NOTE: This Bell music is ONLY for use with InspiredCode
ChurchBells program. All other use is strictly prohibited.

There's a reason for the odd way I talk about getting this music.  Unlike most music, this is not sold under
normal publishing.  There are strict rules spelled out (in the ChurchBells program) that define what is
allowed to do and what is not allowed to do with this music.  Mechanical rights are zealously guarded, and
even if we send you a physical disc (like DVD or CD), the industry standard permissions do not apply.
My bells music is licensed, not sold.  You pay for licensing its use (perhaps even the
service of my
burning it to CD for you).
You don't own the music, but you pay to get certain permissions, similar to your
limited rights when you rent videos... and in this case you might keep a disc, which I may donate for free
when you license the use of the content.  So you are clearly paying for licensing, with possibly a service.


bell rigers web art Want More ChurchBells Music?

You have come to the right place.

Original Download:
When ChurchBells first installs, it comes with 22 Hymns and Carols on Harmonious Bells, as well as various Chimes for hourly functions.  While these are sufficient for many installations, an effort was made to keep the download package size to a minimum.  Since this is a clock and not a jukebox, neighborhood annoyance is minimized by letting all the songs be short: in fact, just long enough to lodge the tunes into your mind.  This is the way most real bell towers behave, unlike many electronic counterparts.

Please Click Here for a listing of Hymns in the Original Download

Harmonious Bells CD:
Next, I created a Harmonious Bells Record to play like any CD.  It is no longer available, but the music from it is available as a part of the GHC (see below).  The material consisted of longer versions of nearly all of the hymns in the original download, lovingly orchestrated for some pleasing variety in bell sounds from verse to verse.  So many folks asked about how to put those longer versions into ChurchBells that I made a special download to do that.  This is now a part of GHC DP1 so if you order DP1 or the whole GHC you get the link, and you'll be able to use them in ChurchBells. 
Please Click Here for a listing of Hymns inHarmonious Bells CD

Patriotic Pack:
HOT OFF THE PRESS: I have JUST created a Patriotic Pack!!!
It has over an hour worth of spectacular marches and other patriotic music... all on bells!
Check out the new Patriotic Pack Here!!!

General Hymn Collection (GHC):
The next step was bold.  I created over 3000 Hymns and Carols, carefully orchestrated on the same wide variety of Harmonious Bells used in the original download, taking care to avoid clashing discord.  The GHC tunes are also courteously brief, like most real bells.  GHC consists of 3416 tunes.  Because the same melody may be used in more than one hymn, its very likely that even if your favorite hymn is not listed, its melody is still included!  Here's how you can check for that:  Look in the right hand corner of the page in your hymnal to find the melody name.  Then look up that melody name in the melody index

There are 3 cross reference files you can use to look up tunes in GHC:
In order of GHC# and Download Pack:   http://InspiredCode.net/IndGhcNo.txt
In order of Hymn Names (based on lyrics):   http://InspiredCode.net/IndHymns.txt
In order of Melody Names (based on tunes):     http://InspiredCode.net/IndMelod.txt

GHC is packaged as 13 download packs.  Each download pack costs $55, and contains at least 200 tunes.
Thus the total cost for the entire collection is $715 if you order one DP (Download Pack) at a time. Yes, you can get a majority of well known hymns ever made for less than a thousand bucks, all carefully orchestrated in sweet Harmonious Bells.  And it gets even better!  You can get the whole collection (all 13 DP's) for a complete package price of $555. Yes, the standing package price for the Entire General Hymn Collection is $555.00.  If you already ordered some of the DPs before, you can get the rest of the collection for an even 500.  (Be careful not to send only 500 if you had NOT gotten DPs before, because I will know, and you'll still need to send the rest of the money).

ATTENTION ALL CATHOLICS:.  The GHC Now Also Contains a Catholic Pack...
It is not available by itself; you need to get the whole GHC to get it. Now everyone who gets the entire GHC will also receive the download link for the Catholic Pack. The CAT pak contains 116 particularly Catholic tunes on bells, including Ave Maria.

NOTE: The standard packs of the GHC already had a LOT of hymns in it that Catholics use! I just made an especially Catholic pack to fill in some of the blanks (and besides, I really wanted to do Ave Maria; it's so beautiful).

Do not order this Bells music for use with any other Carillon. This Harmonious Bells Music is ONLY for use with InspiredCode ChurchBells program.  If you do not have an organization level license and you order these recordings, you will be denied the use of such and you will be charged a restocking fee when your order is refunded to you.

Please click the button below to agree with the terms on this page and to
Order the Entire General Hymn Collection

To Order Via PayPal:

The GHC is no longer available piecemeal as individual download packs.