
and thank you for registering ChurchBells.

Please print this letter.  It contains important information.

One small step remains to solidify your installation.

Please get the demo code produced by ChurchBells on your system
(if you have not already done so by paypal comments or email), and
then use that demo code to activate your product.

You can find out about how to do that here:

Please note:  Codes are machine dependent.  Therefore, if you didn't get
the activation code for the machine you will use for ChurchBells, then
please do that now.

If you ordered the home license level of ChurchBells (rather than the
full organization level license) then certain features will be turned off,
and consequently certain details below might not yet apply to you. 
(You can always upgrade to the full organization level for the difference
in price).

If you already sent me your demo code, please see that site anyway:
http://InspiredCode.net/GotCode.htm because of the new activation server
and because it also tells you how to use the permanent code I send to you.

Besides that, please expect from one to 3 business days for me to reply.
If you do not hear from me in what you think is too long, please send
me your telephone number along with any questions.
And especially I urge you to read all the links and information I
provide here. I have taken care to put things in a clear way (quite a
trick for an Engineer!). After reading everything please feel free to ask
me anything you want to know.

One final note:
ChurchBells uses the American format for dates and time.  If your
machine is in another continent (such as Europe, for example), you may
need to set the region of your computer to English (United States) in order
for certain things to work right.  I expect to address this minor need in a
future update of ChurchBells, but in the mean time you can set the region
by doing this:

Start, Settings, Control Panel
Regional Options
(under "your locale")
English (United States)

If you're in America then chances are your region is already set for
it, so no worries.

Thanks again.

Robison Bryan

PS Please also see:


Please read the helps in the ChurchBells menu.
Of special interest, you will find a primer on how to create custom

Even before creating your own custom schedule, you can get rid of that
"shave and a haircut" tune very easily.  Just enter your permanent code,
restart churchbells and then (from the program menu) reset the schedule
database to default (one last time).  This will get rid of the "shave" tune.

And last but not least, you probably already know this, but there are
a few adjustments you should make to windows on the bell tower computer.

1.  Go into the control panel, into the screen saver part, into the
power management part and tell it that "Always on" means Never turn off the
hard drive and never hibernate.

2.  Go into the control panel, into the sounds part, and set all the
system sounds to "none".  That way if power fails, when the computer reboots it
won't flood the neighborhood with "the  Microsoft sound" and cause an HG
Wells riot, with people grabbing shotguns and looking for little
green men.

 To program your schedule, PLEASE see the primer in under
  the help menu, entitled "How to Modify Events (a primer).
There is also a great tutorial here:  http://InspiredCode.net/Schedule.htm
