Help spread ChurchBells throughout the world!


Our world is so full of bad noise and distraction that we often overlook what really matters. 

Sometimes we get so earthly minded that we're no heavenly good.

Help me to help others remind folks to think Godly thoughts!

Here are some of the things that you can do to bring heavenly sounds to the world as a reminder to think heavenly thoughts...

You could...

1)  Download and print this poster and mount it where it will do some good.

2)  Burn a CD of the install files and bring it to your favourite Christian Bookstore,
     along with the poster mentioned above.  I'd like to give a free license to them.
     (Just have them write to me on their letterhead.)

3)  Print a poster or burn a CD of the install files and bring it to church.  The Pastor will
     most likely be delighted that this exists.  (Or at least tell him about
4)  Send this link to an E-Zine (internet newsletter) author or publisher.

5)  Send a link to to several of your relatives, so that they can see
     about getting BellTowers set up in their towns.

6)  Email me with your own exciting ideas.

Please NOTE: Your email to me is super important.
I'm tired of trying to find it under a ton of spam.
So if you write to me, please put my first name in the letter
or else your email will not be delivered to me!

Thank you,
Robison Bryan