible Is a Brilliant Lamp, The St. Columba, CM By Ancient Irish melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02782 St. Columba, CM St. Columba, CM By Ancient Irish melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02783 St. Columba (Irons), 64.66 St. Columba (Irons), 64.66 By Herbert Stephen Irons, 1861 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02784 Jesus, Meek and Gentle St. Constantine, 65.65 By William Henry Monk, 1861 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02784 St. Constantine, 65.65 St. Constantine, 65.65 By William Henry Monk, 1861 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02785 An Awe-full Mystery Is Here St. Crispin By George Job Elvey, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02785 God Loved the World So That He Gave St. Crispin By George Job Elvey, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02785 He Liveth Long Who Liveth Well St. Crispin By George Job Elvey, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02785 St. Crispin St. Crispin By George Job Elvey, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02785 Strong Son of God, Immortal Love St. Crispin By George Job Elvey, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02786 St. Croix, 76.76 D St. Croix, 76.76 D By George Mursell Garrett, 1889 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02787 O Come and Mourn with Me St. Cross, LM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02787 St. Cross, LM St. Cross, LM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02787 That Day of Wrath St. Cross, LM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02787 Twas on That Dark, That Doleful Night St. Cross, LM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02787 While Life Prolongs Its Precious Light St. Cross, LM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1861 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02788 Our Blest Redeemer, ere He Breathed St. Cuthbert By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02788 St. Cuthbert St. Cuthbert By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02789 St. Cyprian, 66.66 St. Cyprian, 66.66 By Richard R. Chope, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02790 St. Cyprian (Goss), LMD St. Cyprian (Goss), LMD By John Goss (1800-1880) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02790 Weep Not for a Brother Deceased St. Cyprian (Goss), LMD By John Goss (1800-1880) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02791 St. Cyprian (Stainer), St. Cyprian (Stainer), By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02792 Christ Is Gone Up St. David, CM By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02792 St. David, CM St. David, CM By Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02793 Be Firm and Be Faithful Joanna By Welsh melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02793 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise Joanna By Welsh melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02793 Joanna Joanna By Welsh melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02793 O Thou Who the Shepherd of Israel Art Joanna By Welsh melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02793 Sound over All Waters Joanna By Welsh melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02793 Though Troubles Assail Us Joanna By Welsh melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02793 We Welcome Glad Easter Joanna By Welsh melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02794 Now, My Soul, Thy Voice Upraising St. Denys, 87.87.87 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02794 St. Denys, 87.87.87 St. Denys, 87.87.87 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02795 St. Denys (Spinney), 66.66 St. Denys (Spinney), 66.66 By Frank S. Spinney, 1876 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02796 St. Drostane, LM St. Drostane, LM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02797 He Who Would Valiant Be St. Dunstan's By Charles Winfred Douglas, 1917 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02797 St. Dunstan's St. Dunstan's By Charles Winfred Douglas, 1917 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02798 Blessed Night, When First That Plain St. Eanswyth, 77.74 By Joseph W. Sidebotham, 1881 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02798 St. Eanswyth, 77.74 St. Eanswyth, 77.74 By Joseph W. Sidebotham, 1881 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02799 O Happy Band of Pilgrims St. Edith (St. Hilda), 76.76 D By Justin H. Knecht, 1799, & Edward Husband, 1871 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02799 O Jesus, Thou Art Standing St. Edith (St. Hilda), 76.76 D By Justin H. Knecht, 1799, & Edward Husband, 1871 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02799 O Master, When Thou Callest St. Edith (St. Hilda), 76.76 D By Justin H. Knecht, 1799, & Edward Husband, 1871 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02799 Sing to the Lord of Harvest St. Edith (St. Hilda), 76.76 D By Justin H. Knecht, 1799, & Edward Husband, 1871 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02799 St. Edith (St. Hilda), 76.76 D St. Edith (St. Hilda), 76.76 D By Justin H. Knecht, 1799, & Edward Husband, 1871 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02800 St. Edmund (Hoyte), CM St. Edmund (Hoyte), CM By W. S. Hoyte DP11.1 MV31 GHC02801 St. Edmund (Steggall), 77.77 D St. Edmund (Steggall), 77.77 D By Charles H. Steggall (1826-1905) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02802 Draw Thou My Soul, O Christ St. Edmund (Sullivan), By Arthur Seymour Sulllivan, 1872 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02802 I'm But a Stranger Here St. Edmund (Sullivan), By Arthur Seymour Sulllivan, 1872 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02802 St. Edmund (Sullivan), St. Edmund (Sullivan), By Arthur Seymour Sulllivan, 1872 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02803 Bright was the guiding star that led St. Ethelreda By Thom­as Tur­ton, 1860 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02803 Shepherd divine, our wants relieve St. Ethelreda By Thom­as Tur­ton, 1860 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02803 St. Ethelreda St. Ethelreda By Thom­as Tur­ton, 1860 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02803 Within the churchyard, side by side St. Ethelreda By Thom­as Tur­ton, 1860 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02804 St. Ethelwald, SM St. Ethelwald, SM By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02805 St. Fabian, 77.77 D St. Fabian, 77.77 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02806 Every Morning the Red Sun St. Faith, 75.75.77 By George Clement Martin, 1889 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02806 St. Faith, 75.75.77 St. Faith, 75.75.77 By George Clement Martin, 1889 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 Behold Us, Lord, a Little Space St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 Fish in Wave, the Bird on Wing, The St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 Have Mercy on Us, God Most High St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 In Full Assurance of Thy Grace St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 Jesus, in Thee Our Eyes Behold St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 My Soul with Expectation St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 Now That the Daylight Dies Away St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 O God, Unseen Yet Ever Near St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 St. Flavian, CM St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 Teach Me the Measure of My Days St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 We Cannot Think of Them as Dead St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02807 With Weary Feet and Saddened Heart St. Flavian, CM By Day's Psalter, 1563 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02808 Fountain of Good, to Own Thy Love St. Frances, CM By George Augustus Lohr (1821-1897) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02808 St. Frances, CM St. Frances, CM By George Augustus Lohr (1821-1897) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02809 O Father, Thou Who hast created all St. Francis (Sullivan) By Ar­thur S. Sul­li­van, 1874 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02809 St. Francis St. Francis (Sullivan) By Ar­thur S. Sul­li­van, 1874 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02810 O God, to Know That Thou Art Just St. Francis Xavier, CM By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02810 St. Francis Xavier, CM St. Francis Xavier, CM By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02811 Round the Sacred City Gather St. Frideswide, 87.87 D By Charles Harford Lloyd, 1889 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02811 St. Frideswide, 87.87 D St. Frideswide, 87.87 D By Charles Harford Lloyd, 1889 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02812 Jesu, Thy Mercies Are Untold St. Fulbert, CM By Henry John Gaunlett (1805-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02812 My God, I Love Thee St. Fulbert, CM By Henry John Gaunlett (1805-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02812 Praise Ye the Lord! On Every Height St. Fulbert, CM By Henry John Gaunlett (1805-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02812 St. Fulbert, CM St. Fulbert, CM By Henry John Gaunlett (1805-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02812 Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem St. Fulbert, CM By Henry John Gaunlett (1805-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02813 How Rich Thy Bounty, King of Kings! St. Gabriel (Greatorex), CM By Henry Wellington Greatorex (1813-1858) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02813 St. Gabriel (Greatorex), CM St. Gabriel (Greatorex), CM By Henry Wellington Greatorex (1813-1858) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02814 St. Gabriel, 88.84 St. Gabriel, 88.84 By F. A. Gore Ouseley DP11.1 MV31 GHC02815 O Father, Who Didst All Things Make St. Gall, LM By Cantarium S. Galli, 1845 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02815 St. Gall, LM St. Gall, LM By Cantarium S. Galli, 1845 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02815 When Shades of Night Around Us Close St. Gall, LM By Cantarium S. Galli, 1845 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02816 St. George's, Bolton, 76.76 D St. George's, Bolton, 76.76 D By James Walch, 1875 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02817 Change Your Church, O God, to Be St. George's Windsor, 77.77 D By George Job Elvey, 1858 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02817 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Leeson) St. George's Windsor, 77.77 D By George Job Elvey, 1858 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02817 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come St. George's Windsor, 77.77 D By George Job Elvey, 1858 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02817 Hark! The Song of Jubilee St. George's Windsor, 77.77 D By George Job Elvey, 1858 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02817 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise St. George's Windsor, 77.77 D By George Job Elvey, 1858 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02817 St. George's Windsor, 77.77 D St. George's Windsor, 77.77 D By George Job Elvey, 1858 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02817 Sweetest Joy the Soul Can Know St. George's Windsor, 77.77 D By George Job Elvey, 1858 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02817 Swell the Anthem, Raise the Song St. George's Windsor, 77.77 D By George Job Elvey, 1858 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02818 Come, Kingdom of Our God St. George (Gauntlett), SM By Henry John Gauntlett, 1848 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02818 Commit Thou All Thy Griefs St. George (Gauntlett), SM By Henry John Gauntlett, 1848 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02818 For Thy Dear Saints St. George (Gauntlett), SM By Henry John Gauntlett, 1848 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02818 God from on High Hath Heard St. George (Gauntlett), SM By Henry John Gauntlett, 1848 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02818 How Welcome Was the Call St. George (Gauntlett), SM By Henry John Gauntlett, 1848 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02818 Praise We the Lord This Day St. George (Gauntlett), SM By Henry John Gauntlett, 1848 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02818 St. George (Gauntlett), SM St. George (Gauntlett), SM By Henry John Gauntlett, 1848 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02818 To Christ, the Prince of Peace St. George (Gauntlett), SM By Henry John Gauntlett, 1848 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02819 Christ Shall Have Dominion St. Gertrude By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02819 Forward Through the Ages St. Gertrude By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02819 Onward, Christian Soldiers St. Gertrude By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02819 St. Gertrude St. Gertrude By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1871 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02820 How Beautiful the Sight St. Godric, 66.66.88 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02820 One Sole Baptismal Sign St. Godric, 66.66.88 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02820 St. Godric, 66.66.88 St. Godric, 66.66.88 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02821 Creator of the Earth and Sky St. Gregory, LM By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02821 Creator of the World, to Thee St. Gregory, LM By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02821 Let Everlasting Glories Crown St. Gregory, LM By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02821 St. Gregory, LM St. Gregory, LM By Johann Balthasar Konig, 1738 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02822 St. Helen, 87.87.87 St. Helen, 87.87.87 By George Clement Martin (1844-1916) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02823 Fierce Was the Wild Billow St. Helena (Allen), By Alfred R. Allen, 1911 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02823 O Word of God Above St. Helena (Allen), By Alfred R. Allen, 1911 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02823 St. Helena (Allen), St. Helena (Allen), By Alfred R. Allen, 1911 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02824 Glory to Thee, O Lord (Beadon) St. Helena, SM By B. Milgrove (Mount Ephraim), 1769 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02824 Glory to Thee, O Lord (Toke) St. Helena, SM By B. Milgrove (Mount Ephraim), 1769 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02824 Lord Jesus, God and Man St. Helena, SM By B. Milgrove (Mount Ephraim), 1769 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02824 St. Helena, SM St. Helena, SM By B. Milgrove (Mount Ephraim), 1769 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02825 St. Hilda (Barnby), 87.87 D St. Hilda (Barnby), 87.87 D By Joseph Barnby, 1861 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02826 Christ, Who Once Among Us St. Hill, By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02826 St. Hill, St. Hill, By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02827 Sing to the Lord the Children's Hymn St. Hugh, CM By English traditional melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02827 St. Hugh, CM St. Hugh, CM By English traditional melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02828 O God of Bethel, by Whose Hand St. Hugh (Hopkins), CM By Edward John Hopkins, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02828 Sing We the Glory of Our God St. Hugh (Hopkins), CM By Edward John Hopkins, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02828 St. Hugh (Hopkins), CM St. Hugh (Hopkins), CM By Edward John Hopkins, 1862 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02829 Day, O Lord, Is Spent, The St. Ignatius (Barnby), SM By Joseph Barnby, 1869 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02829 St. Ignatius (Barnby), SM St. Ignatius (Barnby), SM By Joseph Barnby, 1869 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02830 Once Pledged by the Cross St. Ignatius (Beaumont), By J. Beaumont, 1801 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02830 St. Ignatius (Beaumont), St. Ignatius (Beaumont), By J. Beaumont, 1801 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02831 St. Issey, 10.10 St. Issey, 10.10 By English traditional melody DP11.1 MV31 GHC02832 For All Thy Saints, a Noble Throng St. James, CM By Raph Courteville, 1696 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02832 Fountain of Mercies, God of Love St. James, CM By Raph Courteville, 1696 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02832 Highest and the Holiest Place, The St. James, CM By Raph Courteville, 1696 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02832 O God of Truth St. James, CM By Raph Courteville, 1696 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02832 One Holy Church of God Appears St. James, CM By Raph Courteville, 1696 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02832 St. James, CM St. James, CM By Raph Courteville, 1696 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02832 Thou Art the Way St. James, CM By Raph Courteville, 1696 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02832 Ye Sons of Earth Prepare the Plough St. James, CM By Raph Courteville, 1696 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02833 St. Jerome, 88.88.88 St. Jerome, 88.88.88 By Francis Henry Champneys, 1889 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02834 A Solis Ortus Cardine St. John's Highlands By Anonymous DP11.1 MV31 GHC02834 From Lands That See the Sun Arise St. John's Highlands By Anonymous DP11.1 MV31 GHC02834 Lord Is Great, The St. John's Highlands By Anonymous DP11.1 MV31 GHC02834 Sinners, Obey the Gospel Word St. John's Highlands By Anonymous DP11.1 MV31 GHC02834 St. John's Highlands St. John's Highlands By Anonymous DP11.1 MV31 GHC02834 Within Thy Temple's Sacred Courts St. John's Highlands By Anonymous DP11.1 MV31 GHC02835 Behold the Lamb of God St. John By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02835 St. John St. John By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02836 Around the Throne of God St. John (Parish), 66.66.88 By Parish Choir, 1851 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02836 Christ Is Our Cornerstone St. John (Parish), 66.66.88 By Parish Choir, 1851 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02836 Jehovah Is Our Strength St. John (Parish), 66.66.88 By Parish Choir, 1851 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02836 Let Earth and Heaven Combine St. John (Parish), 66.66.88 By Parish Choir, 1851 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02836 St. John (Parish), 66.66.88 St. John (Parish), 66.66.88 By Parish Choir, 1851 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02836 Within Thy Temple, Lord St. John (Parish), 66.66.88 By Parish Choir, 1851 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02837 St. Joseph, 87.87.77 St. Joseph, 87.87.77 By H. Heathcote Statham, before 1906 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02838 O the Bitter Shame and Sorrow St. Jude, 87.887 By Charles John Vincent, Jr. (1852-1934) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02838 St. Jude, 87.887 St. Jude, 87.887 By Charles John Vincent, Jr. (1852-1934) DP11.1 MV31 GHC02839 O Father, Bless the Children St. Kenelm, 76.76 D By Charles H. Steggall, 1875 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02839 St. Kenelm, 76.76 D St. Kenelm, 76.76 D By Charles H. Steggall, 1875 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02840 Come, O Spirit St. Kevin, 76.76 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02840 Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain St. Kevin, 76.76 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02840 Let Our Choir New Anthems Raise St. Kevin, 76.76 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02840 St. Kevin, 76.76 D St. Kevin, 76.76 D By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02841 Behold, the Master Passeth By St. Lawrence, LM By Leighton George Hayne, 1863 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02841 St. Lawrence, LM St. Lawrence, LM By Leighton George Hayne, 1863 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02842 May the Mind of Christ, My Savior St. Leonards, 87.85 By Arthur Cyril Barham-Gould, 1925 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02842 St. Leonards, 87.85 St. Leonards, 87.85 By Arthur Cyril Barham-Gould, 1925 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02843 O God, Whose Law from Age to Age St. Leonard (Hiles) By Henry Hiles, 1867 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02843 Shadows of the Evening Hours St. Leonard (Hiles) By Henry Hiles, 1867 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02843 St. Leonard (Hiles) St. Leonard (Hiles) By Henry Hiles, 1867 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02843 Thou Art My Hiding Place, O Lord St. Leonard (Hiles) By Henry Hiles, 1867 DP11.1 MV31 GHC02843 Twixt Gleams of Joy and Clouds of Doubt St. Leonard (Hiles) By Henry Hiles, 1867 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02844 Lord, I Would Own Thy Tender Care St. Leonard (Smart), CM By Henry Smart, 1867 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02844 Race That Long in Darkness Pined, The St. Leonard (Smart), CM By Henry Smart, 1867 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02844 St. Leonard (Smart), CM St. Leonard (Smart), CM By Henry Smart, 1867 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02845 O Little Town of Bethlehem St. Louis By Lewis H. Redner, 1868 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02845 Petite Ville, Bethl‚em St. Louis By Lewis H. Redner, 1868 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02845 Qytet i Vogel, Bethlehem St. Louis By Lewis H. Redner, 1868 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02845 St. Louis St. Louis By Lewis H. Redner, 1868 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02846 St. Luke, LM St. Luke, LM By Jeremiah Clarke, 1707 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02846 Yea, as I Live, Jehovah Saith St. Luke, LM By Jeremiah Clarke, 1707 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02847 St. Luke (Heywood), CM St. Luke (Heywood), CM By J. Heywood DP11.2 MV32 GHC02848 Souls of Men, Why Will Ye Scatter St. Mabyn, 87.87 By Arthur Henry Brown (1830-1926) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02848 St. Mabyn, 87.87 St. Mabyn, 87.87 By Arthur Henry Brown (1830-1926) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02849 Afflictions, Though They Seem Severe St. Magnus, CM By Attributed to Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02849 Head That Once Was Crowned, The St. Magnus, CM By Attributed to Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02849 How Hurtful Was the Choice of Lot St. Magnus, CM By Attributed to Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02849 O Thou Whose Feet Have Climbed Life's Hill St. Magnus, CM By Attributed to Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02849 O Will of God Beneath Our Life St. Magnus, CM By Attributed to Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02849 St. Magnus, CM St. Magnus, CM By Attributed to Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02849 Two Brothers Freely Cast Their Lot St. Magnus, CM By Attributed to Jeremiah Clark, 1707 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02850 Holy Father, Thou Hast Given St. Margaret (Booth), 77.77.77 By George Booth DP11.2 MV32 GHC02850 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go St. Margaret (Booth), 77.77.77 By George Booth DP11.2 MV32 GHC02850 St. Margaret (Booth), 77.77.77 St. Margaret (Booth), 77.77.77 By George Booth DP11.2 MV32 GHC02851 O Lord, Regard Me When I Cry St. Margaret, 88.88.86 By Albert Lister Peace, 1884 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02851 St. Margaret, 88.88.86 St. Margaret, 88.88.86 By Albert Lister Peace, 1884 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02852 O Mean May Seem This House of Clay St. Marguerite, CM By Edward C. Walker, 1876 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02852 St. Marguerite, CM St. Marguerite, CM By Edward C. Walker, 1876 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02853 Early, My God, Without Delay St. Mark, CM By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02853 O Still in Accents Sweet and Strong St. Mark, CM By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02853 O Very God of Very God St. Mark, CM By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02853 St. Mark, CM St. Mark, CM By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02853 Think Gently of the Erring One St. Mark, CM By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02854 Jesu, Meek and Lowly St. Martin, 66.66 By Caspar Ett, Canta Sacra, 1840 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02854 St. Martin, 66.66 St. Martin, 66.66 By Caspar Ett, Canta Sacra, 1840 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02855 St. Martin's, CM St. Martin's, CM By William Tans'ur, 1740 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02855 Thy Servant, Blessed by Thee St. Martin's, CM By William Tans'ur, 1740 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02856 St. Martin Orgar, 98.98 D St. Martin Orgar, 98.98 D By C. W. Pearce DP11.2 MV32 GHC02857 O Lord, Turn Not Thy Face from Me St. Mary, CM By Arranged from Prys' Welsh Psalter, 1621 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02857 O Thou, the Eternal Son of God St. Mary, CM By Arranged from Prys' Welsh Psalter, 1621 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02857 St. Mary, CM St. Mary, CM By Arranged from Prys' Welsh Psalter, 1621 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02858 Son of the Highest, Deign to Cast St. Mary Magdalene, CM By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02858 St. Mary Magdalene, CM St. Mary Magdalene, CM By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02859 Earth Belongs unto the Lord, The St. Matthew, CMD By William Croft (1678-1727) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02859 Fountain of Never Ceasing Grace St. Matthew, CMD By William Croft (1678-1727) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02859 How Vast the Benefits Divine St. Matthew, CMD By William Croft (1678-1727) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02859 O God, No Longer Hold Thy Peace St. Matthew, CMD By William Croft (1678-1727) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02859 St. Matthew, CMD St. Matthew, CMD By William Croft (1678-1727) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02860 Behold Us, Lord, Before Thee Met St. Matthias, 88.88.88 By William Henry Monk, 1861 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02860 St. Matthias, 88.88.88 St. Matthias, 88.88.88 By William Henry Monk, 1861 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 Above the Starry Spheres St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 Ancient Law Departs, The St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 How Beauteous Are Their Feet St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 How Can We Sinners Know St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 Let Sighing Cease and Woe St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 Lord God, the Holy Ghost St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 Lord Is Risen Indeed! (Kelly), The St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 Lord, Bless and Pity Us St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 O Bless the Lord, My Soul (Watts) St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 O Come and Dwell in Me St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 O Day of God, Draw Nigh St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 Oh! What, If We Are Christ's St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 St. Michael, SM St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 Stand Up and Bless the Lord St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02861 To God the Only Wise St. Michael, SM By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02862 O Captain of God's Host St. Michael New, By Samuel Sebastian Wesley. 1872 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02862 St. Michael New, St. Michael New, By Samuel Sebastian Wesley. 1872 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02863 St. Nathaniel, CM St. Nathaniel, CM By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02864 O Thou My Soul, Bless God the Lord St. Nicholas (Greene), CM By Maurice Greene (1696-1755) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02864 St. Nicholas (Greene), CM St. Nicholas (Greene), CM By Maurice Greene (1696-1755) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02864 To God I Cried with Mournful Voice St. Nicholas (Greene), CM By Maurice Greene (1696-1755) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02865 Herald, in the Wilderness St. Nicholas (Hoyte), 75.75 By W. S. Hoyte DP11.2 MV32 GHC02865 St. Nicholas (Hoyte), 75.75 St. Nicholas (Hoyte), 75.75 By W. S. Hoyte DP11.2 MV32 GHC02866 O Brightness of the Immortal Father's Face St. Nicholas, By Clement Cotterill Scholefield, 1870 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02866 St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas, By Clement Cotterill Scholefield, 1870 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02867 St. Ninian, St. Ninian, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1866 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02868 Fain Would I, Lord of Grace St. Osmer, SM By C. S. Jekyll DP11.2 MV32 GHC02868 St. Osmer, SM St. Osmer, SM By C. S. Jekyll DP11.2 MV32 GHC02869 St. Osmund, 87.87.47 St. Osmund, 87.87.47 By Herbert Stephen Irons (1834-1905) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02870 Hark! Ten Thousand Voices St. Oswald, 87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1857 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02870 Praise Jehovah, All Ye Nations St. Oswald, 87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1857 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02870 St. Oswald, 87.87 St. Oswald, 87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1857 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02871 How Blest the Matron, Who, Endued St. Patrick (Hogan), LM By F. W. Hogan DP11.2 MV32 GHC02871 St. Patrick (Hogan), LM St. Patrick (Hogan), LM By F. W. Hogan DP11.2 MV32 GHC02872 He That Believes and Is Baptized St. Paul, 87.87.887 By Wittenberg, Germany, 1524 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02872 St. Paul, 87.87.887 St. Paul, 87.87.887 By Wittenberg, Germany, 1524 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02873 St. Paul's, SM St. Paul's, SM By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02874 How Good It Is to Thank the Lord St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 By Attr. to Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky, 1825 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02874 Mighty God, Jehovah, Speaks, The St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 By Attr. to Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky, 1825 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02874 O God, of Good the Unfathomed Sea St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 By Attr. to Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky, 1825 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02874 O Light, Whose Beams Illumine All St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 By Attr. to Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky, 1825 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02874 St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 By Attr. to Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky, 1825 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02874 Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 By Attr. to Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky, 1825 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02874 Weary of Wandering from My God St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 By Attr. to Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky, 1825 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02874 Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin? St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 By Attr. to Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky, 1825 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02874 Whether the Word Be Preached or Read St. Petersburg, 88.88.88 By Attr. to Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky, 1825 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02875 Jesus, Lord of Our Salvation St. Peter's, Westminster, 87.87.87 By James Turle, 1863 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02875 St. Peter's, Westminster, 87.87.87 St. Peter's, Westminster, 87.87.87 By James Turle, 1863 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02876 God Is Our Refuge and Defense St. Peter (Decius), LM By Arranged from Nicolas Decius (?-1541) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02876 St. Peter (Decius), LM St. Peter (Decius), LM By Arranged from Nicolas Decius (?-1541) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 Almighty Father of Mankind St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 Awake, My Soul! To Sound His Praise St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 From Thee All Skill and Science Flow St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 In Christ There Is No East or West St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 In Memory of the Savior's Love St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 My God, Accept My Heart This Day St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 O Come and Sing to God, the Lord St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 O God, Before Thy Sun's Bright Beams St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 O God, Preserve Me St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 O Happy Is the Man Who Hears St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 O Savior! When Thy Loving Hand St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 St. Peter, CM St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02877 Ye That Obey th'Immortal King St. Peter, CM By Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1836 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02878 From Out the Cloud of Amber Light St. Petrox, LM By R. F. Dale DP11.2 MV32 GHC02878 St. Petrox, LM St. Petrox, LM By R. F. Dale DP11.2 MV32 GHC02879 Holy Ghost, My Comforter St. Philip, 888 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02879 St. Philip, 888 St. Philip, 888 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02880 St. Philip and St. James, LM St. Philip and St. James, LM By James Langran (1835-1909) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02880 There Is One Way St. Philip and St. James, LM By James Langran (1835-1909) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02881 In the Lord's Atoning Grief St. Prisca, 77.77 By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02881 St. Prisca, 77.77 St. Prisca, 77.77 By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02881 When Our Heads Are Bowed in Woe St. Prisca, 77.77 By Richard Redhead, 1853 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02882 St. Rotolf, 886 St. Rotolf, 886 By John Henry Gower, 1890 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02882 To Thee, O Comforter Divine St. Rotolf, 886 By John Henry Gower, 1890 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02883 St. Sacrament, St. Sacrament, By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02884 All Praise to Him Who Dwells in Bliss St. Saviour, CM By Frederick George Baker, 1876 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02884 Hark, The Glad Sound! St. Saviour, CM By Frederick George Baker, 1876 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02884 Laden with Guilt, and Full of Fears St. Saviour, CM By Frederick George Baker, 1876 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02884 O God of Hosts, the Mighty Lord St. Saviour, CM By Frederick George Baker, 1876 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02884 St. Saviour, CM St. Saviour, CM By Frederick George Baker, 1876 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02884 There's Not a Tint that Paints the Rose St. Saviour, CM By Frederick George Baker, 1876 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02884 When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem St. Saviour, CM By Frederick George Baker, 1876 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02885 St. Sebastian, 10.10.7 St. Sebastian, 10.10.7 By P. C. Buck DP11.2 MV32 GHC02886 Happy the Man Whose Cautious Feet St. Sepulchre, LM By G. Cooper DP11.2 MV32 GHC02886 St. Sepulchre, LM St. Sepulchre, LM By G. Cooper DP11.2 MV32 GHC02886 When at Thy Footstool, Lord, I Bend St. Sepulchre, LM By G. Cooper DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 Awake, Glad Soul St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 Behold the Amazing Gift of Love St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 God's Glory Is a Wondrous Thing St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 In Token That Shou Shalt Not Fear St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 It Is the Blood that Washes White St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 King Shall Come when the Morning Dawns, The St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 O Light, from Age to Age the Same St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 St. Stephen, CM St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 To Our Redeemer's Glorious Name St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02887 When Morning Lights the Eastern Skies St. Stephen, CM By William Jones, 1789 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02888 Days and Moments Quickly Flying St. Sylvester, 87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02888 Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer St. Sylvester, 87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02888 In Thy Wrath and Hot Displeasure St. Sylvester, 87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02888 St. Sylvester, 87.87 St. Sylvester, 87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02888 Tarry with Me St. Sylvester, 87.87 By John Bacchus Dykes, 1862 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02889 All Glory, Laud and Honor St. Theodulph, 7 6 7 6 D (Iambic) By Melchior Teschner, 1615 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02889 J‚sus Sort de la Tombe St. Theodulph, 7 6 7 6 D (Iambic) By Melchior Teschner, 1615 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02889 Que Toda Honra e Gl˘ria St. Theodulph, 7 6 7 6 D (Iambic) By Melchior Teschner, 1615 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02889 St. Theodulph, 7 6 7 6 D (Iambic) St. Theodulph, 7 6 7 6 D (Iambic) By Melchior Teschner, 1615 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02890 Behold the Throne of Grace St. Thomas, 66.86 By Aaron Williams, 1770 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02890 Built by Jehovah's Hand St. Thomas, 66.86 By Aaron Williams, 1770 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02890 Great God, We Give Thee Praise St. Thomas, 66.86 By Aaron Williams, 1770 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02890 I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord St. Thomas, 66.86 By Aaron Williams, 1770 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02890 O Bless the Lord, My Soul (Montgomery) St. Thomas, 66.86 By Aaron Williams, 1770 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02890 St. Thomas, 66.86 St. Thomas, 66.86 By Aaron Williams, 1770 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02891 Saint of God, Elect and Precious St. Thomas (Webbe) By Samuel Webbe, 1792 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02891 Sing, My Tongue, the Savior's Glory St. Thomas (Webbe) By Samuel Webbe, 1792 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02891 St. Thomas (Webbe) St. Thomas (Webbe) By Samuel Webbe, 1792 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02892 O Holy Ghost, Thy People Bless St. Timothy, CM By Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02892 St. Timothy, CM St. Timothy, CM By Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02893 O Praise Our Great and Gracious Lord St. Ursula, CMD By F. Westlake DP11.2 MV32 GHC02893 St. Ursula, CMD St. Ursula, CMD By F. Westlake DP11.2 MV32 GHC02894 St. Venantius, LM St. Venantius, LM By Rouen church melody DP11.2 MV32 GHC02894 When the Great Sun Sinks to His Rest St. Venantius, LM By Rouen church melody DP11.2 MV32 GHC02894 Why, Impious Herod, Shouldst Thou Fear St. Venantius, LM By Rouen church melody DP11.2 MV32 GHC02895 Hail to the Lord Who Comes St. Veronica, 66.66.66 By Francis Henry Champneys, 1889 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02895 St. Veronica, 66.66.66 St. Veronica, 66.66.66 By Francis Henry Champneys, 1889 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02896 Heavenly Word Proceeding Forth, The St. Vincent, LM By J. Uglow DP11.2 MV32 GHC02896 High on His Everlasting Throne St. Vincent, LM By J. Uglow DP11.2 MV32 GHC02896 St. Vincent, LM St. Vincent, LM By J. Uglow DP11.2 MV32 GHC02897 St. Winifred, 87.87 D St. Winifred, 87.87 D By S. J. P. Dunman DP11.2 MV32 GHC02898 I Lift My Heart to Thee (Mudie) St. Wulstan, By Sir I. Atkins DP11.2 MV32 GHC02898 St. Wulstan, St. Wulstan, By Sir I. Atkins DP11.2 MV32 GHC02899 O Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy Head Substitution, 86.86.86 By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02899 Substitution, 86.86.86 Substitution, 86.86.86 By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02900 Let Little Children Come to Me Suffer Little Children By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02900 Suffer Little Children Suffer Little Children By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02901 Summerside, 87.87 D Summerside, 87.87 D By John Black DP11.2 MV32 GHC02902 Hail, Gladdening Light Sundown, 10.10.10 D By John Henry Gower, 1890 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02902 Sundown, 10.10.10 D Sundown, 10.10.10 D By John Henry Gower, 1890 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02903 O Throned, O Crowned with All Renown Sunninghill, CMD By George Job Elvey (1816-1893) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02903 Sunninghill, CMD Sunninghill, CMD By George Job Elvey (1816-1893) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02904 At Thy Feet, O Christ Sunrise, 77.77.77 By Trier Gesangbuch, 1695 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02904 Sunrise, 77.77.77 Sunrise, 77.77.77 By Trier Gesangbuch, 1695 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02905 Beautiful Bright Sunshine, The Sunshine, 76.86 D By G. E. Oliver DP11.2 MV32 GHC02905 Sunshine, 76.86 D Sunshine, 76.86 D By G. E. Oliver DP11.2 MV32 GHC02906 Sunshine in the Soul Sunshine in the Soul By John R.Sweney DP11.2 MV32 GHC02907 Cdo Gje Une Te Dorezoj Surrender By Winfield S. Weeden, 1896 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02907 I Surrender All Surrender By Winfield S. Weeden, 1896 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02907 Salvador, a Ti Me Rindo Surrender By Winfield S. Weeden, 1896 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02907 Surrender Surrender By Winfield S. Weeden, 1896 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02908 Arise, All Souls, Arise Arise, All Souls, Arise By MusicFrank Sewall DP11.2 MV32 GHC02909 Christ of the Upward Way Sursum Corda, By George Lomas (1834-1884) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02909 Sursum Corda, Sursum Corda, By George Lomas (1834-1884) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02910 Arise, All Souls, Arise Arise, All Souls, Arise By WordsM.A. Lathbury MusicFrank Sewall DP11.2 MV32 GHC02911 God Is Love; His Mercy Brightens Sussex, 87.87 By English melody, adapted by Ralph V. Williiams DP11.2 MV32 GHC02911 Sussex, 87.87 Sussex, 87.87 By English melody, adapted by Ralph V. Williiams DP11.2 MV32 GHC02912 As Man and Woman We Were Made Sussex Carol, 8888.8888 By English melody arr. by Ralph V. Williams, 1919 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02912 On Christmas Night All Christians Sing Sussex Carol, 8888.8888 By English melody arr. by Ralph V. Williams, 1919 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02912 Sussex Carol, 8888.8888 Sussex Carol, 8888.8888 By English melody arr. by Ralph V. Williams, 1919 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02913 Saved to the Uttermost Saved to the Uttermost By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02914 Behold What Wondrous Grace Swabia, SM By Johann Martin Spiess, 1745 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02914 Lord, if at Thy Command Swabia, SM By Johann Martin Spiess, 1745 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02914 O Shepherd of the Sheep Swabia, SM By Johann Martin Spiess, 1745 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02914 Swabia, SM Swabia, SM By Johann Martin Spiess, 1745 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02914 This Is the Day of Light Swabia, SM By Johann Martin Spiess, 1745 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02915 Do Ye, O Men, Speak Righteousness Swanwick, CM By James Lucas (1820-?) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02915 Swanwick, CM Swanwick, CM By James Lucas (1820-?) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02916 Savior, When Night Involves the Skies Sweden, LM By Henry Hiles, 1868 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02916 Sweden, LM Sweden, LM By Henry Hiles, 1868 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02917 Jesus, in Thy Dying Woes Swedish Litany By Swedish melody, 1697 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02917 Swedish Litany Swedish Litany By Swedish melody, 1697 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02918 Sweeping This Way Sweeping This Way By Mrs. C. H. Good, 1927 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02919 Sweeter as the Days Go By Sweeter as the Days Go By By James Rowe, 1914 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02920 Sweeter as the Years Go By Sweeter as the Years Go By By Leila Naylor Morris, circa 1912 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02921 Sweeter Than All Sweeter Than All By Johnson Oatman, 1900 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02922 He Keeps me singing Sweetest Name, 9 7 9 7 By Luther Burgess Bridgers, 1910 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02922 Sweetest Name, 9 7 9 7 Sweetest Name, 9 7 9 7 By Luther Burgess Bridgers, 1910 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02923 Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King By John J. McClellan (1874-1925) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02924 Sweetly Resting Sweetly Resting By Mary D. James DP11.2 MV32 GHC02925 Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love By Peter Philip Billhorn, circa 1887 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02926 Sweet Story of Jesus Sweet Story of Jesus By John Robson Sweeney, 188 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02927 I Think, When I Read That Sweet Story I Think, When I Read That Sweet Story By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1859 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02928 Sweet Assurance Sweet Assurance By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1892 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02929 Sweet Voices Sweet Voices By Dwight Williams, 1894 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02930 Sweet Will of God Sweet Will of God By Leila Naylor Morris (1862-1929) DP11.2 MV32 GHC02931 Sweet Hour of Prayer Sweet Hour of Prayer By William Batchelder Bradbury, 1859 DP11.2 MV32 GHC02932 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Swing Low, Sweet Chariot By African-American spiritual DP11.2 MV32 GHC02933 Sword of the Lord, The Sword of the Lord, The By Philip Paul Bliss, 1875 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02934 Sydney, LM Sydney, LM By J. Hopkins DP11.3 MV33 GHC02935 Sylvester, 76.76 Sylvester, 76.76 By John Spencer Camp (1858-?) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02936 Great Physician, The Sympathy By John Hart Stockton (1813-1877) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02936 Sympathy Sympathy By John Hart Stockton (1813-1877) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02937 Take the Home-Path Take the Home-Path By Brown Rowland, 1916 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02938 Take the World for Jesus Take the World for Jesus By J. Howard Entwisle, 1899 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02939 Take Me as I Am Take Me as I Am By Eliza H. Hamilton DP11.3 MV33 GHC02940 Take the World, but Give Me Jesus Take the World, but Give Me Jesus By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1879 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02941 Take Up Thy Cross Take Up Thy Cross By Alfred Henry Ackley, 1922 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02942 There's a Light in the Valley There's a Light in the Valley By Philip Paul Bliss, 1871 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02943 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night Tallis' Canon, LM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02943 Jehovah Hear Thee in Thy Grief Tallis' Canon, LM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02943 Man Who Once Has Found Abode, The Tallis' Canon, LM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02943 Tallis' Canon, LM Tallis' Canon, LM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 Come Holy Ghost, Eternal God Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 Father of Mercies, in Thy Word Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 Harp at Nature's Advent Strung, The Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 In Stature Grows the Heavenly Child Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 My Shepherd Is the Lord My God Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 O God, We Praise Thee, and Confess Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 O Where Are Kings and Empires Now Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 Tallis' Ordinal, CM Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 When All Thy Mercies, O My God Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 With Joy We Meditate the Grace Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02944 Year Is Gone, Beyond Recall, The Tallis' Ordinal, CM By Thomas Tallis, circa 1567 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02945 Heart and Mind, Possessions, Lord Tana Mana Dhana By Indian melody adapted by Marion Jean Chute DP11.3 MV33 GHC02945 Tana Mana Dhana Tana Mana Dhana By Indian melody adapted by Marion Jean Chute DP11.3 MV33 GHC02946 Alleluia, Song of Gladness Tantum Ergo, 87.87.87 By Samuel Webbe's Motetts or Antiphons, 1792 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02946 Tantum Ergo, 87.87.87 Tantum Ergo, 87.87.87 By Samuel Webbe's Motetts or Antiphons, 1792 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02946 Word Supreme, Before Creation Tantum Ergo, 87.87.87 By Samuel Webbe's Motetts or Antiphons, 1792 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02947 Lord Our God Is Clothed with Might, The Tappan, CM By George Kingsley (1811-1884) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02947 Tappan, CM Tappan, CM By George Kingsley (1811-1884) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02948 Broken Heart, The Broken Heart, The By Thomas Dennis, circa 1907 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02949 Tell It Again Tell It Again By Rigdon M. McIntosh (1836-1899) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02950 Tell It Out (Havergal) Tell It Out (Sankey), PM By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02950 Tell It Out (Sankey), PM Tell It Out (Sankey), PM By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02951 Tell It Out Tell It Out By Isaac H. Meredith, 1903 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02951 Tell It Out (Kirkland) Tell It Out By Isaac H. Meredith, 1903 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02952 Tell It Out with Gladness Tell It Out with Gladness By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02953 Evangel Evangel By William H. Doane, 1870 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02953 Tell Me the Old, Old Story Evangel By William H. Doane, 1870 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02954 Tell Me the Story of Jesus Tell Me the Story of Jesus By John Robson Sweney, 1880 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02955 Tell Mother I'll Be There Tell Mother I'll Be There By Charles M. Fillmore, arr by Robert Harkness DP11.3 MV33 GHC02956 Tell Out the wonderful Story Tell Out the Wonderful Story By Paul Rader, circa 1916 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02956 Tell Out the Wonderful Story Tell Out the Wonderful Story By Paul Rader, circa 1916 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02957 Tell the Blessed Story Tell the Blessed Story By Haldor Lillenas, 1920 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02958 Tell the Whole Wide world Tell the Whole Wide world By John Robson Sweney DP11.3 MV33 GHC02958 Tell the Whole Wide World Tell the Whole Wide world By John Robson Sweney DP11.3 MV33 GHC02959 Temple Boro, 87.87.87 Temple Boro, 87.87.87 By F. Pinder DP11.3 MV33 GHC02960 Flower Carol Tempus Adest Floridum By 14th Century spring carol DP11.3 MV33 GHC02960 Gentle Mary Laid Her Child Tempus Adest Floridum By 14th Century spring carol DP11.3 MV33 GHC02960 Good King Wenceslas Tempus Adest Floridum By 14th Century spring carol DP11.3 MV33 GHC02960 Let Us Now Our Voices Raise Tempus Adest Floridum By 14th Century spring carol DP11.3 MV33 GHC02960 Tempus Adest Floridum Tempus Adest Floridum By 14th Century spring carol DP11.3 MV33 GHC02961 Tender Love of Jesus Tender Love of Jesus By Ruth Emswiler, 1970 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02962 Tennent, 76.76 D Tennent, 76.76 D By Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02963 Forever with the Lord Terra Beata By Traditional English melody DP11.3 MV33 GHC02963 Messiah, Prince of Peace Terra Beata By Traditional English melody DP11.3 MV33 GHC02963 Terra Beata Terra Beata By Traditional English melody DP11.3 MV33 GHC02963 This Is My Father's World Terra Beata By Traditional English melody DP11.3 MV33 GHC02964 Grosser Gott, Wir Loben Dich! Te Deum, 78.78.77 By Katholisches Gesangbuch (Vienna, Austria1774) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02964 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name Te Deum, 78.78.77 By Katholisches Gesangbuch (Vienna, Austria1774) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02964 Te Deum, 78.78.77 Te Deum, 78.78.77 By Katholisches Gesangbuch (Vienna, Austria1774) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02965 Te Laudant Omnia, 77.77.77 Te Laudant Omnia, 77.77.77 By J. F. Swift (1847-1931) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02966 Before the Ending of the Day Te Lucis, LM By Proper Sarum Melody DP11.3 MV33 GHC02966 Te Lucis, LM Te Lucis, LM By Proper Sarum Melody DP11.3 MV33 GHC02967 Ere I Sleep, for Every Favor Thanet, 83.36 By Joseph Jowett, 1823 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02967 Thanet, 83.36 Thanet, 83.36 By Joseph Jowett, 1823 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02968 Thanksgiving (Gilbert), 77.77 D Thanksgiving (Gilbert), 77.77 D By Walter Bond Gilbert (1829-1910) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02969 Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake! Thanksgiving (Statham), LM By Francis Reginald Statham (1844-?) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02969 Thanksgiving (Statham), LM Thanksgiving (Statham), LM By Francis Reginald Statham (1844-?) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02970 Thanks for the Bible Thanks for the Bible By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02971 Tack min Gud Thanks to God By August Storm, 1891; tr Johannes Hultman, 1931 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02971 Thanks to God Thanks to God By August Storm, 1891; tr Johannes Hultman, 1931 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02972 Thanks to God (Stebbins) Thanks to God (Stebbins) By George Coles Stebbins (1856-1945) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02973 Come, Holy Spirit, Come (Beddome) Thatcher, SM By Arranged from George Frederick Handel, 1732 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02973 Thatcher, SM Thatcher, SM By Arranged from George Frederick Handel, 1732 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02974 That Beautiful Land That Beautiful Land By F. A. F. White, 1913 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02975 That Man of Calvary That Man of Calvary By Manie Payne Ferguson (1850-1932) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02976 I Vow to Thee, My Country Thaxted By Gustav Theodore Holst, 1921 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02976 Thaxted Thaxted By Gustav Theodore Holst, 1921 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02977 Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life The Call By Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1911 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02977 The Call The Call By Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1911 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02978 Theodora, 77.77 Theodora, 77.77 By Arranged from George F. Handel, 1749 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02979 Theodoret, 87.87 D Theodoret, 87.87 D By Jeremiah Franklin Ohl, 1887 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02980 Jesu! Name All Names Above Theoktistus, By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02980 Theoktistus, Theoktistus, By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02981 There'll Be Room Enough There'll Be Room Enough By John B. Vaughan (1862-1918?) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02982 St. Theresa, St. Theresa, By Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02983 There's a Fountain Free There's a Fountain Free By Asa B. Everett (1828-1875) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02984 Brightly Gleams Our Banner Great Day Coming By Will Lamartine Thompson (1847-1909) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02984 Great Day Coming Great Day Coming By Will Lamartine Thompson (1847-1909) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02984 There's a Great Day Coming Great Day Coming By Will Lamartine Thompson (1847-1909) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02985 There's a Picture Fair and Bright There's a Picture Fair and Bright By Daniel Brink Towner, 1901 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02986 He Ransomed Me He Ransomed Me By J.W. Henderson, 1916 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02986 There's a Sweet and Blessed Story He Ransomed Me By J.W. Henderson, 1916 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02987 There's No Disappointment in Heaven There's No Disappointment in Heaven By Frederick Martin Lehman, 1914 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02988 There's No Other Name like Jesus There's No Other Name like Jesus By Franklin Edson Belden, 1886 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02989 There's Only One Way There's Only One Way By Neila Naylor MOrris, circa 1914 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02990 There Are Lonely Hearts to Cherish There Are Lonely Hearts to Cherish By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02991 Balm in Gilead Balm in Gilead By African-American Spiritual DP11.3 MV33 GHC02991 There Is a Balm in Gilead Balm in Gilead By African-American Spiritual DP11.3 MV33 GHC02992 There Is a Better World There Is a Better World By John Lyth (1821-1886) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02993 There Is Glory in My Soul There Is Glory in My Soul By Grace Weiser Davis, 1894 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02994 Latakia (refrain) Latakia (refrain) By Edward G. Taylor, 1860 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02994 There Is Life for a Look Latakia (refrain) By Edward G. Taylor, 1860 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02995 There Is Nothing Too Good to Be True There Is Nothing Too Good to Be True By George P. Hott, 1913 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02996 There is no name so sweet on earth Sweetest Name By Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, 1861 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02997 Power in the Blood Power in the Blood By Lewis Ellis Jones, 1899 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02997 There Is Power in the Blood Power in the Blood By Lewis Ellis Jones, 1899 DP11.3 MV33 GHC02998 Showers of Blessing Showers of Blessing By James McGranahan (1840-1907) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02998 There Shall Be Showers of Blessing Showers of Blessing By James McGranahan (1840-1907) DP11.3 MV33 GHC02999 There Will I Follow Thee There Will I Follow Thee By Benton DeForest Ackley, circa 1914 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03000 They Tell Me the Story of Jesus Is Old They Tell Me the Story of Jesus Is Old By Daniel Webster Whittle, circa 1900 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03001 They Were in an Upper Chamber They Were in an Upper Chamber By Charles Davis Tillman, 1895 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03002 Answering Time Will Come, The The Answering Time Will Come By Mary B. Wingate, 1908 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03002 The Answering Time Will Come The Answering Time Will Come By Mary B. Wingate, 1908 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03003 Awakening, The The Awakening By Thoro Harris, 1920 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03003 The Awakening The Awakening By Thoro Harris, 1920 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03004 Beautiful Way, The The Beautiful Way By Katharine Wadsworth, 1912 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03004 The Beautiful Way The Beautiful Way By Katharine Wadsworth, 1912 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03005 I Love My Jesus Quite Alone The Best Choice, By Anonymous, before 1705 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03005 Ich Liebe Jesum Mir Allein The Best Choice, By Anonymous, before 1705 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03005 The Best Choice, The Best Choice, By Anonymous, before 1705 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03006 The Best Friend Is Jesus The Best Friend Is Jesus By Peter Philip Bilhorn, 1891 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03007 Blessed Feast, The The Blessed Feast By William Howard Doane, circa 1877. DP11.3 MV33 GHC03007 The Blessed Feast The Blessed Feast By William Howard Doane, circa 1877. DP11.3 MV33 GHC03008 Lift Up Your Heads, Rejoice The Blessed Home, By John Stainer, 1875 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03008 The Blessed Home, The Blessed Home, By John Stainer, 1875 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03009 Blood-Washed Throng, The The Blood-Washed Throng By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1906 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03009 The Blood-Washed Throng The Blood-Washed Throng By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1906 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03010 Blood Will Never Lose Its Power, The The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power By Civilla Durfee Martin, 1912 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03010 The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power By Civilla Durfee Martin, 1912 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03011 Breath of the Spirit, The The Breath of the Spirit By Civilla Durfee Martin, 1906 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03011 The Breath of the Spirit The Breath of the Spirit By Civilla Durfee Martin, 1906 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03012 Call of the Christ, The The Call of the Christ By W. C. Poole DP11.3 MV33 GHC03012 The Call of the Christ The Call of the Christ By W. C. Poole DP11.3 MV33 GHC03013 Child and the Shepherd, The The Child and the Shepherd By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) DP11.3 MV33 GHC03013 The Child and the Shepherd The Child and the Shepherd By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) DP11.3 MV33 GHC03014 Christian's "Good Night," The The Christian's Good Night By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP11.3 MV33 GHC03014 The Christian's Good Night The Christian's Good Night By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP11.3 MV33 GHC03015 Church of God Is One, The The Church of God Is One By James McGranahan, circa 1906 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03015 The Church of God Is One The Church of God Is One By James McGranahan, circa 1906 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03016 Cleansing Fountain, The The Cleansing Fountain By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP11.3 MV33 GHC03016 The Cleansing Fountain The Cleansing Fountain By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP11.3 MV33 GHC03017 Comforter Has Come, The The Comforter Has Come By William James Kirkpatrick, circa 1918 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03017 The Comforter Has Come The Comforter Has Come By William James Kirkpatrick, circa 1918 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03018 Cross Is Not Greater, The The Cross Is Not Greater By Ballington Booth (1857-1940) DP11.3 MV33 GHC03018 The Cross Is Not Greater The Cross Is Not Greater By Ballington Booth (1857-1940) DP11.3 MV33 GHC03019 Crowning Day, The The Crowning Day By Daniel Webster Whittle, 1881 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03019 The Crowning Day The Crowning Day By Daniel Webster Whittle, 1881 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03020 Eastern Gate, The The Eastern Gate By Isaiah G. Martin, 1905 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03020 The Eastern Gate The Eastern Gate By Isaiah G. Martin, 1905 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03021 Eden Above, The The Eden Above By W. W. Whitney DP11.3 MV33 GHC03021 The Eden Above The Eden Above By W. W. Whitney DP11.3 MV33 GHC03022 End Is Not Yet, The The End Is Not Yet By E. D. Elliott, 1907 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03022 The End Is Not Yet The End Is Not Yet By E. D. Elliott, 1907 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03023 End of the Road, The The End of the Road By Lizzie De Armond, 1920 DP11.3 MV33 GHC03023 The End of the Road The End of the Road By Lizzie De Armond, 1920 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03024 Everlasting Hymn, The The Everlasting Hymn, By Eliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, 1891 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03024 The Everlasting Hymn, The Everlasting Hymn, By Eliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, 1891 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03025 Fight Is On, The The Fight Is On By Leila Naylor Morris, 1905 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03025 The Fight Is On The Fight Is On By Leila Naylor Morris, 1905 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03026 Fire Is Burning, The The Fire Is Burning By Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922( DP12.1 MV34 GHC03026 The Fire Is Burning The Fire Is Burning By Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922( DP12.1 MV34 GHC03027 Gate Ajar for Me, The The Gate Ajar for Me By Silas Jones Vail (1818-1884) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03027 The Gate Ajar for Me The Gate Ajar for Me By Silas Jones Vail (1818-1884) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03028 Glorious Gospel Train, The The Glorious Gospel Train By Franklin Lycurgus Eiland, 1896 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03028 The Glorious Gospel Train The Glorious Gospel Train By Franklin Lycurgus Eiland, 1896 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03029 The Greatness of His Mercy The Greatness of His Mercy By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1897 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03030 Guiding Hand, The The Guiding Hand By Silas Jones Vail DP12.1 MV34 GHC03030 The Guiding Hand The Guiding Hand By Silas Jones Vail DP12.1 MV34 GHC03031 Half Has Never Been Told, The The Half Has Never Been Told By Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03031 The Half Has Never Been Told The Half Has Never Been Told By Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03032 Hallelujah Side, The The Hallelujah Side By Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03032 The Hallelujah Side The Hallelujah Side By Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03033 The Hallowed Spot The Hallowed Spot By William Hunter (1811-1877) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03034 Handwriting on the Wall, The The Handwriting on the Wall By Knowles Shaw (1834-1878) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03034 The Handwriting on the Wall The Handwriting on the Wall By Knowles Shaw (1834-1878) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03035 Hand That Was Nailed to the Cross, The The Hand That Nailed to the Cross By Daniel Brink Towner, 1906 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03035 The Hand That Nailed to the Cross The Hand That Nailed to the Cross By Daniel Brink Towner, 1906 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03036 Harbor Bell, The The Harbor Bell By John Henry Yates, 1891 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03036 The Harbor Bell The Harbor Bell By John Henry Yates, 1891 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03037 Haven of Rest, The The Haven of Rest By George D. Moore DP12.1 MV34 GHC03037 The Haven of Rest The Haven of Rest By George D. Moore DP12.1 MV34 GHC03038 Healing Waters, The The Healing Waters By H. H. Heimer DP12.1 MV34 GHC03038 The Healing Waters The Healing Waters By H. H. Heimer DP12.1 MV34 GHC03039 Highest Joy, The The Highest Joy By Nils Frykman, translated by Signe L. Bennett DP12.1 MV34 GHC03039 The Highest Joy The Highest Joy By Nils Frykman, translated by Signe L. Bennett DP12.1 MV34 GHC03040 Home Over There, The The Home Over There By Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830-1912) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03040 The Home Over There The Home Over There By Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830-1912) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03041 Hope of the Ages, The The Hope of the Ages By E. Grace Updegraff DP12.1 MV34 GHC03041 The Hope of the Ages The Hope of the Ages By E. Grace Updegraff DP12.1 MV34 GHC03042 Hope of the Coming Hope of the Coming By May Whittle Moody DP12.1 MV34 GHC03042 Hope of the Coming of the Lord, The Hope of the Coming By May Whittle Moody DP12.1 MV34 GHC03043 Kingdom Is Coming, The The Kingdom Is Coming By Rigdon M.Mcintosh DP12.1 MV34 GHC03043 The Kingdom Is Coming The Kingdom Is Coming By Rigdon M.Mcintosh DP12.1 MV34 GHC03044 King's Business, The The King's Business By E. Taylor Cassell, 1902 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03044 The King's Business The King's Business By E. Taylor Cassell, 1902 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03045 King's Highway, The The King's Highway By John Robson Sweney, 1881 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03045 The King's Highway The King's Highway By John Robson Sweney, 1881 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03046 King Is Coming, The The King Is Coming! By Ira David Sankey, 1888 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03046 The King Is Coming! The King Is Coming! By Ira David Sankey, 1888 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03047 King Is Coming in Glory, The The King Is Coming in Glory By Mrs. F. W. Suffield DP12.1 MV34 GHC03047 The King Is Coming in Glory The King Is Coming in Glory By Mrs. F. W. Suffield DP12.1 MV34 GHC03048 Lord Bless You and Keep You, The The Lord Bless You and Keep You By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03048 The Lord Bless You and Keep You The Lord Bless You and Keep You By Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03049 Lord in Zion Reigneth, The The Lord in Zion Reigneth By Hart P. Danks (1834-1903) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03049 The Lord in Zion Reigneth The Lord in Zion Reigneth By Hart P. Danks (1834-1903) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03050 Lord Is King!, The The Lord Is King! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03050 The Lord Is King! The Lord Is King! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03051 The Lord Is My Shepherd, The Lord Is My Shepherd, By Thomas Koschat, 1862 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03052 Love of God Love of God By F. M. Lehman, circa 1917 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03052 Love of God, The Love of God By F. M. Lehman, circa 1917 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03053 Maple Leaf Forever, The The Maple Leaf Forever By Alexander Muir, 1867 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03053 The Maple Leaf Forever The Maple Leaf Forever By Alexander Muir, 1867 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03054 Launch Out Launch Out By R. Kel­so Car­ter DP12.1 MV34 GHC03054 Mercy of God is an Ocean Divine, The Launch Out By R. Kel­so Car­ter DP12.1 MV34 GHC03055 Mistakes of My Life, The The Mistakes of My Life By Mrs. Urania Locke Bailey, before 1895 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03055 The Mistakes of My Life The Mistakes of My Life By Mrs. Urania Locke Bailey, before 1895 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03056 Morning Draweth Nigh, The The Morning Draweth Nigh.nwc By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03056 The Morning Draweth Nigh.nwc The Morning Draweth Nigh.nwc By John Robson Sweney (1837-1899) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03057 Morning Land, The The Morning Land By William Howard Doane, circa 1877 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03057 The Morning Land The Morning Land By William Howard Doane, circa 1877 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03059 Old Account Was Settled, The The Old Account Was Settled By F. M. Graham DP12.1 MV34 GHC03059 The Old Account Was Settled The Old Account Was Settled By F. M. Graham DP12.1 MV34 GHC03060 Old Book and the Old Faith, The The Old Book and the Old Faith By George H. Carr, 1914 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03060 The Old Book and the Old Faith The Old Book and the Old Faith By George H. Carr, 1914 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03061 En el Monte Calvario The Old Rugged Cross By George Bennard, 1913 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03061 Old Rugged Cross, The The Old Rugged Cross By George Bennard, 1913 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03061 Old Rugged Cross, The (Spanish) The Old Rugged Cross By George Bennard, 1913 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03061 Old Rugged Cross, The (Thai) The Old Rugged Cross By George Bennard, 1913 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03061 The Old Rugged Cross The Old Rugged Cross By George Bennard, 1913 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03062 Old Ship of Zion Old Ship of Zion By Daniel Brink Towner, circa 1899 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03062 Old Ship of Zion, The Old Ship of Zion By Daniel Brink Towner, circa 1899 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03063 Patriot's Prayer, The The Patriot's Prayer By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1905 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03063 The Patriot's Prayer The Patriot's Prayer By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1905 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03064 People That in Darkness Walked, The Wonderful, Counsellor! By Isaac H. Meredith, 1900 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03064 Wonderful, Counsellor! Wonderful, Counsellor! By Isaac H. Meredith, 1900 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03065 Prodigal Son, The The Prodigal Son By Thomas Obediah Chisholm, 1914 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03065 The Prodigal Son The Prodigal Son By Thomas Obediah Chisholm, 1914 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03066 Regions Beyond, The The Regions Beyond By Albert Benjamin Simpson, 1904 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03066 The Regions Beyond The Regions Beyond By Albert Benjamin Simpson, 1904 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03067 River of Thy Grace, The The River of Thy Grace By Arthur W. McKee, 1916 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03067 The River of Thy Grace The River of Thy Grace By Arthur W. McKee, 1916 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03068 Rock That Is Higher Than I, The The Rock of Refuge, LM refrain By William Gustavus Fischer (1835-1912) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03068 The Rock of Refuge, LM refrain The Rock of Refuge, LM refrain By William Gustavus Fischer (1835-1912) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03069 Jesus Is Coming Jesus Is Coming By J. C. Trowbridge DP12.1 MV34 GHC03069 Savior Who Loves Me, The Jesus Is Coming By J. C. Trowbridge DP12.1 MV34 GHC03070 Savior with Me, The The Savior with Me By Lizzie Edwards DP12.1 MV34 GHC03070 The Savior with Me The Savior with Me By Lizzie Edwards DP12.1 MV34 GHC03071 Shadow of the Rock, The The Shadow of the Rock By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03071 The Shadow of the Rock The Shadow of the Rock By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03072 Ack, Sa­li­ga Stund­er Ack, Sa­li­ga Stund­er By Oskar Ahn­felt, 1851 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03072 The Sign of the cross Ack, Sa­li­ga Stund­er By Oskar Ahn­felt, 1851 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03073 Simple, Earnest Prayer, The The Simple, Earnest Prayer By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1892 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03073 The Simple, Earnest Prayer The Simple, Earnest Prayer By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1892 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03074 Songs of the Reaper, The The Songs of the Reaper By W. A. Spencer DP12.1 MV34 GHC03074 The Songs of the Reaper The Songs of the Reaper By W. A. Spencer DP12.1 MV34 GHC03075 Storm Is Passing Over, The The Storm Is Passing Over By Charles Albert Tindley, 1905 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03075 The Storm Is Passing Over The Storm Is Passing Over By Charles Albert Tindley, 1905 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03076 Story Never Old, The The Story Never Old By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1906 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03076 The Story Never Old The Story Never Old By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1906 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03077 Sure Foundation, The The Sure Foundation By Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830-1912) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03077 The Sure Foundation The Sure Foundation By Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830-1912) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03078 Ten Virgins, The The Ten Virgins By Mary Bridges Canedy Slade, 1876 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03078 The Ten Virgins The Ten Virgins By Mary Bridges Canedy Slade, 1876 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03079 The Unclouded Day The Unclouded Day By Rev. Josiah K. Alwood, circa 1885 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03079 Unclouded Day, The The Unclouded Day By Rev. Josiah K. Alwood, circa 1885 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03080 The Victory The Victory By Paul Rader, 1918 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03080 Victory, The The Victory By Paul Rader, 1918 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03081 The Wanderer The Wanderer By B. Carradine DP12.1 MV34 GHC03082 The Waves of Salvation The Waves of Salvation By Mrs. J. M. Hunter, ca. 1922 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03082 Waves of Salvation, The The Waves of Salvation By Mrs. J. M. Hunter, ca. 1922 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03083 The White Coffin The White Coffin By Anderson E. Baten DP12.1 MV34 GHC03083 White Coffin, The The White Coffin By Anderson E. Baten DP12.1 MV34 GHC03084 The Whole Wide World The Whole Wide World By John H. Maunder, 1894 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03084 Whole Wide World for Jesus, The The Whole Wide World By John H. Maunder, 1894 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03085 The Work Must Go On The Work Must Go On By Samuel W. Beazley, 1911 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03085 Work Must Go On, The The Work Must Go On By Samuel W. Beazley, 1911 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03086 The World Must Be Taken The World Must Be Taken By Lanta Wilson Smith, 1894 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03086 World Must Be Taken, The The World Must Be Taken By Lanta Wilson Smith, 1894 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03087 Third Mode Melody, CMD Third Mode Melody, CMD By Thomas Tallis (1505-1585) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03088 Thirsk, LM Thirsk, LM By W. A. Wrigley,1885 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03089 This My Plea This My Plea By Bentley DeForest Ackley (1872-1958) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03090 Behold the Great Creator Makes This Endris Nyght, CM By Old English carol, 15th Century DP12.1 MV34 GHC03090 Behold We Come, Dear Lord, to Thee This Endris Nyght, CM By Old English carol, 15th Century DP12.1 MV34 GHC03090 Gathering Clouds, with Aspect Dark, The This Endris Nyght, CM By Old English carol, 15th Century DP12.1 MV34 GHC03090 This Endris Night This Endris Nyght, CM By Old English carol, 15th Century DP12.1 MV34 GHC03090 This Endris Nyght, CM This Endris Nyght, CM By Old English carol, 15th Century DP12.1 MV34 GHC03090 What Grace, O Lord, and Beauty Shone This Endris Nyght, CM By Old English carol, 15th Century DP12.1 MV34 GHC03091 This Is Like Heaven to Me This Is Like Heaven to Me By J. E. French, 1903 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03092 This Is Our Endeavor This Is Our Endeavor By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03093 This Is the Victory This Is the Victory By Philip Paul Bliss, circa 1871 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03094 Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, Alone Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, Alone By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03095 A Smile from Jesus A Smile from Jesus By John Robson Sweney, circa 1881 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03095 Though Kindred Ties Around Us A Smile from Jesus By John Robson Sweney, circa 1881 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03096 I Will Rejoice I Will Rejoice By Daniel Brink Towner, 1905 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03096 Though the Fig Tree Shall Not Blossom I Will Rejoice By Daniel Brink Towner, 1905 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03097 Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1887 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03098 Thou Gracious Power Thou Gracious Power By George Hews DP12.1 MV34 GHC03099 Thou Remainest Thou Remainest By Daniel Webster Whittle, circa 1886 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03100 Thou Art My Rock Thou Art My Rock By George Frederick Root, 1885 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03101 Throw Out the Life-Line Throw Out the Life-Line By Edwin S. Ufford DP12.1 MV34 GHC03102 Thy God Reigneth! Thy God Reigneth! By James McGranahan, circa 1895 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03104 Thy Word Have I Hid in My Heart Thy Word Have I Hid in My Heart By Ernest O. Sellers, 1908 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03105 Thy Brother Calls to Thee Thy Brother Calls to Thee By Joseph F. Berry DP12.1 MV34 GHC03106 Thy Hand Upholdeth Me Thy Hand Upholdeth Me By Frances J. (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03107 Thy Life, 66.6.66 Thy Life, 66.6.66 By George Alexander Macfarren (1813-1887) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03108 Thy Word Is a Lamp Thy Word Is a Lamp By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.1 MV34 GHC03109 Tis Burning in My Soul Tis Burning in My Soul By Delia T. White DP12.1 MV34 GHC03110 Hark, Hark, My Soul! (Allon) Tidings By James Walch, 1875 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03110 O Come, My Soul, Bless Thou the Lord Thy Maker Tidings By James Walch, 1875 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03110 O Zion, Haste Tidings By James Walch, 1875 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03110 Tidings Tidings By James Walch, 1875 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03111 Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come By G. W. Sederquist, circa 1902 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03111 Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come By G. W. Sederquist, circa 1902 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03112 How Far from Home? Tis Midnight Hour, 88.86 D By Anonymous Composer DP12.1 MV34 GHC03112 Tis Midnight Hour, 88.86 D Tis Midnight Hour, 88.86 D By Anonymous Composer DP12.1 MV34 GHC03113 Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer By William Howard Doane DP12.1 MV34 GHC03114 Tis Summer in My Heart Tis Summer in My Heart By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03115 Oh Cuan Dulce Es Fiar en Cristo! Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus By Louisa M. R. Stead, 1882 DP12.1 MV34 GHC03115 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus By Louisa M. R. Stead, 1882 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03116 Tiverton, CM Tiverton, CM By Rev. J. Grigg, ca. 1791 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03117 Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Tell Me the Stories of Jesus By Frederic A. Challinor, 1905 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03118 To Arms! To Arms! Ye Soldiers! To Arms! To Arms! Ye Soldiers! By Newman Hall, 1877 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03119 To the Work Toiling On By William H. Doane (1832-1915) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03119 Toiling On Toiling On By William H. Doane (1832-1915) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03120 Ton-Man Ton-Man By David Evans, 1912 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03120 When the Day of Toil Is Done Ton-Man By David Evans, 1912 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03121 Too Late Too Late By William Howard Doane, 1877 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03122 Mwamba Wenye Imara Toplady By Thomas Hastings, 1830 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03122 Rock of Ages Toplady By Thomas Hastings, 1830 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03122 Skalo Zbawcza Toplady By Thomas Hastings, 1830 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03122 Toplady Toplady By Thomas Hastings, 1830 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03123 Rise in the Strength of God Totteridge, 66.84 By Sydney Hugo Nicholson, 1916 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03123 Totteridge, 66.84 Totteridge, 66.84 By Sydney Hugo Nicholson, 1916 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03124 The Touch of His Hand on Mine The Touch of His Hand on Mine By Henry P. Morton, circa 1913 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03124 Touch of His Hand on Mine, The The Touch of His Hand on Mine By Henry P. Morton, circa 1913 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03125 God of the Nations, Who from Dawn of Days Toulon By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03125 God of the Prophets, Bless the Prophets' Sons Toulon By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03125 I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art Toulon By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03125 Toulon Toulon By Genevan Psalter, 1551 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03126 From Glory unto Glory Tours, 76.76 D By Berthold Tours, 1872 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03126 Tours, 76.76 D Tours, 76.76 D By Berthold Tours, 1872 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03126 When, His Salvation Bringing Tours, 76.76 D By Berthold Tours, 1872 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03126 With Happy Voices Ringing Tours, 76.76 D By Berthold Tours, 1872 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03127 O Thou God of My Salvation Towner, 87.87 D By Daniel Brink Towner, circa 1913 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03127 Towner, 87.87 D Towner, 87.87 D By Daniel Brink Towner, circa 1913 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03128 To Canaan's Land I'm on My Way To Canaan's Land I'm on My Way By William M. Golden, circa 1914 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03129 Ate Lavderoje To God Be the Glory By William Howard Doane, 1875 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03129 To God Be the Glory To God Be the Glory By William Howard Doane, 1875 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03129 Wholehearted Thanksgiving to Thee I Will Bring To God Be the Glory By William Howard Doane, 1875 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03130 God of Our Fathers, unto Thee Trafalgar, By Sydney Hugo Nicholson (1875-1947) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03130 Trafalgar, Trafalgar, By Sydney Hugo Nicholson (1875-1947) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03131 Jesus Loves the Little Children Tramp Tramp Tramp By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03131 Tramp Tramp Tramp Tramp Tramp Tramp By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03132 Tranmere, CMD Tranmere, CMD By W. Hayes, ca. 1774 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03133 Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting Tranquility By James Mountain (1844-1933) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03133 Tranquility Tranquility By James Mountain (1844-1933) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03134 Transfiguration (Anketell), CM Transfiguration (Anketell), CM By John Anketell, 1895 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03135 O Love! O Life! Transfiguration By Peter Christian Lutkin, circa 1905 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03135 Transfiguration Transfiguration By Peter Christian Lutkin, circa 1905 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03136 Transylvania, LM Transylvania, LM By Hungarian Chorale, 16th Century DP12.2 MV35 GHC03137 Tread Softly Tread Softly By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03138 Breathe on Me, Breath of God Trentham, SM By Robert Jackson, 1888 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03138 From Homes of Quiet Peace Trentham, SM By Robert Jackson, 1888 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03138 Jesus, Our Lord and King Trentham, SM By Robert Jackson, 1888 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03138 O Love of God Most Full Trentham, SM By Robert Jackson, 1888 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03138 There Is No Night in Heaven Trentham, SM By Robert Jackson, 1888 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03138 This Is Thy Will, I Know Trentham, SM By Robert Jackson, 1888 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03138 Trentham, SM Trentham, SM By Robert Jackson, 1888 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03139 Trewen, LMD Trewen, LMD By David Emlyn Evans (1843-1913) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03140 Father's Sole Begotten Son, The Trinity College By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03140 From East to West, from Shore to Shore Trinity College By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03140 Trinity College Trinity College By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03141 Stars of the Morning Trisagion, 10.10 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1868 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03141 Trisagion, 10.10 D Trisagion, 10.10 D By Henry Thomas Smart, 1868 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03142 Tristes Erant, LM Tristes Erant, LM By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03143 To the Name of Our Salvation Triumph, 87.87.87 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03143 Triumph, 87.87.87 Triumph, 87.87.87 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03144 Praise Ye the Lord! Immortal Choir Triumphant Host, CMD By H. Coward, before 1890 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03144 Triumphant Host, CMD Triumphant Host, CMD By H. Coward, before 1890 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03145 Truehearted, Wholehearted, Faithful & Loyal Truehearted, Wholehearted, Faithful &Loyal By George C. Stebbins, 1878 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03146 True Shepherd, The True Shepherd, The By Frederick William Faber, 1849 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03147 It Is Truly Wonderful It Is Truly Wonderful By B. E. Warren, before 1931 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Ere the Blue Heav'ns Were Stretched Abroad Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Eternal Power, of Earth and Air! Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Father in Heaven, Who Lovest All Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Jesus, the Truth and Power Divine Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Jesus, Thou Everlasting King Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Let God Arise, and by His Might Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 More Light Shall Break Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 My Song Shall Bless the Lord of All Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 O Render Thanks to God Above Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Rejoice, Ye People, Homage Give Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Servants of God, in Joyful Lays Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Shout, for the Blessed Jesus Reigns Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Thou Lord of Hosts Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 To Us a Child of Royal Birth Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Truro, LM Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03148 Yes, God Is Good Truro, LM By Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03149 Come, Every Soul by Sin Oppressed Trust By John H. Stockton, 1869 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03149 Trust Trust By John H. Stockton, 1869 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03150 Trusting Jesus (Stites) Trusting Jesus (Stites) By Ira D. Sankey DP12.2 MV35 GHC03151 Trusting Jesus, Wonderful Guide Trusting Jesus, Wonderful Guide By Robert Harkness, 1920 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03152 Trusting Jesus (Crosby) Trusting Jesus (Crosby) By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1877 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03153 Trust in the Promise Trust in the Promise By William Howard Doane (1832-1915) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03154 Crer e Observar Trust and Obey By Daniel B. Towner, 1887 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03154 Trust and Obey Trust and Obey By Daniel B. Towner, 1887 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03155 Come, O Lord, Like Morning Sunlight Trust (Mendelssohn), 87.87 By Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03155 Trust (Mendelssohn), 87.87 Trust (Mendelssohn), 87.87 By Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03156 O Savior, I Have Naught to Plead Trust (Torrance), 88.86 By George William Torrance (1836-1907) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03156 Trust (Torrance), 88.86 Trust (Torrance), 88.86 By George William Torrance (1836-1907) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03157 Tried and True Tried and True By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03158 Children of the Heavenly Father Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara By Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg, 1858 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03158 Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara By Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg, 1858 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03159 They'll Soon Be O'er They'll Soon Be O'er By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1896 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03160 Ten Thousand Thanks to Jesus Ten Thousand Thanks to Jesus By Matilda C. Day DP12.2 MV35 GHC03161 Send the Fire Tucker, By Frederick Booth-Tucker (1853-1929) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03161 Tucker, Tucker, By Frederick Booth-Tucker (1853-1929) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03162 Sing We Triumphant Hymns of Praise Tugwood, LM By Nicholas Comyn Gatty (1874-1946) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03162 Tugwood, LM Tugwood, LM By Nicholas Comyn Gatty (1874-1946) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03163 Sinful, Sighing to Be Blest Tunbridge, 77.77 By Jeremiah Clark (1670-1707) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03163 Tunbridge, 77.77 Tunbridge, 77.77 By Jeremiah Clark (1670-1707) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03164 Lemmel Lemmel By Helen Howarth Lemmel, 1922 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03164 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus Lemmel By Helen Howarth Lemmel, 1922 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03165 Twas a Glad Day When Jesus Found Me Twas a Glad Day When Jesus Found Me By Albert Simpson Reitz, circa 1918 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03166 Sun Is Sinking Fast, The Twilight, 64.66 By J. H. Hopkins DP12.2 MV35 GHC03166 Twilight, 64.66 Twilight, 64.66 By J. H. Hopkins DP12.2 MV35 GHC03167 Twill All Be Right at Last Twill All Be Right at Last By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby,1892 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03168 In the Twinkling of an Eye In the Twinkling of an Eye By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1920-1915) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03169 Throne, CM Throne, CM By Anonymous DP12.2 MV35 GHC03170 Uffingham, LM Uffingham, LM By J. Clark, 1709 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03171 Ultor Omnipotens, Ultor Omnipotens, By Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03172 Unanswered Yet Unanswered Yet By Rev. Charlie D. Tillman DP12.2 MV35 GHC03173 Under His Wings Under His Wings By Ira David Sankey (1840-1908) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03174 Under the Blood Under the Blood By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03175 And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love Unde et Memores, 10, By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03175 O Holy Father, Who in Tender Love Unde et Memores, 10, By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03175 Unde et Memores, 10, Unde et Memores, 10, By William Henry Monk, 1875 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03176 Church of God a Kingdom Is, The University, CM By Probably by J. Randall (1715-1799) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03176 God of Love My Shepherd Is, The University, CM By Probably by J. Randall (1715-1799) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03176 Lord, in the Fullness of My Might University, CM By Probably by J. Randall (1715-1799) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03176 University, CM University, CM By Probably by J. Randall (1715-1799) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03177 Captains of the Saintly Band University College, 77.77 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03177 University College, 77.77 University College, 77.77 By Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03178 Unsearchable Riches Unsearchable Riches By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1882 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 Auf, Ihr Christen, Christi Glieder Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 Christ Is Coming! Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Anthem Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 God of Love and God of Power Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 He Is Risen Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 In the Bonds of Death He Lay Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 Jesus, Brightness of the Father Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 Rise, Ye Children of Salvation Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 Sinners, Will You Scorn the Message Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03179 Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 Unser Herrscher, 87.87.77 By Joachim Neander, 1680 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03180 The Unveiled Christ The Unveiled Christ By N. B. Herrell, circa 1916 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03180 Unveiled Christ, The The Unveiled Christ By N. B. Herrell, circa 1916 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03181 Praise the Savior, Now and Ever Upp, Min Tunga By Swedish Koralbok, 1697 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03181 Upp, Min Tunga Upp, Min Tunga By Swedish Koralbok, 1697 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03182 Up in Heaven Up in Heaven, 87.77.5 By John Stainer, 1889 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03182 Up in Heaven, 87.77.5 Up in Heaven, 87.77.5 By John Stainer, 1889 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03183 Urbs Beata, 87.87.87 Urbs Beata, 87.87.87 By Sarum Melody DP12.2 MV35 GHC03184 Exile for the Faith, An Utretcht, SM By Berthold Tours (1838-1897) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03184 Utretcht, SM Utretcht, SM By Berthold Tours (1838-1897) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03185 Because Thy Trust Is God Alone Uxbridge, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03185 Heavens Declare Thy Glory, The (Watts) Uxbridge, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03185 O Wherefore Do the Nations Rage? Uxbridge, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03185 Stay, Thou Insulted Spirit, Stay Uxbridge, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03185 Uxbridge, LM Uxbridge, LM By Lowell Mason, 1830 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03186 In Age and Feebleness Extreme Vale, LM By John Duncan Buckingham (1855-?) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03186 Vale, LM Vale, LM By John Duncan Buckingham (1855-?) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03187 Forgive Them, O My Father Valet Will Ich Dir Geben, 76.76 D By Melchior Teschner, 1613 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03187 O Jesus, King of Glory Valet Will Ich Dir Geben, 76.76 D By Melchior Teschner, 1613 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03187 O Lord, How Shall I Meet You? Valet Will Ich Dir Geben, 76.76 D By Melchior Teschner, 1613 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03187 Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Christians Valet Will Ich Dir Geben, 76.76 D By Melchior Teschner, 1613 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03187 Thou Light of Gentile Nations Valet Will Ich Dir Geben, 76.76 D By Melchior Teschner, 1613 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03187 Valet Will Ich Dir Geben, 76.76 D Valet Will Ich Dir Geben, 76.76 D By Melchior Teschner, 1613 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03188 God Saved His People from Distress Vander Werp, LMD By Henry Vander Werp, 1911 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03188 Vander Werp, LMD Vander Werp, LMD By Henry Vander Werp, 1911 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03189 Varina, CMD Varina, CMD By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 Before Thee, God, Who Knowest All Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 Before Thy Throne, O God, We Kneel Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 Jeg st†r for Gud som allting vet Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 Lord Jesus, in the Days of Old Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 My Savior! I Behold Thy Life Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 O God, Most Holy Are Thy Ways Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 O Lord of Hosts, Who Didst Upraise Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 Th'Abyss of Many a Former Sin Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 Thou Hidden Love of God Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03190 Vater Unser, 88.88.88 Vater Unser, 88.88.88 By Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. by J. S. Bach DP12.2 MV35 GHC03191 And Am I Only Born to Die? Venetia, 88.68.86 By London Tune Book (before 1879) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03191 Venetia, 88.68.86 Venetia, 88.68.86 By London Tune Book (before 1879) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03192 Veni, SM Veni, SM By John Stainer, 1890 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03193 Venice, SM Venice, SM By William Amps (1824-1910) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03194 O Quickly Come, Dread Judge of All Veni Cito By John Bacchus Dykes, circa 1860 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03194 Veni Cito Veni Cito By John Bacchus Dykes, circa 1860 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03195 Come, and Christ the Lord Be Praising Venite Laudite, 88.87 By Anonymous DP12.2 MV35 GHC03195 Kommt und lasst uns Christum ehren Venite Laudite, 88.87 By Anonymous DP12.2 MV35 GHC03195 Venite Laudite, 88.87 Venite Laudite, 88.87 By Anonymous DP12.2 MV35 GHC03196 Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire Veni Creator By Vesperale Romanum, 1848 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03196 Veni Creator Veni Creator By Vesperale Romanum, 1848 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03197 Veni Creator (Dykes), LM Veni Creator (Dykes), LM By John Bacchus Dykes, 1875 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03198 Come, Thou Holy Paraclete Veni Sancte Spiritus, 77.77.77 By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03198 Come, Thou Holy Spirit, Come Veni Sancte Spiritus, 77.77.77 By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03198 Holy Spirit, Come and Shine Veni Sancte Spiritus, 77.77.77 By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03198 Veni Sancte Spiritus, 77.77.77 Veni Sancte Spiritus, 77.77.77 By Samuel Webbe, 1782 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03199 Verbum Pacis, 66.84 Verbum Pacis, 66.84 By William Henry Monk, 1889 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03199 With the Sweet Word of Peace Verbum Pacis, 66.84 By William Henry Monk, 1889 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03200 Verily, I Say unto You Verily, I Say unto You By James McGranahan (1840-1907) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03201 Vernon, 88.88.88 Vernon, 88.88.88 By J. Ingalls' Christian Harmony, 1805 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03202 Vesper, 77.75 Vesper, 77.75 By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03203 Hark! The Vesper Hymn Is Stealing Vesper Hymn By Selection of Popular National Airs, 1818 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03203 Now, on Land and Sea Descending Vesper Hymn By Selection of Popular National Airs, 1818 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03203 Take Me, O My Father, Take Me Vesper Hymn By Selection of Popular National Airs, 1818 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03203 Vesper Hymn Vesper Hymn By Selection of Popular National Airs, 1818 DP12.2 MV35 GHC03204 Vespers, LM Vespers, LM By James William Elliott (1816-?) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03205 Holy Father, Cheer Our Way Vesperi Lux, 77.75 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP12.2 MV35 GHC03205 Vesperi Lux, 77.75 Vesperi Lux, 77.75 By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03206 Vexilla Regis, LM Vexilla Regis, LM By Proper Sarum Melody DP12.3 MV36 GHC03207 Father of All, to Thee Via Pacis, 66.66.88 By Joseph Barnby, 1889 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03207 Via Pacis, 66.66.88 Via Pacis, 66.66.88 By Joseph Barnby, 1889 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03208 Victory in Jesus Victory in Jesus By Eliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, circa 1900 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03209 Victorious Victorious By Priscilla Jane Owens, 1881 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03210 Strife is O'er, the Battle Done, The Victory By Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, 1591 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03210 Victory Victory By Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, 1591 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03211 Victory Ahead Victory Ahead By William Grum DP12.3 MV36 GHC03212 Victory in My Soul Victory in My Soul By Daniel Brink Towner, circa 1912 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03213 Far Be Sorrow, Tears, and Sighing Victory (Rowton), By S. J. Rowton DP12.3 MV36 GHC03213 Victory (Rowton), Victory (Rowton), By S. J. Rowton DP12.3 MV36 GHC03214 Victory Victory (Warren) By Barney E. Warren DP12.3 MV36 GHC03215 Blest Creator of the Light Vienna, 77.77 By Justin Heinrich Knecht, 1797 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03215 Brightly Did the Light Divine Vienna, 77.77 By Justin Heinrich Knecht, 1797 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03215 Lord, We Come Before Thee Now Vienna, 77.77 By Justin Heinrich Knecht, 1797 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03215 Tis for Conquering Kings to Gain Vienna, 77.77 By Justin Heinrich Knecht, 1797 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03215 Vienna, 77.77 Vienna, 77.77 By Justin Heinrich Knecht, 1797 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03216 Vigil, 76.76 D Vigil, 76.76 D By Swedish Folk Melody DP12.3 MV36 GHC03217 Christian! Seek Not Yet Repose Vigilate, 77.73 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03217 Vigilate, 77.73 Vigilate, 77.73 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03218 My Times Are in Thy Hand Vigil (Albans), SM By From St. Albans Tune Boo, 1875 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03218 Tomorrow, Lord, Is Thine Vigil (Albans), SM By From St. Albans Tune Boo, 1875 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03218 Vigil (Albans), SM Vigil (Albans), SM By From St. Albans Tune Boo, 1875 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03219 Roll Out, O Song, to God! Viglia, SMD By Julian K. Smyth DP12.3 MV36 GHC03219 Viglia, SMD Viglia, SMD By Julian K. Smyth DP12.3 MV36 GHC03220 It Is Well with My Soul Ville de Havre By Philip Paul Bliss, 1876 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03221 Village Vespers, 87.87.77 Village Vespers, 87.87.77 By Timothy Richard Matthews, 1873 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03222 Sun Declines, The Vincent, 84.84 D By Horatio Richmond Palmer, before 1898 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03222 Vincent, 84.84 D Vincent, 84.84 D By Horatio Richmond Palmer, before 1898 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03223 A Virgin Unspotted, refrain A Virgin Unspotted, refrain By Traditional English carol DP12.3 MV36 GHC03223 Great God of Heaven, The A Virgin Unspotted, refrain By Traditional English carol DP12.3 MV36 GHC03224 Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear, The Vision By William H. Doane(1834-1915) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03224 God of Our Strength, Enthroned Above Vision By William H. Doane(1834-1915) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03224 Vision Vision By William H. Doane(1834-1915) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03225 Visio Domini, Visio Domini, By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03225 We Would See Jesus (Warner) Visio Domini, By John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03226 Voller Wunder, 77.77.77 Voller Wunder, 77.77.77 By Johann Georg Ebeling, 1666 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03227 Von Gott will ich nicht lassen Von Gott will ich nicht lassen By Christliche Tischgesange, Erfurt, 1572 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03228 Ah, Dearest Jesus Von Himmel Hoch, LM By Geistliche Lieder (Leipzig, Germany1539) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03228 Ere Yet the Dawn Has Filled the Skies Von Himmel Hoch, LM By Geistliche Lieder (Leipzig, Germany1539) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03228 From Heaven Above to Earth I Come Von Himmel Hoch, LM By Geistliche Lieder (Leipzig, Germany1539) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03228 Holy Son of God Most High, The Von Himmel Hoch, LM By Geistliche Lieder (Leipzig, Germany1539) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03228 Image of That Heavenly Light, An Von Himmel Hoch, LM By Geistliche Lieder (Leipzig, Germany1539) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03228 Jerusalem, Lift Up Thy Voice Von Himmel Hoch, LM By Geistliche Lieder (Leipzig, Germany1539) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03228 Jesu, the Father's Only Son Von Himmel Hoch, LM By Geistliche Lieder (Leipzig, Germany1539) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03228 Von Himmel Hoch, LM Von Himmel Hoch, LM By Geistliche Lieder (Leipzig, Germany1539) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03229 Vox Angelica, Vox Angelica, By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03230 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say Vox Dilecti, CMD By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03230 Jehovah, to my Prayer Give Ear Vox Dilecti, CMD By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03230 Vox Dilecti, CMD Vox Dilecti, CMD By John Bacchus Dykes, 1868 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03231 Abide with Us, Our Savior Vulpius, CM By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03231 Long Hast Thou Wept and Sorrowed Vulpius, CM By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03231 My Soul, There Is a Country Vulpius, CM By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03231 Shepherd Now Was Smitten, The Vulpius, CM By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03231 Vulpius, CM Vulpius, CM By Melchior Vulpius, 1609 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03232 Glorious Majesty Wachet Auf By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03232 Nous Voulons par Nos Canqtiques Wachet Auf By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03232 Sleepers, Wake! The Watch Cry Pealeth Wachet Auf By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03232 Wachet Auf Wachet Auf By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03232 Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme Wachet Auf By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03232 Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying Wachet Auf By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03232 Wake, O Wake! with Tidings Thrilling Wachet Auf By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03233 Waith, 77.77.77 Waith, 77.77.77 By William Sereno Waith, 1895 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03234 Waiting for the Promise Waiting for the Promise By John Robson Sweney, circa 1897 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03235 Waiting for Thy Coming Waiting for Thy Coming By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03236 Waiting on the Lord Waiting on the Lord By Charles Frederick Weigle, 1903 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03237 Wait, and Murmur Not Wait, and Murmur Not By W. H. Bellamy DP12.3 MV36 GHC03238 Wait on the Lord Wait On the Lord By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1898 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03238 Wait On the Lord Wait On the Lord By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1898 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03239 No, No, It Is Not Dying Wakefield, 76.77.6 By William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03239 Wakefield, 76.77.6 Wakefield, 76.77.6 By William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03240 Walking in the Good Old Way Walking in the Good Old Way By John Robson Sweney DP12.3 MV36 GHC03241 Walking in the King's Highway Walking in the King's Highway By Florence Horton, 1906 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03242 Kings of the East Are Riding, The Wallace (Hamilton), irregular By Clarence G. Hamilton (1865-1932) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03242 Wallace (Hamilton), irregular Wallace (Hamilton), irregular By Clarence G. Hamilton (1865-1932) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03243 Walmisley, SM Walmisley, SM By T. A. Walmisley (1814-1856) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03244 O Lord, My Inmost Heart and Thought Walsall, CM By Attributed to Henry Purcell (1658-1695) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03244 Walsall, CM Walsall, CM By Attributed to Henry Purcell (1658-1695) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03244 When Came in Flesh the Incarnate Word Walsall, CM By Attributed to Henry Purcell (1658-1695) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03245 Waltham (Albert), 87.87.77 Waltham (Albert), 87.87.77 By H. Albert, 1642 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03246 Not for Our Sins Alone Waltham (Monk), 66.66.66 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03246 Waltham (Monk), 66.66.66 Waltham (Monk), 66.66.66 By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03247 Jesus, the Calm That Fills My Breast Waratah, LM By Moses S. Cross, before 1906 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03247 Waratah, LM Waratah, LM By Moses S. Cross, before 1906 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03248 God Is the Refuge of His Saints Ward, LM By Scottish melody, arr. by Lowell Mason, 1830 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03248 Ward, LM Ward, LM By Scottish melody, arr. by Lowell Mason, 1830 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03249 Ware, LM Ware, LM By George Kingsley, 1838 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Dawn Is Sprinkling in the East, The Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Eternal Father, When to Thee Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Eternal Glory of the Sky Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 How Pleasant, How Divinely Fair Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Laborer's Noon-Day Hymn, The Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Let Thoughtless Thousands Choose Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Lo! Golden Light Rekindles Day Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Now to the Lord, Who Makes Us Know Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 O Savior, Lord, to Thee We Pray Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 O Splendor of God's Glory Bright Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 O Wondrous Sight! Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Rejoice, O Land, in God Thy Might Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Star of Our Hope Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Thine, Lord, Is Wisdom, Thine Alone Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Thou Glorious God, Before Whose Face Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Wareham Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Whom Oceans Part, O Lord, Unite Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Winged Herald of the Day Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03250 Ye Clouds of Darkness, Hosts of Night Wareham By William Knapp, 1738 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03251 O One with God the Father Waring, 76.76 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03251 Waring, 76.76 D Waring, 76.76 D By Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03252 They Whose Course on Earth Is O'er Warnborough, 77.77 By F. Iliffe DP12.3 MV36 GHC03252 Warnborough, 77.77 Warnborough, 77.77 By F. Iliffe DP12.3 MV36 GHC03253 Give to Our God Immortal Praise Warrington, LM By Ralph Harrison, 1784 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03253 Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky Warrington, LM By Ralph Harrison, 1784 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03253 O Christ, Our Joy, to Whom Is Given Warrington, LM By Ralph Harrison, 1784 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03253 Warrington, LM Warrington, LM By Ralph Harrison, 1784 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03254 Warrior, CMD Warrior, CMD By Archibald McDonald, 1877 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03255 Hark! Hark! The Notes of Joy Warsaw, HM By Thomas Clark DP12.3 MV36 GHC03255 Warsaw, HM Warsaw, HM By Thomas Clark DP12.3 MV36 GHC03256 Praise the Lord of Heaven Warum Sind die Thranen, By Johann Abraham Peter Schultz, 1785 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03256 Think, O Lord, in Mercy Warum Sind die Thranen, By Johann Abraham Peter Schultz, 1785 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03256 Warum Sind die Thranen, Warum Sind die Thranen, By Johann Abraham Peter Schultz, 1785 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03256 Yesu, Bin Mariamu Warum Sind die Thranen, By Johann Abraham Peter Schultz, 1785 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03257 Beyond the Glittering, Starry Skies Warwick, CM By Samuel Stanley, ca. 1796 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03257 Lord, in the Morning Thou Shalt Hear Warwick, CM By Samuel Stanley, ca. 1796 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03257 Warwick, CM Warwick, CM By Samuel Stanley, ca. 1796 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03258 Hallelujah! What a Savior Hallelujah! What a Savior By Philip P. Bliss DP12.3 MV36 GHC03259 O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness Was Lebet, Was Schwebet, By Reinhardt Manuscript, Uttingen, 1754 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03259 Was Lebet, Was Schwebet, Was Lebet, Was Schwebet, By Reinhardt Manuscript, Uttingen, 1754 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03260 Was There Ever a Friend So True? Was There Ever a Friend So True? By Harriet Fithian DP12.3 MV36 GHC03261 Now Are the Days Fulfilled Was frag' ich nach der Welt, By Ahasuerus Fritsch (1629-1701) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03261 Now Yield We Thanks and Praise Was frag' ich nach der Welt, By Ahasuerus Fritsch (1629-1701) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03261 O God, Thou Faithful God Was frag' ich nach der Welt, By Ahasuerus Fritsch (1629-1701) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03261 Was frag' ich nach der Welt, Was frag' ich nach der Welt, By Ahasuerus Fritsch (1629-1701) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03261 What Is the World to Me? Was frag' ich nach der Welt, By Ahasuerus Fritsch (1629-1701) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03262 Watchman Watchman By Lowell Mason DP12.3 MV36 GHC03262 Watchman, Tell Us of the Night Watchman By Lowell Mason DP12.3 MV36 GHC03263 Watch and Pray Watch and Pray By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1885 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03264 Watchman, Tell Me Watchman, Tell Me By Sidney S. Brewer, 19th Century DP12.3 MV36 GHC03265 Waters, Waters, By Irish melody DP12.3 MV36 GHC03266 O Show Me Not My Savior Dying Watford, 96.96 D By Arr. from German chorale by Peter Maurice DP12.3 MV36 GHC03266 Watford, 96.96 D Watford, 96.96 D By Arr. from German chorale by Peter Maurice DP12.3 MV36 GHC03267 O Light That Knew No Dawn Waverton, 66.66.88 By Robert Jackson, 1876 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03267 Waverton, 66.66.88 Waverton, 66.66.88 By Robert Jackson, 1876 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03268 Surrounded by Unnumbered Foes Wavertree, 88.88.88 By William Shore, 1840 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03268 Wavertree, 88.88.88 Wavertree, 88.88.88 By William Shore, 1840 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03269 We Are Well Able We Are Well Able By Mrs. F. W. Suffield, 1922 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03270 Way of the Cross Leads Home, The Way of the Cross Leads Home, The By Jessie Brown Pounds, 1906 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03271 Watchman, Blow the Gospel Trumpet Watchman, Blow the Gospel Trumpet By Henry Lake Gilmour, 1894 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03272 When Comes the Golden Sunset When Comes the Golden Sunset By Calvin Weiss Laufer, 1922 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03273 We Come in Childhood's Joyfulness We Come in Childhood's Joyfulness By Thomas Gray, Jr. (1803-1849) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03274 When Christ Arose When Christ Arose By Ida Scott Taylor, 1899 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03275 Why Do the Holy Angels Sing? Why Do the Holy Angels Sing? By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03276 What Did He Do? What Did He Do? By James Martin Gray (1851-1935) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03277 We All Can Do Good We All Can Do Good By John Robson Sweney, 1881 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03278 We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder By African-American spiritual DP12.3 MV36 GHC03279 Debout, Sainte Cohorte Webb, 76.76 D By George James Webb, 1830 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03279 Morning Light Is Breaking, The Webb, 76.76 D By George James Webb, 1830 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03279 O Thou Whose Hand Hath Brought Us Webb, 76.76 D By George James Webb, 1830 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03279 Our Country's Voice Is Pleading Webb, 76.76 D By George James Webb, 1830 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03279 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus Webb, 76.76 D By George James Webb, 1830 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03279 Thy Might Sets Fast the Mountains Webb, 76.76 D By George James Webb, 1830 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03279 Webb, 76.76 D Webb, 76.76 D By George James Webb, 1830 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03280 I Am Jesus' Little Lamb Weil Ich Jesu Schaflein Bin, 77.88.77 By Bruder Choral-Buch, 1784 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03280 Weil Ich Jesu Schaflein Bin, 77.88.77 Weil Ich Jesu Schaflein Bin, 77.88.77 By Bruder Choral-Buch, 1784 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03281 Lo! Now Is Our Accepted Day Weimar, LM By German tune DP12.3 MV36 GHC03281 Weimar, LM Weimar, LM By German tune DP12.3 MV36 GHC03282 Stella (Parker), 83.36.D Stella (Parker), 83.36.D By Horatio W.Parker (1863-1919) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03283 Welcome for Me Welcome for Me By William James Kirkpatrick, circa 1896 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03284 I Hear Thy Welcome Voice I Hear Thy Welcome Voice By Lewis Hartsborough, 1872 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03284 Zerin Tend Po E Degjoj I Hear Thy Welcome Voice By Lewis Hartsborough, 1872 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03285 Savior, Whom Our Hearts Adore Weld, By Composer Unknown DP12.3 MV36 GHC03285 Weld, Weld, By Composer Unknown DP12.3 MV36 GHC03286 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy Wellesley, 87.87 By Lizzie Shove Tourjee Estabrook, 1878 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03287 We'll Girdle the Globe We'll Girdle the Globe By U. A. Duke DP12.3 MV36 GHC03288 We'll Give Our Hearts to Jesus We'll Give Our Hearts to Jesus By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03289 From the Cross Wells (7 7 7 7 7 7) By Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky (1758-1825) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03289 Wells (7 7 7 7 7 7) Wells (7 7 7 7 7 7) By Dimitri Stepanovich Bortniansky (1758-1825) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03290 Grant to This Child the Inward Grace Wells (Monk), LM By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03290 Not by the Martyr's Death Alone Wells (Monk), LM By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03290 O Jesu, Blessed Lord, to Thee Wells (Monk), LM By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03290 Wells (Monk), LM Wells (Monk), LM By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP12.3 MV36 GHC03291 By and By By and By By Charles Albert Tindley, ca. 1906 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03291 We'll Understand It Better By and By By and By By Charles Albert Tindley, ca. 1906 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03292 O Land of Rest, CM with refrain O Land of Rest, CM with refrain By William Miller, 19th Century DP12.3 MV36 GHC03292 We'll Work Till Jesus Comes O Land of Rest, CM with refrain By William Miller, 19th Century DP12.3 MV36 GHC03293 Welcome, One and All Welcome, One and All By Laura E. Newell, 1896 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03294 Christ! I Am Christ's Welwyn, By Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1902 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03294 Hark, What a Sound Welwyn, By Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1902 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03294 Lord God of Hosts Whose Purpose Never Swerving Welwyn, By Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1902 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03294 O Brother Man Welwyn, By Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1902 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03294 O Happy Home Welwyn, By Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1902 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03294 Welwyn, Welwyn, By Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1902 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03295 Wenn meine Sund', Wenn meine Sund', By Michael Praetorius, 1609 DP12.3 MV36 GHC03295 When o'er My Sins I Sorrow Wenn meine Sund', By Michael Praetorius, 1609 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03296 Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains Wenn Wir in Hochsten Noten By Genevan Psalter, 1547 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03296 Wenn Wir in Hochsten Noten Wenn Wir in Hochsten Noten By Genevan Psalter, 1547 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03297 My God, I Thank Thee Wentworth, 84.84.84 By Frederick Charles Maker, 1876 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03297 Sun Is on the Land and Sea, The Wentworth, 84.84.84 By Frederick Charles Maker, 1876 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03297 Wentworth, 84.84.84 Wentworth, 84.84.84 By Frederick Charles Maker, 1876 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03298 Hymn for Conquering Martyrs Raise, The Wer Da Wonet, LMD By Vehe's Gesangbuchlein, 1537 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03298 Wer Da Wonet, LMD Wer Da Wonet, LMD By Vehe's Gesangbuchlein, 1537 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03299 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People Werde Munter, By Johann Schop, 1642 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03299 Like the Golden Sun Ascending Werde Munter, By Johann Schop, 1642 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03299 Speak, O Lord, Thy Servant Heareth Werde Munter, By Johann Schop, 1642 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03299 Werde Munter, Werde Munter, By Johann Schop, 1642 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03300 We're Going Home Tomorrow We're Going Home Tomorrow By Mrs. E. W. Griswold DP13.1 MV37 GHC03301 We're Traveling Home We're Traveling Home By Hubert Platt Main (1839-1925) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03302 Were You There Were You There By African American spiritual DP13.1 MV37 GHC03302 Were You There? Were You There By African American spiritual DP13.1 MV37 GHC03303 We Are Going Down the Valley We Are Going Down the Valley By James Henry Fillmore, Sr., 1890 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03304 We Are Watching We Are Watching By Anonymous DP13.1 MV37 GHC03305 Wer Weiss, Wie Nahe, 98.98.88 Wer Weiss, Wie Nahe, 98.98.88 By Christian Mock, 1818 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03305 When Sinners See Their Lost Condition Wer Weiss, Wie Nahe, 98.98.88 By Christian Mock, 1818 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03306 We Shall See the King Some Day We Shall See the King Some Day By L. E. Jones, before 1907 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03307 We Shall See the King Some Day We Shall See the King Some Day By L. E. Jones, before 1907 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03308 My Song Is Love Unknown Wesley, 66.66.88 By Unknown DP13.1 MV37 GHC03308 Wesley, 66.66.88 Wesley, 66.66.88 By Unknown DP13.1 MV37 GHC03309 Hail to the Brightness of Zion's Glad Morning! Wesley By Lowell Mason, 1833 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03309 Sing to the Lord, Sing His Praise Wesley By Lowell Mason, 1833 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03309 Wesley Wesley By Lowell Mason, 1833 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03310 We Shall Reign We Shall Reign By George C. Needham DP13.1 MV37 GHC03311 Brood O'er Us with Thy Sheltering Wing Wessex, 86.86.88 By Unknown DP13.1 MV37 GHC03311 Lord of My Life! Wessex, 86.86.88 By Unknown DP13.1 MV37 GHC03311 Wessex, 86.86.88 Wessex, 86.86.88 By Unknown DP13.1 MV37 GHC03312 Westbourne, 88.88.88 Westbourne, 88.88.88 By C. E. Stephens DP13.1 MV37 GHC03313 Westminster, LM Westminster, LM By B. Cooke, 1794 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03314 Westminster Abby Westminster Abby By Henry Purcell, circa 1680 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03315 Westminster New, CM Westminster New, CM By James Narer, 1762 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03316 Westminster (Turle), CM Westminster (Turle), CM By J. Turle DP13.1 MV37 GHC03317 Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice Wetherby, CM By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03317 O Thou Who Through This Holy Week Wetherby, CM By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03317 Wetherby, CM Wetherby, CM By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03318 We three kings Kings of Orient By John Henry Hopkins, Jr., 1857 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03319 Message Message By H. Ernest Nichol, 1896 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03319 We've a Story to Tell to the Nations Message By H. Ernest Nichol, 1896 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03320 And Now the Wants Are Told Weybridge, CM By W. H. Sangster DP13.1 MV37 GHC03320 Weybridge, CM Weybridge, CM By W. H. Sangster DP13.1 MV37 GHC03321 We All Can Do Something for Jesus We All Can Do Something for Jesus By Frances Janes (Fanny) Crosby, 1868 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03322 Missionary Band Missionary Band By A.F. Myers DP13.1 MV37 GHC03322 We Are but a Band of Children Missionary Band By A.F. Myers DP13.1 MV37 GHC03323 We Are Nearing We Are Nearing By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1892 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03324 We Give Thee but Thine Own, SM We Give Thee but Thine Own, SM By Edward Henry Thorne (1834-1916) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03325 We Have an Anchor We Have an Anchor (1838-1921) By William James Kirkpatrick DP13.1 MV37 GHC03325 We Have an Anchor (1838-1921) We Have an Anchor (1838-1921) By William James Kirkpatrick DP13.1 MV37 GHC03326 We March to Victory We March to Victory By Gerard Moultrie, 1867 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03327 We Saw Thee Not We Saw Thee Not By Knowles Shaw, 1877 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03328 We Shall See the King We Shall See the King By J. B. Vaughan DP13.1 MV37 GHC03329 The Day of Christ The Day of Christ By Andrew L. Skoog, 1921 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03329 We Wait for a Great and Glorious Day The Day of Christ By Andrew L. Skoog, 1921 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03330 We Will Follow Jesus We Will Follow Jesus By Isaac H. Meredith DP13.1 MV37 GHC03331 We Will Walk Through the Streets of the City We Will Walk Through the Streets of the Ci By Garfield Thomas Haywood (1880-1931) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03331 We Will Walk thru the Streets of the City We Will Walk Through the Streets of the Ci By Garfield Thomas Haywood (1880-1931) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03332 What God Hath Promised What God Hath Promised By Annie Johnson Flint, 1919 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03333 What If It Were Today? What If It Were Today? By Lei­la N. Mor­ris, 1912) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03334 What Is He Worth to Your Soul? What Is He Worth to Your Soul? By Wil­liam B. Wal­bert & Ad­ger M. Pace, 1922 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03335 What Means This Glory Round Our Feet What Means This Glory Round Our Feet By Gae­ta­no Don­i­zet­ti (1797-1848) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03336 What will you do with Jesus? What will you do with Jesus? By George C. Steb­bin DP13.1 MV37 GHC03337 What wilt Thou have me to do What wilt Thou have me to do By W. How­ard Doane DP13.1 MV37 GHC03338 What a Friend Thou Art to Me! What a Friend Thou Art to Me! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03338 What a Friend Thou Art To Me! What a Friend Thou Art to Me! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03339 What a Gathering What a Gathering By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1887 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03340 What a Savior! What a Savior! By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1905 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03341 What a Savior Is Mine! What a Savior Is Mine! By Leila Naylor Morris, 1911 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03342 Benton Harbor Benton Harbor By Elisha Albright Hoffmann (1839-1929) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03342 Kurban Jezusi Me Shperbleu Benton Harbor By Elisha Albright Hoffmann (1839-1929) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03342 What a Wonderful Savior! Benton Harbor By Elisha Albright Hoffmann (1839-1929) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03343 What Must It Be to Be There! What Must It Be to Be There! By J. M. Kieffer, 1871 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03344 What Must I Do? What Must I Do? By Harry D. Clarke, 1920 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03345 What, Never Thirst Again? What, Never Thirst Again? By May Agnew Stephens DP13.1 MV37 GHC03346 What Shall the Harvest Be? What Shall the Harvest Be? By Emily S. Oakley, 1870 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03347 What Will You Do with Jesus? What Will You Do with Jesus? By Albert Benjamin Simpson, circa 1905 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03347 What Will You Do with Jesus? (Simpson) What Will You Do with Jesus? By Albert Benjamin Simpson, circa 1905 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03348 When Each Others Face We See When Each Others Face We See By John R. Swe­ney DP13.1 MV37 GHC03349 Jewels Jewels By George F. Root, 1866 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03349 When He Cometh Jewels By George F. Root, 1866 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03350 When I See the Blood When I See the Blood By J.F.H., probably 19th Century DP13.1 MV37 GHC03351 When Love Shines In When Love Shines In By William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03352 Have You Ever Heard the Story When the Mists Have Rolled Away By Ira D. Sankey, 1883 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03352 When the Mists Have Rolled Away When the Mists Have Rolled Away By Ira D. Sankey, 1883 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03353 When They Ring the Golden Bells When They Ring the Golden Bells bY Dan­i­el de Mar­belle, 1887 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03354 Gilmour, CM refrain Gilmour, CM refrain By Henry Lake Gilmour, 1896 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03354 When Israel Out of Bondage Came Gilmour, CM refrain By Henry Lake Gilmour, 1896 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03355 When I Get to the End of the Way When I Get to the End of the Way By Charles Davis Tillman (1861-1943) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03356 When I Look in His Face When I Look in His Face By Lizzie DeArmond, ca.1917 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03357 When I See My Savior When I See My Savior, By Maud Frazer, 1911 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03357 When I See My Savior, When I See My Savior, By Maud Frazer, 1911 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03358 When I Walk Up The Streets of Gold When I Walk Up The Streets of Gold By Anonymous DP13.1 MV37 GHC03358 When I Walk Up the Streets of Gold When I Walk Up The Streets of Gold By Anonymous DP13.1 MV37 GHC03359 When the Battle's Over When the Battle's Over By English, arranged by William B. Blake DP13.1 MV37 GHC03360 When the Bridegroom Comes When the Bridegroom Comes By Eden Reeder Latta (1839-1907) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03361 When the King Shall Come! When the King Shall Come! By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03362 Roll Call Roll Call By James Milton Black, 1893 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03362 When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder Roll Call By James Milton Black, 1893 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03363 When the Saints Are Marching In When the Saints Are Marching In By Katharine E. Purvis, 1896 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03364 Heaven Heaven By Emily Divine Wilson, 1898 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03364 When We All Get to Heaven Heaven By Emily Divine Wilson, 1898 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03365 Where the Cross Is Leading Where the Cross Is Leading By Bent­ley D. Ack­l DP13.1 MV37 GHC03366 Where He Leads Me Where He Leads Me By John S. Nor­ris, 1890 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03367 Where Hast Thou Gleaned Today? Where Hast Thou Gleaned Today? By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03368 Where He Leads I'll Follow Where He Leads I'll Follow By William Augustine Ogden (1841-1897) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03369 Where Is Thy Refuge? Where Is Thy Refuge? By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03370 Where Jesus Is, 'Tis Heaven Where Jesus Is, 'Tis Heaven By Charles J. Butler, 1898 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03371 Where They Need No Sun Where They Need No Sun By Haldor Lillenas, 1912 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03372 Where the Gates Swing Outward Never Where the Gates Swing Outward Never By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, circa 1917 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03373 Where the Wrecks Wash In Where the Wrecks Wash In By Frank M Davis DP13.1 MV37 GHC03374 Where Will You Spend Eternity? Where Will You Spend Eternity? By Elisha Albright Hoffman (1839-1929) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03375 Where Are the Nine? Where Are the Nine? By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03376 Whispering Hope Whispering Hope By Septimus Winner, 1868 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03377 Martyr of God, Whose Strength Was Steeled Whitehall, LM By Melody by Henry Lawes (1596-1662) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03377 Whitehall, LM Whitehall, LM By Melody by Henry Lawes (1596-1662) DP13.1 MV37 GHC03378 Whiter than Snow Whiter than Snow By William G. Fischer DP13.1 MV37 GHC03378 Whiter Than Snow Whiter than Snow By William G. Fischer DP13.1 MV37 GHC03379 I Saw the Cross of Jesus Whitfield, 76.76 D By Anonymous DP13.1 MV37 GHC03379 My Lord, I Did Not Choose You Whitfield, 76.76 D By Anonymous DP13.1 MV37 GHC03379 Whitfield, 76.76 D Whitfield, 76.76 D By Anonymous DP13.1 MV37 GHC03380 Life Which God's Incarnate Word, The Whitwell, CM By J. Hopkins DP13.1 MV37 GHC03380 Whitwell, CM Whitwell, CM By J. Hopkins DP13.1 MV37 GHC03381 Wholly Thine Wholly Thine By Frank­lin E. Bel­den, 1886 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03382 Whom Have I in Heaven? Whom Have I in Heaven? By William Fiske Sherwin, 1877 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03383 Whosoever Will Whosoever Will By Philip Paul Bliss, 1870 DP13.1 MV37 GHC03384 Who Will Volunteer? Who Will Volunteer? By Mrs. H. A. Farns­wort DP13.1 MV37 GHC03385 Who at My Door Is Standing? Who at My Door Is Standing? By Asa B. Everett DP13.2 MV38 GHC03386 Who Is He in Yonder Stall? Who Is He in Yonder Stall? By Benjamin Russell Hanby, 1866 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03387 Who Will Go? Who Will Go? By Jesse A. Barney, circa 1913 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03388 Who Will Open Mercy's Door? Who Will Open Mercy's Door? By Ina Duley Ogdon, 1912 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03389 Who Will Our Pilot Be? Who Will Our Pilot Be? By Lizzie De Armond,1907 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03390 Why Not Now? Why Not Now? By Charles C. Case DP13.2 MV38 GHC03391 Why Do You Wait? Why Do You Wait? By George Frederick Root (1820-1895) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03393 All Hail to Thee, O Blessed Morn! Wie schoen leuchtet By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03393 Hallelujah! Let Praises Ring! Wie schoen leuchtet By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03393 He Is Arisen! Glorious Word! Wie schoen leuchtet By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03393 How Bright Appears the Morning Star Wie schoen leuchtet By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03393 O Holy Spirit, Enter In Wie schoen leuchtet By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03393 Os Er Idag En Frelser Fod Wie schoen leuchtet By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03393 Rejoice, Rejoice, This Happy Morn Wie schoen leuchtet By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03393 Wie schoen leuchtet Wie schoen leuchtet By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03393 Wie Sch”n Leuchtet der Morgenstern Wie schoen leuchtet By Philipp Nicolai, 1599 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03394 One Who Is all Unfit to Count Wigtown, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1635 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03394 Wigtown, CM Wigtown, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1635 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03395 O'er those Gloomy Hills of Darkness Wildersmouth, 87.87.47 By Edward J. Hopkins, 1879 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03395 Wildersmouth, 87.87.47 Wildersmouth, 87.87.47 By Edward J. Hopkins, 1879 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03396 Lord, Thou Hast Searched and Seen Me Through Williams, LM By From Tempil Carmina DP13.2 MV38 GHC03396 Williams, LM Williams, LM By From Tempil Carmina DP13.2 MV38 GHC03397 Trust the Eternal Willingham By Franz Wilhelm Abt (1818-1885) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03397 Willingham Willingham By Franz Wilhelm Abt (1818-1885) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03398 Savior, and Can It Be Willingham (Wesley), 66.7.77 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03398 Willingham (Wesley), 66.7.77 Willingham (Wesley), 66.7.77 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03399 Hoy Gozoso Medito en la Tierra Mejor Will There Be Any Stars? By John Robson Sweney, circa 1897 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03399 Will There Be Any Stars? Will There Be Any Stars? By John Robson Sweney, circa 1897 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03400 Will the Angels Come? Will the Angels Come? By William Howard Doane, 1877 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03401 Will the Circle Be Unbroken Will the Circle Be Unbroken By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, before 1908 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03401 Will the Circle Be Unbroken? Will the Circle Be Unbroken By Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, before 1908 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03402 Will You Come? Will You Come? By John Robson Sweney DP13.2 MV38 GHC03402 Will You Come? (Crosby) Will You Come? By John Robson Sweney DP13.2 MV38 GHC03403 Will You Come (Reynolds) Will You Come (Reynolds) By Isham Emmanuel Reynolds, ca. 1920 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03403 Will You Come? (Reynolds) Will You Come (Reynolds) By Isham Emmanuel Reynolds, ca. 1920 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03404 Onward, Christian, Though the Region Wilmot, 87.87 By Carl Maria von Weber, arr by Lowell Mason, 1844 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03404 Wilmot, 87.87 Wilmot, 87.87 By Carl Maria von Weber, arr by Lowell Mason, 1844 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03405 Wilson Wilson By From Felix Mendelssohn DP13.2 MV38 GHC03406 Light of the World! Forever, Ever Shining Wilton, By Arthur Henry Mann (1850-?) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03406 Wilton, Wilton, By Arthur Henry Mann (1850-?) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03407 Since All the Downward Tracts of Time Wiltshire, CM By George Thomas Smart (1776-1867) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03407 Wiltshire, CM Wiltshire, CM By George Thomas Smart (1776-1867) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 Alimghty God, Thy Lofty Throne Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 Come in, Thou Blessed, Honored Lord Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 Creation's Lord, We Give Thee Thanks Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 Holy as Thou, O Lord, Is None Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 Lo, God Is Here! Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 O Spirit of the Living God (Montgomery) Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 This Day at Thy Creating Word Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 Tis Done! That New and Heavenly Birth Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03408 Winchester New, LM Winchester New, LM By Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg1690) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03409 Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire Winchester Old, CM By From Este's Psalter, 1592 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03409 Join, All Ye Ransomed Sons of Grace Winchester Old, CM By From Este's Psalter, 1592 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03409 Nje Nate, Kur Ca Barinj Winchester Old, CM By From Este's Psalter, 1592 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03409 Savior Died, but Rose Again, The Winchester Old, CM By From Este's Psalter, 1592 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03409 When God of Old Came Down from Heav'n Winchester Old, CM By From Este's Psalter, 1592 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03409 Winchester Old, CM Winchester Old, CM By From Este's Psalter, 1592 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03410 Broad Is the Road Windham, LM By Daniel Read (1757-1836) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03410 Windham, LM Windham, LM By Daniel Read (1757-1836) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 And Must I Be to Judgment Brought Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 Great God, How Infinite Art Thou! Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 In Grief and Fear, to Thee, O Lord Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 Jesu, Our Lenten Fast of Thee Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 My God, How Many Are My Fears Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 That Awful Day Will Surely Come Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 Today, O Lord, a Holier Work Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 Why Has My God My Soul Forsook? Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 Why Should I Vex My Soul? Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03411 Windsor, CM Windsor, CM By Christopher Tye, 1533 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03412 Winscott, LM Winscott, LM By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03413 Win Them One by One Win Them One by One By Charles Austin Miles, circa 1915 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03414 Win the One Next to You Win the One Next to You By Charles H. Forsythe, 1920 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03415 Win the World for Christ Win the World for Christ By Eliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, circa 1919 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03416 Wirksworth, SM Wirksworth, SM By Psalmody, by John Chetham, 1718 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03417 Lord Jesus, We Give Thanks to Thee Wir danken dir, LM By Bergkren (Wittenberg, Germany:1562) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03417 Wir danken dir, LM Wir danken dir, LM By Bergkren (Wittenberg, Germany:1562) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03418 We Plow the Fields Wir Pfugen, 76.76 D refrain By Johann A. P. Schulz, 1800 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03418 Wir Pfugen, 76.76 D refrain Wir Pfugen, 76.76 D refrain By Johann A. P. Schulz, 1800 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03419 With harps and with viols With harps and with viols By Philip Paul Bliss, 1873 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03420 When Jesus Comes When Jesus Comes By Philip Paul Bliss, 1873 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03421 When Jesus Returns for His Own When Jesus Returns for His Own By Herbert Buffum (1879-1939) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03422 When Jesus Speaks When Jesus Speaks By Charles H. Gab­ri­el, Jr. DP13.2 MV38 GHC03423 When My Weary Hands Are Folded When My Weary Hands Are Folded By Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03424 We'll Never Say Goodbye We'll Never Say Goodbye By John H. Ten­ney DP13.2 MV38 GHC03425 Another Year Completed Wohlauf, Thut Nicht Verzagen, 76.76 D By B. Helder (1585-1635) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03425 Lord and King of All Things, The Wohlauf, Thut Nicht Verzagen, 76.76 D By B. Helder (1585-1635) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03425 Wohlauf, Thut Nicht Verzagen, 76.76 D Wohlauf, Thut Nicht Verzagen, 76.76 D By B. Helder (1585-1635) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03426 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted Wo ist Jesus, mein Verlangen By Geistliches Volkslied, 1850 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03426 Wo ist Jesus, mein Verlangen Wo ist Jesus, mein Verlangen By Geistliches Volkslied, 1850 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03427 When Our Lord Shall Come Again When Our Lord Shall Come Again By R. L. Fer­gu­son DP13.2 MV38 GHC03428 Wonderful Book Wonderful Book By Howard E. Smith DP13.2 MV38 GHC03429 Wonderful Grace of Jesus Wonderful Grace of Jesus By Haldor Lillenas, 1918 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03430 Wonderful Love Wonderful Love By Civilla Durfee Martin, 1906 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03431 Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love Wonderful Love (Watson), By Adam Watson (1845-1912) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03431 Wonderful Love (Watson), Wonderful Love (Watson), By Adam Watson (1845-1912) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03432 Wonderful Peace Wonderful Peace By Haldor Lillenas, 1914 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03432 Wonderful Peace (Lillenas) Wonderful Peace By Haldor Lillenas, 1914 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03433 A for ein kj‘rleik s† stor! Wonderful Story of Love By J. M. Driver DP13.2 MV38 GHC03433 Wonderful Story of Love Wonderful Story of Love By J. M. Driver DP13.2 MV38 GHC03434 Wonderful, Unfailing Friend Wonderful, Unfailing Friend By Albert Simpson Reitz, 1918 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03435 New Orleans New Orleans By Ernest O. Sellers (1869-1952) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03435 Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus New Orleans By Ernest O. Sellers (1869-1952) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03436 Wonderful Words of Life Words of Life, 8 6 8 6 6 6 By Philip Paul Bliss DP13.2 MV38 GHC03436 Words of Life, 8 6 8 6 6 6 Words of Life, 8 6 8 6 6 6 By Philip Paul Bliss DP13.2 MV38 GHC03437 Great God of Wonders Wonders By John Newton DP13.2 MV38 GHC03437 Wonders Wonders By John Newton DP13.2 MV38 GHC03438 Wonderful Message Wonderful Message By Ben­ja­min C. Un­seld DP13.2 MV38 GHC03439 What Wondrous Love Is This? Wondrous Love By Southern Harmony, 1835 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03439 Wondrous Love Wondrous Love By Southern Harmony, 1835 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03440 Wonderful Savior Wonderful Savior By John M. Har­ris, 1905 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03441 Wonderful Peace (Cornell) Wonderful Peace (Cornell) By W. George Coo­per, 188 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03442 Won't Somebody Tell Them? Won't Somebody Tell Them? By An­na G. Lam­be DP13.2 MV38 GHC03443 Woodbird, 76.76 D Woodbird, 76.76 D By Traditional German Melody DP13.2 MV38 GHC03444 Ho! Reapers of Life's Harvest Woodbury, 76.76 D By Isaac Baker Woodbury (1819-1858) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03444 Woodbury, 76.76 D Woodbury, 76.76 D By Isaac Baker Woodbury (1819-1858) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03445 Draw Nigh to Thy Jerusalem Woodland, 86.886 By N. D. Gould, 1840 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03445 Lift Up Your Hearts Woodland, 86.886 By N. D. Gould, 1840 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03445 Woodland, 86.886 Woodland, 86.886 By N. D. Gould, 1840 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03446 Woodlynn, Woodlynn, By John Stainer (1840-1901) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03447 When the Dark Waves Round Us Roll Woodman, 77.77 By Raymond Huntington Woodman, 1895 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03447 Woodman, 77.77 Woodman, 77.77 By Raymond Huntington Woodman, 1895 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03448 Goodly Were Thy Tents, O Israel Woodside, 87.87 D By J. T.Grimley, before 1918 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03448 Woodside, 87.87 D Woodside, 87.87 D By J. T.Grimley, before 1918 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03449 I Love to Steal Awhile Away Woodstock (Dutton), CM By Deodatus Dutton, Jr. (1808-1832) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03449 Let Every Mortal Ear Attend Woodstock (Dutton), CM By Deodatus Dutton, Jr. (1808-1832) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03449 To Thee, O God, the Shepherd Kings Woodstock (Dutton), CM By Deodatus Dutton, Jr. (1808-1832) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03449 Woodstock (Dutton), CM Woodstock (Dutton), CM By Deodatus Dutton, Jr. (1808-1832) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03450 Will Jesus Find Us Watching? Will Jesus Find Us Watching? By William H. Doane DP13.2 MV38 GHC03451 Dear Savior, if these lambs should stray Woodworth By Will­iam B. Brad­bury DP13.2 MV38 GHC03451 Just as I am, without one plea Woodworth By Will­iam B. Brad­bury DP13.2 MV38 GHC03451 Lord, Thou hast searched me and dost know Woodworth By Will­iam B. Brad­bury DP13.2 MV38 GHC03451 Woodworth Woodworth By Will­iam B. Brad­bury DP13.2 MV38 GHC03452 They Come, God's Messengers of Love Woolmer's, LM By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03452 Woolmer's, LM Woolmer's, LM By Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03453 At First I Prayed for Light Woolwich, SM By Charles Edward Kettle (1833-1927) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03453 Woolwich, SM Woolwich, SM By Charles Edward Kettle (1833-1927) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03454 Eternal God, how they’re increased Worcester By John Play­ford, 1671 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03454 Worcester Worcester By John Play­ford, 1671 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03455 Wordsworth, 76.76 D Wordsworth, 76.76 D By William Henry Monk (1823-1889) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03456 Work Song, irr. Work Song, irr. By Lowell Mason, 1864 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03456 Work, for the Night Is Coming Work Song, irr. By Lowell Mason, 1864 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03457 World for God, The The World For God By Evan­gel­ine C. Booth, 1934 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03458 To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise! Worship, LM By Adapted from Karl P. Harrington (circa 1895) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03458 Worship, LM Worship, LM By Adapted from Karl P. Harrington (circa 1895) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03459 Father, Before Thy Throne of Light Worship (Stewart), CMD By Robert Prescott Stewart, 1889 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03459 Worship (Stewart), CMD Worship (Stewart), CMD By Robert Prescott Stewart, 1889 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03460 Worthy the Lamb Worthy the Lamb By Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03461 Wounded for Me Wounded for Me By William G. Ovens (1870-1945) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03462 We'll Outshine the Sun We'll Outshine the Sun By Ar­ranged by A. F. I. DP13.2 MV38 GHC03463 Star Proclaims the King Is Here, The Wo Gott zum Haus By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1535 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03463 We Have a Sure Prophetic Word Wo Gott zum Haus By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1535 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03463 Wo Gott zum Haus Wo Gott zum Haus By Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1535 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03464 Wo Soll Ich Fliehen Bin, 66.77.77 Wo Soll Ich Fliehen Bin, 66.77.77 By Der bussfertige Sunder, Nurnberg,1679 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03465 Hail! Sacred Day of Earthly Rest Wreford, 86.84 By E. S. Carter DP13.2 MV38 GHC03465 Wreford, 86.84 Wreford, 86.84 By E. S. Carter DP13.2 MV38 GHC03466 Wrestling Jacob, 88.88.88 Wrestling Jacob, 88.88.88 By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1872 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03467 We Shall Sleep, but Not Forever We Shall Sleep, but Not Forever By S. George Ship­ley DP13.2 MV38 GHC03468 Christ the Lord Is Risen Again Wurtemburg, 77.774 By Attributed to Johann Rosenmuller (1610-1686) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03468 Wurtemburg, 77.774 Wurtemburg, 77.774 By Attributed to Johann Rosenmuller (1610-1686) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03469 Wychbold, 87.87 Wychbold, 87.87 By W. G. Whinfield DP13.2 MV38 GHC03470 Wycliff, 8.7.8,7 Wycliff, 8.7.8,7 By Sir John Stainer,The Crucifixion, 1887 DP13.2 MV38 GHC03471 At the Name of Jesus Wye Valley By James Mountain DP13.2 MV38 GHC03471 Wye Valley Wye Valley By James Mountain DP13.2 MV38 GHC03472 Like a River Glorious Wye Valley By James Mountain DP13.2 MV38 GHC03472 Wye Valley Wye Valley By James Mountain DP13.2 MV38 GHC03473 Wynnstay, Wynnstay, By John Ambrose Lloyd (1815-1874) DP13.2 MV38 GHC03474 Infant Holy, Infant Lowly W Zlobie Lezy By Polish carol DP13.2 MV38 GHC03474 W Zlobie Lezy W Zlobie Lezy By Polish carol DP13.2 MV38 GHC03475 Praise to God Who Reigns Above Xavier, 77.77 By F. Champneys DP13.2 MV38 GHC03475 Xavier, 77.77 Xavier, 77.77 By F. Champneys DP13.2 MV38 GHC03476 Yarbrough, 77.77 Yarbrough, 77.77 By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03477 Yattendon 46 Yattendon 46 By Harry Ellis Wooldridge, 1899 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03478 Ye Are the Light of the World Ye Are the Light of the World By John D. Brunk (1872-1926) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03479 Nyack Nyack By J. H. Burke DP13.3 MV39 GHC03479 Yesterday, Today, Forever Nyack By J. H. Burke DP13.3 MV39 GHC03480 Yes, There is Pardon for You Yes, There is Pardon for You By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1875 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03480 Yes, There Is Pardon for You Yes, There is Pardon for You By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1875 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03481 Ye Holy Angels Bright Ye Holy Angels Bright, 66.66.68 By William Croft (1678-1727) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03481 Ye Holy Angels Bright, 66.66.68 Ye Holy Angels Bright, 66.66.68 By William Croft (1678-1727) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03482 Ye Must Be Born Again Ye Must Be Born Again By William T. Sleeper, 1877 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03483 Ye Shall Be My Witnesses Ye Shall Be My Witnesses By James M. Kirk (1854-1945) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03484 Yield Not to Temptation Yield Not to Temptation By Horatio Richmond Palmer (1834-1907) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03485 Yoakley, 88.88.88 Yoakley, 88.88.88 By William Yoakley (1820-?) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03486 Pray That Jerusalem May Have York, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03486 York, CM York, CM By Scottish Psalter, 1615 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03487 As Jonah, Issuing from His Three Days' Tomb Yorkshire By John Wainwright, 1750 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03487 Christians, Awake, Salute the Happy Morn Yorkshire By John Wainwright, 1750 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03487 Stay, Master, Stay, upon This Heavenly Hill Yorkshire By John Wainwright, 1750 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03487 Yorkshire Yorkshire By John Wainwright, 1750 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03488 You Ought to Know Him You Ought to Know Him By William E. Marks DP13.3 MV39 GHC03489 You Must Be Redeemed You Must Be Redeemed By Lewis Ellis Jones, 1903 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03490 Zealley, Zealley, By Elsie Zealley (1868-1965) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03491 Ye Waiting Souls, Arise Zebulon, 66.66.88 By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03491 Zebulon, 66.66.88 Zebulon, 66.66.88 By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03492 Cry, as of Pain, A Zenana, PM By Sarah G. Stock (1838-1898) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03492 Zenana, PM Zenana, PM By Sarah G. Stock (1838-1898) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03493 Zephyr Zephyr By William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03494 Glorious Gates of Righteousness, The Zerah, CM By Lowell Mason,1837 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03494 Zerah, CM Zerah, CM By Lowell Mason,1837 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03495 Oh, Enter, Lord, Thy Temple Zeuch Ein, By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03495 Zeuch Ein, Zeuch Ein, By Johann Cruger, 1653 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03496 L  nos Cumes Zion By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03496 On the Mountain's Top Appearing Zion By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03496 Souls in Death and Darkness Lying Zion By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03496 Speed Thy Servants, Savior Zion By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03496 Zion Zion By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03496 Zion Stands by Hills Surrounded Zion By Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03497 Zion Klagt, Zion Klagt, By Johann Hermann Schein, 1623 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03497 Zion Mourns in Fear and Anguish Zion Klagt, By Johann Hermann Schein, 1623 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03498 O word of pity, for our pardon pleading Zu Mein­em Herrn By Jo­hann G. Schicht (1753-1823) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03498 Zu Mein­em Herrn Zu Mein­em Herrn By Jo­hann G. Schicht (1753-1823) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03499 Zoan Zoan By William H. Havergal, 1859 DP13.3 MV39 GHC03500 Zum Frieden, 87.87 D Zum Frieden, 87.87 D By Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03501 Sweet Feast of Love Divine Zurich, SM By Hans Georg Nageli (1773-1836) DP13.3 MV39 GHC03501 Zurich, SM Zurich, SM By Hans Georg Nageli (1773-1836) Not.Include MSG#0004 Abbot's Leigh, 87.87 D refrain Abbot's Leigh, 87.87 D refrain By Cyril V. Taylor, 1941 Not.Include MSG#0004 Lord, We Thank Thee the for the Pleasure Abbot's Leigh, 87.87 D refrain By Cyril V. Taylor, 1941 Not.Include MSG#0004 Lord, You Give the Great Commission Abbot's Leigh, 87.87 D refrain By Cyril V. Taylor, 1941 Not.Include MSG#0022 Ach Gott und Herr (87.87) Ach Gott und Herr (87.87) By C. Peter, circa 1655, adapted by J. S. Bach Not.Include MSG#0022 Strengthen for Service, Lord Ach Gott und Herr (87.87) By C. Peter, circa 1655, adapted by J. S. Bach Not.Include MSG#0023 Ach Gott von Himmel, 87.87.887 Ach Gott von Himmel, 87.87.887 By Enchiridion (Erfurt, Germany1524) Not.Include MSG#0023 O Lord, Look Down from Heaven Ach Gott von Himmel, 87.87.887 By Enchiridion (Erfurt, Germany1524) Not.Include MSG#0024 Adcock, 11.11.6 Adcock, 11.11.6 By John Adcock, before 1902 Not.Include MSG#0024 Hear Us, Heav'nly Father Adcock, 11.11.6 By John Adcock, before 1902 Not.Include MSG#0026 Adelaide Adelaide By George Coles Stebbins, 1907 Not.Include MSG#0026 Ben Ti C'te Duash Adelaide By George Coles Stebbins, 1907 Not.Include MSG#0026 Cumplase, Oh Cristo, Tu Voluntad Adelaide By George Coles Stebbins, 1907 Not.Include MSG#0026 Have Thine Own Way, Lord Adelaide By George Coles Stebbins, 1907 Not.Include MSG#0032 Adoration (Woodman), Adoration (Woodman), By Raymond Huntington Woodman, 1893 Not.Include MSG#0032 For the Deep Love That Kept Us Adoration (Woodman), By Raymond Huntington Woodman, 1893 Not.Include MSG#0045 Again He'll Come Again He'll Come By William Marion Runyan,1919 Not.Include MSG#0048 Ain, SMD Ain, SMD By From Correlli Not.Include MSG#0051 Albano, CM Albano, CM By Vincent Novello (1781-1861) Not.Include MSG#0051 Lord, Lead the Way the Savior Went Albano, CM By Vincent Novello (1781-1861) Not.Include MSG#0051 O God, Thou Art Our King of Old Albano, CM By Vincent Novello (1781-1861) Not.Include MSG#0051 Once, Only Once Albano, CM By Vincent Novello (1781-1861) Not.Include MSG#0051 What Shall I Render to My God (Watts) Albano, CM By Vincent Novello (1781-1861) Not.Include MSG#0064 Alleluia (Wesley), 87.87 D Alleluia (Wesley), 87.87 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) Not.Include MSG#0067 All Men Living Are but Mortal Alle Menschen Mussen Sterben By Attributed to Johann Rosenmuller, 1768 Not.Include MSG#0067 Alle Menschen Mussen Sterben Alle Menschen Mussen Sterben By Attributed to Johann Rosenmuller, 1768 Not.Include MSG#0078 All over the World All over the World By William J. Kirkpatrick, 1896 Not.Include MSG#0079 All Saints, CMD All Saints, CMD By Henry Stephen Cutler, 1872 Not.Include MSG#0079 Anniversary Hymn All Saints, CMD By Henry Stephen Cutler, 1872 Not.Include MSG#0079 At Length There Dawns the Glorious Day All Saints, CMD By Henry Stephen Cutler, 1872 Not.Include MSG#0079 Son of God Goes Forth to War, The All Saints, CMD By Henry Stephen Cutler, 1872 Not.Include MSG#0079 Thine Arm, O Lord, in Days of Old All Saints, CMD By Henry Stephen Cutler, 1872 Not.Include MSG#0080 All Saints, CMD All Saints, CMD By Henry S. Cutler, 1872 Not.Include MSG#0088 All Things in Jesus All Things in Jesus By Harry Dixon Loes, circa 1916 Not.Include MSG#0090 Almighty Father, Lord Most High Almondsbury, LM By Basil Harwood, 1908 Not.Include MSG#0090 Almondsbury, LM Almondsbury, LM By Basil Harwood, 1908 Not.Include MSG#0096 Alone with God Alone with God By Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922) Not.Include MSG#0097 Alsace, LM Alsace, LM By Arranged from Ludwig van Beethoven Not.Include MSG#0097 How Shall I Follow Him I Serve? Alsace, LM By Arranged from Ludwig van Beethoven Not.Include MSG#0099 Alta Trinita Beata, 87.87 D Alta Trinita Beata, 87.87 D By Italian melody, 14th Century Not.Include MSG#0099 Blessed Feasts of Blessed Martyrs Alta Trinita Beata, 87.87 D By Italian melody, 14th Century Not.Include MSG#0104 Amboy, 77.77 D Amboy, 77.77 D By Lowell Mason, 1745 Not.Include MSG#0104 Wake the Song of Jubilee Amboy, 77.77 D By Lowell Mason, 1745 Not.Include MSG#0106 American American By Unknown Not.Include MSG#0109 Amesbury, CMD Amesbury, CMD By Uzzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 Not.Include MSG#0109 Eternal God, Whose Power Upholds Amesbury, CMD By Uzzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 Not.Include MSG#0109 My Savior, on the Word of Truth Amesbury, CMD By Uzzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 Not.Include MSG#0109 O Master Workman of the Race Amesbury, CMD By Uzzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 Not.Include MSG#0109 Veil, Lord, Mine Eyes till She Be Past Amesbury, CMD By Uzzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895 Not.Include MSG#0116 Angel's Hymn, LM Angel's Hymn, LM By William Tans'ur (1700-1783) Not.Include MSG#0117 Angel's Song, The The Angel's Song By Robert Lowry (1826-1899) Not.Include MSG#0117 The Angel's Song The Angel's Song By Robert Lowry (1826-1899) Not.Include MSG#0118 Angel's Story, 76.76D Angel's Story, 76.76D By Arthur Henry Mann, 1881 Not.Include MSG#0118 I Love to Hear the Story Angel's Story, 76.76D By Arthur Henry Mann, 1881 Not.Include MSG#0118 In Heavenly Love Abiding Angel's Story, 76.76D By Arthur Henry Mann, 1881 Not.Include MSG#0118 Lord God of Hosts in Mercy Angel's Story, 76.76D By Arthur Henry Mann, 1881 Not.Include MSG#0118 O Jesus, I Have Promised Angel's Story, 76.76D By Arthur Henry Mann, 1881 Not.Include MSG#0118 That Glorious Day Is Coming Angel's Story, 76.76D By Arthur Henry Mann, 1881 Not.Include MSG#0118 There Is a Mighty Question Angel's Story, 76.76D By Arthur Henry Mann, 1881 Not.Include MSG#0119 Angel's Story, 76.76D Angel's Story, 76.76D By Arthur Henry Mann, 1881 Not.Include MSG#0123 Angmering, CM Angmering, CM By Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (1848-1918) Not.Include MSG#0127 Anniversary Song, 87.87D refrain Anniversary Song, 87.87D refrain By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) Not.Include MSG#0127 Wake the Song Anniversary Song, 87.87D refrain By William Fiske Sherwin (1826-1888) Not.Include MSG#0131 Antwerp, LM Antwerp, LM By William Smallwood (1831-1897) Not.Include MSG#0131 Be with Us, Gracious Lord, Today Antwerp, LM By William Smallwood (1831-1897) Not.Include MSG#0137 Arabia, LMD Arabia, LMD By White Not.Include MSG#0140 Are You Coming Home Tonight? Are You Coming Home Tonight? By C. C. Not.Include MSG#0143 A Ke Marre Pastrimin Washed in the Blood By Elisha A. Hoffman Not.Include MSG#0143 Are You Washed in the Blood? Washed in the Blood By Elisha A. Hoffman Not.Include MSG#0143 Washed in the Blood Washed in the Blood By Elisha A. Hoffman Not.Include MSG#0162 Ar Hyd Y Nos, 8 4 8 4 8 8 8 4 Ar Hyd Y Nos, 8 4 8 4 8 8 8 4 By Welsh melody; harmony by L. O. Emerson, 1906 Not.Include MSG#0162 God, That Madest Earth and Heaven Ar Hyd Y Nos, 8 4 8 4 8 8 8 4 By Welsh melody; harmony by L. O. Emerson, 1906 Not.Include MSG#0162 Now to Heaven Our Prayer Ascending Ar Hyd Y Nos, 8 4 8 4 8 8 8 4 By Welsh melody; harmony by L. O. Emerson, 1906 Not.Include MSG#0162 One Is Kind Above All Others Ar Hyd Y Nos, 8 4 8 4 8 8 8 4 By Welsh melody; harmony by L. O. Emerson, 1906 Not.Include MSG#0171 Aspiration, 66.66.88 Aspiration, 66.66.88 By William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895 Not.Include MSG#0172 Assisi, 88.86 Assisi, 88.86 By F. Champneys Not.Include MSG#0176 As a Volunteer As a Volunteer By W. S. Brown, 1907 Not.Include MSG#0179 At the Breaking of the Day At the Breaking of the Day By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1891 Not.Include MSG#0180 At the Cross There's Room At the Cross There's Room, By Robert Lowry (1826-1899) Not.Include MSG#0180 At the Cross There's Room, At the Cross There's Room, By Robert Lowry (1826-1899) Not.Include MSG#0184 Auctor Vitae, 66.66.68 Auctor Vitae, 66.66.68 By Henry Walford Davies (1869-1941) Not.Include MSG#0189 Another Year Is Dawning Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 Aurelia, 76.76 D Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 Church's One Foundation, The Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 Da Igreja o Fundamento Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 God Is My Strong Salvation Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 In Days of Old on Sinai Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 In Time of Tribulation Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 L'Eglise Universelle a Pour Roc Jesus-Christ Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 Live Out Thy Life Within Me Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 My Light and My Salvation Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 O Father, All Creating Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 O Father, You Are Sovereign Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 O God, Thou Art the Father Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 O Living Bread from Heaven Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 O Rosa de Saron Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 Remember Christ, Our Savior Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 Son of Consolation, The Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 There Where the Judges Gather Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0189 This Night, O Lord, We Bless Thee Aurelia, 76.76 D By Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864 Not.Include MSG#0204 Azmon, CM Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 Being of Beings Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 Come, Let Us Join with Faithful Souls Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 Hail! Father, Son and Holy Ghost Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 Jesus, Thine All Victorious Love Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 My God, How Wonderful Thou Art Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 My Heart Rejoices in Thy Name Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 O Savior, Whom This Holy Morn Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 Savior Calls, The Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 Thousand Oracles Divine, A Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0204 We Bear the Strain of Earthly Care Azmon, CM By Carl Gotthelf Glaser, arranged by Lowell Mason Not.Include MSG#0205 A Beautiful Life A Beautiful Life By William M. Golden, 1918 Not.Include MSG#0205 Beautiful Life, A A Beautiful Life By William M. Golden, 1918 Not.Include MSG#0206 A Blessing in Prayer A Blessing in Prayer By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) Not.Include MSG#0206 Blessing in Prayer, A A Blessing in Prayer By Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920) Not.Include MSG#0213 A Home in My Heart for Jesus A Home in My Heart for Jesus By Lanta Wilson Smith, 1900 Not.Include MSG#0213 Home in My Heart for Jesus, A A Home in My Heart for Jesus By Lanta Wilson Smith, 1900 Not.Include MSG#0214 A Little Bit of Love A Little Bit of Love By Edwin Othello Excell,1904 Not.Include MSG#0214 Little Bit of Love, A A Little Bit of Love By Edwin Othello Excell,1904 Not.Include MSG#0216 A New Name in Glory A New Name in Glory By Charles Austin Miles, circa 1905. Not.Include MSG#0216 New Name in Glory, A A New Name in Glory By Charles Austin Miles, circa 1905. Not.Include MSG#0217 A Patre Unigenitus, LM A Patre Unigenitus, LM By Proper Sarum melody Not.Include MSG#0224 Babylon's Streams, LM Babylon's Streams, LM By Thomas Campian, 1613 Not.Include MSG#0224 I Cried to God in My Distress Babylon's Streams, LM By Thomas Campian, 1613 Not.Include MSG#0224 Lord Jesus, When We Stand Afar Babylon's Streams, LM By Thomas Campian, 1613 Not.Include MSG#0224 Now Is the Healing Time Decreed Babylon's Streams, LM By Thomas Campian, 1613 Not.Include MSG#0229 Baltimore, 77.77 Baltimore, 77.77 By Unknown Not.Include MSG#0229 Father, Bless Our School Today Baltimore, 77.77 By Unknown Not.Include MSG#0229 Sin, When Viewed by Scripture Light Baltimore, 77.77 By Unknown Not.Include MSG#0234 Barmouth, 77.77.77 Barmouth, 77.77.77 By W. Macfarren Not.Include MSG#0240 Bartholdy, LM Bartholdy, LM By Felix Mendelssohn Not.Include MSG#0240 Come, Savior, Jesus, from Above Bartholdy, LM By Felix Mendelssohn Not.Include MSG#0248 Are Ye Able Are Ye Able By Earl Bowman Marlatt, 1926 Not.Include MSG#0248 Are Ye Able? Are Ye Able By Earl Bowman Marlatt, 1926 Not.Include MSG#0255 Beatus, 87.87 Beatus, 87.87 By T. Dunhill Not.Include MSG#0255 Lord, to Our Humble Prayers Attend Beatus, 87.87 By T. Dunhill Not.Include MSG#0257 Beautiful Beautiful By Barney Elliott Warren, 1911 Not.Include MSG#0260 Beautiful Garden of Prayer, The The Beautiful Garden of Prayer By Adapted from James Henry Fillmore, 1920 Not.Include MSG#0260 The Beautiful Garden of Prayer The Beautiful Garden of Prayer By Adapted from James Henry Fillmore, 1920 Not.Include MSG#0261 Beautiful Homeland Beautiful Homeland By Laura E. Newell, 1902 Not.Include MSG#0561 Come, Great Deliverer Come, Great Deliverer By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1877 Not.Include MSG#0561 Come, Great Deliverer, Come Come, Great Deliverer By Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1877 Not.Include MSG#0572 Come to Me, O Blessed Spirit Come to Me, O Blessed Spirit By Annie M. Potter Not.Include MSG#1022 God's Love to Me Is Wonderful God's Love to Me Is Wonderful By Sidney Edward Cox, 1931 Not.Include MSG#1339 Hymn of Promise Hymn of Promise By Natalie Sleeth Not.Include MSG#1402 Ishpeming, CMD Ishpeming, CMD By Gerhard Th. Alexis, 1924 Not.Include MSG#1402 O God, to Thine Anointed King Ishpeming, CMD By Gerhard Th. Alexis, 1924 Not.Include MSG#1445 I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger Wayfaring Stranger By Spiritual, arranged by Richard W. Adams Not.Include MSG#1445 Wayfaring Stranger Wayfaring Stranger By Spiritual, arranged by Richard W. Adams Not.Include MSG#1483 I Saw Three Ships I Saw Three Ships By Traditional English Not.Include MSG#1483 I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In I Saw Three Ships By Traditional English Not.Include MSG#1589 Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine Kingsfold, CMD By Ralph Vaughn Williams, 1906 Not.Include MSG#1589 I Feel the Winds of God Today Kingsfold, CMD By Ralph Vaughn Williams, 1906 Not.Include MSG#1589 Kingsfold, CMD Kingsfold, CMD By Ralph Vaughn Williams, 1906 Not.Include MSG#1589 O Jesus, Crowned with All Renown Kingsfold, CMD By Ralph Vaughn Williams, 1906 Not.Include MSG#1589 O Sing a Song of bethlehemm Kingsfold, CMD By Ralph Vaughn Williams, 1906 Not.Include MSG#1589 When Jesus Left His Father's Throne Kingsfold, CMD By Ralph Vaughn Williams, 1906 Not.Include MSG#1716 Little Children, 76.76 Little Children, 76.76 By C. E. Macniven, before 1940 Not.Include MSG#1716 Little Children, Rise and Sing Little Children, 76.76 By C. E. Macniven, before 1940 Not.Include MSG#1743 Lombard Street, Lombard Street, By Frederick G. Russell (1867-1929) Not.Include MSG#1762 Lord of the Dance Lord of the Dance By Sydney Carter, 1963 Not.Include MSG#1774 Louvemos ao Deus Protetor Louvemos ao Deus Protetor By Jefferson dos Santos Felix, 2004 Not.Include MSG#1975 Morn of Joy Morn of Joy By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) Not.Include MSG#1976 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer By Words and Music by Rev. James Reed Not.Include MSG#2051 Het Nieuw Jeruzalem New Jerusalem, CMD By Adrian Vermeulen-Miller Not.Include MSG#2051 New Jerusalem, CMD New Jerusalem, CMD By Adrian Vermeulen-Miller Not.Include MSG#2051 New Jerusalem, The New Jerusalem, CMD By Adrian Vermeulen-Miller Not.Include MSG#2053 In the Family of God Newmarket By Robert Edward William Cottrill Not.Include MSG#2053 Newmarket Newmarket By Robert Edward William Cottrill Not.Include MSG#2077 Now the Silence Now the Silence By Jaroslav J. Vajda, 1968 Not.Include MSG#2128 O Jesus, Lord and Savior O Jesus, Lord and Savior By Frank Sewall (1837-1915) Not.Include MSG#2198 Ostend, CM Ostend, CM By Lowell Mason (1792-1872) Not.Include MSG#2224 O Changeless Word O Changeless Word By Julia harriet Johnston, 1905 Not.Include MSG#2284 My Heart Is Resting, O My God Pentatone, CMD By Henry Walford Davies, 1923 Not.Include MSG#2284 Pentatone, CMD Pentatone, CMD By Henry Walford Davies, 1923 Not.Include MSG#2326 Precious Lord, Take My Hand Precious Lord, Take My Hand By Thomas A. Dorsey, 1932 Not.Include MSG#2407 Resting in You Resting in You By Ed Beaty and Leonard E. Smith, Jr, Not.Include MSG#2438 Easter Chimes, LMD Easter Chimes, LMD By Adapted from Eleanor Smith (pre-1920) Not.Include MSG#2438 Ring, Happy Bells of Easter Time Easter Chimes, LMD By Adapted from Eleanor Smith (pre-1920) Not.Include MSG#2447 Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep By Joseph P. Knight Not.Include MSG#2658 Soon! Soon! By Ormand Jones Not.Include MSG#3058 Name of Jesus, The The Name of Jesus By William Clark Martin, 1902 Not.Include MSG#3058 The Name of Jesus The Name of Jesus By William Clark Martin, 1902 Not.Include MSG#3103 Thy Kingdom Come Thy Kingdom Come By C. McKibbin, 1909 Not.Include MSG#3392 Wide, Wide as the Ocean Wide, Wide as the Ocean By Charles Austin Miles, 1914